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書面表達 (3)

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書面表達 (3)

高考英語書面表達必備詞組 首先,尤其重要的,最重要的above all 偶然,無意中by accident 對(于)很積極 be active in 合計為add up to 承讓錯誤admit one's mistake 接受某人的建議take / follow one's advice 就提出建議give advice on 建議某人做某事advice sb. to do sth. 后天the day after tomorrow 畢竟;終究after all 違心against one's will 在歲時at the age of 實現目標achieve one's aim 在空中;懸而未決in the air 在戶外,在露天里in the open air 在機場at the airport 火警the fire alarm 滿腔怒火be filled with anger 因某人之言行而生氣be angry at sth. 生某人的氣be angry with sb. 通知make an announcement 相繼地,按順序地one after another 相互,彼此(三者或三者以上之間)one another 相互(指兩者之間)each other 沒有回答give no answer 為而擔心be anxious about 急于做某事be anxious to do sth. 分開住live apart 除了apart from 因某事向某人認錯或道歉make/offer an apology to sb for sth. 與某人爭論某事argue with sb. about sth. 放在一邊lay sth. aside 請某人指點 / 幫助ask sb. for advice / help 驚訝于be astonished at sth. 以前,曾經at one time 注意pay attention to 對抱正確的態(tài)度take a correct attitude towards sth. 引起(注意,興趣等)attract one's attention 仰臥仰泳lie / swim on one's back 重感冒a bad cold 兩件行李two pieces of baggage 保持失去平衡keep / lose one's balance 在舞會上at the ball 洗冷水澡have / take a cold bath 陣亡be killed in battle 在海灘on the beach 整理床鋪make the bed 以開始begin with 在起始,開始at the beginning of 自始自終from beginning to end 形成局面;產生come into being 安全帶a safety belt 三思而后行。Second thoughts are best. 盡力,盡最大的努力do / try one's best 盡量利用,善用make the best of 一切順利,萬事如意all the best 黑體地,粗體地in bold 出身于農民家庭be born in a peasant's family 鞠躬make a bow 動動腦子use one's brains 打破紀錄break the record 深吸一口氣take a deep breath 屏息;憋住氣hold one's breath 上氣不接下氣out of breath 刷牙brush one's teeth 突然哭起來burst into tears 突然一陣大笑a burst of laughter 要不是but for 呼救聲a call for help 保持鎮(zhèn)靜(別慌)keep calm 保持安靜(別吵)keep quiet 保持不動(別動)keep still 保持沉默(別說話)keep silent 夏令營a summer camp 去野營go camping 情不自禁cannot help doing 打牌play cards 照顧,保管take care of 醫(yī)療護理medical care 假若那樣的話in that case 以防萬一in case 下傾盆大雨rain cats and dogs 趕上(或超過)catch up with 偶然by chance 免費free of charge 主管,在掌管之下in charge 由負責in the charge of 掌管,負責take charge 高興起來cheer up 童年時in one's childhood 挑選,選擇make a choice 圣誕節(jié)時at Christmas 去做禮拜go to church 煙頭cigarette end 為鼓掌give sb. a clap 接近get close to 一塊桌布a table cloth 一套衣服a suit of clothes 童裝children's clothing 集郵collect stamps 產生,發(fā)生come about (偶然)遇見或發(fā)現come across 走過來;長出,發(fā)芽,上升;抬頭come up 共同,共有in common 參加比賽compete in a contest 舉辦音樂會give a concert 條件是on condition that 祝賀某人congratulate sb. on sth. 相反地on the contrary 失控out of control 與談話;交談have a conversation with sb. 在期間過程中in / during the course of 被覆蓋be covered with 因某事和某人發(fā)脾氣be cross with sb. at sth. 劃掉cross out 對殘忍be cruel to sb. 立方米cubic meter 對感到好奇be curious about sth. 對造成巨大損害do great damage to 處境危險in danger 過時out of date 在不久前,前幾天the other day 對充耳不聞be deaf to sth. 對付,應付deal with 負債in debt 還清債務out of debt 做出決定make a decision 做好事do good deeds 付諸行動,生效do the deed 直到深夜deep into the night 沉思deep in thought 深夜deep into the night 毫不耽擱,立刻without delay 遲遲未做某事delay doing sth. 發(fā)表(演說等)deliver a speech 滿足要求meet the demands 外語系foreign language department 百貨商店department store 難以形容beyond description 決心做某事be determined to do sth. 隨著工業(yè)的發(fā)展with the development of industry 獻身于,致力于devote oneself to 處于滅亡的危險中be in danger of dying out 沒作用,沒影響make no difference 做有困難,難以have difficulty in doing sth. 應邀赴宴be invited to dinner 向四面八方in all directions 做出新的發(fā)現make a new discovery 正在討論中under discussion 洗盤子wash dishes 在遠方,在遠處in the distance 對冷淡be distant toward sb. 對有益do good to 做壞事,犯罪do wrong 挨門挨戶from door to door 隔壁的next door 下樓go downstairs 到市區(qū)去go downtown 緩慢前進,拖延drag one's feet 催人淚下draw tears from sb. 渴望做某事dream of doing sth. 在墻上鉆孔drill a hole in the wall 趕走drive off 使某人發(fā)狂drive sb. mad 掙錢earn money 謀生earn one's living 究竟on earth 別著急,別緊張,放松些take it easy 對有很大影響have a great effect on 努力做某事make efforts to do sth. 鼓勵某人做某事encourage sb. to do sth. 量入而出;使收支相抵make ends meet 美滿的結局a happy ending 說英語的國家English-speaking countries 報名比賽enter oneself for a contest 劇場的入口the entrance to the theater 在除夕on New Year's Eve 雖然,即使even if / even though 時事current events 參加考試have / take an examination 進行體格檢查carry out a medical examination 考試及格pass an examination 為樹立榜樣set an example to sb. 做早操do morning exercises 產生,成立come into existence 做實驗carry / do / make an experiment 做解釋,說明make an explanation 做鬼臉,裝怪相make a face 事實上as a matter of fact 未能fail to do sth. 落后,掉隊fall behind 對而熟悉be familiar with sth. 因而聞名be famous for 作為而聞名be famous as 摸某人的脈feel one's pulse 覺得想做feel like doing sth. 傷害某人的感情hurt one's feelings 春節(jié)the Spring Festival 發(fā)高燒have a high fever 科學領域the field of science 五十多歲時in one's fifties 關鍵人物a key figure 填寫表格fill in the form 剎那間in a flash 一場大洪水a big / great flood 掃地sweep the floor 在三層on the third floor 三層樓的建筑a building of three storeys 正在開花be in flowers 放(風箏等)fly a kite 糊里糊涂in a fog 欺騙,愚弄某人make a fool of sb. 在山腳下at the foot of the mountain 空軍the air force 靠武力,強行by force 用很大力氣with great force 對外貿易foreign trade 養(yǎng)成好習慣form a good habit 碰碰運氣try one's fortune 每四個一組(一批);四個四個地in fours 常客a frequent visitor 新手a fresh hand 同交朋友make friends with 那時起from then on 不時地,時常from time to time 不勞而獲。No pains, no gains. 做游戲play games 代溝generation gap 開始認真(做某事)get down to sth. 陷入麻煩get into trouble 有音樂天分have a gift for music 用盡,耗盡,筋疲力盡give out 朝看了一眼take a glance at 向人瞪眼,怒目而視glare at (燈,火)熄滅go out 復習功課go over the lesson 進了一個球score a goal 犯語法錯誤make mistakes in grammar 懂某人的意思grasp one's meaning 勿踏草地keep off the grass 養(yǎng)成的習慣get into the habit of 用手by hand 分發(fā)hand out 一方面另一方面on the one handon the other hand 少量的a handful of 過幸福生活live a happy life 損害,傷害do harm to 一個好收成a good harvest 保持鎮(zhèn)靜keep one's head 身體好in good health 記住某事learn / know sth. by heart 緊握某物keep a tight hold on sth. 握住;抓住catch / take / get hold of 趾高氣揚hold one's head high 暑假the summer holidays 休假on holiday 為(向) 表示敬意;為了紀念in honour of 對某人抱很大希望have high hope for sb. 懷著的希望in the hope of doing sth. 住院be in hospital 大約一小時an hour or so 挨餓go hungry 打獵go hunting 匆匆忙忙in a hurry 不知道have no idea 但愿,要是就好了if only 給某人留下好印象make a good impression on sb. 慢慢前進inch one's way forward 患難之交才是真朋友。A friend in need is a friend indeed. 告訴某人某事inform sb of sth 堅持要做insist on doing 視察工廠inspect a factory 激動人心的演講an inspiring speech 急需幫助in instant need of help 打斷談話interrupt a conversation 介紹信a letter of introduction 收到請?zhí)鹯eceive an invitation 邀請信a letter of invitation 講笑話tell a joke 和某人開玩笑play a joke with sb. 旅行make a journey 使某人高興的是to one's joy 不可以貌取人。Don't judge a man by his looks. 初中a junior high school 正在那時just then 與保持聯(lián)系keep in touch with 使不進入keep out of 成功的秘訣the key to success 踢門kick the door 踢掉鞋子kick off one's shoes 跪下go down / fall on one's knees 敲門knock at the door 最遲,至遲at the latest 遲早sooner or later 哈哈大笑起來burst into laughter 違(守)法break / obey the law 制定一條法律make a law 擺設餐具(準備吃飯)lay the table 過著簡樸的生活lead a simple life 忽略,遺漏leave out 聽關于的講座attend a lecture on 給某人一個教訓teach sb. a lesson 從在中吸取教訓take a lesson from 驚訝地叫了一聲let out a cry of surprise 透漏消息let out the news 大寫字母a capital letter 仰臥 / 俯臥lie on one's back / stomach 復活,蘇醒過來come back to life 交通信號燈traffic lights 列一張購物清單make a shopping list 謀生,度日make a living 喪生,死;犧牲lose one's life 泄氣;灰心lose heart 失音lose one's voice 輸一場lose a game 祝你好運。Wish you good luck. 洗衣機a washing machine 欣喜若狂be mad with joy 郵寄包裹send the parcel by mail 賺錢make money 交朋友make friends 取得進步make progress 利用make use of 編造故事make up a story 彌補某人的過失make up for one's mistake 有禮貌have good manners 商標a trade mark 滿分full marks 觀看一場籃球比賽watch a basketball match 進行比賽have a match 祝你成功。May you success. 五一節(jié)May Day 通過這種方式by this means 用方法,依靠by means of 決不by no means 按尺寸做maketo one's measure 采取措施take a measure 量身高measure one's height 獲得金牌get a gold medal 醫(yī)療隊a medical team 體檢medical examination 吃藥take / have some medicine 滿足的需要meet the needs of 遇到風暴meet with a storm 去開會go to a meeting 開會have a meeting 舉行會議hold a meeting 為紀念in memory of 對一點兒也不憐憫have no mercy on sb. 毫不容情地;殘忍地without mercy 在支配下;任由擺布at the mercy of 圣誕快樂!Merry Christmas! 給某人捎個信兒take a message for sb. 中秋節(jié)Mid-autumn Day 上百萬的,許許多多的millions of 改變主意change one's mind 當心油漆未干。Mind the wet paint! 下決心make up one's mind 外交部長the minister of foreign affairs 錯過機會miss an opportunity 犯錯誤make a mistake 由疏忽所致by mistake 現代in modern times 零錢small money 某人身上沒(帶)錢have no money with sb. 選某人為班長make sb. monitor 某一天清早on the early morning 在山頂上at the top of the mountain 參加海軍join the navy 如果有必要的話if necessary 需要幫助in need of help 呈現一片新面貌take on a new look 打某人的鼻子hit sb. on the nose 做筆記make / take notes 與無關have nothing to do with 張貼通知put up a notice 對某人毫不在意pay no notice to sb. 運轉著,實施中be in operation 訂購某物place an order for sth. 失業(yè)了out of work 一副眼鏡a pair of glasses 頤和園the Summer Palace 此處禁止停車!No parking here! 在方面起積極作用take an active part in 在過去的幾天里in the past few days 對某人有耐心be patient with sb. 熟能生巧。Practice makes perfect. 演出,表演put on performances 親自,當面in person 給某人照相take a photo of sb. 彈鋼琴play the piano 摘花pick flowers 撿錢包pick up a wallet 去野餐go out for a picnic 一堆書a pile of books 可憐某人(因同情而幫助某人)have / take pity on sb. 出于同情out of pity 代替in place of 坐某人的座位,代替某人的職務take one's place 舉行,發(fā)生take place 代替,代理take the place of 訂計劃make a plan 玩牌play cards 對某人開一個玩笑play a joke on sb. 與一起玩play with sb. 在操場上on the playground 對感到滿意be pleased with 喜歡做某事take pleasure in doing sth. 生活富裕live in plenty 正要的時候on the point of 對某人有禮貌be polite to sb. 受某人喜愛be popular with sb. 占有,擁有take possession of 發(fā)電站power station 當權,執(zhí)政take power 因為某事贊揚某人praise sb. for sth. 贊揚in praise of 出席會議be present at a meeting 眼下at present 互贈禮物exchange presents 在壓力下under pressure 防止某人做某事prevent sb. from doing 以為代價at the price of 無論花多少代價(不惜任何代價)at any price 以為自豪;對感到得意take pride in 小學primary school 入獄,被監(jiān)禁go to prison 在獄中服刑be in prison 將某人送進監(jiān)獄throw / put sb. into prison 越獄escape from prison 解決問題solve the problem 回答問題answer the question 遵守諾言keep one's promise 答應,許下諾言make a promise 以自豪be proud of 養(yǎng)家糊口provide food and clothes for one's family 公共事務public affairs 輿論public opinion 當眾,公開in public 出版社publishing house 故意地on purpose 把推到一邊push aside 推倒,(風)刮倒push over 拖延,推遲put off 不可能out of the question 接力賽a relay race 通過無線電廣播on the radio 衣衫襤褸,穿破衣服in rags 在火車站at the railway station ?。ù螅┯阬ight / heavy rain 一線希望a ray of hope 伸手去拿reach for sth. 夠不著out of ones' reach 樂意干某事be ready to do 事實上in reality 實現希望realize one's hope 為此,為此理由for this reason 接待處reception desk 參考;談到refer to 留在某人的記憶中remain in one's memory 提醒某人做某事remind sb. to do sth. 使某人想起remind sb. of sth. 應請求by request 因此,結果as a result 盛產;有大量的be rich in 除掉get rid of 搶走某人某物rob sb. of sth. 起重要作用play an important role 扮演的角色play the role of 給騰出地方make room for 對某人無禮be rude to sb. 用完run out of 高峰時間,擁擠時間rush hour 滿足某人的需要satisfy one's needs 節(jié)省體力save one's strength 也就是說that is to say 為某事責備某人scold sb. for sth. 就座,坐下take one's seat 不讓人知道某事,保密keep sth. a secret 抓住小偷的衣領seize a thief by the collar 與某人握手shake hands with sb. 店員;營業(yè)員shop assistant 領某人出去進來show sb. out / in 炫耀show off 對岸;在另一面on the other side of 支持某人(方)take the side of 站在一邊take sides in 看不見lose sight of 看到,發(fā)現catch sight out 看不見out of sight 靜靜地in silence 和類似的be similar to 單程票single ticket 量的大?。ǔ叽纾﹖ake the size of 偷偷塞給某人一張紙條slip a note into one's hand 在雪地上滑倒slip on the snow 克服困難smooth away difficulties 大約or so 與有關系have something to do with 國歌the national song 大膽地說,清楚并響亮地說speak out 發(fā)言,演講make a speech 以的速度at a speed of 平方公里square kilometers 代表,象征stand for 餓死starve to death 處于良好狀態(tài)in a good state 逐步地,一步一步地step by step 遵守諾言stick to one's word / promise 趴在地上lie on one's stomach 四層樓的住宅a house of four storeys 趕上風暴be caught in the storm 對要求嚴格be strict with sb. in sth. 擦火柴strike a match 掙扎著起來struggle to one's feet 仔細研究make a study of 突然,冷不防all of a sudden 暑假summer holidays 向某人供應提供supply sb. with sth. 使某人驚奇的是to one's surprise 擦臉上的汗sweat off one's face 坐下吃飯sit down to table 納稅pay one's taxes 沏茶make tea 用望遠鏡through a telescope 講故事tell a story 辨別,分清tell one from the other 量體溫take one's temperature 數以萬計tens of thousands of 被嚇了一跳be terrified at 因某事感謝某人be thankful to sb. for sth. 扔掉throw away 吐出(食物),嘔吐throw up 立刻,很快in no time 交通堵塞traffic jam 跟某人開玩笑,欺騙某人play a trick on sb. 處于困境(苦惱)中be in trouble 一條褲子a pair of trousers 上大學attend university 拜訪某人pay a visit to sb. 高聲地(喊)at the top of one's voice 在交戰(zhàn)at war 穿舊;使筋疲力盡wear out 拔草pull out the weeds 穿著白色衣服be dressed in white 通盤,作為整體as a whole 總的來說on the whole 有志者事竟成。Where there is a will, there is a way. 樂意做某事be willing to do sth. 擦掉灰塵wipe off the dust 創(chuàng)造奇跡make wonders 不足為奇;難怪no wonder 插話get in a word 和某人說句話have a word with sb. 總之,簡言之in a word


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