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中考英語沖刺復習 語法 介詞課件.ppt

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中考英語沖刺復習 語法 介詞課件.ppt

考點精講精練 介詞 綜合測練 中考鏈接 考點精講精練 1 at on in的區(qū)別 at多指 點時間 如 在九點鐘atnineo clock在兩點十五分ataquarterpasttwo在晚飯時atsupperon多指 在具體某天或某天的早 中 晚以及前有形容詞修飾的時間名詞等 如 在1999年5月1號onMay1st1999在星期天早上onSundaymorning在一個寒冷的夜晚onacoldnightin多指 段時間 如 在18世紀intheeighteenthcentury在2003年in2003在春天inspring 在六月inJune在早上inthemorning在他20多歲時inhistwenties 2 before after和in的區(qū)別 before是指 在 之前 如 在五點之前beforefiveo clock在星期五之前beforeFridayafter和in是指 在 之后 其后接 一段時間 時 in與一般將來時連用 after一般與一般過去時連用 如 Shewillbebackintwoweeks months years 她兩個星期 月 年 之后回來 Shecamebackafteraweek 她一個星期后回來了 若后面接的是一個 時間點 時 只用after 如 Shewillarriveaftertwoo clock 她將在兩點后到達 3 since和for的區(qū)別 兩者與現(xiàn)在完成時連用時 since后接 時間點或過去時的一個句子 for后接 時間段 如 IhavebeeninChinasince2000 時間點 IhavebeeninChinafor15years 時間段 我在中國15年了 Hehasstayedinthisschoolsincehecamehere 自從他來到這里后 他就待在這個學校 考點1專練 用at in on before after since for填空 1 JackywasbornJuly11th 1998 IwasbornJuly1st 1998 SoIwasborntendayshim 2 Wehavefourclassesthedaytimeandtwonight 3 Harryhasstayedherelastnight Hehasbeenhere12hours 4 Iwillbeouteighto clocktomorrow AndIwillcomebackamonth 5 Theygetup6 30everymorning Butyesterdaytheygotupaquarterpastseven on on in at since for at in at at before 1 at和in的區(qū)別 at后接小地方 in后接大地方 如 IliveinBeijingwhilehelivesatasmallvillageinYunnan 我住在北京 而他住在云南的一個小村子里 2 in on和to的區(qū)別 in表示兩個地方是相屬關(guān)系 即一個小地方屬于大地方管轄 on表示兩個地方相接 即兩個地方是連接在一起的 to表示兩個地方相隔 即兩個地方中間是隔開的 如 GuangdongisinthesouthofChina 廣東在中國南部 廣東屬于中國的一部分 GuangdongliesontheeastofGuangxi 廣東在廣西的東部 廣東和廣西是連接在一起的 ChinaistothewestofJapan 中國在日本的西部 中國和日本隔海相望 3 across through over的區(qū)別 across指從表面上通過 through指從中間穿過 over指從上空通過 如 Theoldmanwentacrosstheroadcarefully 老人小心地從路面上走過 Thesunlightwentintotheroomthroughthewindow 陽光透過窗戶進入房間 Look Abirdisflyingoverthetallbuilding 看 一只小鳥正飛過高樓 4 infrontof與inthefrontof的區(qū)別 infrontof指物體外的前面 inthefrontof指物體內(nèi)的前部 如 Thereisatalltreeinfrontofmyhouse 在我屋前有一棵大樹 樹在屋外 Canyouseethedeskinthefrontoftheclassroom 你能看見在教室前面的桌子嗎 桌子在教室里面 5 inthewall與onthewall inthetree與onthetree的區(qū)別 inthewall指在墻里面 onthewall指在墻表面 inthetree指在樹上的外來物 onthetree指樹上本身長出的樹葉 果實等 如 Thereisawindowinthewall 墻上有個窗戶 窗戶在墻里面 Abeautifulpictureishungonthewall 一幅漂亮的畫被掛在墻上 畫在墻的表面 Tomputabagintheappletreeandthenhepickedtheapplesonthetree 湯姆把書包掛在蘋果樹上 然后摘樹上的蘋果 書包是外來物 而蘋果是樹本身長出來的 考點2專練 用at in on to across through over infrontof inthefrontof填空 1 IwillarrivetheairportLondonnextWednesday 2 HunanisthesouthofChina Butit sthesouthofHubeiandthenorthofHainan 3 Thereisabridgetheriver Andheoftenwalksthebridgetoplaywithhisfriends at in on to over across in 4 Atlasthewalkedtheforestandsawavillage 5 Yourmotherislookingforyoutheclassroom Youcan tstandtheclassroomtomeether Youhavetogoouttomeether 6 Thereisaholethefrontwallandthereisanairconditionerthebackwall 7 Canyouseetheorangesthetree Justpickthemandputthemthebagthetree through inthefrontof in on on in infrontof in 1 besides except but的區(qū)別 besides是指 除 外 還有 表示加的概念 except指 整體中除去一部分 表示減的概念 but常用于固定搭配nothingbut或nobodybut表示 只有 僅有 的意思 如 Ihavetolearnmath ChineseandpoliticsbesidesEnglish 我除了英語外 還必須學數(shù)學 語文和政治 WegotoschooleverydayexceptSaturdayandSunday 除了星期六和星期天 我們天天都要上學 There snobodybutTomintheclassroom 教室里只有湯姆在 2 in與with的區(qū)別 兩者都表示 用 in后接語言 顏色 筆墨等名詞 且in和后面的名詞之間一般沒有其他詞 with接表示具體手段與工具等名詞 且with與后面的名詞之間一般有其他詞 如 HetoldusthestoryinEnglish 他用英語給我們講了這個故事 in后直接加English 中間沒其他詞 Pleasecolorthisclothinred 請把這塊布染成紅色 Katewrotetheletterinink 凱特用墨水寫了這封信 Hehitmywindowwithastone 他用石頭砸了我的窗戶 with和stone中間有冠詞a 3 表交通方式的介詞 一般情況下用by 交通工具的單數(shù)名詞 要是介詞與交通工具的名詞間有限定詞 則介詞不能用by 要用相應的in或者on 具體如下 bybus on bus bybike on bike byplane on plane bytrain on train byship on ship byboat in boat bycar in car bysubway on subway 如 Ioftengotoschoolbybus 我常常坐公交車上學 by和bus中間沒限定詞 Hewenttocinemabybikelastnight Hewenttocinemaonabikelastnight 他昨晚騎單車去電影院 前句by和bike中間沒限定詞 而后句on和bike中間有限定詞a 4 with和without with表示 和 一起 具有 等意思 without則表示 沒有 等意思 與with相反 如 Chinaisacountrywithalonghistory 中國是一個歷史悠久的國家 Iwanttogototheparkwithyou 我想和你一起去公園 Fishwilldiewithoutwater 沒有水 魚就會死 考點3專練 用besides except but in with by on without填空 1 Weneed20morepeopletohelpusClass1andClass2 2 IdowellinallthesubjectsEnglish 3 ThereisnothingnewintheroomaTV 4 What sthisEnglish It sanapple Nowyoucancutitintohalfaknife 5 NextweekIwillgotoMountEmeiplane Butmyparentswouldliketogothereatrain 6 Youcan tgohimmypermission besides but in with by on except with without 1 短語類 2 句子類 1 Thedesksandchairsaremadewood Butthepaperismadewood A from ofB of fromC of ofD from from 2 TheclocksaremadetheworkersDongchengTown A by inB from inC in byD by into 3 ChinaisfamousherGreatWall A asB forC toD of B A B 考點4專練 4 Thankyouverymuchlendingtheeraserme A for atB to toC for toD to for 5 Sinceyouaretrouble whynotaskhelp A in forB in toC with forD to for 6 NoonecanstopherleavingforChina A ofB fromC toD for C A B 7 Grandmaprefersteacoffee Butgrandpaprefercoffeemilkbecauseittastesbetterinthisway A to withB to toC with toD to in 8 Ourteachersarenotonlystricttheirwork butalsostricttheirstudents A in withB with inC in inD with with 9 Doeshealwaysgotoworkbikeorfoot A by byB on onC by onD on by A A C 10 Mr Brownsatbackasmilehisface A with onB with inC for onD with at 11 Maryfoundasmallbagthegroundthewaytoschool A on onB on inC in byD in at 12 Thefieldwasfullsheepandtheywerelyingtheground A with onB of onC with inD of onto A A B 13 MarywasangryKatelaughingher A at for toB for with onC with for withD with for at 14 Swimmingisgoodourhealth butthesametimewemustn tforgetthedanger A to inB at atC for atD for in 15 It sveryimportantustolearnEnglishwell A toB onC forD of D C C 1 SomevolunteersfromBeijingarrivedinShanghaiApril29toworkfortheWorldExpo A onB atC ofD to 2 ShenXueandZhaoHongbowonthegoldmedalforChina soweareproudthem A inB onC forD of 3 We reallhereLily Where sshe She sgonetothelibrary A besideB besidesC exceptD but A D C 綜合測練 4 Howsoonwillthemanagercomeback aboutthreedays A ForB AfterC InD During 5 IjoinedtheLeagueMay 2008 Whataboutyou IhavebeenaLeaguememberthreeyears A in forB on inC on forD in since 6 YesterdaymorningTonyhurriedtoclasshisEnglishbook sohehadtoshareDavid s A withB forC withoutD past C A C 7 ShanghailiestheeastofChinaandthenortheastofGuangdong A in toB in inC to toD in on 8 Ifyougetonwellyourclassmates you llenjoyyourschoollifemore A toB atC withD in 9 Thisjacketwillcostyou15and20dollars A fromB betweenC amongD with A C B 10 IsitLinda Sheisjustonmyleft A nexttoB infrontofC behindD ontheright 11 LinLinoftenpracticesEnglishchattingwithherAmericanfriends A inB byC forD with 12 Theyoungmanwalkedtheforestandcametoabigriveratlast A onB overC throughD across A B C 13 Therearetwodoorsthewall A inB onC forD of 14 Youdon tneedtolookeverywordinthedictionarywhilereading A forB atC outD up 15 Whatdidyoueatbreakfastthismorning A onB inC forD of C A D 16 Herearesomepresentsyouourbestwishes A to withB for withC of aboutD for for 17 Theplanetookoff15minutesago Wehavetogothereatrain A inB onC byD for 18 It sveryfoolishyoutomakethesamemistakeagain A forB ofC inD to B B B 19 Don tworryit Youhavenothingtodo A about withB about againstC for withD for on 20 Mr Smithisabusybusinessman Heworksthemorningthenight A in atB in forC between andD from to 21 It stimelunch LucyandLilyaresittingthetable A to atB at forC for onD for at A D D 22 Itisdangerouschildrentoplayfire A for withB for C to withD to 23 Ifyouspendmoretimeyourstudy Iamsureyouwilldowellthem A in inB on onC on inD in on A C 24 mysurprise hecameheresoquickly A WithB ToC InD On 25 Ihaven theardmygoodfriendsrecently A ofB fromC toD about B B 1 Ihearthathewillbebacktwoweeks time 2008廣東 A atB inC afterD for 2 It sreallyverykindyoutohelpmewiththehouseworkonSundays saidgrandmaHuang 2009廣東 A ofB withC forD from B A 中考鏈接 3 Conniearrivethevillageasnowynight 2010廣東 A at onB at inC in atD in on 4 It stimetheweatherreport Turnontheradio please 2011廣東 A toB inC atD for 5 Whyareyoustanding Alice Ican tseetheblackboardclearly Twotallboysaresittingme 2012廣東 A behindB nexttoC betweenD infrontof A D D 6 Kelly who sthegirlglassesinthephoto 2013廣東 It sme Iusedtowearglassesandhavelonghair A byB ofC onD with 7 Manypeopleareapaperfactorynearhere Theyareworriedtheriverwillgetpolluted 2014廣東 A forB withC againstD beyond 8 Couldyoupleasegivemeahand Ican tcompletethetaskontimeyourhelp 2015廣東 A withoutB underC WithD for D C A 謝謝


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