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2019-2020年一年級英語上冊 Unit 2(2)教案 重大版.doc

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2019-2020年一年級英語上冊 Unit 2(2)教案 重大版.doc

2019-2020年一年級英語上冊 Unit 2(2)教案 重大版一、教學重點本課時需要重點掌握四會句子,要求學生能在相似情景中正確使用。教師需重點強調(diào)這些四會句子的規(guī)范書寫。二、教學難點 本課時的難點是Pronunciation。要求教師在正確示范的基礎上,引導學生讀出含有這4個字母組合的單詞并發(fā)現(xiàn)發(fā)音規(guī)律,尤其要強調(diào)bl,br的滑音變化。在句子中出現(xiàn)字母組合提示的單詞,在本冊是第一次出現(xiàn)。教師需要加以引導,正確示范朗讀。遇到難度較大的句子,可讓學生明白大意,不強求每位學生都能準確理解意思。三、課前準備 1教師準備教學過程中所需要的圖片、聲音、課件,以及本課時的八張單詞卡。 2準備一些教師的照片或圖片。 3教師準備錄音機及錄音帶。 4學生準備本課時所需的單詞卡片和人物卡片。四、教學過程1.Warmup(熱身) 描述教師:在多張教師的圖片中,讓某學生任意抽取一張,對該教師進行描述,其他同學補充。結合所學句型:“Hes tall and thinHes our English teacher” 結合單詞卡片復習所學的四會單詞,可讓學生進行口頭拼讀比賽。 2. Presentation(新課呈現(xiàn)) Read and write (l)用圖片展示的方法導入。教師介紹說: Zhang Peng has three new teachers this term He talks about them with his classmate Tim. Lets go and have a look!Who are the teachers? (2)學生自己閱讀課文。然后與同桌分角色朗讀對話,理解對話內(nèi)容,找出不懂的地方,教師答疑。 (3)教師就對話內(nèi)容提出問題讓學生回答。再讓學生完成填充句子的練習。 (4)教師指導學生寫四會句子,可以小組或男、女生比賽的方式進行。 3.Lets play(趣味操練) Pair work 要求學生看Pair work部分的圖片,理解對話內(nèi)容。兩人一組,根據(jù)圖片出示的句子,制作兩組單詞卡片,要求每組單詞不少于五個。一組為各科目教師,如 math teacher, music teacher等,另一組為描述人物外形的詞組,如 thin and tall, strong and short等。制作完成后,一人抽取兩張卡片并提出問題,另一人根據(jù)卡片的內(nèi)容進行回答。答對時,由此人抽取圖片,問另一人。 4Pronunciation (語音操練) (1)教師出示一些含有相同字母組合,如 ee,ea等的單詞卡片,要求學生根據(jù)圖片或?qū)嵨镒x出這些單詞。在教學過程中要注意引導學生發(fā)現(xiàn)字母組合ea和ee在這些單詞里發(fā)長音的規(guī)律,同時還要特別注意示范bl,br的滑音變化并強調(diào)這兩個字母組合發(fā)音的區(qū)別。 (2)看課件或聽錄音帶,跟讀單詞和繞口令,看圖理解句子大意。 附有本課時字母組合的常見單詞。 /i:/ ea tea meat treat peach seat Jeans leaf meal ee beef sheep see queen meet jeep street canteen feed green teeth bee bsleep bl blue blow black block blow blonde br bread break brown breed brain brick 5Consolidation and extension(鞏固與擴展) (l)讓學生做 Read and write部分的活動手冊配套練習。 (2)讓學生聽 Read and write、 Pronunciation部分的錄音,讀給朋友或家長聽。針對語音部分,教師可以找出更多相關單詞讓學生練習四個字母組合的發(fā)音,也可以要求學生自己去找。對于找到較多單詞的學生要及時鼓勵。 (3)讓學生參照Pair work說一說,做一做,設計一些有關教師或親友的詞組卡片,讓大家來做句子整合游戲。 6. 小結 書寫句子: Whos your English teacher? Mr Carter. Whats he like? Hes tall and strong.附送:2019-2020年一年級英語上冊 Unit 2(3)教案 人教新起點Objectives:教學目標1.Language knowledge語言知識:四會學習各種身體部位的單詞:hair, head, eye, nose, mouth, face, ear, teeth, hand, arm, leg, foot, 2.Language skill語言技能:能正確理解本課詞匯含義,并掌握各個單詞的準確讀音。能區(qū)分易混淆詞:head和hand, hair, eye和ear3.Affect 情感態(tài)度: 培養(yǎng)學生熱愛自己的身體,在日常生活中講衛(wèi)生,愛干凈,同時增強學生的責任心和自信心。4.Learning Strategies學習策略:(1)在教新單詞時,配合恰當?shù)膱D片和動作,再通過游戲、小詩等形式加強學生對知識的理解和記憶。(2)小結歸納記憶單詞的方法,從而使學生更輕松、快樂地學習。(3)自制單詞卡片、畫人物,讓學生在設計、繪畫、制作、寫單詞的過程中深化對身體部位的學習。(4)通過小組合作,共同完成學習任務的策略。5.Culture Awareness文化意識: Language focused 教學重點:掌握各種身體部位的單詞Language difficult point 教學難點:易混淆詞的區(qū)分:hair, hand, 與head, ear 和 eyeTeachingAids/Media and Resource教學資源與媒體單詞卡片或圖片,自制課件,金太陽軟件,投影Preview learning 前置性學習1、學生自畫身體部位單詞卡片,2、自己想一想如何更好的記憶身體部位的單詞TeachingProcedures教學過程Teaching activities & Steps教學活動及具體的操作步驟Learning Activities學生學習活動Strategies and purpose/策略與設計意圖Warming up1. ChantSay a rhyme and do actions with one side of my body:head, head點點頭,eye, eye 眨眨眼,1.Chant after the teacher and do the actionsTo warm up and attract pupils with interest.Presentation and practice1. TPR to learn the words of our body.Listen, touch and say it loud.T: headPs: (touch their heads)head, head, my head2With the pictures to learn the new words:face, head, hair, nose1) Game one: Big/Small Sound.2) Game two: Play a game named “Follow me or not.”I show the pictures of body parts. If I say rightly, pupils say follow me, and show me their words cards. If I say in error, pupils keep silent, and then tell me how to read.3) Spell the words at the back of the cards.3. Present the pictures. To learn the new words:ear, eye, with their words cards.1) Lets draw.Let the pupils draw on their own cards.把ear和eye的字母e添上眼睫毛和眼珠,告訴學生有一只眼睛的是ear, 有兩只眼睛的是eye(給學生一點時間,思考如何區(qū)分這兩單詞,最后老師總結)2) Spell the words at the back of the cards. Show some of the best pictures.4. With the pictures to learn the new words:mouth, teeth1) Read after the teacher and practice.mouth, mouth, ou, ou, ou,teeth, teeth, ee, ee, ee2) Find out the same ending: - th.To encourage the pupils to associate the words.3) Spell the words at the back of the cards.5. Game: Flash Guessing Game.Look at the flashing pictures and say out the words quickly.6. Game: Play cards.In pairs to play the words cards.一學生說詞,另一學生出相應的卡片,并拼出該單詞,準確則得分。7. With the pictures to learn the new words:arm, hand, leg, foot1) car arm, an-and-handfoot, leg2) 看嘴形猜詞。3) Spell the words at the back of the cards.1.Do the actions with the teacher.整體感知一次身體部位的單詞。2. The pupils use their cards to learn the new words with the teacher together.1) To take part in the games positively.2) To take part in the games positively.To review what they have learned actively.3) The pupils write down the words correctly.3. The pupils use their cards to learn the new words together.1) To learn while drawing.To draw their best with interest.2) The pupils write down the words correctly. To show us their works proudly.4、To learn the new words with their word cards.1) To read and practice with interest.2) To think carefully.3) The pupils write down the words correctly.5. To take part in the games with interest.To review the words together.6. To follow the game rules and play the games actively.7. To practice the new words with the words cards.1) To think carefully.2) To take part in the games actively.3) The pupils write down the words correctly.TPR明確學習任務,學習新知識,能調(diào)動學生學習的積極性。展示自己的卡片,讓學生拿著自制卡片和老師一起學習新詞,激發(fā)學生的學習主動性。通過游戲的形式吸引學生的注意力,提高學生學習的興趣,減輕學生學習的困難。自己動手寫詞,深化記憶。利用自制卡片達到認讀的目的。利用繪畫及時鞏固所學。利用惟妙惟肖的聯(lián)想記憶方法幫助記憶。給予學生思考的空間。展示學生的作品,給予學生成就感。利用自制卡片和老師一起學習。發(fā)現(xiàn)單詞中共同的東西,方便記憶。同時引導學生自己開動腦筋,展開聯(lián)想,記憶單詞。自己動手寫詞,鞏固所學。階段性的鞏固與復習前面學過的單詞。有效循環(huán)。尤其加強對易混詞的識記和區(qū)分,方便記憶。采用猜測圖片的形式鞏固所學單詞。利用游戲讓學生對所學單詞進行自我鞏固。引導學生積極開動腦筋,以舊引新,開展對比學習,聯(lián)想學習。利用游戲鞏固所學。自己動手寫詞,深化記憶。Consolidationand reading1. To read the words together with their cards.2. Game: Which is missing?In groups of four to play the game.3. Game:猜拳游戲。學生邊做剪刀、錘子、布的動作別說出學過的單詞,手勢輸?shù)膶W生要完整的拼讀剛說的單詞。4. Lets do.To fill in the blanks.h_ _d, h_ _r, f_c_, _ _m, l_g,1. To read aloud.2. Game. Which is missing?To guess with confidence and interest.3. To take part in the game positively in pairs.4. Lets do the exercises.整體感知所學單詞。小組為單位,檢測學生對看圖識記單詞的能力,操練單詞。利用猜拳游戲檢測學生對單詞的拼讀能力。利用人物圖片開展寫的練習,檢測學生對所學單詞的記憶能力。Sum up1引導學生討論通過不同方法記憶新單詞。小組討論和總結。2. .評價。To think and talk about their ways actively.培養(yǎng)學生及時歸納知識的意識和能力。及時對學生的表現(xiàn)給予總體的評價。


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