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2010山東省德州市中考英語真題及答案注意事項: 1、本試題分第I卷和第卷兩部分。第l卷8頁為選擇題。75分;第卷4頁為非選擇題,45分;共120分??荚嚂r間為120分鐘。 2、答第I卷前務必將自己的姓名、考號、考試科目涂寫在答題卡上。考試結束,試題和答題卡一并收回。 3、第I卷每題選出答案后,都必須用2B鉛筆把答題卡上對應題目的答案標號(ABCD) 涂黑。如需改動必須先用橡皮擦干凈,再改涂其它答案。 4、聽力填表題為第卷的第四大題。在試卷第9頁上。第1卷(選擇題,共75分)一、聽力選擇(共l5小題。計l5分;每小題約有8秒鐘的答題時間) (一)錄音中有五個句子,每個句子聽一遍,然后從每小題A、B、C中選出能對每個句子做出適當反應的答語。 1AThe same to you BThank you COf course 2AAll right BMy pleasure CNever mind3AIts 5:30 BIts Friday CIts May l94AGood luck BEnjoy yourself CWell done5. (二)錄音中有五組對話,聽對話兩遍后,從每小題A、B、c中選出能回答所給問題的正確答案。6Whats Johns number? A4577162 84517762 C5417762 7Where is Tom? AAt home BAt sch001 CAt work8Why is Mary late? AShe got up late BThe traffic is heavy CShe got sick 9Wllat will Stella drink? ATea BCoffee COrange juice10Whats their plan for the night? AStay at home BGo to the theater CGo to a party (三)錄音中有一段對話,聽對話兩遍后,從每小題A、B、C中選出能回答所給問題的正確答案。(錄音播放前有40秒鐘的讀題時間)11What are they going to do this evening? AWatch a football match BWatch a volleyball match CWatch a basketball match12Who are going to play the match this evening? AMens teams from China and Japan BWomens teams from Japan and Brazil CWomens teams from China and Brazil13How many friends will John go to the match with? AOne BTwo C .Three14How much will they pay for their tickets? AFive dollars BTen dollars.C Fifteen dollars.15Where will they meet? AAt the gate of the gym BAt their office CAt Johns home (注意:請同學們翻到第卷第四大題,繼續(xù)做聽力填表題。)二、單項選擇(共20小題。計20分) 從每小題A、B、C、D中選出一個能填入句中空白處的最佳答案。16一!1ve passed my TOEFL test一FaIltastic!AGot it BTake care CGuess what DTake it easy 17Mountainclimbing is enjoyable activitybut not everyone caIl take part in itAan Ba Cthe D不填18Theres a lot to do_ we can finish the taskAwhen 19To keep themselves_,they sat oil the floor and told each other stories into late night Agwake Bafraid Casleep Dalone20一Why didnt you ask Jack for help? _I asked him if he_help me,but he said noAneed Bmust Ccould Dshould21Life is always filled_sadness and joy Aof Bby Cwith Din22一I know your parents have gone to Shanghai_will they be back? 一If possiblethey will come back in a weekAHow often BHow far CHow long23I felt a bit curious(好奇的)and nervous because I had _ met that famous man.Aever Bnever Ceven Dstll 24一l want to buy some booksbut I cant find a bookstore一I know_nearbyLet me show youAthat Bit Cone Dany25_you _ the Class report yet?N0Im writing it now AHave,written BAre,writing CDid,write DD0,write26Is there anything_is not expensive_we could get her as a gift?Athat,that Bthat,which Cwhich,that Dwhich,which 27一Hi,Xiao LiYou look SO nice in the red skirt -_. AThats true BI know it CYou are right DThank you28Although the earthquake is SO powerful,this doesnt mean you cant do _about itAnothing Banything Csomething Deverything29Peter loved_ but his parents didnt agree to send him to an art sch001 Apainting Bdriving Cnovels Dsports30He as well as his parents_ rock musicThat_ really surprising!A1ikes,sound B1ike,sounds C1ike,sound D1ikes,sounds3 1Everybody should know that it is I rather than others_ have the right to decideAwhich Bwhat Cwho Dwhom 32There is something you cant change,such as your background and past.So leam to_ them Aremember Baccept Cpass Dmind33If you are under stress,you need to take _care of your body Aespecially good Bgood especially Cwell especially Despecially well34I felt quite excited as the plane_ from the airportIt was my first trip abroad. Agot up Btook off Cgot away Dturned up35In daily life,super stars are different from_ in the film Awhich they look like Bwhat they look like Cwhich do they look like Dwhat do they look like三、閱讀 理解(共20小題,計40分)閱讀下列短文,然后從每小題A B、C、D四個選項中選出能回答所提問題或完成所給句子的最佳答案。A One day, Benson was walking along the road when somebody gave him a heavy blow on the back of the neck. He looked behind and saw a strange young man. “How dare you hit me like that!” shouted Benson. The young man said he mistook Benson for a friend. He also said Benson was stupid to shout about nothing. That made Benson angry and he pulled the man before a judge (法官). In fact, the judge was the young man' s father, so he was thinking how to help his son not to be punished. Finally he said to Benson, “I understand your feelings. Would you be happy if I let you hit the young man as he hit you?” Benson said no because the young man insulted (辱罵 ) him and should be properly punished. “Well, then,”said the judge, “I order the young man to pay ten liras to you. ” Ten liras was very little for such a thing, hut the young man said he didn' t have it with him. So the judge let the young man go and get it. Benson waited while the judge was busy with other business. Many hours passed and the young man didn' t return. Benson came up and hit the judge on the back. He said when the judge turned around angrily, "I' m sorry, but I can' t wait any longer. When the young man returns, tell him that I have passed my right of ten liras to you!" 36. What happened to Benson when he was on the road?A. He was blown down by a strong wind. B. He was hit by a stranger suddenly. C. He felt a pain in the hack of his head. D. He met a long lost friend of his. 37. What made Benson angry in fact? A. The young man gave nothing to him. B. The young man wanted to run away. C. The young man felt sorry to him. D. The young man didn' t respect him.38. What did the judge want to do first? A. To protect his son. B. To punish Benson. C. To get some money. D. To insult Benson.39. The underlined word “l(fā)irasin” the sixth paragraph was a unit of_. A. money B. length C. height D. time40. Benson was a _man according to the passage.A. shy B. wise C. polite D. rude41. In the China Pavilion, you can enjoy a lot of things except A. great buildings B. nice pictures C. traditional gardens D. strange worms 42. The most special thing about the Britain Pavilion is the biggest collection of_. A. seeds B. water C. dandelions D. ships43. Which is TRUE about Little Mermaid in the Shanghai 2010 Expo? A. People of Denmark made a new Little Mermaid for the Expo. B. People of Denmark moved her to Shanghai for the Expo. C. Little Mermaid is given to China as an important gift. D. Little Mermaid has a long history of more than 120 years.44, Where can people have a big chocolate dinner? A. In the China Pavilion. B. In the Britain Pavilion. C. In the Belgium Pavilion. D. In the Denmark Pavilion.45. Where can children see the robot in the Japan Pavilion? A. On the top of the building. B. In a silkworm. C. At the “Future” area. D. In the music hall.C Nothing makes us happier than our families and loved ones, a new study shows, and face-to-face time makes us happier than on the net The study was called the Happiness TestIt studied l2Countries across the world and between 500 t0 800 people percountry Almost twofifths said being with their loved ones after work was the happiest timeMore than 20 percent said they were happiest when eating with their families.Only 5 percent said they were happiest when talking with friends onlineAnd 8 percent said the first call of the day made them joyful. Families and partners were the biggest happiness for almost 80 percent of those in the test.Friends were next at 15 percent. The study also showed wealth was not a key to happiness.Instead, real happiness depended on our connecting with people who we love. Hugs(擁抱) and food also made a lot of people happy, especially in Britain and Russia,where almost a third of people said they were happy about hugs and food. Of course, different people have different feelings about happiness. However, it is important for everybody to know what happiness is indeed. Those who don' t know will go far away from it. 46The Happiness Test is made in order to find_. A. what makes people feel happy B. what people want online C. why people like making friends D. how people can live alone47How many people took part in the test? A. About one thousand. B. Less than eight hundred. C. Nearly ten thousand. D. Over a million. 48. Which is TRUE about the Internet according to the test? A. It is a key to happiness in modern society. B. It can give us more than famihes can. C. It cannot take the place of talking face to face.D. It forces all people to learn talking on line.49. Which is the fight picture for the people in the test?Those who think friends as the biggest happiness The others in the test50. What is the best title of the passage? A. Happiness on the Internet B. How to hve happily with families C. How to connect with loved ones D. What real happiness depends onD More than one million children are homeless in the United States. To help them, the 12-year-old Zach Bonner walked hundreds of kilometers from his home city of Tampa to Washington, D.C. “There are still so many children who don' t have homes in this country. It' s terrible. ” Zach explained, “And it is also surprising that most people know little about the problem. ”Zach said, “Because of the economic(經(jīng)濟) problem, people are losing their jobs. That' s a reason why they become homeless. ” It took him three years to finish his walk, which he began when he was only eight years old.He walked 20 kilometers a day. He also took books with him to go on with his study by teachinghimself. Zach had a long history of helping others. Six years ago a strong storm hit Zach' s home city. He went around his neighborhood with a little red wagon (小車), asking for water and other things to help others. He called his work “From My House to the White House. ”He got tens of thousands of dollars for those homeless children. That also made Zach the youngest helper of America.51. Zach Banner walked to Washington in order to help those children who A. could not go to school B. lost their homes C. got bad illnesses D. were blind or deaf52. Why did so many children lose their homes according to Zach' s words? A. Parents cannot afford to raise them. B. Schools cannot offer enough help. C. Children like making a living alone. D. People dislike those naughty children.53. How did Zach go on with his study during the walk to Washington? A. A teacher followed him. B. He studied in schools nearby. C. He taught himself. D. He read books on line.54. At what age did Zach start his work of helping others? A. Six. B. Seven. C. Nine. D. Twelve.55. Which is TRUE in America according to the passage? A. Most Americans enjoy the life without children. B. Few Americans want to help homeless children. C. Some Americans dislike the idea of Zach Bonner.D. Many people don't know many children are homeless.德州市二0O年初中學業(yè)考試英 語 試 題第卷(非選擇題,共45分)注意事項:1、第卷共4頁,用鋼筆或圓珠筆直接答在試卷上。2、答卷前將密封線內(nèi)的項目填寫清楚。四、聽力填表(共5小題,計5分)錄音中是Henry Jackson在學期第一節(jié)課上的自我介紹。聽兩遍后,根據(jù)所聽內(nèi)容完成下面的表格(每空不多于兩個詞)。(錄音播放前有40秒鐘的讀題時間) Henry JacksonS Self-introduction Age(56)Favorite subjeet(57)Hobby(58)Times to play basketball a week(59)Height (60) 五、動詞填空(共10空,計l0分)閱讀下面短文,用括號內(nèi)所給動詞的適當形式填空(必要時可加情態(tài)動詞或助動詞)。Jenny is a naughty gir!Sometimes Jenny makes faces to her little sister and makes her(61)_ (cry)Her mother ofen says,“Stop it,Jenny!You(62)_ (not frighten)your sister!” Jenny (63)_(not do) these things all the time. In fact, she (64)_(think) as a good student at school. She also likes (65)_ (help) her mother with her housework. One day, a few gray hairs on Mother' s head (66)_ (come) into Jenny's eyes. She said, “Mom, you've got a few gray hairs. ” “Oh, no ! ”said her mother, and she rushed off (67)_ (look) at herself in the mirror. When she came back, she looked at Jenny. “You are right," she said sadly, "My hair (68) _ (begin) to turn gray now. ” “Why is your hair turning gray?” asked Jenny. “Well, “her mother said, ”“because I worry about you. Every time you are naughty, another hair turns gray. The naughtier you are, the grayer my hair(69) _(become). If you go on making trouble, all my hair (70)_ (turn) gray. ” Jenny thought about this for a second and she laughed, “Mom, you must have been a very naughty girl because Grandma's hair is all gray! ”六、綜合填空(共10空,計10分)閱讀短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容及首字母提示,在空白處填入一個適當?shù)膯卧~。 World Wild Fund for Nature (世界自然基金會) organized a global event called Earth Hour, which is held on the last Saturday of March every year. On this day, every family and business will turn (71 ) o_their extra lights and electrical things for one hour. Earth Hour 2010 took place on March 27, 2010 (72) f _20:30 to 21:30 local time. 125 countries and (73) m _of pgople all over the world took part in it. In fact, something can be done in our daily life besides on that day. For (74) e_:-Please don' t keep your computers and televisions on when you don't (75)u_them.- Open a window instead of the air-conditioner. (76) E _if you use it, thetemperature will be at the lowest 26C. -It's better to go out on foot, by bike or by bus. (77) D _a car together with others is also a good way. -You' d better (78) t _shopping bags with you when you go shopping. -If you give up (79) m_ and become a vegetarian(素食主義者), you'll alsomake contributions to our environment. - Plant a tree if you can ! The more, the (80) b _. Let “ green” catch CO2 ! Let's take action at once, boys and girls! Because protecting our only earth is saving ourselves !七、書面表達(共2節(jié),計20分)第一節(jié)翻譯填空題(共5小題。計5分)根據(jù)漢語意思完成下列句子。81無數(shù)的中國球迷以姚明為榮。A great number of Chinese basketball fans_ Yao Ming82他這次課堂作業(yè)寫的不錯,只是有幾處拼寫錯誤。He did well in the class report,except for_.83二班和三班下周將會有一場足球比賽。There_ between Class 2 and Class 3 next week84我們觀看電影阿凡達花了兩個多小時。It_ to watch the film Avatar85當愛迪生還是個孩子的時候,他就對科學感興趣了。Edison_ science when he was still a child第二節(jié)寫作(共I題,計15分) 桌英語學習網(wǎng)站向廣大中學生征稿,談談如何度過一個有意義的假期。請你根據(jù)右面表格的內(nèi)容提示,用英語寫一篇暑假計劃。要求:1、對于每項計劃,請簡要闡述理由;2、可補充一條自己的小計劃;3、100詞左右。開頭已給出,不計入總詞數(shù)。暑假計劃內(nèi)容1、做自己喜歡的運動2、多讀書3、參與家務勞動4、旅游5、其他My Summer Holiday PlanMy summer holidays aye coming soon._ _德州市二00年初中學業(yè)考試英語試題(A)參考答案及評分說明第1卷(選擇題,共75分)一至三題 (一)一三題答案: 15 BBAAB 610 ACACC 11-15 BCBCA 16-20 CABAC 21-25 CDBCA 2630 ADBAD 31-35 CBABB 36-40 BDAAB 4145 DABCC 4650 ACCAD 51-55 BACAD (-)評分說明: 1、135題,每小題1分。 2、3655題,每小題2分。 3、與答案不符,不得分。 第II卷(非選擇題,共45分) 四、聽力填表 (一)答案: 5616sixteen 57English 58collecting stampsplaying basketballstampsbasketball 59Twice 6018 metresmeters (二)評分說明: 1、本題共5分,每小題1分。 2、與答案不符,不得分。五、動詞填空 (一)答案:61Cry 62mustnt frighten 63doesnt d0 64is thought 65to helphelping 66came 67to look 68is beginning 69becomeswill become 70will turn 六、綜合填空 (一)答案:71off 72.from 73millions 74example 75.use 76.Even 77.Driving 78take 79meat 80better 1、本題共l0分,每空l分; 2、與所給答案不符,只要語法、意義、拼寫正確,也可酌情給分。七、書面表達 第一節(jié)翻譯填空題 (一)答案: 81.are proud oftake pride in 82.somca fewseveral spelling mistakes 83.is going towill be a football match 84took us more thanover two hours 85.wasgotbecame interested inwas fond of /showed interest in 第二節(jié) 寫作My Summer Holiday Plan My summer holidays are coming soon. Here are some plans for my holidays. First, I want to do my favourite sport, basketball, to keep healthy. In Grade Three, I was too busy to read books. Next I plan to spend more time in reading to get ready for the life of senior middle school. My parents always take good care of me, so I will help my parents with the housework at home during the holidays. I also hope to visit the World Expe 2010 Shanghai China with my parents. I think it' s a good chance to know more about different oountries all over the world. I'm looking forward to my colourful holidays.


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