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江蘇省2019高考英語 第二部分 語法核心突破 第十二課時 情景交際練習(含解析).doc

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江蘇省2019高考英語 第二部分 語法核心突破 第十二課時 情景交際練習(含解析).doc

第十二課時情景交際感 悟 高 考1. What does the stuff on your T-shirt mean?Its nothing. Just something _.(2017江蘇卷)A.as clear as dayB.off the top of my head C.under my noseD.beyond my wildest dreams答案Bas clear as day顯而易見,容易理解;off the top of my head沒有考慮;under my nose就在我眼皮底下(都沒有察覺);beyond my wildest dreams遠遠出乎意料,做夢都沒有想到。句意:你T恤衫上的東西是什么意思?沒什么特別的意思。只是靈光一閃,隨便寫的。故選B。2.Michael was late for Mr. Smiths chemistry class this morning._? As far as I know, he never came late to class.(2017天津卷)A.So what B.Why notC.Who cares D.How e答案D句意:今天上午邁克爾在斯密斯老師的化學課遲到了。怎么會呢?據(jù)我所知,他上課從不遲到。So what那又怎么樣呢;Why not為什么不呢;Who cares誰在意呢;How e怎么會呢。根據(jù)語境,故選D。3.Alberts birthday is on next Saturday, and Im planning a surprise party for him._. Ill bring some wine.(2017天津卷)A.Sounds like fun B.It dependsC.Just a minute D.You are wele答案A句意:艾伯特的生日在下個星期天,我計劃給他辦一個驚喜的晚會。聽起來很有趣,我將帶些酒來。Sounds like fun聽起來很有趣;It depends看情況;Just a minute請稍等;You are wele歡迎。根據(jù)語境,故選A。4.Are you sure youre ready for the best?_.Im well prepared for it.(2016浙江卷)A.Im afraid not B.No problemC.Hard to say D.Not really答案B句意:你確定你做好最好的準備了嗎?沒問題,我準備好了。Im afraid not恐怕不;No problem沒問題;Hard to say很難說;Not really不是真的。根據(jù)語境,故選B。要 點 精 析學習語言, 不僅要學習它的形式和意義, 而且還要學習它的功能和隱藏在背后的文化。所以情景交際是高考的熱點。1.問候語(1)Good morning/afternoon/evening!早上好/下午好/晚上好!(2)Long time no see!好久不見了!(3)How are things with you?你近來怎么樣?(4)How are you?你好嗎?2.介紹語(1)This is.這是(2)May I introduce you to.?我可以把你介紹給認識嗎?(3)Please allow me to introduce you to.請允許我把你介紹給(4)Oh,yes.Its very nice to meet you.哦,是的。很高興見到你。(5)Im honored to know you.認識你我深感榮幸。3.告別時用語(1)Im glad to have met you and your friends.Hope to meet you again.很高興見到你和你的朋友,希望能再次見到你們。(2)See you later/then/tomorrow/soon.再會。(3)Lets get together sometime.Take it easy.回頭見,請慢走。(4)Goodbye/Bye/Bye-bye.再見。1.表示感謝(1)Thank you (very much)/Thanks (a lot).(非常/十分)感謝。(2)Thanks for.(由于)非常感謝。(3)Its very kind of you to.你真好(4)I really dont know how I can thank you enough.我真不知道怎樣感謝你才好。(5)I am thankful/grateful to you.謝謝你。答語(1)Thats all right.別客氣,沒關系。/Its all right.沒關系。(2)Not at all.不用謝。/Youre wele.別客氣。(3)Dont mention it.不用謝。/Its my/a pleasure.不用謝。(4)My pleasure.不用謝。2.表達歉意(1)Im sorry,but.對不起,我(2)Excuse/Forgive me for.請原諒我(3)I really didnt mean that at all.我根本沒那個意思。答語(1)Never mind.不要緊。(2)Dont worry about it.不要因那件事覺得不安。(3)Thats all right./It doesnt matter.沒關系。3.表達邀請(1)Will you e to.?你能來嗎?(2)Would you like to.?你愿意嗎?(3)Id like to invite you to.我很想邀請你表示接受的答語Yes,Id love to (.)行,我樂意()。表示拒絕的答語(1)Sorry,I cant.Ive already had plans for tonight.對不起,我不能去,我今晚另有安排。(2)Its very kind of you,but Im afraid.感謝你的一番好意,但恐怕我(3)Oh,what a pity!That would be lovely,but Im afraid.唉,真遺憾!能去多好,但是我恐怕1.約會(1)Are you/Will you be free this afternoon/evening?你今天下午/晚上有空嗎?(2)Shall we meet at.?我們在見面好嗎?(3)What time do you think should be suitable for us to meet?您認為我們什么時候見面合適?(4)Yes,Ill be free then.好,那時我有空。(5)Any day this week except Saturday is OK.除星期六之外,這個星期哪一天都行。(6)Thats all right.We can make it some other time.沒有關系,我們可以約別的時間。2.就餐(1)Would you like something to eat/drink?您想吃/喝點什么嗎?(2)Help yourself to some fish/whatever you like.請隨便吃魚/你喜歡吃的東西。(3)Which would you prefer,A or B?你更喜歡A還是B?(4)How about having seafood for a change?換換口味吃海鮮怎么樣?(5)Just a little please.請上一點吧。(6)Its so delicious.太可口了。(7)No,thank you.Ive had enough.謝謝,我已經(jīng)吃飽了。(8)Can I take your order?我可以讓你點菜嗎?(9)Bill,please.結賬。1.打電話用語(1)Hello!May I speak to.?/Id like to speak to.你好,我可以跟說話嗎?/我想跟講話。(2)Is that.您是嗎?(3)Ill call back later again./Ill ring him up again.過一會兒我再打過去。/我一會兒再打給他。2.接電話用語(1)Hello!This is.speaking.Whos that?你好,我是您是哪位?(2)Hold on for a moment./Just a moment please.請等一下。(3)Sorry,he isnt here right now.Can I take a message for you?很抱歉,他不在,我能為您捎個信嗎?(4)Sorry,Im afraid you have the wrong number.抱歉,您打錯了。(5)I cant hear you very well.Please speak a little louder.我聽不清楚您的話,請大聲點。(6)The line is busy.電話占線。(7)I cannot get through.打不通。1.問路和應答(1)Excuse me.Where is.?/Could you tell me how I can get to.?/Will you please tell me the way to.?/Can you kindly direct me to the.please?打擾一下,請問到的路怎么走?(2)Look!Its on the other side of the road.看!就在路對面。(3)Go down this road.At the end of the road youll see it.沿著這條路走,在路的盡頭,你就能找到了。(4)Sorry,Im a stranger here.抱歉,我是初來乍到。2.談論天氣(1)Whats the weather like?/How is the weather?天氣怎么樣?(2)I missed the weather report this morning.Did you hear it?今天早晨我沒有聽天氣預報,你聽了嗎?(3)What does the weather forecast say?天氣預報說什么?(4)What a fine day!Its a fine day for a walk,isnt it?今天天氣不錯!今天是個散步的好天氣,對嗎?(5)Its been raining intermittently all morning.整個上午雨都在斷斷續(xù)續(xù)地下著。(6)Its clearing up.天放晴了。(7)Its nice/fine/sunny/cloudy/foggy.天氣晴/多云/霧。1.請求別人允許(1)May/Can/Could I.?我可以嗎?(2)I wonder if I could.我不知道我能否(3)Would/Do you mind if I.?如果我,你介意嗎?同意別人的請求(1)Yes/Certainly/Of course (you may).可以/當然可以。(2)Thats OK./All right.可以。(3)Go ahead,please.行,盡管做吧。拒絕別人的請求(1)Im sorry,but.對不起,但是(2)Youd better not.你最好別那樣。(3)Im sorry you cant.對不起,你不能。2.表示建議(1)Lets go and have a look.讓我們?nèi)タ匆豢窗伞?2)What/How about a picnic this Sunday?星期天野餐怎么樣?(3)Why dont you/Why not buy a puter?(你)為什么不買臺電腦?(4)I suggest that you (should) go right now.我建議你馬上走。(5)You should/ought to.你應該在接受他人的祝賀、祝福時,說英語的國家的人以微笑的方式欣然接受,并感謝對方的祝賀、祝福。(1)Id like to congratulate you on.我要祝賀你(2)All the best in your new job!祝你在新的工作崗位上一切順利!(3)I wish you good luck/success!祝你好運/成功!(4)Good journey (to you)!/Have a good trip!祝你旅途愉快!(5)Have a nice/good time!祝你過得愉快!(6)Happy birthday/Happy New Year/Merry Christmas to you!祝你生日/新年/圣誕快樂!(7)Thank you.The same to you./You too.謝謝。同樣祝你快樂。(8)Good luck to you!祝你走運!(9)Congratulations to you!祝賀你!(10)Well done!做得好!(11)What a pity/shame!真遺憾!/真可惜!(1)Its a pity that.真可惜(2)Im sorry to hear.聽到我很難過。(3)I do feel sorry for him.我真為他感到難過。(4)Thats a shame.真遺憾。解 題 策 略1.熟記??记榫案呖加⒄Z??既缦?種情景:詢問信息、個人看法、電話、就餐、請求、問候、談論天氣、購物。熟練掌握上述情景的交際方式和常用表達,解決問題就能有的放矢。比如對于道謝及其答語有:Thank you very much./ Thanks a lot./Its kind of you to help me./Thats/Its all right/Youre wele./Dont mention it./Its a pleasure./Its my pleasure.等;對于道歉及其答語:Excuse me./Im sorry./Pardon me./Thats all right./Not at all./Dont worry about it./Never mind.等。_?That would be great!Please drop me off at the library.A.Could you bring me the billB.Would you like me to give you a liftC.Could you tell me the postcode for ParisD.Would you like to have my e-mail address答案B答語句意為:那太好了!你在圖書館讓我下車就行。根據(jù)句意可知應選B項。2.注意東西方文化差異,不受漢語思維影響東西方文化不同,教育不同,思維方式也不一樣,表現(xiàn)在交際中也大相徑庭。所以要從西方文化角度去思考問題,不受漢語思維的影響。What a fine day!Shall we go picnicking?_.But we need to be home before six oclock for the football match.A.Have a nice time B.Pardon meC.Thats great D.You are right答案C句意:多好的天氣??!我們?nèi)ヒ安秃脝??好極了。但是我們需要在6點之前到家看足球比賽。Have a nice time.表示祝對方“玩得愉快”;Pardon me.表示“原諒我”;Thats great.表示“好極了”;You are right.表示“你對了”。根據(jù)語境,選C。針 對 訓 練1.The movie starts at 8:30,and we can have a quick bite before we go._.See you at 8:10.(2016浙江卷)A.So long B.Sounds greatC.Good luck D.Have a good time答案B句意:電影在 8:30開始,我們走之前可以快速地吃飯。聽起來不錯。在 8:10見。Sounds great用來表示同意對方的建議。根據(jù)語境可知應選B項。2.It was a wonderful trip.So,which city did you like better,Paris or Rome?_.There were good things and bad things about them.(2016天津卷)A.Its hard to say B.I didnt get itC.You must be kidding D.Couldnt be better答案A根據(jù)“There were good things and bad things about them”可知,巴黎和羅馬這兩座城市各有優(yōu)劣,答話者難以判斷更喜歡哪座城市。故選A。3.Im thinking of going back to school to get another degree.Sounds great!_.(2016天津卷)A.It all depends B.Go for itC.Never mind D.No wonder答案B根據(jù)答語中的“Sounds great”可知,答話者認為對方的想法很不錯,故空處應是鼓勵對方去嘗試的話語。Go for it意為“努力爭取,大膽嘗試”,符合語境。4.Can you e to a party on Saturday,Peter? Oh,_Im already going out,Im afraid.(2015安徽卷)A.what a pity! B.dont ask!C.how e? D.so what?答案A句意:星期六你能來參加聚會嗎,彼得?噢,真遺憾!(到時候)恐怕我已經(jīng)出去了。what a pity!真遺憾;dont ask!別問了;how e?怎么會;so what?那又怎樣。根據(jù)句意可知,這里指可能參加不了聚會,因此此處表示“遺憾”,故選A。5.How is your table tennis these days? Still playing? _.I just dont seem to find the time these days.(2015安徽卷)A.Thats right B.No,not muchC.Thats great D.Dont worry答案B句意:你的乒乓球練得怎樣了?還在練習嗎?不,沒怎么練。我最近似乎抽不出時間了。not much不多,不怎么樣,符合句意。6.Lets go to the New Years Eve party,shall we?_ I guess it will be fun.(2015陜西卷)A.Forget it! B.No way!C.Why not? D.What for?答案C句意:我們?nèi)⒓有履晖頃?,好嗎?為什么不去呢?我猜一定會很有趣的。Why not?為什么不呢?用于贊同某一建議;Forget it!沒關系,別在意,算了,別提它了;No way!沒門,不可能;What for?為什么?用于疑問對方的目的。7.Sir,could I hand in my homework a bit late?_,since youve been unwell these days.(2015陜西卷)A.You cant be serious B.Im afraid notC.Good idea D.Well,all right答案D句意:老師,我能晚一點交作業(yè)嗎?好吧,因為你這些日子總是不大舒服。根據(jù)答語知,老師同意學生的請求,故選D。You cant be serious你一定是在開玩笑吧;Im afraid not我恐怕不能;Good idea好主意;Well,all right嗯,好吧。8.Jim,can you work this Sunday?_? Ive been working for two weeks on end.(2015江蘇卷)A.Why me B.Why notC.What if D.So what答案A句意:吉姆,這個星期天你能工作嗎? 為什么是我?我已經(jīng)連續(xù)工作兩個星期了。Why me 為什么是我;Why not 為什么不;What if 如果又能怎樣;So what 那又怎樣;Why me是“Why do you ask me to work this Sunday”的省略。9.Hi,Dr Brown!Im a little early.Should I wait outside?No._.(2015福建卷)A.Thats right B.My pleasureC.e on in D.Take it easy答案C句意:嗨,布朗博士,我來早了,要在外面等嗎?不用,進來吧。e on in進來吧;thats right那是對的;my pleasure我很榮幸;take it easy別著急,慢慢來。10.Why didnt you invite John to your birthday party?Well,you know hes _.(2015江蘇卷)A.an early bird B.a wet blanketC.a lucky dog D.a tough nut答案B句意:為什么你沒邀請約翰參加你的生日聚會?唉,你知道他是一個令人掃興的人。an early bird早起的人,早到者;a wet blanket令人掃興的人或物;a lucky dog幸運兒;a tough nut難對付的人或物,難題。11.Why not stay here a little longer?_,but I really have to go.(重慶卷)A.Never mind B.Id love toC.Pleased to meet you D.I cant find any reason答案B“Why not.?”是征求意見的句型,Id love to.是其常用的肯定應答語。A項是針對他人道歉的應答;C項是見面的問候語;D項為漢語式表達。12.Jack,Id like to have your opinions about my written report._.But I have one suggestion.(重慶卷)A.Thats a good idea B.You are too modestC.It looks fine to me D.You should check it first答案C從答語“But I have one suggestion.”中可以推斷“我”對該書面報告給予了肯定。A、D兩項不合語境,B項是漢語式英語。13.I cant remember those grammar rules!_.Practice more.(福建卷)A.Youre not alone B.Its hard to sayC.Im afraid not D.Its up to you答案A句意:我記不住那些語法規(guī)則!不只你這樣(都是這樣)。多練習。You are not alone是固定用法,意思是不只你這樣,故選A。14.I got that job I wanted at the public library._!Thats good news.(陜西卷)A.Go ahead B.CheersC.Congratulations D.e on答案C句意:我得到了我要的那份公共圖書館的工作。祝賀你。當表達祝賀時,應用C項Congratulations;Go ahead前進,前行,用于鼓勵對方做某事;Cheers干杯;也可用于感謝或再見;e on加油;得了吧。15.You know,I met my girlfriends parents for the first time only yesterday._?I thought youd met them before.(陜西卷)A.So what B.PardonC.Really D.What for答案C句意:你知道,我只是在昨天才第一次見到了我女朋友的父母。真的嗎?我以為你以前見過他們了。此處表示驚詫,用really;So what那又怎么樣呢?Pardon用于沒聽清對方的話,請對方再說一遍;What for為了什么?16.Could I use this dictionary?_.Its a spare one.(江西卷)A.Good idea B.Just go aheadC.Youre wele D.Youd better not答案B根據(jù)答語“Its a spare one.”(這本詞典是多余的)可知空白處的意思是“拿去用吧?!盉項與語境相吻合。


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