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Unit5 單元檢測B卷一、單項選擇題(共15題,共15分)1. Thank you for _ me so much. Now, I know moreabout animals.A. helpB. helpedC. helpingD. helps2.We have tobe quick. The train will leave at 10:00.Dont worry. There is still _ time for us to go.A. littleB. a littleC. fewD. a few3. Millie is afraid _speaking in front of many people.A. atB. onC. ofD. in4. We were all _ tohear a whisper behind the bushes.A. frighteningB. frightenedC. surprisingD. surprised5.I knockedon the door, but _ answered.A. nobodyB. somebodyC. everybodyD. anybody6. _ they _ alot of time walking around the museum yesterday?A. Are; spendB. Does; spendsC. Do; spendD. Did; spend7. I didnt go to the zoowith my classmates yesterday. They had a great time there._. It was really a good place to visit.A. Really? Thank youB. CongratulationsC. What apityD. Its my pleasure8. We couldnt finish ourwork so early _ your help.A. withB. withoutC. becauseD. because of9.Jacksuddenly stopped _ and lay on the ground, so we all stopped _ what happenedto him.A. to run; seeingB. running; to seeC. to run; to seeD. running; seeing10.He isalways complaining _ the weather. He thinks it rains too much.A. aboutB. withC. withoutD. for11.Would youlike to come to the party this Friday evening?_.A. I think so.B. Im afraid so.C. Id better not.D. Id love to.12.She heard _, soshe turned around but saw _.A. something; nothingB. something; somethingC. anything; anythingD. nothing; anything13.It is_ that a tortoise can live _ 150 years old.A. amazed; upB. amazing; up toC. amazed; up toD. amazing; up14.Is there_ about animals in the book?No, there isnt.A. something interestedB. anything interestingC. anything interestedD. something interesting15.Goldfish cant rememberwhat _ them ten seconds ago.A. happen toB. happen ofC. happened toD. happened of二、完形填空(共10題,共10分)1.John is a famous writernow. He has written many books. Yesterday our English teacher asked him (1) to our classroom and gave a talk to us. He told us many (2) thingsabout his childhood at school. He said that he was not a good student when hewas young. He often made mistakes and (3) his teachersangry. He was often late for classes and didnt like doing his homework. (4) he slept in class while the teacher was giving lessons. He didntunderstand much, but he always thought he understood everything. One day theteacher (5) the students a question, “When Jack was ten yearsold, and (6) brother Bob was twenty. Jack is fifteen nowand (7) is his brother Bob? Thats easy. Bob is twiceas old as Jack, so he is now thirty,” John said.Another time, theteacher in a Science class asked, “When it thunders (打雷), (8) do wealways see the light before we (9) the sound?”“Miss,” said Johnquickly, “dont you (10) our eyes are in front of our ears?”(1)A. come B. coming C.comes D. to come(2)A. funny B. friendly C.bad D. expensive(3)A. did B. made C.looked D. taught(4)A. Suddenly B. Carefully C.Usually D. Happily(5)A. sent B. asked C.told D. found(6)A. your B. my C.his D. her(7)A. how tall B. how old C.how many D. how much(8)A. what B. when C.why D. where(9)A. hear B. watch C.see D. listen(10)A. read B. hope C.study D. know三、閱讀理解(共15題,共15分)1.AYour brain is veryimportant for your body. You can do nothing without it. Here are some amazingfacts about it.Your brain is only about2% of your weight (體重),butit uses 20% of your bodys energy. It can almost get enough energy from twobananas a day. It never stops working. It keeps working even when you aresleeping at night. Your brain can live for 4 to 6 minutes without oxygen. Mensbrains are usually larger than womens in size. Bright colours and some smellscan help your brain work better and make you remember things faster and moreeasily, because the brain likes different colours and smells. Like your body,your brain can keep strong and healthy if you keep exercising. Now you know whatyou should do to become more smart.(1) What does the passage mainly talkabout?A. Facts about good memory. B. Facts about the brain. C. Facts about fruits. D. Facts about sports.(2) Mike is 38 kilos heavy, so hisbrain is about _ kilos heavy.A. 0.76 B. 2 C. 7.6 D. 10(3) Your brain never _.A. gets tired B. gets sick C. stops working D. needs oxygen(4) You can keep your brain healthyand become more smart by_.A. eating well B. doing exercise C. studying hard D. sleeping early(5)What can we learn from the passage?A. The brain is as big as two bananas. B. The brain dislikes bright colours. C. Men usually have larger brains than women. D. You can do nothing without a strong body.2.BThere are many amazingfestivals around the world. La Tomatina is one of them, which is celebratedevery year in Bunol, a town in Spain. People take off their shirts and throwmany tons (噸)of tomatoes at each other. Thisfood fight makes knee-deep (齊膝蓋深的) rivers of tomatojuice on the streets of this Spanish town. The festival, coming from a foodfight between childhood friends, is very popular now. This years total numberof people was around 38, 000, more than fourtimes of the population (人口)of Bunol and 8, 000more than last year.At noon, lots of trucksbrought 132 tons of tomatoes and crowds of people were waiting in the square ofBunol. Only one or two minutes later, everyone and everything around the squarewas covered with red tomato juice. Many women and children were in the fightand some even wore glasses to keep the tomatoes from flying into their eyes. Atabout 1 p. m. a rocket fired from the balcony told the end and all the fightersran into their bathrooms to wash away the tomato juice.The festival becomes afamous symbol for Bunol. La Tomatina, held on the last Wednesday in August, issaid to be the worlds largest tomato fight.(1) La Tomatina is _ .A. a kind of tomato B. a festival in Spain C. the name of a town D. a kind of juice in Bunol(2)Thousands of people in Bunol _at La Tomatina.A. carry tons of tomatoes to the market B. sell tons of tomatoes to visitors C. fight with tons oftomatoes D. make knee-deep rivers of water(3)About _ people took part inTomatina last year.A.30, 000 B. 38, 000 C. 46, 000 D. 28, 000(4) Where was La Tomatina held in lastyear?A. In the park. B. In a shopping mall. C. In a supermarket. D. In the square.(5)This years tomato fight lasted_.A. one day B. half a day C. about one hour D. a month3.CAs Bobby was gettingready for bed, he heard a loud sound coming from the barn (牲口棚)outside.Bobby did not know what was making such a loud noise, and he had troublefalling asleep that night. He was frightened that there might be a ghost in thebarn. When Bobby woke up the next morning, he went to the barn to see what madethe noise the night before. He tried hard but could not find out the truth.That night after dinner, Bobby took a torch (手電筒)andheaded out to the barn.“Where are you going?”Bobbys father asked.“Im going to find theghost in the barn that made the noise last night,” answered Bobby.“If you are goingto look for a ghost, you might need someone to help.” Bobbys dad said andwalked with Bobby out to the barn.Bobby shined his torchinto the dark barn but did not see anything. He called out but nobody answered.He walked into the barn but still did not see a ghost.“What did the ghostsound like?” Bobbys dad asked.“It was a loud noise,”Bobby said, “and it was coming from the barn. ”Bobbys dad began tolaugh and he took the torch from Bobby. He walked out of the barn and Bobbyfollowed him. Shining the torch up at the roof of the barn, Bobby and his dadsaw a small brown owl (貓頭鷹)at the roof.“It was only an owl thatyou heard last night,” Bobbys dad said. “It usually looks for food at night.It is a nocturnal bird, so that is why you only heard it at night. ”Bobby was happy that itwasnt a ghost, and he thanked his dad as they walked back to the house. Justthen they heard a loud sound and looked up to see the barn owl flying away intothe night sky.(1)Whats the main idea of the firstparagraph?A. Bobbys dad told Bobby what the strange noise was. B. Bobby heard a strange noise. C. Bobby and his dad searched the barn and found outthe truth. D. Bobbys dad couldnt go to sleep because of a loudnoise at night.(2) After Bobby searched the barn thefollowing morning, he felt _A. scared B. happy C. disappointed D. excited(3) What did Bobby think at first wasin the barn that made the loud noise?A. A boy. B. A bird. C. A ghost. D. A dog.(4)The noise Bobby and his fatherheard was from _.A. a bird making its nest B. a dog looking for food C. a horrible ghost D. an owl flying away(5)The underlined word “nocturnal”means “_”.A. living onmeat B. huge in size C. able to flyquickly D. active at night四、根據(jù)句意及漢語提示填空(共5題,共5分)1. He _(搜尋)carefullyin the library to find his favourite book yesterday.2. Are you ill today? You look so _(虛弱的)today.3. Dont worry about me. _(每件事)willgo well.4. What _(發(fā)生)to Millie this morning?She cried a lot.5. Tom is a clever boy. He can learn very _(迅速地).五、提示詞填空(共10題,共10分)1. I am _(amaze) at the GreatWall. It is so wonderful.2. The new ruler is two _(time)longer than the old one.3. The boy feels very surprised, with his mouth _(open)wide.4. You should be _(care) when driving. There aremany cars and people in the street.5. Dont worry about her. She is old enough to lookafter _ (her).6. I _ (see) a wonderful film with my fatheryesterday evening.7. You should stop _ (eat) too much meat. Itsbad for your health.8. I often _ (go) to visit the Moonlight Zoo whenI was young.9. What about _ (sit) down under that big tree?10. Someone helped Andy _ (find) the “ghost”.六、補全句子(共5題,共10分)1. 老師像往常一樣,手里拿著一本書進了教室。_, the teacher came into the classroom_ in his hand.2. 她們在店里四處看看,卻沒有看到有什么新的東西。They looked around in the shop, but_.3. 埃米正在哭的時候,安迪撿起了那個破損的風箏。When Amy was crying, Andy _.4. 嬸嬸不在家,所以我?guī)椭湛磱雰?。My aunt was not at home, so I helped to_.5. 我們確定我們再也不會遲到了。We are sure we _.七、任務型閱讀(共1題,共10分)1.閱讀下面的短文,根據(jù)文中信息完成文后表格。(每空一詞)Birds can fly and batscan too. But, is a bat a kind of bird? The answer is no. In fact, bats aremammals (哺乳動物). Birds and bats are verydifferent animals.A bat has four legs. Abird has only two. Bats have teeth and birds have none. Bats have large ears,but birds ears are only holes in the head. All bats like to eat insects. Theylook for food only at night and sleep in the daytime. However, most of thebirds like looking for food during the day and having a good rest at night. Inthe evening bats are busy flying and catching insects. A bats two legs help itfly and a piece of skin joins (鏈接) them together. Theyare just like a birds wings.People know most birdshave good eyesight but bats cant see. In fact it is not true. Bats have eyes,but cannot see well. Bats have better ears than we do. They can hear thingswhich people cant. They can feel where a thing is. That is why the bat can flyabout in the evening.(1)Birds and batsThe bat is a kind of mammal, not a kind of (1) _.BirdsBatsLooks They have (2) _ legs. Their ears are only holes in the (3) _ They have four legs. Two legs, joined together by a piece of (4) _, play an important part when they fly.They have large (5) _ActivitiesMost of them look for food in the daytime and have (6) _ at night.Bats are busy flying and (7) _ insects in the evening and sleep during the day.AbilitiesThey can fly.Most of them can see things clearly that is very (8) _ away.They can fly even in the evening.They have poor (9) _.Bats have good hearing and can (10) _ things that people cant. With ears, they can feel where a thing is.八、短文填空(共1題,共10分)1.短文缺詞填空,每空一詞(1)It was very late in thenight. Everybody was (1) a_except mybrother and me. We decided to play a trick (2) o_ our parents. We silentlywent into our parents (3) b_. They were sleepingsoundly. I took a large piece of white (4) p_ and drew a big morning sun. Then Ihanged it on the window. Meanwhile(同時)my brother set the (5) t_ earlier on the clock tojust ten to six. We went back to our bedroom, lied on our (6) b_ and waited.Soon the alarm clock (7)r_. My parents jumped outof bed. My father went to the bathroom to (8) b_ his teeth while my mother came overto our room to (9) w_us up. Shewas surprised when she found us awake and laughing.My parents were (10) a_ and scolded(斥責)usfor playing a trick on them and for waking them up. Nowadays they always locktheir bedroom door when they go to bed.九、書面表達(共1題,共15分)1.你在報紙上讀到一篇有關(guān)一個奇怪男孩的文章,想把他的事告訴大家。請以A strange boy為題寫一篇至少70詞的短文。要求包含所有要點,適當發(fā)揮,語句通順,字跡整潔。要點如下:(1)他小時候和其他小孩一樣很健康;(2)十歲時,生了一場病,病愈后就喜歡吃石頭(stone);(3)三天前他去世(die)了。11


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