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國家開放大學試題國家開放大學電大??朴⒄Z閱讀(1)2028-2029期末試題及答案(試卷號:2155)Part 1Question% 10 nrc on Passngts 1 &2.(30 points# 3 points each)Pauuigc 178 New RoadCanfordOctoberDear HrkntL You1 II bt pIcAxcd <o hear If ni n< honir nnd lecling much betlfr< I Mttll (rrl rnthrr wr/ik and tired but Im G1* 2 be homr. Dud has lookrd nftrr everything rrnlly well f ihr (tut whm all Rpick ond si pan when I rarnc buck.2. Soineom (ram the office came r<> scr me in hoapitnL She told me not tn no back to work until I feel up to it. Th" m frmpt In to do my3. h really hire to gel your IcttctA Thank you for the card you nent mc> too.Your fniher And I nre plrKMcd you9 re mtling down nt University nnd tlwt you 1 vr gut !K)nic nicr lnrndfi>Enjoy yuiirAcIf but work hnrd too.IzivrtMumQueKSm I 5 DlnTlIonK: Krud Pumimkc 1 un<l then find u wonl/phruM1 which mean* the、nmr mn each of (he followhij:. lhe pcirngruph in which the w(rd/phru%c appenm h IndicMtrd in thr bnickcUe Write your answer* on the n、wrr hettfI. tnkc care (paraRraph 1)2 dean nnd thly (parnxrAph 1)3. be well enough to (doing lhing*> _(pnrngrph 2)L a prrMuri crnployrii for Mhort periods of time(pnrHgraph 2)5e Mi)rt living n normal lilt* CparMgraph 3)PaiMMigc 226 licnoon Rond.Brighton BR6 2JJ 2 " NovemberDear Sow(6) for your letter and (or the two photon. Im nearly thirtieth I like sport undI k>vr po(i nimir m> wr"vr gut lot* of things to (?)I like ytiin photoii. Your little brother lonkji ()K. I)nrj hr ( H)EdinbnrKhuchool coo? Your Riwirrhair looks *upcr| 1 wt,h I ha<l lontf hir hnir>I haven * I <>i any Kood phatO5. mj here nre rwq nwful ones. Do you like the one of my,hrcc brother*? (9)three brother* and no sisters. Theyre all older than me. The0,hcr one aphoto of me. 1 think h、nwful. Next time 1 write Pll tell you aboutmy school(10).KatieP.S. I Ml st nd you a photo of my Mum nnd Dad nnd our cat next time.Questions 6 10: Read the letter In pHsnugc 2 nnd choose appropriate words/expressionsi from bckm In fill In the blunks In the let ten Write your Mnwers on the attNer xhrcl.I#vr got Thmk yuu Lovego towrite aboutPurt UQutthxB 1120 arc huxd on PmMigcs 3 & 1. (30 points> 3 points each)hired ions iHead lhe MMtrmcnt* uflrr patsM 3 & 4 und then chixwc an answer from A. H. C nnd I) that di Iwst ixjnipklc the itntemenla baxd on the informullon you Kct fmm the piHsuitc*. Write your unNwers on your tm虹r hE.pMSMIgC 3Flower MarketIn rctrnt yrnrn many lluer shopw hwvr upprarrcl !i is common now fur people to buy flowrrH when they go to a RathcnriA< visit nick fncn<ft or nttrnd a wedding or birthiUy pnrty. Frmh (lowers nrr nha intlinpeiiMablc fur nthrr ccrcmontnl occiiNionn.】hr Beijing Elowrr Trade Onlrr Hl LiArigfnnr|ino i the largest wholrmnlc (rr?h (lower n>Arkr! in thr oipttaL with o dnily valurnc of hrtwrrn 1501 000 a nd 160 < 0(H) blonnum Ninety pcrccni ol ihr city r m 500 flower d心p、ubtmn thrtr ntock fhert?< AccordinK to He Xiaotnngt mAnnrr of the I rndc Outer1 a rnarkehnK drpftnmcnif in the pari Mntc5 volume be!wrrn Naliomil Iby (October Lt) nrul October 20th accounted for 20 prrrenl ol yrnrly 3心 liccilijRe young people uujilly had their weddHw,during this time. Now winter hm breorne ihr |>rk *cdwon> lantiriK (torn ( lirintninA )ny until Spring ErnfivnL inchtding Nrw Yenr* a l>ny and VnlcrHiiip I >ny. I hr proportion of flower nnlrfi to individual kccpn incrtsaniiiH;A iltrntlc ago indoor dr curat ion were nininly window puprrcuta And ilk (lowrrnt Later 9 wnAhablc pIm.mic flowrrji becumr avaiUblr and tcxlny polyrntcr (lowrrn and plum、, looking vrry niurh likr thr rrnl lhin|(t hnvr bvcomr populnr. Flower dehydrnriQD techniqiKM have made drird iluwrr n (Mv<intr. All kinch of (lowers, both rrnl And artilicinL help rtirtintnih spring year round for many Chinese.Qur%titms I】 一 15 are based on Pwimi躍 3.I L Thr (lower market used to be t ilM hst A. around thr Spring FestivalB. around Christm/iA DnyC. in OctoberD. all the year round12e The number of individuals who buy flowrr5 mA. changeable& "ableC. decrcainftD. increasing13. Which o( thr following Btatnicnt i NOT true?A The Chinese people now like both renl and artthcinl flawrrM.H. I >ncd (lowvr were common in (hua a decade w)C. FIeva were not aa popular they are now in Chiini.L). Frrsh (lowers have become part ol peoplelife in Chiniu14 Which of the following words is closest in meaning to inchHpenxMhle* in thr aenience Fresh llawcrx are aIbo indispcnMiblr (or other crrmonial occaion.A essentialB inseparableC. ncpdrateD unneetwry15. Which of the following Mnlcments 睥 true about the Beijing Flower Tradr Centre1A h、located nt I ninqmoH. Dried (lowers nrc old there.C. It providrN moRt of Beijing(lower hops with flowcrb> TX About 180>000 blosnomi arr Hold there every day.PnskMiKc Chnnge* In IJvdihoodMH HORU ATIVE SCHOLARS pher (htnn*. socud dcveluptnrni nt tlir * lower nirdmrn kve!f compared to (he rct of the world. China hue gone through Mvcral iwim and turn* wince 1949 nnd many peoplelivc Kavc chnngrd fur better or wor5c h, a rzMih. Howevert todAy a KenetAl iniprcjvcmrnt i* rvident> Siner I97X in pArticulnr* tnnny peopleS lifr htylrs hrtvr nnproved nt & greater pace than in thr previous 30 yenc( hint?食c hnve nut only improved on their diet clothing. liourifiR nnd fh< produrt.% they U5r every day. but their diMpo$abl< inmmr hft* nl> Hfown an well. By tin* )f lune rurnl nnd urbnn bunk nvni|(% mounted to 35心 B billion yuan.Figure* show that since thr 1990m coinniumranun rquipnirnt/ipnrnncnt!i nndcafh have buRun lu replace TV sets# rclrccratorM and wghmg muchines (which in turn replaced bikrn* wnfcheA and sewing tturhincs t the brginfHnK of the 19M0n) nn the InrRrMt individunl cununiptiun itenin./XccordinR to a conservative enumaiet China has about 100> 000 private cars today. Seven percent of urban residents have installed home phones. The ChincAc Post and TckccimmunicMtionft Ministry phnn 120 million nrw phone lines for the year 20(X11 or a phone for every urban hauoehold. Today fax machines computers and mobile phone< nre very common and face a booming rrtatkel.Questions 16 20 arc bused on Passujee 4.16. The pajcAgc is mostly tnken from.A. a newspaperB. a magazineCL a novelDe textix>ok!? Tin Mrnicnee * CHiha haw gone through srvernl twists and turns since 1949" may mean that .A. China Kam changed for better tnce 1949B. Chinn h心 ehnnged lor worse since 1949CL China has gone through many up and downsp China remainvd the same aII the timeI St Which a( the following is N<)I among the list uf things thnt (liinejf hve improved on?A. Diet*B. SchoolingC> Money for saving.tX Clothing19< According io rhe passage# which ol the following appeared the latest as the result of rtfplncnient?AparimrnlMeB< Washing machines.C. WatcherD. TV sets20. urban rcMilrnt h:ivr intiiUrd hfitrir pluinvM.A. 100.000H. )20 millionC.3.515. N billionl)f Seven percent o!Pnrt IQQuv%ti(i<i!i / I 30 nr hiawd n Pmmu好 5. (20 polnte 2 point* ouh) Kciid 5 and dcridr whether the tutrments uftcr the pavuigc nrr true <ir fuhe. WriU I for true und E tor fulsc on your answer BheeLPamskc 5The、e York Clly Miarnthom A World finerI he Nvw York < ity Mnr/itlion wan Niurfcd by n rnnn named Fred Lebowt Ir began tn 197() z a 5mnll. iintrnportnnt rnce. < Inly 127 people rant gt 55 til thvrn (iiizhed. I hryran Around Central Park fourFew people watched them ran. Howevert over theyears the marathon grew and became more popularToday people come from nil over rhe world io run in the mamthon. Runners mut be nt Icat 18 years old. but there is no age limn. In foct thr oldrsi! runner was an H9-year*old man. Recently> more than 27.00。people ran in the New York (jty Muralhon< Lwrge crowds cheered the runner? and offered the participants cold drinks and encouTagrmrnLThe cQurg of the marathon has chnnged. too< tnMead of running around Central Purk. the pArticipantn go thruuKh thr five boroughs ul New York Cityt Queens Brooklyn MAnhattnn> thr Bronx> and Staten Ishnd. The niArathun begins al the base of thr Verrazano Narrows Bridge Ln Staten Island The runners go acro&s the bridge into Brooklyn. Then thry gu up through Queens And into thr Bronx. The nmrathon finishes m Central Park in Manhattan. The complete course is 26 miles# 385 ynrds. nnd tnkcx the besi runners less tlwn 3 hours.Although it has changed since 1970< the New York City Marathon is ;tlwny exciting. ThruuRh the yiirs< many unu5uol events hove happenrd during the mmthg For example Pai Tut mid John WcilbAker got marriril a lew minures before the race. Thent thry ran iht race with then weddtog p4)ny< Some people run the whole marnthon a5 a fnmily. Of her people run the race backwardsIn ihe fall of 1992. Fred Lebow. the founder of the New York City Marathon slowly ran his last race. He was very ill with cancer but he did not want tn Mfop running. In Octolwr 1994 Fred died. However ihr Nrw York City Marat hone and all its exritrrncnt. will continue far many years to canie.Questions 2130 arc based un Pavwtgr 5.21. The New York (Zity MAraihon wns 5trtcd by an old wnm-in22. Less than al the pnrticipnntb in the first New York City Marathon liniNhetL23. Mnny pcnplr wntched the first New York City Marathone24. Runners should be younger than 89 years oldi25. The portinpants used to run eround Criirnil irk26. The Marathon now finishes in the Bronx.27> The complete course of thr New York Cty Mumthon i> nou 385 milc<.28. F*at and John took par: in the Mnrlhon after lheir wedding.29. Frrd died in the fall of 1982#30. Fred died of canter.Part |VQueMluns 3135 nrr on Pwum 6. ( 20 polntB 1 polnl* rach)Krrt PnaiMKe 6 and anwrr the questions after the paMuige Make your answer* a> ahnrl und clear p<>Mible<Passu$>c 6PnhM(偵 thing Hritnin t5 Utnaus (or i piih and n<> fnp to the UK would be complete without n viMt lu one of thr thnnwindi nf pubs ntross thr cwmtry.Pubs piny (in unponnm pan in the social vtracturr of (hr couniry< They arc phiccn where all mui *ocni cl"心 mix io "Jk. do buainesfit or)unt prnd n cuuplr of <(uirt hour- brfnrr hrmhnR home in the evening.I hrte *rr ninny ddfrrenl type* <4 brrr av/iihhlc in pub,. Tnidniorwil British beer is culkd bitter# or nlr< and in usiially served ai room temperature. Am n rrsuit the arc lAinuuH (or fheir a w/irni brere!If you preicr a cold beert for Ingrn Thin beer in a light yellow in colour wlwrci* hitler i> u*unlly h dArkrr browrh Another lypr of beer is Mfout you mny have hen rd o( (fUinnr> which is a type o( fttout< Thiii im n cold* black beer And iftkes a long time to pour, so don11 be Murpnrd if you hove to wait for it.All hcrrn itrr nerved m pin (approximately 500 rnl) or halveii (Approximnirly 2S0ml)e Tn orders you nrc<l io 4%k lur n pihl ur half. und then nnrnr lhe brer. So. yau route! my 1 A pml nl hinrr# plsy 1Another drink is ridcr> Th> z like bm bin H in made Irnm Applet nci h can tate *Wret. Wine, red or white, is norrnnlly Jivnilnblr tn all pub、, arc pirilA nuch e whisky tfin or vodkrt. Thew urr *erve<l on GnGw (25miI) or douhlc* (50nil).h i、nut, hnwrvrr. nrevnnry to drink nlrohul, Nonlcnholir drinks nrr cnllcfl m>Ii drinks. You can have)uux> Irnionnde ar cola, nrnonic othersIf you vkh a pub in Kroup H i> inip(iM/in< tu py far your f roumr Thin meun. that you huy a drink for everyone in your Rroup. Not buying your round is a h增 Hcn ial mEakc! Rrnirnibet ihm you nerd tci urder and pay fur your drinks al thr bnreSo. follnw these tipi if you Wftnt To get thr rnotl out of visttinfi a pub and< a cheers IQuestions 3135 arv based on Pahmrc 6.3I What is traditional British beer called?32. II you prefer cold beer > what should you ask (or?33. Approximately how many rmlhlner are there in a pint?34. What in thr 1n5tr of eider like?35. What dorse guying lor your round1 mean?試題答案及評分標準(僅供參考)Part | (30 points> 3 point* each)1. Io<ik after2. 叩irk n(i >pnn3. fcrl up toL temp5. M:nlv ilown6. Thnnk you7. write Hhoin8. to!) Ivr got10. hivrPari | (30 poinK. 3 point% each)IL C12. I)13. H14. A15.C16. AI7.C18.B19. A20. DPnrl III i !roe or FuImt (20 puinU>2 points each >21.F2幻T 23. F24. F25. T2d F27. F28. T29. F30. TPnrl |V t Short answer (20 points. 4 point* CRch>31. Hitter or ule.32. Ln&m33. 500 ml*.34. Swcrt.35t BuyntR a drink (or everyone in your groups


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