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高考英語復(fù)習(xí)方案 第5講 Unit 5 Rhythm課件 北師大版必修2

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高考英語復(fù)習(xí)方案 第5講 Unit 5 Rhythm課件 北師大版必修2

第第5 5講講Unit 5 RhythmUnit 5 Rhythm美文佳句第第5 5講講 美文佳句美文佳句誦美文誦美文 以以“ “ I Like Music”I Like Music”為題,寫一篇為題,寫一篇100100詞左右的短文。要詞左右的短文。要點如下:點如下:1 1工作疲勞時,聽音樂可以放松自己,并能得到休息。工作疲勞時,聽音樂可以放松自己,并能得到休息。2 2可以得到美的享受??梢缘玫矫赖南硎?。3 3可以讓人擺脫煩惱,帶來歡樂。可以讓人擺脫煩惱,帶來歡樂。第第5 5講講 美文佳句美文佳句I Like MusicI Like Music I think everyone likes music, so do I. And someone once I think everyone likes music, so do I. And someone once said that if there was no music, there would be no life. Music said that if there was no music, there would be no life. Music brings you beauty and happiness. After a whole days hard work, brings you beauty and happiness. After a whole days hard work, you can sit down and listen to a wonderful piece of music. I you can sit down and listen to a wonderful piece of music. I am sure it will help you get rid of your tiredness. It will am sure it will help you get rid of your tiredness. It will surely make you relax. And also, if you are somehow angry, you surely make you relax. And also, if you are somehow angry, you can listen to music; it will make you calm down and drive away can listen to music; it will make you calm down and drive away the unhappy things.the unhappy things. I like music and I hope everyone will find out the I like music and I hope everyone will find out the value/importance of music and like music forever. value/importance of music and like music forever. 第第5 5講講 美文佳句美文佳句背背 佳佳 句句 .單詞拼寫單詞拼寫1 1This film is bThis film is b on a novel by D on a novel by DH.LawrenceH.Lawrence. .2 2Soon the sleeping pill took eSoon the sleeping pill took e and he fell asleep. and he fell asleep.3 3His speech won the applause of the aHis speech won the applause of the a . .4 4He was aHe was a the Best Leading Actor in the film the Best Leading Actor in the film festival.festival.5 5She qShe q her job because she hated it. her job because she hated it.課前熱身第第5 5講講 課前熱身課前熱身asedasedffectffect udienceudiencewardedwardeduituit6 6Unhappiness is the Unhappiness is the ( (根源根源)cause of his illness.)cause of his illness.7 7Its a Its a ( (獨特的獨特的)work of art.)work of art.8 8Our society expanded into a Our society expanded into a ( (世界性的世界性的)organization.)organization.9 9The book did not The book did not ( (留下印象留下印象) me at all.) me at all.1010Please give me a Please give me a ( (大概的大概的) idea of the work.) idea of the work.第第5 5講講 課前熱身課前熱身rootrootuniqueuniqueworldwideworldwideimpressimpressgeneralgeneral第第5 5講講 課前熱身課前熱身.漢譯英漢譯英1 1go withgo with2 2exchangeforexchangefor3 3work aswork as4 4sort ofsort of5 5be used asbe used as6 6put upput up7 7from one generation to anotherfrom one generation to another相配,協(xié)調(diào)相配,協(xié)調(diào)用用交換交換充當(dāng),擔(dān)任充當(dāng),擔(dān)任有幾分有幾分被用作被用作舉起;供以食宿舉起;供以食宿一代又一代一代又一代8 8add toadd to9 9be full of/be filled withbe full of/be filled with1010pick uppick up1111注意注意1212表演,演出表演,演出1313隨著隨著一起唱一起唱1414泡茶泡茶1515起起作用作用第第5 5講講 課前熱身課前熱身增添,增加增添,增加充滿;富有充滿;富有拾起;開車接;學(xué)會拾起;開車接;學(xué)會pay attention topay attention togive a performancegive a performancesing tosing tomake teamake teaplay a part inplay a part in1616舉辦音樂會舉辦音樂會1717把把看作看作1818因因出名出名1919注視注視 2020對對反應(yīng)反應(yīng)第第5 5講講 課前熱身課前熱身give a concertgive a concert seeasseeas be famous forbe famous for fix ones eyes on/uponfix ones eyes on/uponreact toreact to. . 完成句子完成句子1 1音樂非常好音樂非常好(brilliant)(brilliant),但特技效果令人失望。,但特技效果令人失望。The music The music waswas brilliantbrilliant but but thethe specialspecial effectseffects werewere disappointingdisappointing. .2 2由于他的天賦,他變得世界聞名。由于他的天賦,他變得世界聞名。 BecauseBecause ofof hishis talenttalent,he he becamebecame famousfamous worldwide. worldwide.3 3令我擔(dān)心的是他是否會按時來。令我擔(dān)心的是他是否會按時來。What worries me is What worries me is whetherwhether hehe willwill comecome onon timetime. .4 4這些歌曲是一代代地教傳下來的。這些歌曲是一代代地教傳下來的。These songs are taught These songs are taught fromfrom oneone generationgeneration toto anotheranother/ /fromfrom generationgeneration toto generationgeneration. .5 5我需要進一步了解這些夜校課程。我需要進一步了解這些夜校課程。I need to I need to findfind outout moremore aboutabout these night courses. these night courses.第第5 5講講 課前熱身課前熱身第第5 5講講 單詞點睛單詞點睛單詞點睛第第5 5講講 單詞點睛單詞點睛【活學(xué)活用【活學(xué)活用】用用disappointdisappoint的正確形式填空的正確形式填空(1)Jane was deeply (1)Jane was deeply at not being at not being invited.invited.(2)It has been a (2)It has been a year for the year for the pany.(3)To her great (3)To her great ,she didnt get the she didnt get the job she wanted.job she wanted.第第5 5講講 單詞點睛單詞點睛disappointeddisappointeddisappointingdisappointingdisappointmentdisappointment第第5 5講講 單詞點睛單詞點睛第第5 5講講 單詞點睛單詞點睛【活學(xué)活用【活學(xué)活用】(1)He made a big mistake and(1)He made a big mistake and he he ( (留下極壞的印象留下極壞的印象) on his ) on his boss.boss.(2)The audience were most (2)The audience were most ( (被被所感動所感動) ) your performance on the stage.your performance on the stage.(3)My English teacher tried hard (3)My English teacher tried hard to to ( (銘記銘記的重要性的重要性)the importance )the importance of learning English well.of learning English well.(4)His parents (4)His parents ( (使意識到使意識到的重要性的重要性)the )the necessity of living independently on him.necessity of living independently on him.left a bad impressionleft a bad impressionimpressed byimpressed byimpress me withimpress me withimpressedimpressed第第5 5講講 單詞點睛單詞點睛第第5 5講講 單詞點睛單詞點睛【活學(xué)活用【活學(xué)活用】用用combinecombine的適當(dāng)形式填空的適當(dāng)形式填空(1)The (1)The efforts of the emergency services efforts of the emergency services prevented a major disaster.prevented a major disaster.(2)It is popular because it (2)It is popular because it skill and luck.skill and luck.(3)On this course, you may study French in (3)On this course, you may study French in with Spanish or Italian.with Spanish or Ibinedcombinedcombinescombinescombinationcombination第第5 5講講 單詞點睛單詞點睛第第5 5講講 單詞點睛單詞點睛用用representrepresent的適當(dāng)形式填空的適當(dāng)形式填空(1)She (1)She her fellowworkersher fellowworkers at the union meeting. at the union meeting.(2)The official from France made an appointment (2)The official from France made an appointment with with from China.from China.(3)The story (3)The story the life of a small family.the life of a small family.representedrepresentedrepresentativesrepresentativesrepresentsrepresents第第5 5講講 單詞點睛單詞點睛第第5 5講講 單詞點睛單詞點睛【活學(xué)活用【活學(xué)活用】(1)Why not tell me (1)Why not tell me of the text?of the text?為什么不將這篇課文的大意告訴我呢?為什么不將這篇課文的大意告訴我呢?(2) (2) commanded his soldiers to manded his soldiers to advance.將軍命令他的士兵向前挺進。將軍命令他的士兵向前挺進。(3)It is (3)It is smoking is bad for health.smoking is bad for health.人們普人們普遍認(rèn)為吸煙對身體有害。遍認(rèn)為吸煙對身體有害。the general ideathe general ideaThe generalThe generalgenerally agreed thatgenerally agreed that第第5 5講講 單詞點睛單詞點睛第第5 5講講 單詞點睛單詞點睛第第5 5講講 單詞點睛單詞點睛第第5 5講講 單詞點睛單詞點睛【活學(xué)活用【活學(xué)活用】(1)Its high time that (1)Its high time that you you ( (戒煙戒煙) )(2)There are still many children (2)There are still many children ( (退退學(xué)學(xué))because of poverty.)because of poverty.(3)They (3)They ( (彼此停止交彼此停止交談?wù)?when the teacher came in.)when the teacher came in.(4)He made a big mistake and had to (4)He made a big mistake and had to ( (離開工作崗離開工作崗位位) )quitted smoking /should quit smokingquitted smoking /should quit smokingquitting schoolquitting schoolquitted talking with each otherquitted talking with each otherquit his jobquit his job第第5 5講講 單詞點睛單詞點睛第第5 5講講 單詞點睛單詞點睛第第5 5講講 單詞點睛單詞點睛【活學(xué)活用【活學(xué)活用】英漢互譯英漢互譯(1)This year the award for the best actress went to a (1)This year the award for the best actress went to a foreigner.foreigner. (2)(2)凡提供線索有助于尋回該畫者可以獲得回報。凡提供線索有助于尋回該畫者可以獲得回報。 今年最佳女主角獎項頒給了一位外國人。今年最佳女主角獎項頒給了一位外國人。Anyone providing information which leads to the Anyone providing information which leads to the recovery of the painting will be rewarded.recovery of the painting will be rewarded. 第第5 5講講 短語存儲短語存儲1 1add toadd to增加,添加;補充說增加,添加;補充說add up sth./add sth.upadd up sth./add sth.up把把加起來加起來add up to add up to 合計為合計為addto addto 把把加到加到【注意事項【注意事項】add to add to 相當(dāng)于相當(dāng)于increaseincrease,意思是,意思是“增加了增加了”,不可分開,不可分開用;而用;而addtoaddto意思是意思是“把把加到加到”。短語存儲【活學(xué)活用【活學(xué)活用】(1)He wrote down the weight of each stone and (1)He wrote down the weight of each stone and then then ( (把所有的重量加在一起把所有的重量加在一起) )(2)I should like (2)I should like ( (補充說一下補充說一下) we are pleased with ) we are pleased with the test result.the test result.(3)The snowstorm (3)The snowstorm ( (增加了我們的增加了我們的困難困難) )第第5 5講講 短語存儲短語存儲added up all the weightsadded up all the weightsto add thatto add thatadded to our difficultiesadded to our difficulties第第5 5講講 短語存儲短語存儲2 2come outcome out出來;花開;出版;露出出來;花開;出版;露出come acrosscome across偶然遇到,發(fā)現(xiàn),碰見;被理解偶然遇到,發(fā)現(xiàn),碰見;被理解come about come about 產(chǎn)生,發(fā)生產(chǎn)生,發(fā)生come up (come up (問題等問題等) )被提出被提出come up with come up with 提出,想出提出,想出come down come down 下來;下來; 落下;落下; 倒塌倒塌【注意事項【注意事項】(1)come out(1)come out出版,出版, come upcome up提出,提出,come about come about 發(fā)生,這些發(fā)生,這些詞語極易誤用被動語態(tài)。詞語極易誤用被動語態(tài)。(2)publish (2)publish 表示表示“出版出版”,是及物動詞。,是及物動詞?!净顚W(xué)活用【活學(xué)活用】(1)I have just (1)I have just ( (偶遇偶遇)a beautiful poem in this book.)a beautiful poem in this book.(2)How did this accident (2)How did this accident ( (發(fā)生發(fā)生)?)?(3)It soon (3)It soon ( (透露透露) that Peter and Mary got married.) that Peter and Mary got married.(4)The rain stopped and the sun(4)The rain stopped and the sun . .雨停后太陽出來了。雨停后太陽出來了。(5)He spoke for a long time but his meaning didnt (5)He spoke for a long time but his meaning didnt ReallyReally . .他講了很久,但并沒有人真正理解他的意思。他講了很久,但并沒有人真正理解他的意思。(6)The question is bound to (6)The question is bound to at the meeting.at the meeting.會上一定會討會上一定會討論這個問題。論這個問題。第第5 5講講 短語存儲短語存儲come acrosscome acrosscome about/occur/happencome about/occur/happencame outcame outcame outcame outcome acrosscome acrosscome upcome up第第5 5講講 短語存儲短語存儲【活學(xué)活用【活學(xué)活用】(1) (1) ( (以前他經(jīng)常以前他經(jīng)常上網(wǎng)玩游戲上網(wǎng)玩游戲), but he has given up the addiction and put his ), but he has given up the addiction and put his heart into studies.heart into studies.(2)The Internet (2)The Internet ( (應(yīng)應(yīng)是用來獲取有用信息的是用來獲取有用信息的) )(3)Im sure (3)Im sure ( (我將習(xí)慣于我將習(xí)慣于)the hard )the hard work.work.第第5 5講講 短語存儲短語存儲He used to play games on the InternetHe used to play games on the Internetshould be used to get useful informationshould be used to get useful informationIll get / be used toIll get / be used to第第5 5講講 短語存儲短語存儲【活學(xué)活用【活學(xué)活用】英譯漢英譯漢(1)The train stopped to pick up passengers.(1)The train stopped to pick up passengers. (2)He picked up some knowledge of physics.(2)He picked up some knowledge of physics. 第第5 5講講 短語存儲短語存儲火車停下來搭乘客?;疖囃O聛泶畛丝?。他偶然學(xué)到了一些物理知識。他偶然學(xué)到了一些物理知識。第第5 5講講 短語存儲短語存儲第第5 5講講 短語存儲短語存儲【活學(xué)活用【活學(xué)活用】英漢互譯英漢互譯(1)(1)沒人注意我的勸告。沒人注意我的勸告。 (2)Give your whole attention to what you are doing.(2)Give your whole attention to what you are doing. 第第5 5講講 短語存儲短語存儲No attention is paid to my advice.No attention is paid to my advice.將全部的注意力集中到你所做的事上。將全部的注意力集中到你所做的事上。第第5 5講講 短語存儲短語存儲【活學(xué)活用【活學(xué)活用】用用wordword的相關(guān)短語的正確形式填空的相關(guān)短語的正確形式填空(1)He told lies(1)He told lies, , , , he cheated us.he cheated us.(2) (2) Tom, and you can learn more about Tom, and you can learn more about what he thinks.what he thinks.(3)Paul is good, kind, hardworking and (3)Paul is good, kind, hardworking and intelligentintelligent; ; , , I cant speak too highly of him.I cant speak too highly of him.第第5 5講講 短語存儲短語存儲in other wordsin other wordsHave a word withHave a word within a wordin a word第第5 5講講 短語存儲短語存儲【活學(xué)活用【活學(xué)活用】用括號中所給詞的正確形式填空用括號中所給詞的正確形式填空(1)He cooked dinner by (1)He cooked dinner by (refer) to a cookbook.(refer) to a cookbook.(2)What I said (2)What I said (refer) to all of you.(refer) to all of you.(3)She made no (3)She made no (refer) to her illness but only (refer) to her illness but only to her future plans.to her future plans.(4)They (4)They (refer)their(refer)their success to the correct success to the correct leadership of the Party.leadership of the Party.第第5 5講講 短語存儲短語存儲referringreferringreferencereferencereferredreferredreferredreferred第第5 5講講 短語存儲短語存儲第第5 5講講 短語存儲短語存儲【活學(xué)活用【活學(xué)活用】用用as, foras, for填空填空(1)Hangzhou is famous (1)Hangzhou is famous its West Lake.its West Lake.(2)Jin Yong is famous (2)Jin Yong is famous a writer.a writer.forforasas第第5 5講講 句型透視句型透視1 1It was Morissettes first performance in England since her song It was Morissettes first performance in England since her song “Uninvited”won“Uninvited”won this years Grammy Award for the best rock song. this years Grammy Award for the best rock song.句型公式句型公式(1)It(1)Itbebesincesince(2)It is/ has been(2)It is/ has been時間段時間段sincesince從句從句( (從句用一般過去時從句用一般過去時) )表示表示“自從自從以來有多長時間了以來有多長時間了”。 【相關(guān)句型【相關(guān)句型】(1)It was(1)It was時間段時間段sincesince從句從句( (從句用過去完成時從句用過去完成時) ),表示,表示“( (以過去為起點以過去為起點) )干干有多長時間了有多長時間了”。如:。如:It was six years since he had begun to learn English.It was six years since he had begun to learn English.那時他學(xué)英語六年了。那時他學(xué)英語六年了。句型透視第第5 5講講 句型透視句型透視(2)It is / wasthat(2)It is / wasthat,強調(diào)句式,表示,強調(diào)句式,表示“確實是確實是”。如:。如:It was on a Monday night that all this happened.It was on a Monday night that all this happened.所有的一切都發(fā)生在一個周一的晚上。所有的一切都發(fā)生在一個周一的晚上。(3)It is / was(3)It is / was時間點時間點whenwhen時間狀語從句,表示時間狀語從句,表示“的發(fā)生是在什么時的發(fā)生是在什么時候候”。如:。如: It was October 1st,1949 when the PRC was founded.It was October 1st,1949 when the PRC was founded.中華人民共和國成立于中華人民共和國成立于19491949年年1010月月1 1日。日。(4)It was (not) /be(4)It was (not) /be時間段時間段before before 從句從句( (一般過去時一般過去時) ),表示,表示“過了過了( (一段一段時間時間) )才才;( (沒沒) )過多久就過多久就”。如:。如:It was not long before he realized that.It was not long before he realized that.不久后他就意識到了這點。不久后他就意識到了這點。(5)It is (not) / will (not) be(5)It is (not) / will (not) be時間段時間段beforebefore從句從句( (一般現(xiàn)在時一般現(xiàn)在時) ),表示,表示“還需還需( (一段時間以后一段時間以后) )才才;不到多長時間就;不到多長時間就”。如:。如:It wont be long before the room is cleaned.It wont be long before the room is cleaned.不久這個房間就會被打掃干凈。不久這個房間就會被打掃干凈。第第5 5講講 句型透視句型透視(6)It / This is the first / second /third/time that(6)It / This is the first / second /third/time that表示表示“這是第幾這是第幾次做次做了了”。如:。如:It is the first time that I have been on a plane.It is the first time that I have been on a plane.這是我第一次乘坐飛機。這是我第一次乘坐飛機。It was the third time that the boy had been late.It was the third time that the boy had been late.那是那個男孩第三次遲到。那是那個男孩第三次遲到。(7)It is time /high time that(7)It is time /high time that表示表示“是是( (正是正是)的時候,后接虛擬結(jié)構(gòu)的時候,后接虛擬結(jié)構(gòu)動詞動詞 did/should do”did/should do”。如:。如:It is time that children should go to bed.It is time that children should go to bed.It is time that children It is time that children went to bed.went to bed.現(xiàn)在是孩子們休息的時間了。現(xiàn)在是孩子們休息的時間了?!咀⒁馐马棥咀⒁馐马棥看祟惥湫鸵貏e注意句中時間是表示時間段還是時間點。此類句型要特別注意句中時間是表示時間段還是時間點。第第5 5講講 句型透視句型透視【活學(xué)活用【活學(xué)活用】用用sincesince,when, thatwhen, that,beforebefore填空填空(1)It was six oclock in the morning (1)It was six oclock in the morning he got to a faraway village.he got to a faraway village.(2)It has been 2 years (2)It has been 2 years I came to study in this school.I came to study in this school.(3)It was in the evening (3)It was in the evening the man woke up.the man woke up.(4)It was evening (4)It was evening the man woke up.the man woke up.(5)Its the second time (5)Its the second time I have been here.I have been here.(6)It wont be long (6)It wont be long the architecture is completed.the architecture is completed.(7)Im getting tired.Its(7)Im getting tired.Its time time we went to bed.we went to bed.whenwhensincesincethatthatwhenwhenthatthatbeforebeforethatthat第第5 5講講 句型透視句型透視【活學(xué)活用【活學(xué)活用】【考題示例【考題示例】20092009山東卷山東卷The number of foreign students attending Chinese The number of foreign students attending Chinese universities _ rising steadily since 1990.universities _ rising steadily since 1990.A Aisis B BareareC Chas been Dhas been Dhave beenhave been【答案【答案】 C C第第5 5講講 句型透視句型透視2 2Would it be all right if I missed the English test next Would it be all right if I missed the English test next week?week?句型公式句型公式(1)Would it be(1)Would it be?(2)Would it be all right if sb.did sth(2)Would it be all right if sb.did sth. .?【注意事項【注意事項】本句型中本句型中if if 從句后常用過去時從句后常用過去時( (虛擬結(jié)構(gòu)虛擬結(jié)構(gòu)) )。以。以wouldwould開頭使問句更加委開頭使問句更加委婉、客氣。婉、客氣。第第5 5講講 句型透視句型透視【活學(xué)活用【活學(xué)活用】用括號中所給詞的正確形式填空用括號中所給詞的正確形式填空(1)Would it be all right if I (1)Would it be all right if I (hand) in my project (hand) in my project next week?next week?(2)Would it be all right (2)Would it be all right (call)him(call)him right away? right away?【考題示例【考題示例】Would it be all right if I used your radio?Would it be all right if I used your radio?_ !_ !A ASureSure,go ahead go ahead B BSureSure,but I am using itbut I am using itC CYou are welcome You are welcome D DRightRight handedhandedto callto call【答案【答案】 A A第第5 5講講 句型透視句型透視3 3Whether Kong is changing his appearance or transforming his music, Whether Kong is changing his appearance or transforming his music, he is a pioneer in music today.he is a pioneer in music today.句型公式句型公式whetherwhether引導(dǎo)讓步狀語從句引導(dǎo)讓步狀語從句【相關(guān)句型【相關(guān)句型】(1)no matter whether(1)no matter whether意為意為“不論是否不論是否,不管是,不管是還是還是”。如:。如:No matter whether it is light or dark at that hour, weve decided to No matter whether it is light or dark at that hour, weve decided to leave at five oclock in the morning.leave at five oclock in the morning.不管到時候是否天亮,我們都已決定早晨不管到時候是否天亮,我們都已決定早晨5 5點離開。點離開。(2)whetheror not(2)whetheror not引導(dǎo)名詞性從句。如:引導(dǎo)名詞性從句。如:Whether he will come or not depends on the weather.Whether he will come or not depends on the weather.他是否會來要根據(jù)天他是否會來要根據(jù)天氣情況而定。氣情況而定。 第第5 5講講 句型透視句型透視【活學(xué)活用【活學(xué)活用】(1) (1) these figures are accurate, we have to these figures are accurate, we have to recheck them.recheck them.不管這些數(shù)字是否準(zhǔn)確,我們都得再檢查一次。不管這些數(shù)字是否準(zhǔn)確,我們都得再檢查一次。(2)George offered me a job as a translator, but Im not (2)George offered me a job as a translator, but Im not SureSure . .喬治給我提供了一份喬治給我提供了一份做翻譯的工作,但是我還不確定是否接受。做翻譯的工作,但是我還不確定是否接受。 No matter whetherNo matter whetherwhether I will accept it or notwhether I will accept it or not第第5 5講講 跟蹤訓(xùn)練跟蹤訓(xùn)練1. She 1. She Japanese when she was in Japan.NowJapanese when she was in Japan.Now she can speak it freely.she can speak it freely.A Apicked out Bpicked out Bmade outmade outC Cmade up Dmade up Dpicked uppicked up跟蹤訓(xùn)練【解析】【解析】 D D考查動詞短語辨析。考查動詞短語辨析。pick outpick out選擇,分辨出;選擇,分辨出;make outmake out辨認(rèn)出,理解;辨認(rèn)出,理解;make upmake up組成;組成;pick up(pick up(無意中無意中) )學(xué)會。學(xué)會。第第5 5講講 跟蹤訓(xùn)練跟蹤訓(xùn)練2 2 leaves the room last ought to turn off leaves the room last ought to turn off the light.the light.A AAnyone BAnyone BThe personThe personC CWhoever DWhoever DWhoWho【答案【答案】 C C第第5 5講講 跟蹤訓(xùn)練跟蹤訓(xùn)練3 3Your performance in the driving test didnt reach Your performance in the driving test didnt reach therequiredtherequired standard standard,you failed.you failed.A Ain the end Bin the end Bafter allafter allC Cin other words Din other words Dat the same timeat the same time【解析】【解析】 C C本題考查介詞短語的用法區(qū)別。首先弄清四個本題考查介詞短語的用法區(qū)別。首先弄清四個介詞短語的意思:介詞短語的意思:in the end“in the end“最后,最終最后,最終”;after after all“all“畢竟畢竟”; in other words“in other words“換句話說換句話說”;at the at the same time“same time“同時同時”。然后根據(jù)本句的意思判斷此處前后說。然后根據(jù)本句的意思判斷此處前后說的是一個意思,表現(xiàn)沒有達到要求的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)也就意味著失敗,的是一個意思,表現(xiàn)沒有達到要求的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)也就意味著失敗,故應(yīng)用故應(yīng)用in other wordsin other words。第第5 5講講 跟蹤訓(xùn)練跟蹤訓(xùn)練4 4 in the mountains for a week, we were in the mountains for a week, we were finally saved by the local police.finally saved by the local police.A AHaving lost BHaving lost BLosingLosingC CBeing lost DBeing lost DLostLost【解析】【解析】 D D考查詞組考查詞組be lost inbe lost in作狀語時分詞的用法。作狀語時分詞的用法。第第5 5講講 跟蹤訓(xùn)練跟蹤訓(xùn)練5 520102010浙江卷浙江卷 After that After that,he knew he couldhe knew he could any emergency by doing what he could to the best of any emergency by doing what he could to the best of his ability.his ability.A Aget away with Bget away with Bget on withget on withC Cget through Dget through Dget acrossget across【解析】【解析】 C C本題考查動詞詞組辨析。根據(jù)句意:之后,他本題考查動詞詞組辨析。根據(jù)句意:之后,他知道他能度過知道他能度過(get through)(get through)任何危機,只要他盡自己最大任何危機,只要他盡自己最大的能力。的能力。A A項意為項意為“攜帶攜帶而逃而逃”;B B項意為項意為“與與友好友好相處,繼續(xù)干相處,繼續(xù)干”;D D項意為項意為“使使被理解被理解”,均不符合語,均不符合語境,故排除。境,故排除。第第5 5講講 跟蹤訓(xùn)練跟蹤訓(xùn)練6 6The city isThe city is to the world to the world its its long history and ancient culture.long history and ancient culture.A Afamousfamous;for Bfor Bfamousfamous;asasC Cwellknownwellknown;for Dfor Dwellknownwellknown;asas【解析】【解析】 C C“以以聞名聞名”用介詞用介詞forfor,famousfamous一般一般不與不與to sb./sthto sb./sth. .連用。連用。第第5 5講講 跟蹤訓(xùn)練跟蹤訓(xùn)練7 7It has beenIt has been that I try these pills for that I try these pills for seasickness.seasickness.A Awarned Bwarned BsaidsaidC Crecommended Drecommended Darguedargued【解析】【解析】 C C考查動詞詞義辨析。句意為:別人推薦我考查動詞詞義辨析。句意為:別人推薦我試試這些治暈船的藥片。試試這些治暈船的藥片。It has been recommended It has been recommended that that 表示表示“( (別人別人) )推薦


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