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2019屆中考英語復(fù)習(xí) 第三篇 中考題型實戰(zhàn) 第40課 書面表達基礎(chǔ)知識.doc

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2019屆中考英語復(fù)習(xí) 第三篇 中考題型實戰(zhàn) 第40課 書面表達基礎(chǔ)知識.doc

第40課 書面表達解題策略方法 書面表達是每年中考必考題型,是考查學(xué)生交際能力的一個重要組成部分。書面表達通常有三種形式:1. 書信、日記、通知、留言、假條;2. 看圖寫作;3. 根據(jù)漢語提示寫作。無論是哪一種書面表達形式,考生所寫的短文都要緊扣主題,文理通順,要素完整,語言準確、得當,格式正確,無大小寫和拼寫錯誤,標點符號正確,能達到交際目的。一、訓(xùn)練方法1. 記。認真系統(tǒng)復(fù)習(xí)和背誦基礎(chǔ)知識和優(yōu)美的句子、句型。中國有句古話,叫“熟讀唐詩三百首,不會作詩也會吟”。同樣,要使自己具有較強的寫作能力,首先應(yīng)該熟讀和背誦一些句型和短文。許多同學(xué)寫出來的語言根本不符合英語的語言習(xí)慣,相當一部分人有對照中文逐字翻譯的不良習(xí)慣,不去理會中英文的差異。大量的背誦和閱讀是提高寫作能力的有效方法,同學(xué)們?nèi)粲写罅康默F(xiàn)成語言積累在腦海里,自己寫起文段來,就可以做到脫口而出,或是模仿、套用,甚至發(fā)揮。2. 練。每練一篇書面表達題,都要真正學(xué)到一點東西,不可貪多而邊學(xué)邊忘。平時可以采用循序漸進、靈活多樣的練習(xí)方式。從根據(jù)提示詞寫單句開始,然后到寫幾句話,最后到寫流利的文段。盡量嘗試多種形式的寫作,如短信、說明、通知、便條、明信片、看圖寫作、根據(jù)表格或記錄寫短文等。3. 寫。要進行實戰(zhàn)寫作。要求自己在20分鐘內(nèi)寫出100詞的短文,并且質(zhì)量高、內(nèi)容全、形式正確。這樣形成習(xí)慣,考試時就能得心應(yīng)手。二、應(yīng)試策略1. 審題目:要切中題意。中考考試說明指出,書面表達要切中題意。怎樣才能切中題意?就是要認真審題,看到考題后,先不要急于動筆,要仔細看清題目要求的內(nèi)容。在自己的頭腦中構(gòu)思出一個框架或畫面,確定短文的中心思想,不要匆匆下筆,要看懂題意,根據(jù)圖畫、圖表、提綱或短文提供的資料和信息來審題。審題要審格式、體裁、人物關(guān)系、故事情節(jié)、主體時態(tài)、活動時間、地點等。2. 圈要點:防止遺漏要點。要點是給分的一個重要因素。為了防止寫作過程中遺漏要點,同學(xué)們要充分發(fā)揮自己的觀察力,把情景中給出的各個要點逐條列出。3. 列提綱:為寫作做好準備。根據(jù)文章要點及短文的中心思想將主要句型、關(guān)鍵詞記下,形成提綱。4. 定基調(diào):定出時態(tài)、人稱、順序、開頭、結(jié)尾。5. 寫全文:寫短文時要做到以下七個方面:(1)避免使用漢語式英語,盡量使用自己熟悉的句型。幾種句型可交替使用,以避免重復(fù)和呆板。(2)多用簡單句型,記事、寫人一般都不需要復(fù)雜的句型??蛇m當多使用陳述句、一般疑問句、祈使句和感嘆句。不用或少用含有非謂語或情態(tài)動詞等較復(fù)雜的句型。(3)注意語法、句法知識的靈活運用。(4)描寫人物時,要生動具體,如:外表特征:tall, short, fat, thin, ordinary-looking, strong, weak等。服飾顏色:red, yellow, blue, white, green, brown,black等。情緒描寫:glad, happy, sad, excited, anxious, interested等。感情描寫:love, like, hate, feel, laugh, cry, smile,shout等。動作描寫:come, go, get, have, take, bring, fetch等。(5)上下文要連貫,恰當使用關(guān)聯(lián)詞。上下文的連貫性也是評分的一條原則,因此同學(xué)們應(yīng)把寫好的句子,根據(jù)故事情節(jié),事情發(fā)生的先后次序(時間或空間),使用一些表示并列、遞進等的過渡詞進行加工整理,使文章連貫、自然、流暢。(6)不會表達,另辟蹊徑。中考作文給分是以要點和語言準確度而定,不以文采打分。造句越簡單準確越好,造復(fù)合句容易出錯,容易被扣分。閱卷場上有句話:“錯誤面前人人平等,文采好不加分”。如遇到個別要點表達不出來或難以表達,可采用變通的辦法,化難為易,化繁為簡。總之,所造句子要正確、得體、符合英語表達習(xí)慣。(7)認真檢查,改正錯誤。中考寫作文時,由于時間緊、內(nèi)容多,同學(xué)們出錯在所難免。因此,改錯這一環(huán)節(jié)必不可少。中考作文評卷是根據(jù)要點、語言準確性、上下文的連貫性來給分,根據(jù)錯誤多少來扣分。因此,中考時花幾分鐘時間用來檢查錯誤顯得尤為重要。檢查錯誤應(yīng)從以下幾個方面入手:格式是否有錯;拼寫有無錯誤;語言是否用錯;時態(tài)、語態(tài)錯誤;標點錯誤;人稱是否用錯。三、書面表達評分標準參考采分點滿分可給分值1. 內(nèi)容充實,覆蓋要點(內(nèi)容、要點)7分67分描述所有信息,內(nèi)容合理、豐富35分描述了大部分信息,內(nèi)容比較合理12分描述了小部分信息,內(nèi)容不合理0分沒有作答或描述內(nèi)容與主題無關(guān)2. 用詞適切,語法正確,句型多樣(詞匯、語法、句型)7分67分用詞適切,句型變化多樣且有效,完全或基本沒有語言錯誤35分用詞基本適切,句型較為單一,有少量語言錯誤但不影響理解12分有較多語言錯誤,一定程度上影響理解0分有大量語言錯誤,影響了理解3. 結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊,意思連貫(語意、連詞、指代)4分34分行文連貫,連接詞使用恰當,指代清晰12分行文不夠連貫,連接詞使用不恰當,指代不夠清晰0分沒有連貫意識4. 書寫規(guī)范,詞數(shù)適宜(標點符號、大小寫、詞數(shù))2分2分大小寫、標點正確,詞數(shù)達標,書寫規(guī)范整潔1分大小寫、標點有部分錯誤,詞數(shù)達標,書寫尚可辨認0分大小寫、標點錯誤較多,語言不規(guī)范,詞數(shù)嚴重不足,書寫難以辨認四、初中英語寫作常用諺語1. Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。2. A light heart lives long.心情開朗壽命長。(不惱不愁,活到白頭。)3. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.一天一蘋果,醫(yī)生遠離我。4. Nothing in the world is difficult for the man who sets his mind to it./Anything is possible if you work hard./Nothing is too difficult if you put your heart into it.世上無難事,只怕有心人。5. It is better to give than to receive.給予比接受更好。6. A friend in need is a friend indeed.患難朋友才是真朋友。7. Gifts of roses, hands there are lingering fragrance.贈人玫瑰,手有余香。8. God helps those who help others.助人者天助。9. Well begun is half done.良好的開端是成功的一半。10. A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever.一本好書,相伴一生。11. All roads lead to Rome.條條大路通羅馬。12. Rome was not built in a day.羅馬不是一日建成的。(偉業(yè)非一日之功。)13. Something is learned every time a book is opened.開卷有益。14. Easier said than done.說起來容易做起來難。15. Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。16. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.只工作不玩耍,聰明孩子也變傻。17. Its never too old to learn. 活到老,學(xué)到老。18. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.千里之行,始于足下。19. Actions speak louder than words.行動勝過語言。20. Do as Romans do in Rome.入鄉(xiāng)隨俗。21. Time flies never to be recalled. 光陰一去不復(fù)返。22. No pains, no gains. 不勞則無獲。23. Its never too late to mend.亡羊補牢,猶未晚也。24. Reading makes a full man.讀書使人完善。25. Knowledge is power.知識就是力量。26. Failure is the mother of success.失敗是成功之母。27. Dont count your chickens before they are hatched.切莫過于樂觀。28. Many hands make light work.人多力量大。29. Dont put off till tomorrow what should be done today.今日事今日畢。30. East or west, home is best.金窩銀窩,不如自家的狗窩。五、xx、xx浙江省中考常見書面表達例題及范文(一)觀點表達類 (xx溫州中考)如今,國內(nèi)外很多孩子在父母的安排下沒有了自己的周末,如下圖中的Jack。請分析圖中的這種現(xiàn)象并談?wù)勀愕目捶?,以“Weekend or Not?”為題寫一篇約110詞的英語短文向Parents雜志投稿,讓父母們通過閱讀你的文章能有所啟發(fā)。注意:文中若出現(xiàn)“Jack”以外的人名或任何學(xué)校名稱,該作文得分不超過12分。One possible version:Weekend or Not?Jack has to attend lots of classes at weekends. He has little time for his favorite sportsoccer. Still, his parents are pushing him to do more math exercises, which worries him a lot.Nowadays, many students are under much pressure like Jack. Their parents believe it necessary for them to make full use of the weekends and learn as much as possible. As a result, some students are stressed out and therefore lose interest in learning anything. What is worse, they may not be able to learn to manage their own life.I do hope all the children can have the freedom to choose what they like to do and enjoy their weekends.(二)寫人敘事類(xx臺州中考)某英文網(wǎng)站正舉辦主題為“Independence”的征文活動。假如你是張華,請用英語寫一篇短文投稿。短文必須結(jié)合你的親身經(jīng)歷,描述與獨立這一優(yōu)秀品質(zhì)相關(guān)的一件事情,并談?wù)勊o你帶來的影響及感受。注意:(1)詞數(shù):80100;(2)短文開頭僅供選擇使用,不計入總詞數(shù);(3)文中不得出現(xiàn)真實的人名和校名等相關(guān)信息。短文開頭:I still remember .Possible version 1:For me, independence means making my own decisions.Once my friends were in a fight. I liked them all equally, but they required me to choose one side. I felt really lost at first! Many solutions came. Later, another idea occurred to me that I should end their fight without taking sides. After all were present, I said I missed times when all of us played together. I wished they could make up and get past it. They realized how much I cared about them. They said sorry to each other and were friends again.My right decision brought joy back into our lives again. There will be a more rewarding experience for each if one tries to be true to oneself.Possible version 2:I still remember the moment I got on the train.Earlier one summer vacation, I joined in the summer camping in Shanghai. When I told my parents I wanted to go there by myself, they said yes. And it put a big smile on my face. My parents are always ready to give me a hand. I was so glad that I didnt have to follow them everywhere all the time.Although this was the first time I left home alone, I believed that the more we practiced being independent, the easier it would become.(三)回信回郵件類(xx臺州中考)假如你是張華,以下是你友好結(jié)對學(xué)校Maple Knoll High School的好友Andrew發(fā)給你的一封電子郵件,請你根據(jù)該郵件內(nèi)容給Andrew回復(fù)并提出你自己的問題。Hi, Zhang Hua,Hows it going? Im glad that we will graduate soon. As you know, a new life in senior high school will be exciting. Maybe both of us will have many tasks ahead. I wonder if you have any ideas about it. Here are my problems.How can I relax and keep healthy?How can I increase knowledge?Looking forward to your reply. Best wishes!Yours,Andrew注意:(1)請回復(fù)郵件中所提及的兩個問題,可適當發(fā)揮;(2)郵件中不得出現(xiàn)真實人名和校名等相關(guān)信息;(3)詞數(shù):80100;(4)短文開頭僅供選擇使用,不計入總詞數(shù)。短文開頭:Hi, Andrew, glad to hear from you. Its important for us to prepare for senior high school.One possible version:(四)討論、調(diào)查匯報類(xx紹興中考)你校英語社團正在開展主題為“How do students find study partners?”的討論,為此你采訪了一些學(xué)生。請你根據(jù)下表內(nèi)容用英語寫一篇短文進行交流,并說明你自己的方式及理由。方式理由部分學(xué)生使用網(wǎng)絡(luò)方便找到學(xué)伴及時得到幫助部分學(xué)生參加社團面對面分享經(jīng)驗共同解決問題你注意:(1)短文必須包括表中所有內(nèi)容,可適當增加細節(jié);(2)你的理由至少兩條;(3)詞數(shù):80100;(4)短文首句僅供選擇使用,不計入總詞數(shù)。參考詞匯:學(xué)伴 study partner;方便的 convenient短文首句:I have recently done a survey about how students find study partners.One possible version:I have recently done a survey about how students find study partners.Some students find study partners through the Internet. They believe its convenient to find partners to study with online. Besides, they can get help from study partners whenever necessary. Some students prefer to join clubs to find study partners so that they can share experience face to face. Whats more, they think working out problems together helps learn more easily.As for me, Id like to get study partners by going to summer camp because I can learn something new while having fun. Also, its a good way to learn how to get on well with others.(五)合理選擇類(xx嘉興中考)學(xué)校將舉辦“A Summer for Better English”活動。請你從下面的推薦書單中選擇2本想閱讀的書刊,然后用英語寫一篇短文說明你的選擇意向及理由,在學(xué)校的English Corner分享。A list of books for English skills and for funBasic English WritingSecrets of English WordsA Guide to English Listening20 Topics for English Sp-eakingTreasure IslandRobinson CrusoeAlices Adventures in Wo-nderlandTime for Kids(a magazine)注意:(1)必須從書單中選擇2本書刊,并闡述理由;(2)文中不得出現(xiàn)與你身份相關(guān)的信息;(3)詞數(shù):80100。短文首句僅供選擇使用,不計入總詞數(shù)。短文首句:To improve our English, the school has given a list of books for us to read this summer.One possible version:To improve our English, the school has given a list of books for us to read this summer. Of all the suggested books, I have decided to choose Secrets of English Words and Time for Kids.The first one is a book which may help use English words better. By reading this book, I will surely learn more new words. This will make my future study much easier. Time for Kids is a popular magazine specially written for students, in which I will read interesting stories and have a taste of teen life abroad. So it must be great fun reading it.By being part of this activity, I am expecting a big step forward in my English.當堂檢測A(xx諸暨中考模擬) 中考臨近,部分九年級學(xué)生面臨較大的升學(xué)壓力。為此,你班開展了以“How to spend time happily and meaningfully?”為主題的交流活動。請根據(jù)下表內(nèi)容用英語寫一篇短文,匯報你班同學(xué)的觀點及理由,并提出你的觀點及理由。How to spend time happily and meaningfully?同學(xué)的觀點同學(xué)的理由閱讀好書開闊視野,放松自己鍛煉身體減輕壓力,增強體質(zhì)廣交朋友訴說煩惱,分享快樂你的觀點及理由要求:(1)短文必須包括表格所提供的所有信息,可適當增加細節(jié);(2)提出你的觀點及理由;(3)詞數(shù):80100;(4)短文開頭僅供選擇使用,不計入總詞數(shù)。短文開頭:The students in our class had a heated discussion on how to spend time happily and meaningfully. Here are the results. B(衢州中考) 你校將舉行“校園之星(Campus Star)”評選活動,各班就“校園之星”的評選標準展開了討論。以下是你班同學(xué)的部分觀點,請將這些觀點進行整理,并結(jié)合你自己的想法,寫一篇發(fā)言稿參加學(xué)生會評選委員會的討論。同學(xué)們的觀點誠實禮貌,有愛心學(xué)習(xí)勤奮,有進步興趣廣泛,有特長你的觀點注意:(1)發(fā)言稿應(yīng)包括表中信息,可適當發(fā)揮,但不要逐字翻譯;(2)開頭已給出(不計入總詞數(shù)),你只需接著寫;(3)文章中不得出現(xiàn)真實的人名和校名;(4)詞數(shù):80100。Hello, everybody!Im very glad to be here to share our opinions on “Campus Star” with you. As a star, he/sheThank you!C 足夠的睡眠時間對學(xué)生來說很重要,然而調(diào)查顯示,許多學(xué)生睡眠時間不足。請根據(jù)圖示內(nèi)容,簡要指出學(xué)生睡眠不足的原因并提出建議。要求:(1)要點齊全,并適當發(fā)揮;(2)詞數(shù):80左右。開頭已給出,不計入總詞數(shù);(3)文中不得出現(xiàn)真實姓名和學(xué)校名稱。Its important for students to have enough sleeping time. However, 參考答案當堂檢測AOne possible version: The students in our class had a heated discussion on how to spend time happily and meaningfully. Here are the results.Most students think reading good books is a good way because they can open up their mind and relax themselves. Besides, they agree they should do sports in their spare time. They believe it can help them reduce their pressure and make their bodies stronger. Whats more, they think they are supposed to make more friends and share sadness and happiness with each other.From my point of view, its necessary for us to travel around with our parents so that we can improve the relationships with them. Also, we can take up some hobbies which can make our life more meaningful.BOne possible version: Hello, everybody!Im very glad to be here to share our opinions on “Campus Star” with you. As a star, he/she should be an honest person first. He is also polite and ready to help others any time. Second, a Campus Star should be not only a top student but also a good learner. He studies hard, and makes great progress every term. Third, a star should have wide interests. He takes an active part in sports and other activities. And he is popular at school.In my opinion, a Campus Star must be a green person. He loves nature. He takes care of the trees and grass around him and tries his best to protect the environment. Thats all. Thank you!COne possible version: Its important for students to have enough sleeping time. However, many of them dont have enough time to sleep.There are different reasons for it. Some students often spend too much time on computer games so that they dont go to bed early. Some students have bad sleeping habits. They often drink too much tea or coffee before going to bed. This makes them too excited to fall asleep.In order to get enough sleep, we should keep away from computer games. We shouldnt stay up too late. Whats more, we can drink hot milk instead of coffee or listen to soft music before we go to bed, which can help us have a sweet sleep.In a word, if we make good use of time and form good habits, well have enough sleeping time. Then well be happier and healthier.


本文(2019屆中考英語復(fù)習(xí) 第三篇 中考題型實戰(zhàn) 第40課 書面表達基礎(chǔ)知識.doc)為本站會員(xt****7)主動上傳,裝配圖網(wǎng)僅提供信息存儲空間,僅對用戶上傳內(nèi)容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護處理,對上載內(nèi)容本身不做任何修改或編輯。 若此文所含內(nèi)容侵犯了您的版權(quán)或隱私,請立即通知裝配圖網(wǎng)(點擊聯(lián)系客服),我們立即給予刪除!


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