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(通用版)2019高考英語二輪復(fù)習(xí) 第一部分 晨背系列二 閱讀中的常見詞匯講義.doc

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(通用版)2019高考英語二輪復(fù)習(xí) 第一部分 晨背系列二 閱讀中的常見詞匯講義.doc

晨背系列二閱讀中的常見詞匯(一)依據(jù)前后綴歸類記單詞前綴置于詞根之前并改變原詞義的構(gòu)詞成分1否定前綴ununeasy心神不安的 unfortunately不幸地unhealthy不健康的 unnecessary不必要的unwise不明智的I felt uneasy at the presence of so many strangers.面對這么多陌生人,我感覺很不自在。Unfortunately, the disastrous effects of the drought were felt all over the country.不幸的是,干旱的災(zāi)難性影響遍及全國各地。Although sparrows showed no sign of declining, the chain was generally in an unhealthy state.雖然麻雀數(shù)量沒有減少的跡象,但食物鏈還是總體處于不健康的狀態(tài)。nonnonprofit非營利性的 nonliving無生命的nonserious不要緊的 nonverbal非言辭的An ecosystem consists of the living and nonliving things in an area that interact with one another.生態(tài)系統(tǒng)包括同一地區(qū)內(nèi)相互影響的生物和非生物。In fact, one of the best definitions of a sense of humour is “the ability to see the nonserious element in a situation”事實上,關(guān)于幽默感的最好的定義之一就是“能看到情況還沒那么糟糕的能力”。 im (in, ir)impatience不耐煩 impossible不可能的improperly不適當(dāng)?shù)?impractical不現(xiàn)實的independence獨立 irregularly不規(guī)則地A serious study of physics is impossible without some knowledge of mathematics.不了解數(shù)學(xué)就不可能深入研究物理。Free repair is available for a product used improperly in the first year.產(chǎn)品因使用不當(dāng)而造成的損壞,第一年可享受免費維修。disdistrust不信任 disability殘疾discourage使氣餒 disappointed失望的disagree不同意 disuse廢棄The researchers said that unhealthy lifestyle was related to a greater risk of disability.研究人員說不健康的生活方式與致殘風(fēng)險增加有關(guān)。Do not let any failures discourage you.別讓任何失敗使你一蹶不振。They made some experiments in a house disused for years.他們在一間廢棄多年的屋子里做了一些實驗。2錯誤前綴mismisunderstand誤解 mistake錯誤miscalculate誤算;對判斷錯誤misconception誤解,錯覺If I am not miscalculating, there are 3 times.如果我沒算錯的話,總共有3次。There are some mon misconceptions about the American family values.關(guān)于美國的家庭價值觀,存在一些常見的錯誤觀念。Misunderstanding often leads to big mistakes.誤解常會導(dǎo)致大錯誤。3方位前綴super(也可表示程度)superhero超級英雄 superiority優(yōu)越;優(yōu)等superman超人 supermarket超市superstar巨星;超級明星 superstore大型超市They should focus on the superiority of products.他們應(yīng)該關(guān)注產(chǎn)品的優(yōu)勢。Supermarkets make our life more convenient.超市讓我們的生活更便利。Superstars cannot move about without worrying about photographers with modern cameras.超級巨星們不能隨意行動,因為他們不能不擔(dān)心那些裝備了高級相機的攝影師們。subsuburb郊區(qū)subway地鐵substitute代替Four new subway lines have been built in our city.我們這個城市已經(jīng)修建了四條新的地鐵線路。The baby monkeys picked the soft mothersubstitutes as their favourites.猴寶寶們挑了手感柔軟的母親替代物作為它們的最愛。overoverestimate高估 overreact反應(yīng)過度overuse過度使用 overcrowded過度擁擠的He could not help overreacting to different opinions against his.對那些反對他想法的不同觀點,他忍不住反應(yīng)過度了。Healthy way of life also means avoiding overuse of medicine.健康的生活方式也意味著避免用藥過量。It is expected to carry 20,000 trucks and cars a day, which greatly reduces the overcrowded traffic in the centre of the city.人們期望它一天能夠承載20 000輛卡車和汽車,這樣就可以大大緩解市中心的交通過度擁擠問題。transtransfer轉(zhuǎn)移;轉(zhuǎn)乘 transport運輸translate翻譯 transform轉(zhuǎn)換;改變transplant移植Oneway ticket allows you to reach your destination, including transfers within 2 hours.憑單程票可達目的地,兩小時之內(nèi)換乘有效。Transport routes, timetables and fare information are available from the tourist centre.可從游客中心那里獲取交通路線、時刻表以及車票費用的信息。后綴置于詞根尾部,主要用于改變單詞的詞性,偶爾用于改變詞義1名詞后綴動作執(zhí)行者er (or, ar)farmer農(nóng)場主;農(nóng)民 owner物主administrator管理者author作者mayor市長The administrator said we were entitled to a paid leave for ten days annually during the first five years.領(lǐng)導(dǎo)告訴我們在工作的前5年每年可享受10天的帶薪假期。The author said something unfair about doctors in his book.作者在他的書中針對醫(yī)生說了些有失公允的話。antapplicant申請人assistant助理In order to get a good job, many applicants poured into the job market.為了得到好的工作崗位,許多求職者涌入了招聘市場。I intend to take a parttime job working as an assistant teacher.我打算兼職當(dāng)助教。istdentist牙醫(yī) scientist科學(xué)家specialist專家 tourist旅行者Its ten years since the scientist set out on his lifes work of discovering the valuable chemical element.從這名科學(xué)家開始致力于發(fā)現(xiàn)這個重要的化學(xué)元素到現(xiàn)在,已經(jīng)過去10年了。Their needs and problems are more important than those of the tourist panies.與那些旅游公司相比,他們的需求和問題更為重要。跟動作狀態(tài)有關(guān)的名詞性后綴ionaction行動 attraction吸引,吸引力reaction反應(yīng) satisfaction滿意Actions speak louder than words.事實勝于雄辯。(行動勝于言辭。)Due to the strong attraction of electronic products, we are less dependent on ourselves.由于電子產(chǎn)品的強大吸引力,我們更不獨立自主了。The study tested 20 healthy volunteers on their reactions to fear.該項研究測試了20名健康的志愿者對于恐懼的反應(yīng)。mentamazement驚奇 appointment約會;任命development發(fā)展 improvement改進,改善judgment判斷 treatment治療,對待government政府 unemployment失業(yè)She noted with amazement how closely her own life mirrored her mothers.她驚訝地注意到她的生活簡直就是她母親生活的翻版。He was satisfied with the improvement of our services.他對我們服務(wù)質(zhì)量的改進感到滿意。A judgment must be made free from prejudice.做出的判斷應(yīng)不受偏見的影響。Each citizen will have the right to enjoy the free medical treatment from the government.每個公民都將有權(quán)享受政府提供的免費醫(yī)療待遇。inghearing聽力 living生活方式,生計saying說話;諺語 training訓(xùn)練writing書法 “You cant judge a book by its cover,” as the old saying goes.正如老話所說:“不能憑封面來判斷一本書的好壞。”Good public speaking training can help you express yourself more effectively.良好的公開演講訓(xùn)練有助于更有效地提高你的表達能力。enceconfidence信心,信任 convenience方便difference不同,差異evidence證據(jù) silence沉默,無言In terms of convenience, the museum has more advantages over the gallery.就便捷性而言,與美術(shù)館相比,博物館有更多優(yōu)勢。There is usually a difference between ones dream and reality.一個人的夢想與現(xiàn)實之間通常會有差距。I parked my car by the lakeside and enjoyed reading my book in sweet silence.我把車停在湖邊,在美好的靜默中享受閱讀。urecreature生物,動物failure失敗 pressure壓力pleasure愉快,樂趣 structure結(jié)構(gòu),體系By keeping a pet, children will get an opportunity to take on full responsibility for another creatures life.通過飼養(yǎng)寵物,孩子們將有機會承擔(dān)照顧其他生命的責(zé)任。He took great pleasure in biking.他從騎車中獲得了很多樂趣。Its useful to know something about human body structure.對人體構(gòu)造有所了解還是有用的。nessawareness意識,察覺 business生意,業(yè)務(wù)carelessness粗心大意 uneasiness不安With selfawareness and selfcontrol, it is possible to change our bad habits.憑借自我意識和自控能力,改變自身的不良習(xí)慣是可能的。I often make mistakes with carelessness.我經(jīng)常會因粗心大意而犯錯。I tried to put aside my uneasiness and go back to work.我盡量克服自己不安的感覺,重新開始工作。ityactivity活動 curiosity好奇心reality現(xiàn)實 equality平等quality質(zhì)量,品質(zhì) popularity普及,流行,受歡迎Human activity is not responsible for all water shortages.人類活動不應(yīng)為所有水資源的短缺承擔(dān)責(zé)任。In reality, equality is not given but gained.在現(xiàn)實中,平等不是被動給予的,而是主動爭取來的。Janes popularity is rooted in her intelligent writing.簡之所以受歡迎,根源在于她作品中的智慧。erydelivery傳送,分娩 discovery發(fā)現(xiàn)robbery搶劫 scenery風(fēng)景,景色The discovery of the gold coins in his suitcase is the reason for their attempted robbery.在他行李箱里發(fā)現(xiàn)的金幣是他們企圖搶劫的原因。We went to enjoy the fresh air and the beautiful scenery at the seaside.我們來到海邊享受新鮮空氣和美麗景色。其他常用的名詞后綴shiphardship艱難 friendship友誼 relationship關(guān)系,聯(lián)系Not until he went through real hardships did he realize the importance of friendship.直到他經(jīng)歷了千辛萬苦之后,才明白了友誼的重要性。No one is willing to keep a good relationship with illtempered people.沒人愿意和脾氣差的人保持良好關(guān)系。 ologyapology道歉;歉意 biology生物學(xué)psychology心理學(xué) technology科技,工藝學(xué)She could not make her decision to choose biology as her major.選擇生物學(xué)作為專業(yè),她下不了這個決心。There are some problems psychology doesnt have the answer to.有些問題心理學(xué)也沒法回答。ismcriticism批評 pessimism悲觀,悲觀主義mechanism機件,機制 optimism樂觀,樂觀主義racism種族主義 tourism旅游業(yè),觀光業(yè)Recent criticism of the movie arose partly from its pessimism.最近對于這部電影的批評部分源自于電影里的悲觀主義。The researchers have found an important mechanism by which the brain works.研究人員已經(jīng)發(fā)現(xiàn)了一種大腦運作的重要機制。The sudden growth of tourism has brought many benefits to the local economy.旅游業(yè)的突飛猛進已經(jīng)給地方經(jīng)濟帶來了許多好處。2動詞后綴ifyidentify鑒定;識別 simplify簡化justify替辯護;證明正當(dāng)He helped me identify my strengths and weaknesses.他幫助我認識到了自己的長處和短處。While intelligent people can often simplify the plex, a fool is more likely to plicate the simple.聰明的人可能常把復(fù)雜的問題簡單化,而愚蠢的人則更可能把簡單的問題復(fù)雜化。izeapologize道歉 criticize批評organize組織,安排 realize意識到,實現(xiàn)recognize認出,承認Many times the person who hurts you does not intend to apologize.很多時候,傷害你的人并不打算向你道歉。He decided to organize a special concert.他決定組織一場特殊的音樂會。One day, you will realize that not everything can be bought with money.有朝一日,你會意識到并不是一切都可以用金錢來購買的。3形容詞后綴用以表示性質(zhì)與特征的形容詞后綴fuldoubtful可疑的,不確定的 fearful可怕的grateful感激的,令人愉快的 harmful有害的meaningful有意義的,意味深長的They want to find out how the brain responds to a fearful event.他們想搞清楚大腦對可怕的事件會如何作出反應(yīng)。He was grateful for his good health and good mood.他很感激自己身體健康、心情舒暢。I think watching TV every evening is a waste of time there are more meaningful things to do.我認為每天晚上看電視就是浪費時間有許多更有意義的事情可做。ive以ive結(jié)尾的形容詞,表示具有某種傾向或特性。active活躍的;積極的 aggressive好斗的,有進取心的attractive有吸引力的 municative健談的creative有創(chuàng)造性的 effective有效的,生效的expensive昂貴的 positive積極的,肯定的Listening is an active exercise of our attention and hard work.聽力是一種鍛煉我們的注意力和努力程度的積極練習(xí)。What makes the book so extraordinary is the creative imagination of the writer.這本書出色之處在于作者富有創(chuàng)意的想象力。It would be more effective to give direct help to the homeless.給無家可歸者提供直接幫助會更有效。ous出現(xiàn)在說明人或事物具有某種特質(zhì)的形容詞里。anxious渴望的;憂慮的 curious好奇的dangerous危險的 famous著名的generous慷慨的 nervous神經(jīng)的,焦慮的previous以前的,先前的 serious嚴重的,嚴肅的Children are curious about the world by nature.孩子們天生對世界感到好奇。He was glad that he was finally admitted into that famous university.他感到高興的是自己終于被那所著名大學(xué)錄取了。A generous person is willing to offer help to those in need, without asking for any reward.慷慨大方的人不要任何回報,心甘情愿給那些需要幫助的人提供援助。able與名詞結(jié)合構(gòu)成的形容詞,用來描述人或物,具有很多原名詞表示的性質(zhì)與特征。unfortable不舒服的 fashionable流行的,時髦的honorable光榮的,可敬的 unreasonable不合理的valuable貴重的,寶貴的She is dressed in a fashionable business suit that fits her very much.她穿著一套時尚又非常合身的職業(yè)套裝。Mark Twains works had been banned on unreasonable grounds.馬克吐溫的作品因荒謬的理由被查禁了。The valuable possessions I have is the gold ring and the pearl necklace my mother left me.我擁有的值錢之物就是我媽媽留給我的金戒指和珍珠項鏈。able與動詞結(jié)合構(gòu)成的形容詞,用來表示事物具有原動詞動作和行為特征的屬性。admirable令人欽佩的 avoidable可避免的imaginable可想象的 suitable適宜的,合適的acceptable可接受的,受歡迎的available可利用的;有空的renewable可更新的,可再生的In fact, many traffic accidents caused by careless driving are avoidable.實際上,由于粗心駕駛導(dǎo)致的很多交通事故是可以避免的。Tickets are available free of charge from the school.學(xué)校有免費票。Scientists are searching renewable energy to replace coal and oil.科學(xué)家正在尋找可再生能源來代替煤和石油。表示“沒有”或“缺乏”的概念的形容詞后綴less與名詞結(jié)合構(gòu)成形容詞,用來描述缺乏或不具備原詞表示的內(nèi)容。該后綴不但可以改變詞性,還可以改變詞義。endless沒完沒了的 jobless失業(yè)的homeless無家可歸的 mindless不留神的,愚蠢的selfless無私的 tireless不知疲倦的wireless無線的Overcrowded beaches and the concrete jungles of endless hotels have begun to lose their appeal to the tourists.過度擁擠的海灘、密集的旅館,已經(jīng)開始喪失了對游客的吸引力。My mindless words must have hurt him deeply.我那些沒經(jīng)過大腦思考的話一定已經(jīng)深深地傷害了他。They once gave us so much selfless love.他們曾經(jīng)給予了我們許多無私的關(guān)愛。表示“與有關(guān)的”形容詞后綴al (ial, ical)artificial人工的,虛假的 facial面部的financial金融的,財政的 historical與歷史有關(guān)的industrial工業(yè)的 magical魔術(shù)的,神奇的medical醫(yī)療的,醫(yī)學(xué)的 mental精神的,心理的national國家的 original原始的,原版的personal個人的,私人的 potential潛在的physical物質(zhì)的,身體的 special特殊的social社會的It is believed that one day artificial intelligence can beat us in playing chess.大家相信有一天人工智能會在下國際象棋方面戰(zhàn)勝人類。For kids, gifts always have a magical power to make them happy.對于孩子而言,禮物總有能讓他們快樂的魔力。Mental health can never be replaced by wealth.心理健康永遠也無法用財富來代替。Many countries are now setting up national parks where animals and plants can be well protected.許多國家正在建立國家公園,在那里動植物可以受到很好的保護。icallergic過敏的 basic基本的dramatic戲劇性的,引人注目的 optimistic樂觀的pessimistic悲觀的 specific明確的,特殊的I parked my car and allowed myself to experience the dramatic beauty of the valley.我停下車,讓自己好好感受一下這風(fēng)光秀麗的山谷美景。After so many frustrations, he changed from an optimistic person to a pessimistic one.經(jīng)歷了諸多挫折后,他從一個樂觀的人變成了一個悲觀的人。That led to the concept of specialization, which means that people would specialize, or focus, on doing one specific job.那就導(dǎo)致了專業(yè)化這個概念的產(chǎn)生,這意味著人們會專門研究或者關(guān)注某個特定的工作。4副詞后綴lyactually實際上 awfully非常地,極端地constantly不斷地,經(jīng)常地 currently現(xiàn)在,通常directly直接地,立即 evidently明顯地,顯著地particularly特別地 rarely很少,難得extremely非常,極其 regularly有規(guī)律地,定期地tightly緊緊地,堅固地I constantly say “dont worry about me, Im fine”, but she never believes me.我一直說“別為我擔(dān)心,我一切都好”,但是她從未相信過我。Evidently, my excitement really came through in my words.顯然,我的興奮之情真的溢于言表。The text evidently ignored the fact that humans, particularly teenagers, rarely seemed reasonable.這篇文章明顯忽略了這個事實:人類,尤其是青少年,好像很少有理智的。The baby monkey can move around and hold tightly to its mother.小猴子會在四周活動,也會緊緊摟住它的母親。ward (s)與表示方向的名詞或副詞結(jié)合構(gòu)成新詞,表示人或物移動或面對的方向。afterward后來 backward向后,落后forward向前;將來Afterward, she invited me to the oneandonly steak house in the area to celebrate her victory.后來,她邀請我去當(dāng)?shù)氐奈ㄒ灰患遗E盼輵c祝她的勝利。Looking backward, we can discover what is unique in us.回首往事,我們才會發(fā)現(xiàn)自己的獨特之處。She pushed herself forward through the water.她在水里奮力往前游。通過以上內(nèi)容,我們能認識到掌握一定數(shù)量的前綴、后綴的主要意義和用法,就能認識和掌握更多的詞匯,即使這些詞匯之前從未接觸過。觀察原詞的用法,通過將前綴或后綴的意義與原詞的意義疊加,就能推測出新詞的含義。如此舉一反三,詞匯量可以得到成倍的增長。(二)依據(jù)詞根聯(lián)想記單詞下面列舉了一些高考英語中常見的詞根,一旦掌握,就能成倍增加詞匯量,并能快速辨析詞義。1ann年anniversary n. 周年紀念annual adj. 每年的2art技巧article n. 物品;文章artificial adj. 人工的;虛假的3audi聽audible adj. 聽得見的audience n. 聽眾4ball舞,球balloon n. 氣球vi. 如氣球般膨脹ballroom n. 舞廳5bas, base低下,基礎(chǔ)base adj. 低下的n. 基礎(chǔ)v. 以為基礎(chǔ)baseball n. 棒球basement n. 地下室basic adj. 基礎(chǔ)的6center, centr中心concentrate v. 集中n. 濃縮central adj. 中心的7cide殺pesticide n. 殺蟲劑suicide n. 自殺8circ, cycl圓,環(huán),輪子bicycle n. 自行車circus n. 馬戲團;圓形廣場cycle n. 周期recycle v. 再循環(huán);回收9clar清楚,明白clarify v. 講清楚;澄清declare v. 表明;聲明10clos, clud關(guān)閉close n. 關(guān)閉closet n. 壁櫥;密室conclude v. 得出結(jié)論;終結(jié)disclose v. 揭發(fā);泄露enclose v. 包圍;圍繞include v. 包含11cord心accord v. 一致;符合record n&v. 記錄12cre, creas增長,產(chǎn)生concrete adj. 具體的n. 混凝土creative adj. 有創(chuàng)造性的creature n. 生物;創(chuàng)造物decrease v. 減少increase v. 增加recreate v. 休養(yǎng);再造recreation n. 娛樂;消遣13duc, duct引導(dǎo)conduct n. 行為v. 指揮educate v. 教育;養(yǎng)育produce n. 農(nóng)產(chǎn)品v. 生產(chǎn)product n. 產(chǎn)物;產(chǎn)品reduce v. 降低;減少14fer帶,拿ferry n. 渡口;渡船offer n&v. 提供;提出prefer v. 更喜歡refer v. 提到;指點suffer v. 受苦;經(jīng)受transfer v. 轉(zhuǎn)移;轉(zhuǎn)乘15fin結(jié)束,范圍finish v. 完成;結(jié)束final adj. 最終的n. 決賽16flu流fluid n. 流體;液體fluent adj. 流利的influenza n. 流行性感冒(flu)influence n&v. 影響17form形式,外形formal adj. 正式的;正規(guī)的inform v. 通知;告知reform n&v. 改革;改造transform v. 轉(zhuǎn)換;改變18grad步,走,級gradual adj. 逐步的graduate n. 畢業(yè)生v. 畢業(yè)upgrade v. 上升;升級19lev舉,升elevator n. 電梯lever n. 杠桿20lingu語言bilingual adj. 兩種語言的linguist n. 語言學(xué)家21loc地方local n. (本)當(dāng)?shù)厝薬dj. (本)當(dāng)?shù)氐模痪植康膌ocation n. 位置,方位22manu手manual adj. 手的;用手的manuscript n. 手稿23memor記憶,記住的memorial n. 紀念日;紀念物memory n. 記憶24mob, mot, mov移動mobile adj. 活動的;移動的motion n. 運動movable adj. 可移動的25pon, pos放置position n. 位置postpone v. 推遲26popul人民population n. 人口popular adj. 流行的;大眾的27prim第一,首要primary adj. 最初的primitive adj. 原始的28sci知道science n. 科學(xué)conscious adj. 有知覺的29sens, sent感覺sense n. 感覺sensitive adj. 敏感的sentiment n. 感情;情感30spec看prospect n. 展望spectacle n. 場面;景象31tail切,割retail n. 零售tailor n. 裁縫32tain, ten, tin保持,握,容納contain v. 容納obtain v. 取得33tend, tens, tent伸extend v. 伸開;擴展extensive adj. 廣闊的extent n. 程度;長度34tract拖,拉,吸引attract v. 吸引attractive adj. 有吸引力的contract v. 收縮n. 合同distract v. 分散注意力35uni單獨,單一union n. 聯(lián)合;工會unite n. 統(tǒng)一;聯(lián)合36vac, van空,空虛vacation n. 假期vacancy n. 空位,空缺vanity n. 虛榮心37vid, vis看見evident adj. 明顯的visible adj. 可見的38vit, viv生活,生存survive v. 幸存vital adj. 生死攸關(guān)的;至關(guān)重要的vitamin n. 維生素39volv滾動involve v. 卷入revolve v. 旋轉(zhuǎn)40wis, wit知道wisdom n. 智慧witness v. 目擊;見證(三)逆序歸類“一語”記單詞詞組1traffic n 交通(量),來往車輛specific adj. 詳細而精確的;特殊的scientific adj. 科學(xué)(上)的;科學(xué)性的Upon specific request, they used scientific methods to collect traffic data at the specific hour.依照明確的要求,他們使用了科學(xué)的方法來收集特定時間的交通數(shù)據(jù)。詞組2panic n&v.惶恐;驚恐;恐慌;使恐慌;使驚慌失措picnic n野餐,郊游v. (去)野餐clinic n. 診所;臨床講課The sudden earthquake ruined the doctors picnic plan and he had to hide in the panic room in his clinic.突如其來的地震毀了這名醫(yī)生的野餐計劃,他不得不待在診所的緊急避難室里。詞組3energetic adj.精力充沛的;充滿活力的sympathetic adj. 同情的;有同情心的;合適的enthusiastic adj. 狂熱的;熱烈的;熱心的The teachers are very enthusiastic about the proposal put forward by the energetic students who are sympathetic with environmentalism.老師們對于那些由精力充沛的學(xué)生提出的支持環(huán)境保護主義的建議非常熱心。詞組4plastic n(pl.)塑料(制品)adj. 塑料(制)的,可塑的fantastic adj. 幻想的;異想天開的;極好的Fifty years ago, it was still a fantastic idea for people to pay with a microchipped plastic card.五十年前,用一張裝有微型芯片的塑料卡片來付錢還是一個異想天開的想法。詞組5optimistic adj.樂觀的characteristic adj. 典型的;有特性的Smile and hope are characteristic of optimistic people.微笑和希望是樂觀人士的典型特征。詞組6spread v展開,鋪開,流傳,蔓延n. 伸展,擴展widespread adj. 分布廣的;普遍的;廣泛的No one knows who spreads the news, but it is widespread that next weeks fashion show will be a success.沒人知道是誰散播了這個消息,但是大家普遍認為下周的服裝展覽會將是一次成功的展覽會。詞組7valid adj. 正當(dāng)?shù)模缓戏ǖ膙ivid adj. 逼真的;鮮艷的;清晰的The vivid account of the accident given by the witness served as a valid evidence in court.證人對這次事故的清晰的描述,在法庭上被作為合法證據(jù)。詞組8demand vt. 要求,強令,需要,詢問n. 要求,需要mand n&v. 命令,指揮,控制expand v. 擴張;膨脹;擴大grand adj. 宏偉的;壯麗的;主要的The king demanded the general in mand of a grand army to expand his land to the Red Sea.國王命令率領(lǐng)大軍的將軍要把他的領(lǐng)土開拓到紅海邊。詞組9found vt. 成立;創(chuàng)立;把建立在;興建sound adj. 健康的;健全的;可靠的;合理的n. 聲音v. 聽起來wound n. 傷口;創(chuàng)傷vt. 使受傷;傷害(感情)Its sound to found a clinic in the mountainous area, which is also lucky for the wounded.在山區(qū)創(chuàng)辦一家診所是合理的,這對于傷者來說也是件幸事。詞組10blood n. 血液;血;血統(tǒng)flood n. 洪水;水災(zāi);大量v. 淹沒;溢出mood n. 心情;心境;情緒wood n. 木材;木頭;木料(pl.) 森林;林地After being hit by a large piece of wood in the flood, his arm began to lose blood and he was in a bad mood.在洪水中被一塊大木頭撞擊之后,他的手臂開始出血,心情也很差。詞組11ice n. 冰;冰凍甜食vt. 冰凍;使成冰police n. 警察;公安部門adj. 警察的v. 管轄voice n. 說話聲音;嗓音;嗓子;語態(tài)v. 說話;表達office n辦公室;辦事處;部;處;局;職務(wù);公職None of them voiced out their opinions to break ice at the police office.在警察局里,他們沒有人說一句話來打破沉默。詞組12choice n. 選擇(權(quán));供選擇的東西adj. 上等的;精選的rice n. 稻子;大米;米飯price n. 價格;價錢;代價vt. 定價(或標(biāo)價)juice n. (水果、蔬菜、肉等的)汁;果汁Reasonablypriced choice rice and fresh fruit juice are offered at our farm.我們農(nóng)場提供價格合理的精選大米和新鮮果汁。詞組13notice n. 通知,布告;注意,認識v. 看到,注意到j(luò)ustice n. 正義;公平;司法;法律制裁nice adj.美好的;令人愉快的;友好的;親切的practice n&v.實踐;練習(xí);實習(xí)(動詞同practise)How nice it is to receive the notice inviting me to practice at the Department of Justice!收到邀請我去司法部門實習(xí)的通知太令人愉快了!詞組14balance n. 秤;平衡;余額v. 使平衡;結(jié)算;抵消glance v(at, over) 掃視n. 匆匆看;一瞥;一眼ambulance n. 救護車In order to take a glance at the ambulance passing by, the child lost his balance and fell off the tree.為了看一眼飛馳而過的救護車,那個小孩失去了平衡,從樹上摔了下來。詞組15finance n. 財政;金融;收入;資金appearance n. 出現(xiàn);露面;外表;(在會議等)作短暫露面entrance n. 進入;入口;門口;入場;入會;入學(xué)The Finance Minister made his appearance at the entrance of the main hall.財務(wù)部長在大廳入口處露面了。 詞組16insurance n. 保險;保險業(yè)distance n. 距離;間距;遙遠;遠方;冷淡;疏遠advance n. 前進;預(yù)付v. 前進;進展;促進;推進We decided to further advance our long distance shipping insurance business with our customers.我們決定向客戶進一步推進長途運輸保險業(yè)務(wù)。詞組17experience n. 經(jīng)驗;感受;體驗;經(jīng)歷vt. 經(jīng)歷;體驗existence n. 存在;生存;生活(方式)The experience of urban


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