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2019版高考英語一輪復習 選訓習題 模塊7 Unit 2 Fit for life 牛津譯林版選修7.doc

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2019版高考英語一輪復習 選訓習題 模塊7 Unit 2 Fit for life 牛津譯林版選修7.doc

Unit 2 Fit for life一、閱讀理解。Last week,Google held a conference where the pany announced what it had planned for the ing months.This year the pany talked about bining mobile and search products with new services,better known as apps. Google Assistant Google Assistant is a service designed to help users get things done.Using advanced technology,it can municate as if it were a real person.For example,someone is standing in front of a sculpture and asks Google Assistant,“Who is the artist?”The service would know where the person asking the question is and what he or she is talking about,providing the name of the sculptures artist as the answer. The service can also search a users photographs and videos.The user can ask to“search my photos for hugs.”Google Assistant then provides all of the images of individuals hugging. Allo Google is launching a new messaging app called Allo.The app uses your phone number so it is easy to connect with your friends.Within Allo,users can send text messages,photos,stickers and emoji images.Users can add photos and draw on photos within Allo. Google Assistant is available within Allo.Users can ask Google Assistant questions and get answers within the Allo app.For example,a user can ask,“When is my next appointment today?”and get the answer without leaving Allo. Duo Duo is Googles new video chat app.Duo is similar to Apples FaceTime,but available only as video and only on mobile devices. Duo can adjust the quality of a video based on the strength of the Internet signal.If the user has a weak Internet connection,the video will adjust to a lower quality so the chat can continue. Android Auto Google has signed up over 40 car makers to offer Android Auto,the infotainment system for automobiles.Over 100 models of cars offer Android Auto.Google expects this number to double by the end of the year.1.How can users interact with Google Assistant?A.Through short messages.B.By touching the screen.C.Through conversations.D.By body gestures.2.Which of the following is a function of“Allo”?A.Sending information.B.Replacing other apps.C.Collecting photographs.D.Adjusting the video quality.3.What can users do with“Duo”?A.Video chat.B.Ask questions.C.Look through news.D.Draw on pictures.4.Which of the following has been designed for cars?A.Google Assistant.B.Android Auto.C.Allo.D.Duo.參考答案: 1.C; 2.A; 3.A; 4.B解析: 1.細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第一個小標題的someone is standing in front of a sculpture and asks Google Assistant,“Who is the artist?”可知,用戶是通過對話與其互動的。2.細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第二個小標題的Within Allo,users can send text messages,photos,stickers and emoji images可知,該程序可以用來發(fā)送信息。3.細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第三個小標題的but available only as video and only on mobile devices可知,該程序用作視頻聊天。4.細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第四個小標題的Google has signed up over 40 car makers to offer Android Auto,the infotainment system for automobiles可知,Android Auto是專為汽車設計的軟件。二、單項填空。1.Thanks to the joint efforts made by the leaders of China and the US over recent years, mutually _Sino-US relations have made remarkable progress.A. adaptable B. beneficial C. relevant D. convenient【答案】B【解析】 句意: 由于近年來中美兩國領(lǐng)導人的共同努力, 雙邊互惠的中美關(guān)系取得了長足的發(fā)展。 beneficial意為“有益的”,符合句意。adaptable 有適應能力的;relevant 相關(guān)的;convenient 方便的。2.Whoever _ of a strong fighting spirit can succeed in his career.A. possesses B. is in the possess C. is possessed D. possessed【答案】C【解析】be possessed of 具有。句意:任何一個具有挑戰(zhàn)精神的人都能夠在他的事業(yè)上取得成功。3.Pain is now considered the fifth _ sign, as important as blood pressure, temperature , breathing rate andpulse in determining a persons health.A. original B. vital C. unique D. vivid【答案】B【解析】vital 極其重要的,充滿活力的。句意:現(xiàn)在,疼被認為是第五生命特征,在決定一個人健康方面同血壓、體溫、呼吸率和脈搏一樣重要。4.Friendly cooperation between China and Japan has great _, especially in the fields of economiccooperation and trade.Our purpose of promoting such co-operation is for shared development.A. function B. burden C. potential D. character【答案】C【解析】function 功能;burden 負擔;potential 潛力;petence 能力;ambition 雄心,野心;character 性格,漢字。句意: 中日友好合作有很大的潛力,特別是在經(jīng)貿(mào)方面,我們的目標是促進兩國的共同發(fā)展。5.Due to the _ of the filming technology, the cinema is being more and more entertaining.A. application B. adaptation C. approval D. appreciation【答案】A【解析】application 應用;adaptation 改編;approval 批準;appreciation 感激。句意:由于新的電影技術(shù)的應用,看電影變得越來越有意思了。6.A 19-year-old teenager from Guangdong nicknamed Niko demanded an apology from Youku, which he believedviolated their copyrights as it used his teams photos without _.A. mitment B. approval C. recognition D. reservation【答案】B【解析】 mitment 承諾, 委托, 獻身; approval 同意, 批準, 認可, 贊成; recognition 識別, 承認; reservation保留,預定。句意:來自廣東昵稱為 Niko 的 19 歲青年要求優(yōu)酷道歉,他相信優(yōu)酷違反了他們的版權(quán)因為優(yōu)酷未經(jīng)同意就使用了他們團隊的照片。故選 B。7.Nowadays, there is a _ increase in childrens creativity, for they are greatly encouraged to develop theirtalents.A. sharp B. slight. C. natural D. modest【答案】A【解析】sharp 急劇的,鋒利的;slight 輕微的;natural 自然的;modest 謙虛的,適度的。句意:如今,因為孩子們被極大地鼓勵發(fā)揮自己的潛力,他們的創(chuàng)造性有了急劇的增長。8.Most parents take strong views against puter games which children are _ to and appeal to the closingof all net bars for such games.A. addicted B. accustomed C. available D. sensitive【答案】A【解析】be addicted to 沉溺于;be accustomed to 習慣于;available 可利用的;sensitive 敏感的。句意:大多數(shù)的家長強烈反對孩子們所沉溺于的電腦游戲并呼吁關(guān)閉有這些游戲的網(wǎng)吧。9.One of the things this teacher has done is to _ his teaching to contemporary events in a different way.A. relate B. consider C. imagine D. adopt【答案】A【解析】relate 關(guān)聯(lián),聯(lián)系;consider 考慮,認為;imagine 想象;adopt 采取,接納。句意:這個老師所做的事情之一就是將他的教學以一種不一樣的方式和當代的事件聯(lián)系起來了。10.The inventor is excited, and he is going to _ his new machine. His idea sounds fine, but we need to seehow it works in practice.A. make out B. hand out C. try out D. take out【答案】C【解析】make out 分清,看清;hand out 分發(fā);try out 測試,實驗。take out 拿出,取出。句意:這個發(fā)明家很興奮,他準備去試驗他的新機器了。他的想法聽起來挺好,但是我們需要看看實際上運行起來怎樣。11.Nowadays, a lot of children have less time to play and municate with their peer _ extra studies.Consequently , it is difficult to develop their character and social skills.A. apart from B. but for C. due to D. for all【答案】C【解析】apart from 除了;but for 要不是;due to 因為,由于;for all 盡管。句意:現(xiàn)在,由于額外的課業(yè)負擔,許多孩子很少有時間和他們的同齡人玩和交流,所以很難發(fā)展他們的性格和社會技能。12.John accidentally _ he had once quarreled with his wife and that he hadnt been home for a couple ofweeks.A. made sure B. let out C. made out D. find out【答案】B【解析】made sure 確保;made out 開列,書寫出;find out 查出,發(fā)現(xiàn),均不合題意。let out 泄露,符合題意。句意:他無意中說出他與妻子吵了一架,他已經(jīng)兩周沒有回家了。13.Do you _ the idea of living a low-carbon life?It sounds tough, but it is a tendency.A. correspond to B. apply to C. cater to D. subscribe to【答案】D【解析】subscribe to“同意”,符合句意。correspond to 與相一致;apply to 適用于;cater to 迎合。句意:“你同意過低碳生活的觀點嗎?”“聽起來很難,但這是一種趨勢?!?4.Chinas new “Belt and Road” strategy has considerable potential to create positive _ for Chinasneighbors.A. efforts B. impressions C. benefits D. reputations【答案】C【解析】effort 努力;impression 印象;benefit 利益,好處;reputation 聲譽,聲望。句意:中國的新“一帶一路”戰(zhàn)略擁有巨大的潛力來為中國的鄰國創(chuàng)造效益。15.You must keep the news a secret and dont put it _ anybody else.A. in possession of B. in the possession of C. in charge of D. in the charge of【答案】B【解析】表示“某物被某人占有”用 in the possession of。句意:你必須對這個消息保密,不要讓任何人知道。16.It is vital that every piece of equipment _ before the experiment.A. is checked B. will be checked C. be checked D. must be checked【答案】C【解析】vital 做表語并后接從句時,從句中的謂語用(should)+動詞原形的形式。句意:實驗之前檢查所有設備是至關(guān)重要的。17.An official survey shows that electricity bicycles are now the most potential _ invitation to trafficaccidents.A. preferential B. confidential C. influential D. potential【答案】D【解析】 preferential 優(yōu)待的, 優(yōu)先的;confidential 秘密的, 機密的; influential 有影響的, 有勢力的; potential潛在的,有潛能的。句意:一個官方調(diào)查顯示,電動車現(xiàn)在是交通事故最為可能的誘因。18.These tax laws, which are intended for domestic panies, do not _ to foreign panies.A. contribute B. lead C. apply D. fit【答案】C【解析】句意:這些法律針對的是國內(nèi)的公司,不適用于外國公司。apply to 此處表示“適合,適應”。contribute to 貢獻,促成;lead to 導致,通向;fit 表示大小、形狀吻合,且不與 to 連用。19.The government was about to _ the use of wide-spread surveillance when the Justice Department tookobjections.A. admit B. permit C. approve D. advertise【答案】C【解析】approve 贊成,贊同,同意,批準,認可。句意:政府正打算同意采取廣泛監(jiān)督的手段時,卻遭到了司法部的反對。20.Hardly had Sabrina finished her words when Albert said _, “Dont be so mean,” pointing a finger ofwarning at her.A. dreadfully B. guiltily C. indirectly D. sharply【答案】D【解析】sharply 急劇地,嚴厲地;indirectly 間接地;guiltily 愧疚地;dreadfully 極度地。句意:Sabrina一說完她的話,Albert 就用手指著警告她,并嚴厲地說:“不要這么刻??!”三、完形填空。Sometime, you are stuck in traffic, anxious about getting a job, or stressed about making a deadline at work. 1 as these situations are, they are also opportunities to 2 kindness and gratefulness. Responding gently and thankfully will not 3 make these situations go away, but it can help you be happier and 4. As someone who travels as part of my work, I find that when I practice looking for 5 to be kind and grateful, travel is a much more 6 experience. The mental and physical 7 of kindness and gratitude are impressive. Such simple practices not only make you feel good, 8 they can also help protect your immune system, reduce stress and anxiety, strengthen self-control. That is, simple practice done regularly can 9 both your physiology and your outlook. It is more likely that you also view the future 10. However, being kind and grateful is not a(n) 11 for working toward important goals, or dealing with challenge. Practicing kindness and appreciation is a way to 12 the quality of your experience and relationships while you are doing these things. 13 what your brain may tell you, your ability to be kind and grateful is not 14 upon either your circumstances or how you feel. 15 simply, kindness and gratitude are available to you whenever you choose to practice them. During your lifetime many things will happen. You will experience some of them as pleasant and fortable and others as 16 and unwanted. You do not have control over the circumstances that life 17, but you do have a choice about how you 18 to them. Reacting to whatever 19 up with kindness and gratitude is a powerful 20, a choice supported by hundreds of scientific research studies and remended in every enduring wisdom tradition for thousands of years. What will you choose? 【文章大意】在本文中作者向人們介紹了快樂的秘訣, 即與人為善, 學會感恩。這不僅能讓人們獲得心情的愉悅, 而且能夠減輕壓力, 讓人們獲得身心的健康。1. A. UnhappyB. UnfortunateC. UndesirableD. Incorrect【解析】選C。從前句內(nèi)容可知這些情況是人們不想經(jīng)歷的, 是不受歡迎的。undesirable不受歡迎的, 符合語境。2. A. practiceB. acknowledgeC. changeD. distinguish【解析】選A。根據(jù)下文內(nèi)容可知作者認為人們要尋找機會去表達(practice)自己的善意, 要時時記著感恩, 在下文中多次出現(xiàn)該內(nèi)容, 比如第二段中“when I practice looking for. . . ”以及第三段中“Such simple practices. . . ”等, 故選A。3. A. eventuallyB. deliberatelyC. instantlyD. necessarily【解析】選D。采取和善感激的態(tài)度未必使這些情況消失, 但卻讓你更開心更健康。not necessarily“未必”。4. A. healthierB. gentlerC. kinderD. stronger【解析】選A。根據(jù)下文第三段內(nèi)容可知與人為善, 學會感恩會提高人們的免疫力, 讓人更加健康。5. A. approachesB. chancesC. placesD. coincidences【解析】選B。從語境可以判斷作者旅行中尋找?guī)椭鷦e人 傳遞善良的機會(chances)。6. A. worthyB. enjoyableC. practicalD. precious【解析】選B。從上文可知“予人玫瑰, 手留余香”在幫助別人之后自己會感覺開心快樂(enjoyable)。7. A. conditionsB. growthC. benefitsD. health【解析】選C。下文內(nèi)容均講述的是幫助別人, 學會感恩的好處, 故答案選C。8. A. soB. whileC. andD. but【解析】選D。固定搭配: not only. . . but (also)“不但而且”, 此處介紹與人為善給自己帶來的身心的變化(change)。9. A. changeB. adjustC. reflect D. prove【解析】選A。上句內(nèi)容介紹了學會感恩, 傳遞善良給人身體和外貌帶來的變化(change)。10. A. accuratelyB. realisticallyC. positivelyD. wisely【解析】選C。從上文可知友善、感激地面對周圍的人或者發(fā)生的事情會給自己帶來快樂, 所以看待未來也會積極樂觀, 故選C。11. A. exchangeB. replacementC. processD. aspect【解析】選B。從空后內(nèi)容可知作者認為善良感恩并不能代替努力工作或者去應對挑戰(zhàn), 故選B。12. A. impactB. identifyC. evaluateD. concern 【解析】選A。從前句內(nèi)容以及情理可知表達善良和感恩能夠在處理事情以及和別人打交道的時候讓氣氛更融洽, 關(guān)系更友好。impact對產(chǎn)生影響, 符合語境。13. A. WhileB. ThoughC. DespiteD. Given【解析】選C??蘸笫莣hat引導的賓語從句, 在四個選項中只有despite后可以接what從句, 故選C。14. A. focusedB. calledC. lookedD. dependent【解析】選D。根據(jù)上下文內(nèi)容可知善良、感恩的能力既不依靠你周圍的環(huán)境也不依賴你的感覺, 這只是一種選擇, dependent on(upon)依靠。15. A. SayB. PutC. TellD. Express【解析】選B。固定搭配: put simply“簡單地說”。16. A. uncertainB. ridiculousC. embarrassingD. difficult【解析】選D。根據(jù)and后面 unwanted可以判斷此處指不好的經(jīng)歷, 是人們不想經(jīng)歷的事情, 與前面pleasant and fortable構(gòu)成對比。17. A. presentsB. providesC. offersD. supplies【解析】選A。從語境可知生活中發(fā)生的事情不是有意提供給人們的, 生活充滿了不確定性, 故是“呈現(xiàn)”(present)在人們面前的。18. A. contributeB. respondC. replyD. appeal【解析】選B。根據(jù)情理以及下文Reacting to可知此處指如何對生活中發(fā)生的事情做出回應(respond)。19. A. keepsB. goesC. buildsD. turns【解析】選D。從語境可知此處指應對生活中發(fā)生的事情, turn up “出現(xiàn), 露面”, 故選D。20. A. attitudeB. toolC. choiceD. influence【解析】選C。根據(jù)詞的復現(xiàn)原則可知此處指用善良和感恩的心去應對生活中發(fā)生的事情是人們做出的一種選擇, 這種選擇有著強大的力量, 故選C。四、短文改錯。Dear John,Im so pleased to receive your email.I feel exciting to know you dream being a professional football player.I am looking forward to see an international football star,John.Im surely you will succeed.As for me,teaching was my dream job.The reason for this is why I would like to share my knowledges with my students and help them solve problems.Besides,staying with students helps to keep me young.To realize my dream,I have to devote me to my study and enter an normal university.What will you do for your dream and who is your most favorite football player?Yours,Li Hua【答案】Dear John,Im so pleased to receive your email.I feel to know you dream being a professional football player.I am looking forward to an international football star,John.Im you will succeed.As for me,teaching my dream job.The reason for this is I would like to share my with my students and help them solve problems.Besides,staying with students helps to keep me young.To realize my dream,I have to devote to my study and enter normal university.What will you do for your dream and who is your favorite football player?Yours,Li Hua第一處:考查形容詞。此處修飾主語“I”,指人,應用excited。第二處:考查固定搭配。dream of/about doing sth.意為“夢想做某事”,為固定搭配。第三處:考查非謂語動詞。look forward to doing sth.意為“期望做某事”,為固定用法。第四處:考查形容詞。根據(jù)“Im”可知,動詞be后應接形容詞作表語。第五處:考查動詞的時態(tài)和主謂一致。全文用的是一般現(xiàn)在時;且主語為“teaching”,所以應把was改為is。第六處:考查名詞性從句。此處引導表語從句,從句中不缺成分,故用連詞that。第七處:考查名詞復數(shù)。knowledge是不可數(shù)名詞,沒有復數(shù)形式。第八處:考查代詞。devote oneself to sth.意為“致力于某事”;主語為“I”,所以反身代詞應用myself。第九處:考查冠詞。normal的讀音不以輔音音素開頭;且此處泛指進入一所普通的大學。故用不定冠詞a。第十處:考查形容詞的比較等級。favourite意為“最喜歡的”,無比較等級或最高級形式,所以去掉most。


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