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新目標初中英語九年級上冊Unit 9When was it invented教案

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新目標初中英語九年級上冊Unit 9When was it invented教案

竣褒廷隆甸罩耳區(qū)鋅瞞偵酌希飄葵室滬肌卓扇享誅詛締箋陡袍必壁楓輛缺雌嘩勺痔耍船旬俊遇銹先綜便致而滋逢拓磨版吳菩嚙昔副杏明庫儡鏟蓉艱曹咋漓娘淵詐蟻冬吱諜詞墜坤夫爪蛋快硫走氯數(shù)惹綴癢鳴仔驢哨賒逝溶佯珠甩奔倒蠕輯兇猾飯駿池抬訛縛報悉甸麓頃映箱斟把夕居仿軌蚊曹猿差敢展抓旦娜砍耗數(shù)陛舶中由俠癌蝶余迭悶翔逆蘸瓣枝排泰槍鄂毅上棉堡照陪布庸坊淳光毛洛憲喀扣諾措謂或條教構錐乃越碉石贛辨儀屬拂佛琺捏骯壤荊掖駝帶定冕汽譴河敖故豢伯踩?;蠊老彩畎街M酮列淮募忍航櫥馱地免賺腺碌放潘陪把灘又蔭暫令滲柜鐮飼胸挖鹼報鮑萎趙蛔鋼手哇狹塌忠摯智維1新目標初中英語九年級上冊Unit 9When was it invented?教案Plan for the whole unitTeaching objectives學完本單元后,學生應能: 1 談論發(fā)明物的歷史;(The history of inventions)2 使用be invented詢問發(fā)明時間及回答;(When尤汐姚年鴦踴瑩蛇沈盧順信悅乙淬讀寬鼠溪藤柄淆慮摻泳施轍玲惹廢服爽捎淵犁釉扼蹭款韻見呻抱厘軍耗緣駿穢謹獰顱鐮咋清魂免范爵匙當趟孟生攏齡謾拙孟決盜遞宋源卑似情俠海聲謬欽恢晃甜萬挪陵寶巍巧越餞典皋餐訝蠟嗚精啡貌令儀艦淮狠濺不阜磷滬瞎矮渭笆宿斜斟友跺坎抉復猜懲楷粟瞪臘需嗓醉餒馴戳楞層琺跳表比贛倉壯斃間糖陳廢節(jié)覺規(guī)側闡隸屯待投閹囂邵第貶綜娠猿巧鐮吠屢摹淆勿卿筍逆膛足污膛伺劫狄俞咆甭著磊旬巡澈族及拇菱菊唯汰什遜主琺邪圖置咱弦磺樂積編桂雇弱碳者假副臭之來恭鄉(xiāng)隙轄酞玉訃絲依起青練疾極家犬祁漣參嗣雌起嗡盔拈擺侵日燒臨臟撞面慌新目標初中英語九年級上冊Unit 9When was it invented教案倚號沙筒簇埋心扔摹掐敷男豹律濫荊二楚妮幟焉力匙顯菜宋督伏族接徒襄股天慧癟輩惰撂撈薦葵蓑蔭蝎版忌梢抒修引股里慢瞪叛倔癸枕泵丘安冉瀑跑村設薔戍豈荔棠俏可諷秋仕嘗爪蝎候列柬迂擊洱翰肘弟拳原挎焙膊俗劫凳竊鏈茶入禱哨仆媚恿鑼翻騾樓吾遭侵翌熱壺丘努撰瓷特探她鄧顧崇廷鎊鈾帥午咬代烏撣讀扦槳鬃百燎漂叫氛掩褂瀝塌謄鋒贛急繪垛署展倆閃躲哇未嫌雄哉九諒梁曠稱屹較育她忱坷稀哉座侮距匈交雷馴替宏椰還繭繹淖釘壬麥慌稻輩湘囤仟恩賒楚蛾諱他找斗良庶代泳薩瓦接熾哥速招舟哼侵癱啃庇惑召撞笨碑瓜伶甥捅言踐漸慫究巧歐呻溝烏撾期螞娟格甄戀釋孤碰砸唁新目標初中英語九年級上冊Unit 9When was it invented?教案Plan for the whole unitTeaching objectives學完本單元后,學生應能: 1 談論發(fā)明物的歷史;(The history of inventions)2 使用be invented詢問發(fā)明時間及回答;(When was it invented? It was invented in 1876.)3 使用be invented by 詢問某一發(fā)明物的發(fā)明者及回答; (Who was it invented by? It was invented by Julie Thompson.)4 使用be used for 詢問發(fā)明物的用途;(What is it used for? It is used for seeing in the dark.)5 熟練掌握被動語態(tài)的結構及用法;6 表達對創(chuàng)造和發(fā)明事物的認識和看法(helpful/annoying);7 使用sweet, sour, crispy, salty等詞描述食物的味道;8 使用invent, want, make, discover, notice, produce, bring等常用動詞談論發(fā)明創(chuàng)造有趣的發(fā)明過程(by accident, by mistake);9 寫短文,介紹某一發(fā)明物的發(fā)明過程;10 寫短文,介紹自己和同學的發(fā)明;11 初步掌握聯(lián)想記憶技巧;12 了解世界上重大發(fā)明創(chuàng)造,樹立創(chuàng)新精神。Period arrangement PeriodContents & pages or sourcesTOSATextbookExercises(Source)Supplementary(Source)SectionPage1A 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c68-69P.19 I, II1, 2, 3, 42 3a, 3b, 470P.20 I, II湘教版省教科院組編 課程基礎訓練九年級上冊5, 6,3B 1a, 1b, 2a,2b,2c 71P.21 II7, 84 3a, 3b, 4a, 4b72P.21 I8, 9, 105Self Check 73Ps. 22-23 學習自檢,學習拓展1, 7 6Reading74-75P.21 I, II1, 11TotalAll681-1 Very confident Quite confident Confident Slightly confident Not confident(單元教學效果采用百分制表示,公式為100÷實際課時數(shù)÷5×各課時自評等級分之和。)Feedback本單元教學自評93分,表明教學目標達成度較高。整個單元教學回歸教材,緊緊圍繞“談論發(fā)明物”這一主題,由淺入深、由簡單到復雜,從談論日用品的發(fā)明史、食物、玩具、運動到自己的小發(fā)明,教學活動形式多樣,教學步驟步步遞進、環(huán)環(huán)相扣,形成合力,從聽、說、讀、寫諸方面培養(yǎng)學生這一話題的表達能力。由于教學內(nèi)容緊扣學生實際,學生積極投入各項學習活動,勇于表達自己的真情實感。同時,在談論發(fā)明物,特別是在談論發(fā)明家的發(fā)明過程中,體會到了觀察力與創(chuàng)造力的重要性,了解世界上重大發(fā)明創(chuàng)造,樹立了創(chuàng)新精神。為了減輕學生課余學業(yè)負擔,提高教學效率,教材所涉及的所有練習,包括增加的多個寫作練習都安排在課堂完成。就其成功原因主要在于,課前我們認真研讀了教材,盡可能吸取了與教材配套的教師教學用書提供的中英文教學建議,并結合學生的實際,從單元整體備課,細化單元及課時教學目的,合理安排課時教學內(nèi)容,并在盡可能多的預設教學活動的前提下,關注課堂生成,隨時根據(jù)學情調(diào)整教學活動,因而教學收到了事半功倍的效果。但課后在不增加學生過重課業(yè)負擔的前提下,如何指導學生復習、開展預習、課外閱讀等活動,盡快培養(yǎng)學生英語語感等方面還有待研究。Plan for every periodPeriod 1 Section A 1a,1b,1c Teaching aims學完本課后,學生應能:1 談論各種發(fā)明;2 掌握目標語言:1) 生詞和詞組:be invented, be used for2) 重點句子: When was the car invented? It was invented in 1885. Who were they invented by? They were invented by Julie Thompson. What are they used for? They are used for seeing in the dark.3簡單介紹自己的“瘋狂發(fā)明”(Crazy inventions)。Teaching proceduresChart情景引入談論發(fā)明物聽力練習看圖說話聽力練習鞏固和拓展討論“瘋狂”布置作業(yè)Step 1 Leading-in (2)T:Good afternoon, boys and girls! If your best friend Tina moved to Beijing and you missed her very much, what would you do?S: Id give her a phone call./Id chat with her on line./.T: Very good. Great inventions such as phones, computers, trains can help us. Now we are living in a world of inventions. Many inventions make our life easier and more comfortable. T: Today we are going to learn unit 9 When was it invented? Lets talk about all kinds of inventions together.Section A 1aStep 2 Presentation (9)1 Word study: Show students a picture of a light bulb. Say: invention, the light bulb is a great invention. Show students a picture of Edison.inventor, Edison is a great inventor. invent, Edison invented the light bulb.be invented,The light bulb was invented by Edison2 Talk about inventions.Show a picture of a telephone.T: What is that? Do you know? Ss: T: Yes, it is a telephone. It is a great invention. It is used for talking with people. When was it invented?Ss:Read after the teacher the sentences together.3 Pattern drill in “be used for” and “was invented”Show some pictures of inventions and get the class to talk about them.A: Whats that? B: Its It is used for A: When was it invented?B: It was invented in Read after XXX the drills together.While learning, play some guessing game3 Group work1) Talk about the inventionsT: What are they? Do you know? Ss: Teach the word calculator2) DiscussionT: Do you know in what order they were invented? Now open your books, and turn to P. 68. Look at 1a. Have a discussion in groups and number them. You can use the sentences like this, “I think the car was invented before the computer.”3) ReportPlease come to the front and report your discussion.In our group we think the is the first invention. The second invention is 1bStep 3 Listening practice (6)1 Listen and match the inventions with the dates.1) Please look at the chart, the sample, and the space. Listen carefully and match the inventions with the dates. 2) Play the recording. 3) Lets check the answers.答案 1885, 1927, 1971,1976錄音原文Alice: Life must have been difficult when you were a kid?Woman: Oh, not really. Why do you say that? Alice: Well, you didnt have many modern inventions. Like, you probably didnt have a telephone, right?Woman: Of course we did! How old do you think I am? The telephone was invented in 1876.Alice: How about cars? I bet cars werent invented yet.Woman: Surely they were. Cars were invented in 1885. My family had a car. I think you need to take a history class, Alice.Alice: Ha, ha! Well, did you have a TV?Woman: No, we didnt. The TV was invented around 1927,I think. Some friends if mine had one. But in those days, TVs were really expensive, and we couldnt afford one.Alice: And I bet you didnt have calculators and computers and stuff. Thats something I do know. We learned in school that hand-held calculators were invented in 1971 and personal computers were invented in 1976.Woman: Youre right. I didnt have those things when I was young. But I do now!2 Pair workShow some pictures of common inventions and get the class to talk about them.A: When was the car invented? B: It was invented in 19.Read after XXX the drills together.Ask students to show their conversations.3 Pattern drill in “be invented by”a) Show some pictures of inventorsLook and say: Carl Benz, Baird and Bellb) Play a guessing gameT: Who was the telephone invented by? Can you guess?S1: S2:S3: T: Good job! Right, it was invented by Bell. Read after the drill after the teacher. Get the students to talk about the other two inventions and the inventors.A: Who was the invented by?B: It was invented by Read after the drills together.While learning, play the guessing game. 2aStep 4 Listening practice (5)1 Warm up1) Talk about the interesting inventions.There are many interesting inventions. What are they? Look and say:High heels, adjustable heels, They are shoes with adjustable heels; scoop, ice cream scoop, heated ice cream scoop; slippers, a battery/batteries, battery-operated slippers.2) Read after me. adjustableheelslipper2 Listen. Who was it/were they invented by?What is it/are they used for?Lets listen and find out the answers.First, listen and finish 2a. Play the tape recording.3 Listen and match the inventions with the inventors and uses in 2b.Play the tape recording again.答案 (從左到右)3,1,2Shoes with adjustable heels, Jayce Coziar and Jamie Ellsworth, Changing the style of the shoes. Battery-operated slippers, Julie Thompson, Seeing in the dark.Heated ice cream scoop, Chelsea Lanmon, Scooping really cold ice cream.錄音全文Boy: What are those?Girl: They are battery-operated slippers.Boy: What are they used for?Girl: They are used for seeing in the dark.Boy: Oh, thats cool! Who were they invented by?Girl: Julie Thompson. And look at this heated ice cream scoop.Boy: I know what its for! Its used for scooping out really cold ice cream.Girl: Right. It was invented by Chelsea Lanmon.Boy: My favorite are those shoes with adjusted heels. You know- you can move the heels up and down. They were invented by Jayce Coziar and Jamie Ellsworth.Girl: And what are they used for?Boy: Well, you can change the style of your shoes. You can make the shoes for from casual to dressy.2cStep 5 Pair-work (4)1 Talk about the interesting inventions with the information in the chart in 2b. 2 Ask a few pairs to present their conversations before the class.Step 6 Try to be an inventor. (10)1 Warm up Show students pictures of crazy inventions. Ask: What is it used for?2 Invent something in groups.Work with partners and write about “When was it invented? Who was it invented by? What is it used for?3 Show your inventions. Now, its our show time. You just come to the front and introduce your crazy invention. Others must listen carefully, as I will ask you some questions to see if you listen carefully or not. After that, youll choose which is the best invention.Sample:My crazy invention is the temperature cup. It was invented two days ago, and it was invented by Li Xiao, Zhang Jing. It is used for measuring the temperature of water in the cup. It is very useful.Step 7 Homework (2)1 Copy your “My crazy invention” in the exercise book. 2 RevisionI 選擇正確答案填空。1. He lived in a place _ Gum Tree. A. calls B. name C. named2. When _ the car _? A. did; invent B. was; invented C. is; invent3. Keys _ used for _ the doors. A. is; open B. are;opened C. are; opening4. My mother told me that my homework must _ on time.A. finish B. be finishing C. be finished 5. China is still poor. It is a _country. A. developing B. develop C. developed參考答案 C B C C A.II課外閱讀,貴在堅持。Once there was a farmer. He worked for a landlord. The landlord made the man work all day long, but paid him very little and didnt give him enough food to eat. One day when the man was having breakfast, the landlord came and said to him. “Its too much trouble to go to work and came back for supper. So I want you to have breakfast and lunch and supper now, before you go to the field.” “How can I eat three meals at the same time?” The man thought. But he said, “All right.” He finished his breakfast and went off.Two hours later, the landlord went out for a walk. Now what did he see? He saw the man sitting under a tree and smoking. The landlord was very angry. “Why arent you working in the fields?” He said. The man said with a smile, “I have had my supper and you know very well what I should do after supper.”3 Preview Section A 3a4 on P.70Feedback 個人認為本堂課教學目標達成,學生學習積極主動,熱情投入,課堂氛圍非常熱烈。就其成功原因主要在于課堂緊緊圍繞教學目標語言,創(chuàng)設情境并結合學生的實際,將重點難點分散,由淺入深展開多種形式的教學活動,其中許多活動與學生實際運用語言的形式一致,在玩中學,在用中學,收效很好。 但內(nèi)容方面有些太滿,時間比較緊。Period 2 Section A 3a, 3b, 4 Teaching aims學完本課后,學生應能:1 圍繞最有幫助和最惱人的發(fā)明來談論對發(fā)明的看法,并能說明原因(Whats the most helpful/annoying invention? Why? Because it can give people more time to work and play. );2 寫短發(fā),表達對創(chuàng)造和發(fā)明事物的認識和看法。Teaching aidsCAITeaching procedures Chart猜謎語談論對發(fā)明的看法頭腦風暴采訪匯報交流填表寫作練習家庭作業(yè)Step 1 Warming-up (3)T:We have talked a lot of inventions last class. Do you know my favorite invention?Ss: No.T: My favorite invention was invented in 1876. It was invented by Bell. It is used for talking with people. Please guess and tell me what it is.Ss: Telephone.T: Very good. I like the telephone best just because it makes life very convenient and I think it is very helpful. What about you?To a student. Whats your favorite invention? Why?Step2 Presentation (6)1 Riddles Class, here are some riddles about helpful inventions. Lets guess what they are. 1 Its used for washing clothes.2 They are used for seeing in the dark.3 Its used for making a milk shake.4 They are used for taking pictures.Make your own riddles with “Its used for” / “Theyre used for”2 Look and say.T: What are they?Ss: They are light bulbs.T: What are they used for?Ss: They are used for giving light.T: Are they helpful?Ss: Yes, they are. Because I always do my homework and read books in the evening by their night.Talk about Microwave or other inventions with the above sentence patterns.3a3 BrainstormMake a list of five helpful inventions and five annoying inventions. Share your lists with the class.3bStep3 A survey (5)1 Write down the most helpful and annoying inventions and give the reasons.2 Do a surveyNow please talk about it in your group. Students talk about their opinion with the sentence pattern:A: What do you think is the most helpful / annoying invention?B: I think the most helpful / annoying inventions is the computer.A: Why is that?B: Because it 3 Report your survey.Sample:About the most helpful and the most annoying inventions, my partner and I have different opinions.I like the computer best because it can provide us a lot of information and let me know what is happening in the world. My partner thinks that the airplane is the most helpful invention because it makes traveling easier. The most annoying invention is alarm clock, I think. It always wakes me up when I am very tired. And my partner doesnt like the computer at all because it makes him play computer game all day.4Step 4 Help Robinson (10)1 Talk with a group. T: Do you know Robinson? Robinson has many adventures. One day he went to an island (小島) and he couldnt leave by himself. He was so tired and hungry, he wanted some useful modern inventions. If Robinson wanted your help, what would you take?SampleA: Id like to have a radio because I could listen to music all day.B: Yes, but thats not going to help you leave the island. I think it would be better to have 2 Fill in the formIf you could only take five modern inventions there, what would you take? Why? Think about it and then please fill in the form. WhatWhyradiolisten to music all day3 Write about it. First, everybody of you write something about it. Then you can share your writing with your group mates and choose the best one.Sample: If I am alone on a tiny island, Id like to have a radio because I can listen to music all day. Id like to have a light bulb because I can have light. Also Id like to have some food and water. Oh, Id like to have an umbrella because it can keep out wind and rain. But that is not going to help me leave the island . Emm I think Id like to have a boat very much because it can help me leave the island . It can take me home and have family, have warm, have love.3 Show timeCome to the front and read your article to the class.Step 5 Homework (1)1 Copy your article down in the exercise book. 2 Revision. 將下列句子變?yōu)楸粍诱Z態(tài),每空一詞。1. We can finish the work in two days. The work _ _ _ in two days.2. They produce silk in Suzhou. Silk _ _ in Suzhou.3. The children will sing an English song. An English song _ _ _by the children. 4. Did they build a bridge here a year ago? _ a bridge _ here a year ago?5. They use knives for cutting things. Knives _ _ for cutting things.參考答案: 1. can be finished 2. is produced 3. will be sung 4. Was built 5. are used 課外閱讀,貴在堅持。Long ago in a small, faraway (遙遠的) village, there was a place known as the House of 1000 Mirrors. A small, happy little dog learned of this place and decided to visit. When he arrived, he climbed happily up the stairs to the doorway of the house. He looked through the doorway with his ears lifted high and his tail wagging (搖) as fast as it could. To his great surprise, he found himself staring at 1000 other happy little dogs with their tails wagging just as fast as his. He smiled a great smile, and was answered with 1000 great smiles just as warm and friendly. As he left the House, he thought to himself, "This is a wonderful place. I will come back and visit it often." In this same village, another little dog, who was not quite as happy as the first one, decided to visit the house. He slowly climbed the stairs and hung his head low as he looked into the door. When he saw the 1000 unfriendly looking dogs staring back at him, he growled at (向咆哮)them and was horrified to see 1000 little dogs growling back at him. As he left, he thought to himself, “That is a horrible (驚駭?shù)? place, and I will never go back there again.”All the faces in the world are mirrors. What kind of reflections (反應) do you see in the faces of the people you meet?3 Preview Section B 1a2c on P 71.Feedback個人認為本堂課教學目標達成度較高,教學步驟循序漸進,鋪墊有序,能力訓練較為全面,充分地讓學生們表達了對創(chuàng)造和發(fā)明的認識和看法,“Hep Robinson”的情境設置有趣,激發(fā)了學生的想象力與運用語言的積極性。Period 3 Section B 1a 1b 2a 2b 2c Teaching aims學完本課后,學生應能:1 談論食物的味道(sweet,sour,crispy等);2 聽對話,了解薯片有趣的發(fā)明故事(by mistake);3 寫短文,介紹食物的發(fā)明史。Teaching procedures歌曲引入 談論喜愛的食物 猜測食物物 描述味道的形容詞的學習對話學習 圖片簡介薯片 聽力練習 復述薯片歷史 家庭作業(yè)Step 1 Warming up ( 3)Lets play a guessing game: What is the invention?Whod like to guess? Please come to the front. Ss read together:It was invented in 1879. It was invented by Edison.It is used for giving light. What is it?S1: Its light bulbs.Get another student to come to the front and guess.Ss read: It looks like a box.It was invented by Spencer in 1955.It is used for making food hot. S2: Its the microwave oven.Step 2 Presentation (10)1 Leading inT: Boys and girls, lets first enjoy an English song. Then you will answer the following questions.1) What is the song about?S1: Its about apple.2) How does it taste?S2: It tastes sweet.2 Talk about the foods and tastesShow some pictures of food. Talk about them with the students:A: What is this? B: Its A: How does it taste?B: Its sour / sweet / crispy / salty / hot /bitter3 Competition1a1) Group 1 and Group 2 write down what they are and how they taste. 1b 2) Group 3 and Group 4 write the names of food that tastes sweet and crispy. 3) Group 5 and Group 6 write the names of food that tastes salty and sour. Share the lists with the class.4 Pair work1) Read after me the adjectives together. 2) Now, whats your favorite food? Describe your favorite food with the adjectives.A: Whats your favorite food? B: My favorite food is _.A: Why?B: Because it is/tastes _and its also_.Step 3 Pre-listening (3)1 Talk about potato chips.Show a form about potato chips.T: Do you know what my favorite food is? Ss: T: My favorite food is potato chips.Do you know how they taste?Ss: T: Yes, you are right. They taste crispy and salty. They were invented by a chef called George Crum.Introduce the words “sprinkle”, “be in good mood”, 2 Do you know how potato chips were invented? You are going to listen to two people talking about the history of potato chips.2aStep 4 listening ( 6) 1 Please look at 2a, listen and circle T for true or F for false.2 Now lets check the answers.參考答案1. Potato chips were invented by mistake. F 2. They were invented in 1863. T 3. The customer thought the potatoes werent thin enough. F 4. The customer said they werent salty en


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