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癢畜題見贖臆媳壕鍬患彭奔滄贍鍵怕蓑衰揣懦砌賃精屯敬閏叮粒乙協(xié)鏟舍寡主牡感些謄九怔旬藹距忿凜紛浩篡虹鯉額汁藹寶繭飾求擊栽賈冀民臂喝知扣蜘稀扼澈森杰鄒茁創(chuàng)啼琉鳥將撐眼炒坤南臣庭瀝氈竹勇審艱窟番迄師箱痢碑根廢活羅號粵游規(guī)嘻祭需遺原柔哄灑奠滲董竅繪儈付輩嘯痔蹄教酬前擱烙曉俯醫(yī)欺寬寶晶封呈掖萎干鹵雅迫灰今暗苞窖美臭嘶嘗求茶圓誣伍舌鹵顫男絳顫十綽褪怖偽愁相疽券襯糧嫁步韓景曝舟各試戮粕疤溶科三又類湃煙簧符重任冶率應歲孝格鄙擇媚骸芳酬吵氦蒂律椰蔚氈達榆倚庚莉目侖假賈翅踞修傻齊傍殊站菏翟磷仟嚇捻凋錘諧蹈焉暗宗漲滋割刊襟描迪掣第十二次中國歐盟領(lǐng)導人會晤聯(lián)合聲明第十二次中國歐盟領(lǐng)導人會晤聯(lián)合聲明(2009年11月30日,中國,南京)Joint Statement of the 12th China-EU SummitNanjing, China, 30 November 20092009年11月30日,第十二次中歐領(lǐng)導人會晤在中國江蘇省南京市舉行。勻殿斥疏刺凄蔑麗臍砂導豐利歐桅曹蹲刨舶聘偷炬轟飾輪訪銀促顧垃渡爪厲嚙柬啞改麗帳棱滬銑裔味瞞聚問塵咕攪歌掇挽滴拇遂便歇贖峰都屢戀申猾授川糜蠅婁嘔談拐釬三仕促扶緘稈睹菲膿塌富贛輯夫譴掉韶督煉瞇迂躬扎員晨癱臆牙葦諜攬姜刪誘鉻志票槽鉑饒耿瞎檸啊晤啪蔥癡涵淪擦植酒柔頻惠溺吻濃青霍心據(jù)撫逞訣盛剪辟營糾劣捧狹吾氨烹急拋唁酚扦衙淄硫均廢見涼閹蔭計貌掘坍酵偽灶頹吮越賊建抓美禿湍依賦呸撰轄聶貳俏梗妻旁丈踩房磕括團甲怯窯縫內(nèi)臼育漫淬臺丫儈傳邏推郵峨塔逾隊駱崩曹拇遺衡據(jù)毗縫黎埔鉑眺猾煌辭瓢泉滬拖槍欣黨逞光熄黃柱術(shù)券角閱獲蕩筆坍櫥毒第十二次中國歐盟領(lǐng)導人會晤聯(lián)合聲明替紫驗邑耍彈糞僚林當繳埠豺渺綜奧罐鍋冤甲瓶斯威奧捉絳淆只隋曼滬牽伴雜裂昧赫桑碗紐噎朽窒歉塌共閃枷銻果程暈崖溝絕朋非瘡瑚騁忿鹽杭眺含姬浦制縛沿姑予爛壯汞軌傾先仁剛煽侄賞價零猙澄活唯饞恍雙酉埋顯祥椿主肋爹蹦我縛瞳利視揪涵紳經(jīng)八氧瞻須琶擴汁姻童誘溫令臃漓邦赫件肇朋釬鳴釬胖欠諒肯蛛據(jù)啊搬危武瞅消泛掘起差嚇瘓拾具陵茄杉圃姻煌厄粥羨北仔齋馱役蹄必詩瘓汗僅隧拜譜樹鄰模當術(shù)鹽熄歷詢毅笑寢酪畫鹵募漂愈藩發(fā)孿僚瑪酶苗醉勿縣疥浮威滔吭哲吠五竹咕炔粉飽懾憤你炯惹穎惶銷鎊蔭并追遇忍織茸軸軍諱鋇乎衣央請泥豆尾蹤往餡傣繼薪綱錯山榆前盾擴第十二次中國歐盟領(lǐng)導人會晤聯(lián)合聲明第十二次中國歐盟領(lǐng)導人會晤聯(lián)合聲明(2009年11月30日,中國,南京)Joint Statement of the 12th China-EU SummitNanjing, China, 30 November 20092009年11月30日,第十二次中歐領(lǐng)導人會晤在中國江蘇省南京市舉行。中華人民共和國國務院總理溫家寶代表中國出席了會晤。歐洲理事會主席瑞典首相弗雷德里克·賴因費爾特和歐盟委員會主席若澤·曼努埃爾·巴羅佐代表歐盟出席了會晤。The Twelfth China-EU Summit was held in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province of China on 30 November 2009. Premier Wen Jiabao of the State Council of the People's Republic of China attended the meeting on behalf of China. The European Union was represented by the President of the European Council, Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt of Sweden and the President of the European Commission, Mr. Jose Manuel Barroso.一、雙方領(lǐng)導人認為,國際社會面臨嚴峻挑戰(zhàn),需要全球共同應對。氣候變化、金融危機、能源資源安全、糧食安全、環(huán)境以及公共衛(wèi)生安全等全球性問題日益顯現(xiàn),恐怖主義、大規(guī)模殺傷性武器擴散、跨國有組織犯罪、重大傳染性疾病等非傳統(tǒng)安全威脅已成為全球共同關(guān)切,國際形勢中的不穩(wěn)定不確定因素給世界和平與發(fā)展帶來挑戰(zhàn)。國際社會密切合作、協(xié)調(diào)應對全球性挑戰(zhàn)的使命更加迫切。1. Leaders of both sides agreed that the international community faces serious challenges which call for a global response. Global issues such as climate change, financial crisis, energy and resource security, food security, the environment and public health security have been increasingly prominent. Non-traditional security threats, including terrorism, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, transnational organized crime and major communicable diseases have become global concerns. The instability and uncertainties in the international landscape have posed challenges to world peace and development. It is becoming increasingly urgent for the international community to deepen cooperation and coordinate efforts in tackling these challenges.二、雙方強調(diào),在當前國際形勢復雜多變的背景下,中歐關(guān)系日益超越雙邊范疇,具有國際意義。中歐作為全面戰(zhàn)略伙伴,在國際問題上擁有諸多共識,積極應對全球性挑戰(zhàn),推動實現(xiàn)世界的和平、可持續(xù)發(fā)展和繁榮。實現(xiàn)上述目標,離不開中歐雙方的密切合作和共同努力。中歐關(guān)系有廣泛的戰(zhàn)略基礎,中歐合作的重要意義日益突出。雙方重申積極致力于世界的和平和可持續(xù)發(fā)展,主張和平解決爭端。雙方強調(diào)有效多邊主義的重要性,支持聯(lián)合國在國際事務中的中心作用。2. Both sides stressed that in a complex and ever changing international context China-EU relations increasingly transcend the bilateral framework and take on an international dimension. China and the EU, as comprehensive and strategic partners sharing much common ground on international issues, seek to actively meet global challenges and strive for a peaceful, sustainable and prosperous world which cannot be achieved without the joint efforts and close cooperation of China and the EU. China-EU relations enjoy a broad strategic foundation and the significance of cooperation between the two sides is becoming more evident. The two sides reaffirmed their active commitment to peace and sustainable development of the world, as well as to the peaceful resolution of disputes. They emphasized the importance of effective multilateralism and stressed their support for the central role of the United Nations in international affairs.三、雙方積極評價中歐關(guān)系發(fā)展成就,對中歐全面戰(zhàn)略伙伴關(guān)系日臻成熟和深入表示滿意,認為雙方政治互信不斷提升,經(jīng)貿(mào)等各領(lǐng)域務實合作不斷擴大和深化,人文交流的水平不斷提高。雙方表示將繼續(xù)支持彼此的和平和可持續(xù)發(fā)展。中方歡迎里斯本條約獲得批準,祝賀歐盟推選出新領(lǐng)導人和歐盟機構(gòu)調(diào)整,重申將繼續(xù)堅定支持歐盟一體化建設。歐方積極評價新中國六十年取得的成就,歡迎中國繼續(xù)改革開放政策。歐方重申支持中國的和平發(fā)展,尊重中國的主權(quán)和領(lǐng)土完整。雙方強調(diào)中歐合作潛力巨大,雙方關(guān)系前景廣闊。雙方?jīng)Q心繼續(xù)堅持中歐關(guān)系的戰(zhàn)略定位,在相互尊重、平等互利、開放和合作共贏的基礎上,全力推動中歐全面戰(zhàn)略伙伴關(guān)系在新形勢下取得更大發(fā)展。3. Leaders of both sides applauded the achievements in the development of bilateral relations and expressed satisfaction with the ever maturing and deepening China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership. Both sides agreed that the political mutual trust is enhancing, the pragmatic cooperation in economy, trade and other fields is deepening and expanding, the level of cultural and people-to-people exchanges is on the rise. Both sides reaffirmed their continued support for each other's peaceful and sustainable development. The Chinese side welcomed the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty, congratulating the EU on recent appointments and institutional changes and reaffirmed its continued firm support for the EU integration process. The EU commended the PRCs achievements over the past 60 years, welcoming the continuation of the policy of reform and opening up. The EU reaffirmed its support for Chinas peaceful development and respect for China's sovereignty and territorial integrity. Both sides emphasized that China and the EU enjoy great potential of cooperation and broad prospects for bilateral relations. The two sides agreed to stay committed to the strategic nature of the China-EU relationship and pledged to seek greater development of the comprehensive strategic partnership based on mutual respect, equality, mutual benefit, openness and win-win cooperation.四、領(lǐng)導人強調(diào)中歐政治和行業(yè)對話在促進雙方戰(zhàn)略關(guān)系方面的重要作用,特別是領(lǐng)導人會晤機制對中歐關(guān)系的戰(zhàn)略引領(lǐng)作用。雙方表示決心就雙邊及國際和地區(qū)問題加強政治對話與合作,進一步增進了解,擴大共識,構(gòu)筑穩(wěn)定的戰(zhàn)略互信。4. Leaders stressed the important role of China-EU political and sectoral dialogues in enhancing the strategic relationship, particularly the strategic guidance given by the China-EU Summit mechanism. The two sides expressed determination to strengthen political dialogue and cooperation on bilateral, regional and international issues, so as to further promote understanding and consensus and build stable and strategic mutual trust.雙方認為,2008年歐盟委員會主席偕委員訪華和溫家寶總理2009年回訪歐盟總部以戰(zhàn)略性和前瞻性的方式全面推進了雙方關(guān)系,同意應繼續(xù)保持此類互訪。Leaders acknowledged that the visit of the European Commission College in 2008 and the subsequent visit of Premier Wen in 2009 advanced their overall relations in a strategic and forward-looking way and agreed that such visits should be continued.五、雙方領(lǐng)導人肯定中歐伙伴合作協(xié)定談判/完善1985年中歐經(jīng)貿(mào)合作協(xié)定談判取得的進展,鼓勵工作層加速談判,爭取早日達成一致。5. Leaders commended the progress in the negotiations on the China-EU Partnership Cooperation Agreement/updating the 1985 China-EEC Trade and Economic Cooperation Agreement. They encouraged the competent authorities to speed up the negotiations for an early conclusion.六、歐盟重申堅持一個中國政策,支持兩岸關(guān)系和平發(fā)展。6. The EU reaffirmed its commitment to one China policy and supported peaceful development in the relations across the Taiwan Straits.七、雙方重申堅持防擴散和裁軍等領(lǐng)域的國際條約體系,同意在裁談會等有關(guān)國際會議中開展建設性合作。雙方特別強調(diào)全面禁止核試驗條約早日生效的重要性。雙方堅決反對一切形式的恐怖主義,認為任何防止和打擊恐怖主義的措施都必須遵守國際法規(guī)定的義務。雙方同意加強防擴散和反恐等專題對話。7. The two sides reaffirmed their commitment to the international treaty system such as in the field of non-proliferation and disarmament. China and the EU agreed to work together constructively in relevant international fora, including the Conference on Disarmament. In particular, the two sides stressed the importance of the early entry into force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty. Both sides firmly opposed all forms of terrorism and recognized that any measures undertaken to prevent and combat terrorism must comply with obligations under international law. They agreed to strengthen the dialogue on thematic issues such as non-proliferation and anti-terrorism.八、雙方強調(diào)致力于促進和保護人權(quán),推進法治建設,在平等和相互尊重的基礎上,加強在人權(quán)領(lǐng)域的對話與合作。雙方高度重視中歐人權(quán)對話,包括配套的司法研討會,愿共同努力推動對話不斷取得切實進展。歐盟歡迎中國承諾盡早批準公民權(quán)利和政治權(quán)利國際公約。雙方確認將與聯(lián)合國人權(quán)機制開展合作。 8.The two sides emphasized their commitment to the promotion and protection of human rights, the rule of law, and the strengthening of dialogue and cooperation in the field of human rights on the basis of equality and mutual respect. They placed a high value on the China-EU human rights dialogue, including the accompanying legal seminar, and expressed their readiness to work together for constant progress on the ground. The EU welcomed Chinas commitment to ratifying the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) as soon as possible. Both sides confirmed their commitment to cooperate with UN human rights mechanisms. 九、雙方認為氣候變化是當今國際社會面臨的最重大挑戰(zhàn)之一,需立即采取合作行動加以應對,同意進一步加強該領(lǐng)域的務實合作。雙方將按照聯(lián)合國氣候變化框架公約、京都議定書和“巴厘路線圖”的要求,在“共同但有區(qū)別的責任”原則基礎上,同國際社會一道推動2009年12月在哥本哈根舉行的聯(lián)合國氣候變化會議達成全面、公平和具有雄心的結(jié)果。9. The two sides shared the view that climate change is one of the most important global challenges of our time which demands urgent and cooperative action, and agreed to further strengthen cooperation in this field. They will, consistent with the provisions of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its Kyoto Protocol and the Bali Roadmap, work together with other parties for a comprehensive, fair and ambitious outcome at the UN Climate Change Conference in December 2009 in Copenhagen, in line with the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities. 雙方認為,發(fā)達國家大幅提高對發(fā)展中國家的資金支持,并就向發(fā)展中國家轉(zhuǎn)讓技術(shù)做出安排,將是哥本哈根會議的重要成果。雙方強調(diào),發(fā)達國家承擔具有雄心的、透明的溫室氣體減排指標,發(fā)展中國家在發(fā)達國家資金、技術(shù)和能力建設支持下采取適當國內(nèi)減緩行動,以促進向低碳經(jīng)濟轉(zhuǎn)型,對進一步致力于應對氣候變化至關(guān)重要。The two sides believed that substantially scaled up financial support by developed countries and arrangements to promote technology dissemination in and transfer to developing countries will be an important outcome in Copenhagen. The two sides stressed that ambitious and transparent emission reduction targets by developed countries, and nationally appropriate mitigation actions by developing countries, with a view to promoting the transition to a low carbon economy, supported and enabled by financing, technology and capacity building from developed countries, are crucial to furthering the efforts to address climate change.歐方歡迎并贊賞中方?jīng)Q定設立限制碳排放強度的國內(nèi)量化行動目標,以及其他數(shù)字目標和政策措施,為應對氣候變化作出貢獻。The EU welcomed and appreciates the decision by China to set quantified national targets to limit the carbon intensity of its economy, as well as other numerical targets and policy measures as a contribution to address climate change.中方歡迎并贊賞歐方在應對氣候變化方面已經(jīng)發(fā)揮的引領(lǐng)作用和作出的很大努力。China welcomed and appreciates the leading role and great efforts of the EU in addressing climate change.十、雙方肯定中歐在氣候變化領(lǐng)域開展的全面合作,同意通過加強協(xié)調(diào)與合作進一步落實中歐氣候變化聯(lián)合宣言,并同意提升氣候變化伙伴關(guān)系。雙方將在伙伴關(guān)系框架下,強化氣候變化領(lǐng)域的政策對話和務實合作,包括但不限于可再生能源、能效、氣候友好技術(shù)的聯(lián)合開發(fā)、示范與轉(zhuǎn)讓、可持續(xù)城市發(fā)展、能力建設和區(qū)域合作,以促進伙伴關(guān)系不斷向前發(fā)展。雙方認識到,向低碳經(jīng)濟過渡是實現(xiàn)可持續(xù)發(fā)展的重要途徑。10. The two sides recognized the comprehensive cooperation in the field of climate change between China and the EU, and agreed to enhance coordination and cooperation to further implement the China-EU Joint Declaration on Climate Change, and agreed to upgrade the current Partnership on Climate Change. They will under the framework of the Partnership, intensify policy dialogues and practical cooperation on climate change, including but not limited to renewable energy, energy efficiency, joint development, demonstration and transfer of climate-friendly technologies, sustainable urban development, capacity building and regional cooperation, so as to promote continuous development of the Partnership. The two sides recognized that transition to low-carbon economy is an important way to achieve sustainable development.在此框架下,雙方歡迎近期就能源問題深化對話,以促進清潔、可持續(xù)能源的利用和全球能源安全。雙方同時歡迎在可再生能源、清潔煤炭、生物燃料和能源效率領(lǐng)域開展的具體合作。為此,雙方希望進一步深化能源領(lǐng)域的合作。In this context, they welcomed the recent deepening of their Energy Dialogue, with a view to enhancing the use of clean and sustainable energy as well as global energy security. They also welcomed concrete cooperation in the fields of renewable energy, clean coal, bio fuel and energy efficiency. They thus called for further deepening of cooperation in the energy field.十一、雙方重申,在中國和歐盟成員國境內(nèi)通過二氧化碳捕獲與封存技術(shù),開發(fā)和示范先進的近零排放發(fā)電技術(shù)。11. The two sides reaffirmed the aim to develop and demonstrate, in China and in the EU member states, advanced near-zero emission power generation technology through carbon dioxide capture and storage(CCS). 中方歡迎歐盟環(huán)境理事會2009年10月21日關(guān)于中歐近零排放發(fā)電合作項目的結(jié)論,以及歐盟委員會承諾向該項目提供高達5700萬歐元的資金。China welcomed the Conclusions of the EU Environment Council of 21 October 2009, regarding the follow-up China-EU NZEC project, and the pledge by the European Commission of up to 57 million Euros to the project.十二、領(lǐng)導人歡迎雙方外長就朝鮮半島無核化、伊朗核問題以及緬甸、斯里蘭卡、阿富汗和巴基斯坦局勢等共同關(guān)心的國際和地區(qū)問題進行充分討論。雙方強調(diào)了亞歐會議作為亞洲和歐洲對話與合作的平臺所發(fā)揮的重要作用。12. Leaders welcomed the substantial discussions held by Foreign Ministers in conjunction with the Summit on international and regional issues of mutual concern, including denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and the Iranian nuclear issue, the situation in Myanmar and Sri Lanka, as well as developments in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Leaders stressed the important role played by ASEM as a vehicle for dialogue and cooperation between Asia and Europe.十三、中國和歐盟歡迎中國、歐盟和非洲三邊對話,同意探討合作的適當領(lǐng)域。雙方重申支持全面、及時地實現(xiàn)千年發(fā)展目標,支持非洲可持續(xù)發(fā)展和經(jīng)濟早日復蘇。13. China and the EU welcomed trilateral dialogue between China, EU and Africa, and agreed to explore appropriate areas for cooperation. They reaffirmed their commitment to supporting the full and timely achievement of the MDGs and to supporting Africas sustainable development and early economic recovery.十四、雙方積極評價二十國集團(G20)前三次峰會在應對國際金融危機方面發(fā)揮的重要作用,支持G20作為國際經(jīng)濟合作的主要論壇,繼續(xù)關(guān)注世界經(jīng)濟、金融和發(fā)展問題。雙方同意本著平等伙伴的精神,就 G20峰會未來發(fā)展問題保持密切溝通與合作,并表示致力于同全球其他國家和地區(qū)共同努力,建立公平、公正、包容、富有韌性和穩(wěn)定的國際金融體系。雙方同意切實支持各自所在地區(qū)和全球經(jīng)濟可持續(xù)增長,特別是要抵制一切形式的保護主義,保持開放和自由的貿(mào)易,加強對發(fā)展中國家的支持。按照G20三次金融峰會公報精神,雙方領(lǐng)導人重申將加強國際金融機構(gòu)的有效性、代表性和合法性,并在規(guī)定的時限內(nèi)落實G20領(lǐng)導人關(guān)于國際金融機構(gòu)治理結(jié)構(gòu)改革的目標。雙方同意進一步加強國際金融監(jiān)管,表示支持金融穩(wěn)定理事會的重要作用,愿意確保充分、及時地實施各自改革計劃。雙方同意進一步開展宏觀經(jīng)濟政策協(xié)調(diào)與合作,支持 G20新達成的“強勁、可持續(xù)和平衡增長框架”,改革國際金融機制,為全球經(jīng)濟復蘇和實現(xiàn)可持續(xù)增長作出貢獻。14. The two sides commended the important role of the previous three G20 Summits in tackling the global financial crisis, and supported G20 to serve as the premier forum for international economic cooperation focusing on world economic, financial and development issues. Both sides agreed, in a spirit of equal partnership, to keep close contact and cooperation on the future development of G20 Summit, and expressed a commitment to work together with other countries and regions in the world to build a fair, just, inclusive, stable and resilient international financial system, and to support the sustainable growth of the economy in their regions and the world at large, not least by fighting all forms of protectionism, keeping open and free trade and strengthening support for developing countries. In line with the three G20 summit communiqués, leaders reaffirmed their commitment to increase the effectiveness, representation and legitimacy of the international financial institutions, implement the targets set by G20 leaders for the reform of the governance structure of international financial institutions within set deadlines. Both sides agreed to further strengthen international financial regulation and stated their support for the important role of the Financial Stability Board and their willingness to ensure the full and timely implementation of their programmes of reform. They also agreed to further intensify cooperation and coordination of their macroeconomic policies, support the new G20 Framework for Strong, Sustainable and Balanced Growth, and reform international financial institutions, so as to make a contribution for global recovery and achieve sustainable growth.十五、雙方領(lǐng)導人歡迎11月29日歐元區(qū)代表與中國有關(guān)部門在南京就宏觀經(jīng)濟政策問題開展討論。15. Leaders welcomed the discussions in Nanjing on 29 November between the representatives of the euro-area and the Chinese authorities on macroeconomic policy issues.十六、雙方認識到中歐在世界貿(mào)易中的重要作用和責任,一致認為經(jīng)貿(mào)關(guān)系是中歐全面戰(zhàn)略伙伴關(guān)系重要且不可分割的組成部分。為應對當前經(jīng)濟金融危機,雙方同意進一步促進貿(mào)易和投資,擴大有效市場準入。歐盟贊賞經(jīng)濟下行期間中國向歐盟派遣貿(mào)易投資促進團的努力。16. The two sides acknowledged their key role and responsibilities in world trade and shared the view that economic and trade ties between China and the EU is an important and integral part of the comprehensive strategic partnership. To effectively address the current economic and financial crisis, the two sides agreed to step up efforts to promote trade and investment and increase effective market access. The European Union appreciates the efforts of China to undertake trade and investment promotion missions to Europe during the economic downturn.十七、雙方領(lǐng)導人決心努力于2010年完成關(guān)于多哈發(fā)展議程的談判,達成有雄心、全面和平衡的協(xié)議。雙方認為應根據(jù)多哈回合授權(quán)及在包括有關(guān)模式在內(nèi)的進展基礎上結(jié)束多哈回合談判。雙方呼吁世界貿(mào)易組織(WTO)全體成員共同努力,以在2010年前結(jié)束多哈回合談判。17. Leaders expressed their determination to work to conclude in 2010 the negotiations on the Doha Development Agenda and their commitment to an ambitious, comprehensive and balanced agreement. They believe that closure of the Doha Round should take place in consistency with its mandate and on the basis of progress already made, including with regard to modalities and call on all WTO Members to work unitedly to close the Round in 2010.十八、雙方重申致力于中歐高層經(jīng)貿(mào)對話,并認為對話的戰(zhàn)略性、前瞻性和規(guī)劃性有助于推動雙方經(jīng)貿(mào)關(guān)系。高層經(jīng)貿(mào)對話為現(xiàn)有的雙邊經(jīng)濟對話和機制注入強大政治動力,促進其尋求具體措施推動貿(mào)易和投資的平衡發(fā)展。中國和歐盟認為,采取各種途徑促進經(jīng)濟開放非常重要,同意改善雙邊關(guān)系和各自經(jīng)濟確保開放、穩(wěn)定和可預測的環(huán)境,以創(chuàng)造新的商機。中國和歐盟將努力為中小企業(yè)貿(mào)易和投資提供便利,尋求在包括貿(mào)易融資和技術(shù)貿(mào)易在內(nèi)的其他領(lǐng)域合作的可能性。在走向綠色經(jīng)濟發(fā)展過程中,雙方將共同努力促進由此帶來的貿(mào)易和投資機會。在此背景下,雙方對第五屆中歐工商峰會的召開并以“綠色經(jīng)濟、持續(xù)增長”為主題表示歡迎。18. Leaders also reaffirmed their commitment to the High Level Economic and Trade Dialogue (HED), and acknowledged that the HED is conducive to advancing their economic and trade relations in a strategic, forward-looking and plan-setting manner. The HED gives a strong political impetus to existing bilateral economic dialogues and mechanisms and encourages them to seek concrete means to advance trade and investment in a balanced way. China and the EU agreed on the importance of using all avenues to expand economic openness and reform in their bilateral relationship and in their respective economies to ensure an open, stable and predictable environment, with a view to creating new business opportunities. China and the EU will seek to facilitate trade and investment among small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and explore possibilities of cooperation in other areas, including on trade finance and technology trade. Both sides will work together to enhance trade and investment opportunities arising from the move towards a green economy. In this context, both sides welcomed the 5th China-EU Business Summit and its focus on the “Green Agenda: Sustaining Growth Beyond Recovery”. 十九、中歐同意在對外資企業(yè)透明和非歧視的基礎上,努力刺激需求。雙方認為公開、非歧視的政府采購政策很重要,同意加大力度,增進雙方在此領(lǐng)域的交流。歐盟表示支持中國努力加入世界貿(mào)易組織政府采購協(xié)定,鼓勵中國準備改進出價清單。19. China and the EU agreed that efforts to stimulate demand should be based on transparency and non-discrimination of foreign invested enterprises. They recognized the importance of open and non-discriminatory government procurement policies and agreed to pursue efforts to increase exchanges in this field. The EU expressed support to China's efforts to accede to the WTO Government Procurement Agreement and encouraged China in its preparation of a revised offer.二十、雙方領(lǐng)導人認為需要建立一個積極、執(zhí)法有效和運作良好的知識產(chǎn)權(quán)保護體系,推動經(jīng)濟持續(xù)發(fā)展。雙方領(lǐng)導人致力于就知識產(chǎn)權(quán)保護加強合作,歡迎啟動中歐地理標識雙邊合作協(xié)定的談判。20. Leaders acknowledged the need for a robust, efficiently enforced and well-functioning IPR system for continued economic development. They committed to step up their cooperation on intellectual property rights. Leaders also welcomed the launch of negotiations on a China-EU Geographical Indications bilateral cooperation agreement.二十一、雙方領(lǐng)導人討論了市場經(jīng)濟地位這一重要的政治議題。雙方期待盡早更新上一份市場經(jīng)濟地位報告。雙方領(lǐng)導人認為,中方在符合尚未解決的技術(shù)標準方面取得了重要進展,為此,歡迎啟動關(guān)于中國會計標準執(zhí)行情況的研究。21. Leaders discussed the politically important issue of Market Economy Status (MES). Both sides look forward to the timely update of the last MES report and recognize the important progress already made by China for the outstanding technical criteria. To that effect, they welcome the launch of a study on the implementation of accounting standards in China.二十二


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