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2019-2020年六年級英語下冊 Lesson 11 I love animals教案 陜旅版.doc

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2019-2020年六年級英語下冊 Lesson 11 I love animals教案 陜旅版.doc

2019-2020年六年級英語下冊 Lesson 11 I love animals教案 陜旅版本課主要談?wù)摰氖顷P(guān)于動物的話題。低年級時,同學們已經(jīng)學了一些常見的、簡單的動物名稱。例如:dog, duck, cat等等。這一課我們將要學習更多動物名稱。例如:snake, zebra, giraffe, kangaroo等等。還要能用句型 I can see 來描述你所看到的動物以及句型I like best 描述你最喜歡的動物。教學目標和教學重點難點分析:1. 理解會說會寫會用動物名詞snake, zebra, giraffe, lion, elephant, hippo, monkey, kangaroo, deer, fox, wolf, tiger, panda.2. 能用英語表達自己見過什么樣的動物,自己最喜歡的動物,并且能用英語描述某種動物的特點。I saw I can seeMy favourite animal isIts very 3. 提高學生的觀察力和注意力,培養(yǎng)他們愛護動物,保護動物的美德。課前準備:教師和學生都準備各種動物的圖片。教師用幻燈片準備很多動物的圖片。教學過程:1.熱身(Warming up)教師和學生一起唱一首歌來做課前的熱身活動。然后教師引導學生一起來復習以前學過的動物名詞。教師叫一個學生到黑板前面,在耳邊輕輕說一個動物名字,讓這個學生通過模仿這種動物的聲音和動作,其他同學來猜,猜到的同學將會給他們組得一分。做完這個活動,教師和學生快速復習這些動物的名稱。復習完動物名稱,教師可以和學生之間進行隨機對話,詢問互相都喜歡什么動物,對下面的學習內(nèi)容做好鋪墊。2.新課展示(New Presentation)1)動物名稱的學習教師講解:我們剛此已經(jīng)把以前學過的動物名稱都復習了,在本節(jié)課中我們要學習更多動物的名稱。 So lets look at a picture. (用CAI出示本課中 learn to say的圖片)T: What can you see in this picture? 在圖片里你能看到什么動物?Ss: I can see some animals. Snake (snakes)- 蛇 | s | Zebra(zebras)-斑馬 | z | Elephant( elephants)-大象 | ts | Giraffe( giraffes)-長頸鹿 | s | Lion(lions)-獅子 | z | Hippo(hippos)-河馬 | z | Fox(foxes)-狐貍 | s | Wolf( wolves)-狼 | z | Tiger(tigers)-老虎 | z | Kangaroo(kangaroos)-袋鼠 | z | Monkey(monkeys)-猴子 | z | Deer(deer)-鹿 Panda(pandas)-熊貓 | z | T:這里我們要注意這些名詞的單數(shù)和復數(shù)變化。一般的都是在此的末尾加-s, panda-pandas以x,ch,sh結(jié)尾的單詞加 es, fox-foxes還有部分單詞是單復數(shù)同型,deer-deer還有部分單詞單數(shù)變復數(shù)時單詞完全變形, mouse-mice (老鼠)講授完單詞以后,教師重點引導學生練習這些單詞變復數(shù)后s的讀音。2)用英語描述自己看到了什么動物,喜歡什么動物和最喜歡什么動物。T: 在我們描述圖片時,我們一般要用到句型 What can you see in .? I can see For example, What can you see in this picture? I can see many animals.教師用幻燈片出示各種不同的動物圖片,給學生10秒鐘的時間去記憶,然后讓學生說出他們都看到了什么動物。 T: What can you see in the picture? S1: I can see a panda. S2: I can see a giraffe. S3: I can see a goat. S4: I can see an elephant. S5: I can see a snake. S6: I can see a hippo. T: So in the picture, what animal do you like best? I like pandas best. 所以當我們想要詢問別人最喜歡什么時,我們可以說 What do you like best? I like best.教師和學生之間進行隨機的變化,操練句型。我們還可以說 What is you favorite animal? Panda is my favorite animal.學習完本課知識點之后,教師引導學生編對話來進行復習。A:I had go to the zoo last Sunday.B: What did you see?A: I saw many lovely animals.B: What are they?A: They are giraffes, monkeys, deer, pandas, kangaroos and zebras.B: What animal do you like best?A: I like pandas best because they are so fat and move slowly.B: Pandas are really lovely animals.3. 小結(jié)本節(jié)課我們主要學習了各種動物的名稱,并且學習了詢問別人看到了什么動物,喜歡什么動物,以及用英語來對這些問題做出回答。4. 鞏固練習教師讓學生兩個人一組,互相來復習所學過的動物名詞。教師可以建議學生用簡單的句子來描述自己的喜歡的動物,然后讓對方猜出來。 A: What animal do you like? B: Its white and lovely. It has red eyes and long ears. It likes eating cabbiages and carrorts. What is it? A: You like rabbits. A: What animal do you like? B: Its very tall and strong. It has four long legs and it can run very fast.People likes riding it.A: You like horses.5. 聽錄音,學習課文A:What did the girl see in Beijing Zoo?B: She saw kangaroos. She likes kangaroos best.A: What did the second boy see in the zoo?B: He saw tigers, monkeys, deer and wolves.A: What does he like best?B: He likes pandas best.6. Do the exercises. Lets practise ()本道題要求我們用到地理知識把動物和國家聯(lián)系起來。When I was in Australia, I saw kangaroos.When I was in Africa, I saw giraffes.When I was in China, I saw pandas.When I was in America, I saw lions. Lets practise () 做這道題時,我們要先看后面描述動物特點的句子,然后判斷那是什么動物。 Kangaroos are interesting. They have bags on their bodies. Pandas are fat and lovely. They have slowly. Giraffes are tall. They have long necks. Elephants are very big. They can do a lot of work for people.附送:2019-2020年六年級英語下冊 Lesson 12 Take care of the trees教案 陜旅版 本課談?wù)摰闹饕掝}是大自然的草木,從而涉及到了一個更高的話題:environment protection ( 環(huán)境保護)。 人們要愛護這美麗的大自然。 We must take care of them. 學生能聽懂,會說,會寫與植物有關(guān)的名詞和動詞短語。能夠用英語描述自己所看到的自然景色, You can find many tall trees in it. The grass is green and the flowers are sweet. 教學目標:1. 聽懂,會說會寫和植物有關(guān)的一些名詞和動詞短語。a lily, grass, dig a hole, plant trees pick flowers, cut a tree.2. 學習運用情態(tài)動詞,can, cant, must, should. You can find many We cant pick flowers ( cut the tree). We must (should) take care of the them.3. 能用英語來表達自己所看到的美麗景色,描述美麗的花, 可愛的草, 高大的樹 并能用英語描述種樹木, 栽花的過程。4. 培養(yǎng)學生熱愛大自然,愛護花草樹木的良好行為習慣。教學重點難點分析: 1. 學習用英語來描述種花種樹的步驟。 2. 學習情態(tài)動詞的用法。can , cant, must, should. 課前準備: 教師準備錄音機,磁帶,動物園和公園的圖片以及有百合花玫瑰花,草,樹的圖片。教學過程:1.熱身(Warming up)教師和學生一起來復習上節(jié)課所學過的動物名稱,并且用學過的句型 What animals do you like best? 說出自己最喜歡的動物。教師出示動物園的圖片,要求學生與學生進行對話。S1:Whats this?S2: Its a zoo.S1: What can you see in the zoo?S2: I can see many animals.S1: What animals can you see?S2: I can see a tiger, a panda, an elephant and a horse.S1: What animal do you like best?S2: I like horses best.教師再出示公園的圖片,學生之間進行對話。S3: Whats this ?S4:Its a park.S3: What can you see? (指著湖)S4:I can see a lake.S3: What can you see? ( 指著花)S4: I can see many flowers.S3: What can you see? (指著草和樹)S4: I can see some grass and trees.2.新課展示(New Presentation)T:(出示百合花的圖片) Do you know what flower it is? Its my favorite flower. 你知道這種花叫什么名字嗎?Its a lily. Its very pure. 是很純潔的百合花。It looks nice. 它看起來非常不錯。教師將句型 Its a lily. 寫在黑板上。教師出示玫瑰花的圖片,Do you know what flower it is? Its a rose. Its very beautiful. 是很漂亮的玫瑰花。教師也將此句型 Its a rose. 寫在黑板上。T: (出示本課主圖上公園的圖片) Look at this picture, what can you see in the park? 在圖片上你能看到什么?I can see many trees. They are very tall. 教師將句型 They are trees. 寫在黑板上。 What other things can you see? 你還能看到什么?T:I can see lots of green grass and sweet flowers. 我還能看到綠草和鮮花。(出示圖片,grass- 草)教師將句型 They are grass and flowers. 寫在黑板上。教師和學生一起來鞏固剛才所學的單詞。In summer, there are many beautiful flowers in the park. I always can see lots of people picking flowers. (出示圖片,pick flowers- 摘花) 夏天到了,公園里到處都開滿了五顏六色的花。 我經(jīng)常會看到有人摘花。Thats a bad behavior. We should take care of the flowers. We cant pick flowers. 那是一種很不好的行為,我們應該保護花朵,而不是摘花。(出示短語 take care of, 保護,照顧) For example,I will take care of myself. 我會照顧好自己的。我們還可以說take good care of ,保護好,照顧好,F(xiàn)or example,I will take good care of myself.Yes, the same with trees. As the environment is badly- destructed, lots of trees are cut and its really a big loss for us. 由于環(huán)境破壞極為嚴重,很多樹都被砍了,這對我們來說是個非常大的損失。T: So we cant cut trees. We should plant trees. (出示圖片) cut trees-砍樹 plant trees-植樹教師將以上兩個句型寫在黑板上。We cant pick flowers. We should take care of them.其中 can, cant, should都是情態(tài)動詞, 表示我們的請求,意愿,意志。For example,You should study hard.You cant speak loudly.You can drink anyone you like. 教師引導學生用情態(tài)動詞 should 來描述種樹的步驟。 1. We should dig a hole. 2. We should put the tree in the hole. 3. We should cover the tree with the earth教師將以上兩個句型寫在黑板上。. 4. We should water the tree.3. 小結(jié): 本節(jié)課我們學習了在公園里見到的花草樹木的名稱。學習了情態(tài)動詞的用法。還學習了用情態(tài)動詞來描述種樹的步驟。4. 鞏固練習: 教師引導學生用所學過的語言點來自編對話。 A: What can you see in the park? B: I can see many trees. A:Do you know how to plant a tree? B: Yes, I do. A: What will we do first? B: We should dig a hole first. (出示圖片,dig a hole-挖洞) A: What then? B: Then we should put the tree in the hole. A: I see. Finally we should water the tree. B: You are right. A: Thank you. B: My pleasure.5. Listen to the tape and then answer the questions. 聽錄音回答問題。(播放錄音) A:What can you see in the picture? B: I can see many tall trees, green grass and beautiful flowers. A: What flowers can you see? B: I can see many lilies and roses. A: Can we pick the flowers in the park? B: No, we cant. We should take care of them. A: What are the boys doing in the second picture? B: They are planting trees. A: Can we cut the trees? B: No, we cant. We must also take care of the trees.6. Do the exercises. Lets practise () A: This exercise focuses on the usage of take care of, so we must according to the text and fill in the blanks. 這道題主要考查take care of的用法,根據(jù)上下文填空。(1) We cant hurt the animals. They are lovely. We must take care of them.(2) We cant walk on the grass. They are beautiful. We must take care of them.Lets practise ()A: This passage is about the Tree Planting Day and teaches us the steps and ways of planting trees. 這篇文章主要是圍繞植樹節(jié)來寫的,并且交給我們植樹的步驟和方法。March 12th is the Tree Planting Day.People go out to plant trees on that day.Trees are peoples friends.We must take good care of the trees.


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