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高考英語一輪復習配套課件 Unit13新人教版選修10

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高考英語一輪復習配套課件 Unit13新人教版選修10

選修 10Units 13 考點要求考點要求.寫出下列必考單詞1.冒險n. _2.小屋,棚屋n. _3.爐子n. _4.舒適的,安逸的 adj. _5.環(huán)境,詳情,境況 n. _6.嘶啞的adj. _7.鉤,釣鉤 n. _8.暈船 n. _9.結構,框架 n. _10.等級,軍階,軍銜 n. _11.宣誓,發(fā)誓 v. _venture hut stovecosycircumstancehoarsehookseasicknessframeworkrankswear 12.古怪的,基數(shù)的 adj. _13.結實的,頑強的 adj. _14.動力的,充滿活力的 adj. _15.許諾,委托事項, 承擔義務n. _16.使現(xiàn)代化v. _17擔子,負擔,使負重n.&v. _18.分派,分配vt. _19.邊界,分界線n. _20.崇拜,愛慕 v. _21.分發(fā)vt. _ 22.同矛盾,同抵觸vt. _23.摩擦,矛盾,沖突n. _oddstoutdynamiccommitment modernizeburdenallocateboundaryadoredistributecontradictfriction 24.善于騙人的,狡猾的adj. _25.打噴嚏v. _ 26.確定vt. _27終點站,n.末期的 adj. _28.公民的,國民的adj. _29.抵制,排斥n. _ 30.服從,順從 v. _31.碰撞,沖突 n. _32.準時的,守時的adj. _33.巧合n. _ 34.決心,決定 n.&v. _35.基礎的,基本的adj. _cunningsneezeconfirmterminalcivilboycottsubmitcollisionpunctualcoincidenceresolvefundamental 36.犯罪,做v. _37.交響樂,交響曲 n. _38.引用,引語,語錄 n. _39.奉承,恭維話n. _40.腐敗的adj.使腐爛vi.腐爛 vt._commitsymphonyquotationflatterycorrupt .寫出下列單詞的變化形式1. 容忍,忍受 (v.)_;可忍受的,能應付的(adj.)_無法忍受的(adj.)_2. 忍耐,持久(v.)_;忍耐力,耐性 (n.)_ ;持久的,耐久的(adj.)_3. 哀悼,憂傷 (v.)_;哀悼者,吊唁者(n.)_;傷逝,哀悼(n.) _4.緊急,急迫 (n.) _;緊急的,急迫的 (adj.)_;緊急地,急迫地 (adv.)_bear bearable unbearable endure endurance enduring mourn mourner mourning urgency urgent urgently 5. 堅持(v.)_;堅持,毅力(n.)_ _ ;堅忍不拔的,不屈不撓的(adj.)_6. 小心,謹慎,警告(n.)_;小心的,謹慎的(adj.) _ 7.欺騙,蒙騙 (v.)_;詭計,欺詐(行為)(n.)_ ;騙人的(adj.)_8. 禁止,阻止(v.)_;禁止,禁律( n.)_9. 冒犯,得罪(v.)_;冒犯,違法行為(n.)_;罪犯(n.)_;惹麻煩的(adj.)_persevere perseverance persevering caution cautious deceive deceit deceiving prohibit prohibition offend offence offender offending 10. 商議,談判(v.)_;商議,談判,磋商 (n.)_11. 明顯的,顯然的 (adj.)_;明顯地,顯然地(adv.)_;證據(jù)(n.)_12.支配,占優(yōu)勢(v.)_;首要的,占優(yōu)勢的(adj.)_ ;控制(n.) _negotiate negotiation evident; evidently evidence dominate dominant; domination 活學活用用所給單詞的適當形式填空。 1.It is_ that they are trying to break away from the union,as all the_ shows _.(evidently)2. She is a lady of great_.However,she could not_the thought of parting . (enduring)3. The pain was just_but I couldn,t _his rudeness.(unbearable)4.It is_when I thought they might _ as I didn,t go to their wedding.(offence)5.You_if you can,t see through his_ _ .(deceiving)6.He is a_and he is always trying _others.(dominate) 7.The treaty was the result of long_.(negotiate)8.Black and white are_.(oppose)9._,we met at the bus_ _.(terminal)答案:1.evident;evidence;evidently2.endurance;endure3.bearable;bear4.offending;be offended5.will be deceived;deceit6.dominator; to dominate7.negotiation8.opposites9.Terminally; terminal. .翻譯下列必背短語1 .封閉 _2.讓步,讓路 _3.發(fā)出(光等) _4.交出,移交 _5.聽完 _6.代表 _7.把打包; 整理 _8.出名 _9.違法 _10.活過,實踐 _11.抓住,利用 _block outgive way togive offhand overhear.outon behalf ofpack upmake a namebreak the lawlive outseize on 12.收復失地 _13.有助于 _14.贏得的信任 _15.阻止做 _16.碰巧 _17.照傳統(tǒng),據(jù)口傳 _18.按照法律 _19.紀念日,喜慶的日子 _20.許諾 _recover one,s landcontribute towin one,s faithprohibit sb.from doing sth.by coincidenceby traditionby lawa redletter daymake a commitment 活學活用根據(jù)括號中的解釋,用適當?shù)亩陶Z完成句子。1. I doubt if she,ll_the winter.(remain alive ) 2.He will_the chance to go abroad.(to take and use eagerly)3.The policeman saved a boy in the river and thus he_.(to become famous)4.That wall_all the light.( to prevent sb./sth.from moving).5Cloudy mornings_clear evenings.(to make way for)6.She got them to_all their money by a wicked deceit.(to surrender someone or something to another)7._my colleagues and myself I thank you.( as the representative of sb.,in the interests of sb.)8.He_his things and left.(to put one,s possessions into cases,etc.before leaving a place)答案:1.live out2.seize on3.made a name4.blocks out5.give way to6.hand over7.On behalf of8.packed up.重點句型 Try harder,Cordelia,or you may lose your share of the kingdom.(P13)好好想一想,科迪莉亞。否則的話,你將喪失你應得的那一份土地。這是“祈使句+or/and +陳述句” 句型,陳述句表示結果。Get up earlier,or you will miss the first train.早點起床,否則你會錯過第一班火車?;顚W活用模仿造句。(1)不要再吃脂肪含量高的事物,否則,你會更胖的。_ (2)動動腦筋,你就會想出解決問題的辦法。_ 答案:(1)Don,t eat anything that is high in fat,or you will become fatter. (2)Use your head,and you will have a way to solve the problem.語篇領悟1.根據(jù)課文A Successful Failure完成下列短文Perce Blackborow joined an expedition to Antarctica led by Sir Ernest Shackleton.Before long the ship got stuck in ice,and as the ice froze solid 1 the ship,it was evident 2 they were going to sink.Mr.Shackleton won the trust and confidence in his crew 3 his calm cool manner.He was not 4 (alarm) or out of control in any way,instead he set out a solid framework for survival.Twentytwo of them found temporarily settlement on Elephant Island where Shackleton explained his plan to 5 (rescue).The little boat sailed away 6 the island to get help,and all those 7 left behind were at first afraid they would never see them again.Food and water were scarce,but as life settled into a routine,they found ways 8 (persevere).They had to be careful not to get too warm 9 too cold as both would lead to illness in the harsh environment.The group endured four months of this by following Shackleton,s instructions.He advised them to celebrate birthdays,festivals,and even small things like a good catch for dinner.He left his banjo 10 provided music and sustained good spirits.答案:(1)around (2)that (3)by (4)alarmed (5)be rescued (6)from (7)who were (8)to persevere (9)or (10)which/that2.根據(jù)課文 King Lear完成下列短文King Lear wanted to pass on the responsibility of his kingdom to his three daughters before he retired and he divided it into three parts.He stated that he would give the best part of the kingdom to the daughter (1) loved him the most.The first two daughters, (2) (knowledge) what was at stake,flattered their father with kind words.The third was brutally honest and said that she loved her father neither less nor more (3) a good daughter should, (4) made King Lear very disappointed. Therefore,he decided to banish her from his kingdom (5) divided the kingdom into two parts for the first twodaughters. (6) ,when they had their fathers possessions,the two daughters began to (7) their father and so King Lear was very unhappy.His third daughter knew (8) the poor treatment of her father by her sisters and gathered (9) army to defeat them.Finally she beat her two sisters and put his father (10) on his throne.The king died and the third daughter became queen.答案:(1)who (2) knowing (3) than (4) which (5)and (6)However (7) disrespect (8)of/about (9)an (10)back3.根據(jù)課文The Start of the Civil Right,s Movement完成下列短文On Sunday,December 4,1955,Martin Luther King,Jr.,a black minister,announced a boycott of buses to begin (1) next day. It was a punishable offense (2) blacks to sit at the front of a bus,but many were ready for a change.That week a woman (3) (name) Rosa Parks refused to get up and give her seat to a white man. She was arrested, but the incident was the spark (4) ignited(點燃) the civil right,s movement. The next day black people didn,t take buses and trolleys (5)work.Instead,they went to work on foot and in taxi.The absence of black riders and shoppers was felt (6) the local economy.There were many tricks and schemes to end the boycott, (7) the bombing of black leader,s homes by whites. This did not stop the movement. (8) (encourage) by a Supreme Court decision that public education must (9) (mixture),on November 13,1956,the US Supreme Court declared separation on buses to be (10) (legal).答案: (1)the (2)for (3)named (4)that/which (5)to (6)by (7)even (8)Encouraged (9)be mixed (10)illegal.考點活用用13單元的詞組、句型翻譯下列短文很久以前,強大的越國國王越懷想征服一個小國,葉國。他下令他的軍隊對葉國發(fā)起突然襲擊,囚禁了葉國國王葉山,說他犯了法。葉山在監(jiān)獄中,一開始非常失望,想自殺??墒牵恢恢┲胱柚沽怂@樣做。那只蜘蛛失敗二十次之后終于結成了一個蛛網(wǎng)。它的成功給了葉山啟示,他的失望變成了勇氣和決心。從那以后,他假裝順從,愿意把葉國交給越懷,稱越懷“陛下”,這樣他贏得了越懷的信任并被釋放回家。葉王回到他的百姓中,號召他們把侵略者趕出國土。最后,葉王率領人民與越國作戰(zhàn)達六年之久,并最終收復了國土。他也因此留名史冊,因為人們稱贊他是一名意志堅定的國王。答案: Long,long ago,Yue Huai,King of Yue,a strong country,wanted to conquer Ye,a small country.He ordered his men to launch a surprise attack on Ye and imprisoned its King Ye Shan,saying he had broken the law.While in prison,Ye Shan was disappointed at first and had planned to commit suicide.But a spider,which succeeded in making a web after twenty failures,prohibited him from killing himself.Its success gave him some indication.His disappointment gave way to courage and determination.From then on,he pretended to be obedient and willing to hand over his country to YueHuai,calling him “Your Majesty”.Thus he won Yue Huai,s complete faith and was set free. After Ye returned to his people,he called on them to drive the invaders out of their country.Finally Ye led his people to fight against Yue for over six years and recovered his land in the end.Thus he made a name in the history,for he was praised as a determined King.自主學習自主學習1.He plotted to recover his lost land.(P1).他密謀收復失地。 plot:n.故事情節(jié),布局,陰謀 v.密謀,暗中策劃短語歸納 The plot thickens.情況變得復雜起來。 make a plot to do sth.制定秘密做某事的計劃 lose the plot不知所措,感到迷惘 plot to do sth.暗中策劃做某事,密謀做某事 plot sth.on sth.把標/畫在上即學即練 用上述短語完成下列小片段。 The general (1)_(制定秘密計劃) to givethe enemy a sudden attack.He (2)_(密謀過河) at night when the enemy were sleeping.So he (3)_the map a few places which he thought to be the best for the plan.However,just before the action,they found a largenumber of enemy not far from them.As ( 4 ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s u d d e n l y , t h e g e n e r a l (5)_.(不知所措) 答案:(1) made a plot (2) plotted to cross the river (3)plotted on (4) the plot thickened (5) lost the plot2.He made me a steward to help cook twenty-eight meals three times a day.(P3) 他讓我當一名伙計,協(xié)助做二十八個人一天三頓的飯菜。make sb.是”讓某人成為”的意思; make還有“成為;結果是;構成”的意思。如:The quiet empty room made a study and I finished my research work in it. 這間安靜的空房成了我的書房,我就是在這房里完成了我的研究工作。即學即練將下列句子譯成英語。(1)如果你刻苦訓練,你會成為一名優(yōu)秀的足球運動員。_ (2)缺乏決心和毅力的人不會成為一名出色的研究者。 _ 答案: (1) If you train hard,you,ll make a good football player. (2) Anyone who lacks determination and perseverance is unlikely to make a good researcher. 3. On January 18th ,1915 the Endurance became stuck in pack ice.as we approached Antarctica.(P3) 1915年1月18日,正當我們接近南極時,“持久號”被海上的浮冰卡住了。詞語歸納approach 在此作動詞,意為“接近”;approach還可以作名詞,有“接近;通路;方法”等意思,常與介詞to連用。如:All the approaches to the palace were guarded by troops. 通往宮殿的所有道路都有軍隊守衛(wèi)。At the meeting they discussed three different approaches to the study of mathematics. 會議期間,他們討論了研究數(shù)學的三種方法。4. As a chef,it was my duty to clean and cook these animals .(P9) 作為廚子,我的責任就是把這些動物清洗干凈并做成熟肉。詞語辨析chef和cook都有“廚師”的意思,但chef多指“廚技高超的男性廚師; 主廚”,而cook則泛指“烹調食物的人”。即學即練用cook或 chef填空。(1)He works as a_in a restaurant.(2)Who is the_in your family? 答案:(1)chef (2)cook5.For whichever of you has for me the most devotion I will give to her the best part of everything I own. (P12) 你們當中不管是誰,只要最有孝心,我就把最好的一塊給她。溫馨提示:whichever意思為“無論哪一個”,可引導名詞性從句或讓步狀語從句,在從句中充當主語、賓語、表語或定語。 如:Take whichever you like best.(whichever 引導賓語從句,在從句中充當like的賓語)Whichever (of you)comes in first will receive a prize .(whichever 引導主語從句,在從句中充當主語)You should wear whichever dress suits you best.(whichever引導賓語從句,在從句中充當定語)詞語歸納devote oneself to 獻身于 devotion to sb.sth.對的關愛/忠誠have devotion for sb.忠誠/孝敬某人 have love for sb.熱愛某人即學即練選用上述短語完成下列句子。(1)Dr.Yuan_ helping the poor people in the world.(2)People all over the country_ the great scientist who helps rid the world of hunger.(3) His _his wife and children is touching.(4) The youngest daughter said she_the most_her parents.答案: (1)devotes himself (2)have love for (3)devotion to (4)had,devotion to6.Cordelia,s devotion to Your Majesty is beyond question. (P13) 科迪莉亞對陛下的熱愛是無可置疑的。溫馨提示:beyond 可作介詞,意為:(1)(時間)超過,晚于;(2)(方位)在的另一邊,遠于;(3)(范圍、限度)超出。常用短語有:beyond question無可爭辯;毫無疑問;beyond compare 無與倫比。(1)This new model of car is so expensive that it is beyond the reach of those with average incomes.這款新車這么貴,那些普通收入的人士不敢問津。(2)Sorry, Madam.You,d better come tomorrow because it,s beyond the visiting hours.對不起,夫人,由于過了探視時間,您最好明天來。7.register to vote (P21)登記選舉。register:v.記錄,登記,注冊,掛號 n.暫存器,記錄,登記簿registerregisters registered registering即學即練完成下列句子。(1)汽車是用我的名字登記注冊的。The car_in my name. (2) 今天我班有十封掛號信。 Our class has ten_ today.答案: (1)was registered (2)registered letters8. Today we went to church where our minister,Martin Luther King,Jr.announced that a boycott of the buses and trolleybuses will begin tomorrow.(P22) 我們今天去教堂,牧師馬丁路德宣布:從明天開始抵制公交車和無軌電車。boycott vt. 聯(lián)合抵制 n.抵制 boycott of/on/against抵制call for a boycott號召抵制organize a boycott組織抵制Athletes from several countries (have) boycotted the Olympic Games.有好幾國的運動員抵制奧運會。9.I like to be punctual for work and no boycott is going to make me late.(P22) 我喜歡準時上班的,抵制公交車不會使我遲到。punctual adj.(準時)punctually adv.(準時地)punctuality n.(準時)be punctual for sth.準時做某事He is always punctual for appointments.他總是準時赴約。10.Today is a red-letter day! (P23)今天是個大喜的日子!a red-letter day 紀念日,喜慶的日子People are well dressed on a red-letter day.在喜慶的日子里,人們身著盛裝。 寫作步步高寫作步步高讀寫任務寫作訓練 閱讀下面的短文,然后按照要求寫一篇150詞左右的英語短文。 在全國“兩會”上,“農村留守兒童” 問題成為人大代表和政協(xié)委員普遍關注的熱門話題之一。請閱讀下面的短文,然后按照要求寫一篇150詞左右的英語短文。 In China,with one or two parents going out to earn money,many children are left in their hometown in the countryside.These children are called “l(fā)eftover children”.A large number of leftover children have emerged since 1978,and the statistics showed in 2004,the total is 22 million. Usually their grandparents or their parents friends or relatives look after these leftover children.Sometimes they are brought up by one of their parents at home.In most cases,their guardians are not quite educated.To them,making sure that the children are healthy and fed well is the most important task,and that the children are safe and sound is considered to have done a good job.But they seldom care about childrens study,their psychological needs,or mental demands.Neither do they spend some time teaching kids how to develop good habits. Therefore,for most of the time,the leftover children can,t get emotional support from their parents,which can result in so many problems.寫作內容1.以大約30個詞概括短文的內容。2.然后以約120個詞就“如何關心農村留守兒童(leftover children)的成長?”的主題發(fā)表看法,并包括如下要點:(1)農村留守孩子存在的原因是什么。(2)你認為他們面臨的最大困難是什么。(3)解決留守孩子問題的關鍵是什么。(4)提出解決問題的措施。寫作要求1.你可以使用實例或其他論述方法支持你的論點,也可以參照閱讀材料的內容,但不能直接引用閱讀材料的句子。2.題目自定。評分標準概括準確、語言規(guī)范、內容合適、篇章連貫。Children The passage points out a worrying phenomenon in China that the leftover children living in the countryside have lacked their parents love because their parents have gone to make a fortune in cities. As we all know,people living in the countryside have to work far away from their family to earn more money in order to create better living conditions for their children.However,the children have been separated from their parents and live with their grandparents or relatives,who are not so educated.So their study,their mental and psychological demands can,t be drawn attention too.Inthat case,it,s easy for them to get into bad habits,which can,t be corrected in time.What,s worse,the lack of parents love may make them feel lonely. In my opinion,the key to solving the problem is to have love shinning over them.Parents should keep in touch with them now and then,and be concerned about their psychological demands.祝祝您您


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