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2022屆高考英語各省模擬試題匯編卷 全國甲卷.docx

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2022屆高考英語各省模擬試題匯編卷 全國甲卷.docx

2022屆高考英語各省模擬試題匯編卷全國甲卷第一部分閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),滿分40分)第一節(jié)(共15小題;每小題2分,滿分30分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A、B、C和D四個選項中,選出最佳選項。A(2022-福建廈門一中高一開學考試)Travelling the world is something that leaves an impact on your being. Here is a list of inspiring destinations that are bound to change your life. Some completely inlluenced who I am today, and some are a( the very (op of my bucket list.KenyaThe beautiful Maasai people are a symbol of family and love, and although some of their cultural traditions may not be accepted by everyone, their willingness to accept others and cherish the beauty of Kenya is truly hard to ignore.Kenya's incredible land showed me the importance of appreciating all living beings and helped me recognize that regardless of our species, we have far more similarities than differences. Visiting this country made me realize that living in hannony with wildlife is something that we all should fight for, no matter where we might be in the world.MyanmarUnlike so many other destination in Asia that have been crowded by tourists, this county's historic appearance is still entirely existent. Ancient temples arc scattered across the land, and the quiet, peaceful Buddhist approach to life is still very much common.For many people, Myanmar is a destination that brought peace back into their lives. Due to its large Buddhist population. 一almost 90% in factthis country makes you appreciate all life on Earth like never before, while its untouched landscapes make you fall head over heels with the world.Much like India, this is a diverse country where people live side by side in harmony, regardless of religions.IndiaIndia is a place that teaches you so many important life lessons. A lot of people have asked me what it was about this country that made me change so much, and I honestly couldn't tell you. It's a true參考答案第一部分閱讀理解第一節(jié)A答案:1. C2. A3. B解析:這是一篇應用文。文章主要介紹了三個鼓舞人心的旅游目的地。1. 細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)文章第三段"Kenya's incredible land showed me the importance of appreciating all living beings and helped me recognize (hat regardless of our species, we have far more similarities than differences肯尼亞這塊令人難以置信的土地向我展示了欣賞所有生物的重要性,并幫助我認識到, 無論我們的物種如何,我們的相似之處遠遠多于差異)"可知,訪問肯尼亞幫助作者欣賞了所有生物。 故選C項。2. 細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)文章第六段"Much like India, this is a diverse country where people live side by side in harmony, regardless of religions.(就像印度一樣,這是一個多元化的國家,人們不分宗教,和 諧共處。)"和最后一段"It's a true mixture of seeing various sights, being absorbed in the unique atmosphere, and learning about spirituality and many diverse religions/這是一個真正的混合體,可以看 到各種各樣的風景,沉浸在獨特的氛圍中,學習靈性和許多不同的宗教)”可知,緬甸和印度的共同 之處就是多元文化、多種宗教。故選A項。3. 推理判斷題。根據(jù)文章第一段"Travelling the world is something that leaves an impact on your being. Here is a list of inspiring destinations that arc bound to change your life. Some completely influenced who I am today, and some are at the veiy top of my bucket list.(環(huán)游世界會對你的生活產(chǎn)生影響。下面是一 個鼓舞人心的目的地清單,它們一定會改變你的生活。有些人完全影響了我,有些人則在我的清單 上名列前茅)"和文章的三個小標題可知,文章主要是關(guān)于旅游話題的,所以這篇文章很可能來自一 個旅行博客。故選B項。B答案:4. A5. B6. D7. C解析:這是一篇新聞報道。介紹了不可能食品公司生產(chǎn)的一種具有肉類食物體驗的植物肉漢堡。4. 推理判斷題。根據(jù)第一段中"In many cases, the differences between the meat hamburger and veggie burger are clear, but Impossible Foods Company plans to put an end to that.(在許多情況下,肉類漢堡和 蔬菜漢堡之間的區(qū)別是顯而易見的,但不可能食品公司計劃結(jié)束這一局面)"及“The Impossible says this burger is hard to tell from real meat, about 47% similar, according to a test conducted among meat lovers.(不可能食品公司稱,這種漢堡很難與真正的肉類區(qū)分開來,根據(jù)對肉類愛好者進行的一項測 試顯示,約47%的漢堡與真正的肉類相似)”可知,不可能食品公司想讓蔬菜漢堡看起來像肉漢堡。 故選A。5. 推理判斷題。根據(jù)第三段第一句"Another reason why many people resist meat product is that they may seek to reduce animal suffering or the meat industry's large environmental impact.(許多人才氐制肉類 產(chǎn)品的另一個原因是,他們可能謀求減少動物的痛苦或肉類行業(yè)對環(huán)境的巨大影響)''可知,許多人 成為素食主義者是為了減少對動物的傷害。故選B,推理判斷題。根據(jù)倒數(shù)第二段“I didn't grow up a vegetarian and sometimes I miss my family's cooking. Plant-based meat allows me to have a good home-cooked meal that's just like mum used to make.(我不是素食主義者,有時我會想念家人的烹飪。植物肉讓我吃到了一頓很好的家常菜,就像 媽媽以前做的-樣)"可推知,因為說話者不是素食主義者,所以植物肉給他找回的是以前在家吃肉 的感覺,也就是說素食者可以從植物肉中獲得類似肉類的食物體驗。故選D。6. 推理判斷題。根據(jù)最后一段Tt is reported that the global meat substitute market was valued at $4,512.1 million in 2019, and is predicted to reach $8,823.6 million by 2027, showing an annual growth rale of 7.2% from 2021 to 2027. According to recent studies, 30% of Americans are not only leaving meat off their plates but also seeking out more plant-based meat substitutes據(jù)報道,全球肉類替代品市場在 2019的價值為45億1210萬美元,預計2027美元達到88億2360萬美元,從2021到2027的年增 長率為7.2%。根據(jù)最近的研究,30%的美國人不僅不吃肉類,還尋求更多的植物性肉類替代品)" 中的“$4,512.1 million in 2019”“$8,823.6 million by 2027”“7.2%”“30%”可知,作者運用 了數(shù)據(jù)統(tǒng)計來 支持自己的陳述。故選C。C答案:8. C9. B10. Cll. D解析:本文是一篇新聞報道。文章主要介紹了 Elon Musk最新推出的Neuralink人機接口。7. 細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第四段"In a video Friday obviously aimed at seeking new employees, Musk showed off the second version of the Neuralink, a device about the size of a large coin. It's designed to be put in a person's head. An earlier version of the device has to be placed behind an ear like a huge hearing aid.(在 周五的一段顯然是尋找新員工的視頻中,Musk展示了 Neuralink的第二版,一枚大硬幣大小的設(shè)備. 它被設(shè)計成放在一個人的頭上。該設(shè)備的早期版本必須像一個巨大的助聽器一樣被放在耳朵后面)" 可知,第一版的接口必須掛在耳后。故選C。8. 詞句猜測題。根據(jù)下文"His solution? Link our brains (o computers so we can keep up with or even win over them in intelligence!(他的解決方案?把我們的大腦和電腦連接起來,這樣我們就能在智力 上跟上它們,甚至戰(zhàn)勝它們!)”可推斷,Elon Musk擔心人工智能機器人會打敗人類。劃線詞詞義表 示“打敗",與defeal意思相近。故選B。9. 細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第七段'Musk urged coders(程序員),engineers and especially people who have actually created a product to apply.( Musk敦促程序員、工程師,特別是那些實際創(chuàng)造了種產(chǎn)品的人 來申請。)"可知,Elon Musk特別垂青那些有獨創(chuàng)作品的程序員及工程師。故選C。10. 推理判斷題。根據(jù)第二段“His goal is to develop devices that can provide treatment to neural(神經(jīng) 的)diseases-and that may one day be powerful enough to put humanity on an equal footing with possible future super intelligent computers.(他的目標是開發(fā)能夠為神經(jīng)疾病提供治療的設(shè)備 這可能有一 天足夠強大,使人類與未來可能的超級智能計算機處于平等的地位)"以及下文內(nèi)容可知,文章主要 是對Elon Musk在本周五演示錄像中展示的產(chǎn)品進行的報道。因此推斷這是一篇新聞報道。故選D。D答案:12. A13. B14. C15. D解析:這是一篇說明文。2016年,日本科學家發(fā)現(xiàn)了一種被他們稱為Ideonella sakainesis的細菌, 這種細菌可以“吃”塑料。文章對這種細菌進行了介紹。11. 細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第二段倒第三句“They did some chemical work with the enzyme PETasc.(他們 對酶PETase做了一些化學工作)”可知,科學家們對PETase做了一些改變,發(fā)現(xiàn)細菌吃塑料更快的 事實。故選A。12. 推理判斷題。根據(jù)第三段第二句和第三句"Everything has to be just right for it to do its work. It can't be too hot or too cold.(每件事都必須恰到好處才能讓它發(fā)揮作用。不能太熱或太冷)"可知, Ideonella sakainesis在苛刻的條件下才能吃塑料。故選B。13. 觀點態(tài)度題。根據(jù)最后一段第二句“However, as scientists warn seriously, Ideonella sakainesis' new function does not change the fact that only about 9% of plastics actually get recycled, while the rest get thrown away,(然而,正如科學家們嚴肅警告的那樣,Ideonella sakainesis的新功能并沒有改變只有 大約9%的塑料被回收,而其余的則被扔掉的事實)”可知,在最后段中科學家們表達了對塑料回 收的擔憂。故選C。14. 推理判斷題。根據(jù)第一段"In 2016, Japanese scientists found a kind of bacteria, which they called Ideonella sakainesis, could "cat” plastic.(2016 年,日本科學家發(fā)現(xiàn)了一種被他們稱為 Ideonella sakainesis的細菌,這種細菌可以“吃”塑料)"可知,作者寫這篇文章的目的是介紹一個新發(fā)現(xiàn)。故選 Do第二節(jié)答案:16. G17. C18. B19. F20. E解析:這是一篇說明文。本文作者闡述了激勵自己取得最大成功的方法。15. 根據(jù)上一句"ORcn, many people rise to successful heights and fall, never to spring back up (通常, 許多人會成功地爬到高處,然后跌倒,再也不會振作起來)"可知,G選項“That,s because rising to success is one thing and managing the successful stage another (這是因為爬起來走向成功是一回事,成 功階段的管理是另一回事)”切題,該選項與上一句構(gòu)成因果關(guān)系,解釋了許多人許多人爬到成功的 高度又跌倒了,再也沒有振作起來的原因,是因為成功階段需要管理,且該選項中的“rising”與上 一句中的“ris礦相呼應。故選G項。16. 根據(jù)上文"Be realistic with your goals.While goal-setting is the first step to success, doing it thewrong way can set you several steps back and make your journey stressful (對你的目標要現(xiàn)實雖然目標設(shè)定是通往成功的第一步,但錯誤的做法會讓你倒退幾步,讓你的旅程充滿壓力)"可知,本段 主要闡述設(shè)定的目標要現(xiàn)實,因此,C選項"It pays to set realistic and measurable goals.(設(shè)定現(xiàn)實的、 可衡量的目標是值得的)"切題。該選項中的“realistic"與上文“realistic"相呼應。故選C項。17. 根據(jù)卜文"Ideation involves the formation of new ideas and concepts and is an essential process in finding new ways to complete your success journey. The process doesn't end after dreaming of new ideas. Going further to write them down and brainstorming can help you adjust them.(構(gòu)思包括形成新的想法 和概念,是尋找新方法完成成功之旅的一個重要過程。這個過程不會在夢想新想法后結(jié)束。進一步 把它們寫下來,頭腦風暴可以幫助你調(diào)整它們)"可知,下文主要闡述了要構(gòu)思新的想法和概念,充 分運用“頭腦風暴",尋找解決問題的方法,因此,B項"Write down ideas and brainstorm (寫卜想法并 進行頭腦風暴)''切題,該選項統(tǒng)領(lǐng)本段,下文詳細解釋了具體如何去構(gòu)思想法和進行頭腦風暴,旦 該選項中的"brainstorm"與上文"brainstorming”相呼應。故選B項。18. 根據(jù)上文Tt,s appealing to engage in multiple tasks to get things donc.(參與多項任務而去完成任務 是很有吸弓I力的)"以及下一句“However, some tasks may require extreme focusing.(然而,有些任務可 能需要極度專注)"可知,完成多項任務是很有吸引力的,但是并不是任何情況下都可以多任務,有 些任務需要專注,推知,該空與下文“有些任務可能需要極度專注''構(gòu)成轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系,因此,F(xiàn)選項 "Multitasking may not be a bad way of clearing your desk and generating results.(多任務處理可能是清 理辦公桌并產(chǎn)生結(jié)果的好方法)"切題,該選項承上啟下,符合上下文句意,且該選項中的 “Multitasking”與上文中的“multiple tasks"相呼應。故選F項。19. 根據(jù)上文“Meditate when you can.(盡可能地冥想)”與下文“You're likely to produce very little results when your mind is blocked and tired. Meditation is a great way (o regenerate and facilitate your restoration process.(當你的大腦被阻塞和疲勞時,你很可能不會產(chǎn)生什么結(jié)果。冥想是一種很好的恢 復和促進你的重建過程的方法)"可知,當大腦被阻塞或疲勞時,大腦思維不靈活,而冥想是一種很 好的恢復方法,推知大腦得到休息恢復后可,能產(chǎn)生靈感。因此,E選項“Resting the mind can be another form of inspiration.(休息的思想可以是另一種形式的靈感)”切題,該選項承上啟下,旦選項中的 “Resting the mind”與上文中的“Meditate "相呼應。故選E項。第二部分語言知識運用第一節(jié)答案:20. D22. B23. C24. A25. D26. B27. D28. A29. D30. B31. C32. A33. C34. B35. A36. C37. D38. A39. C40. B解析:本文是一篇記敘文。文章主要講述了 31年來,鞋匠Albert Lexie辛勤工作,把自己擦鞋掙得 的小費全部捐給了看不起病的孩子們的感人故事。21. 考查動詞短語辨析。句意:31年來,Albert Lexie -直在努力工作,天不亮就起床,然后坐兩 個小時的公共汽車到匹茲堡。A. coming back回來;B. walking around四處走動:C. watching out小 心;D. waking up 醒來° 根據(jù)上文“For 31 years, Albert Lexie kept working hard,以及下文t4before dawn and making the nearly two-hour journey"可推知,此處指 Albert Lexie 辛勤工作了 31 年,他總是天不 亮時就醒來,然后去乘坐兩小時的公交車。故選D項。22. 考查動詞詞義辨析。句意:有這種奉獻精神,你可能會認為他從事的是醫(yī)生或護士之類的工作, 個需要長時間工作、收入高的職位。A. started開始;B. worked I作;C. felt感覺D. grew擴大。 根據(jù)卜文“as a physician or nurse"i'J'推知,此處指大家nJ能會以為Albert Lexie的工作是一名醫(yī)生或 護士。故選B項。23. 考查名詞詞義辨析。句意:有這種奉獻精神,你可能會認為他從事的是醫(yī)生或護士之類的工作, 一個需要長時間工作、收入高的職位OA. history歷史;B. development發(fā)展;C. hours小distances 距離。根據(jù)上文"worked as a physician or nurse, some position that required''和常識可推知,此處指像 醫(yī)生或護士之類的,需要長時間的工作。固定搭配“l(fā)ong hours”意為“長時間”。故選C項。24. 考查名詞詞義辨析。句意:有這種奉獻精神,你可能會認為他從事的是醫(yī)生或護士之類的工作, 一個需要長時間工作、收入高的職位。A. income收入;B. degree程度;C. quality質(zhì)量;D. speed 速度。根據(jù)上文"he worked as a physician or nurse, some position that required long hours and came with a high”和常識可推知,此處指像醫(yī)生或護士之類的,是需要長時間工作、收入高的職位.故選A項。25. 考查形容詞詞義辨析。句意:但你錯了。A. different不同的;B. strange奇怪的;C. interested 感興趣的;D. wrong錯誤的。根據(jù)上文“you'd think”和轉(zhuǎn)折連詞“But”以及下文“Sixteen to seventeen pairs, twice a week, $3 a pop."可推知,Albert Lexie是鞋匠,不是醫(yī)生或護士之類的,工資不高,此 處指人們對于Albert Lexie的猜測是錯誤的。故選D項。26. 考查動詞詞義辨析。句意:從1982年到2013年.Albert做著擦鞋的工作。A. made制造;B. shined 擦亮;C. sold出售;D. designed設(shè)計。根據(jù)下文"his first shoeshine box”可推知,此處指Albert的工 作是擦鞋。故選B項。27. 考查動詞詞義辨析。句意:但正是他用這些小費所做的事情為他贏得了贊許和獎勵。A. offered 提供:B. showed 展示;C. cost 花費:D. won 贏得。根據(jù)下文“him hearts and many awards''以及"He was honored and 14 by magazines and organizations.',可推知,此處指 Albert Lexie 用掙得小費所做 的事情(把小費給了看不起病的孩子們)為他贏得了贊許和獎勵。故選D項。28. 考查動詞詞義辨析。句意:他把20萬美元的小費全部捐給了 Free Care Fund,該基金幫助無保險兒童和貧困兒童支付醫(yī)療費用。A. gifted向贈送;B. returned返回;C. lent借給D. reported報告。根據(jù)下文"his tips, all $200,000 of them, to Free Care Fund”可推知,此處指Albert把他掙得的 小費全部捐贈給了 Free Care Fund。故選A項。29. 考查名詞詞義辨析。句意:他把20萬美元的小費全部捐給了 Free Care Fund,該基金幫助無保 險兒童和貧困兒童支付醫(yī)療費用。A. research研究;B. education教育;C. records記錄;D. bills賬 單。根據(jù)上文"Free Care Fund, which helps cover the medical"以及下文4tfbr uninsured and poor children'' 可推知,此處指Free Care Fund幫助未參保兒童和貧困兒童.支付醫(yī)療費用。故選D項。30. 考查動詞詞義辨析。句意:他只上完了八年級,但那一年他做了他的第一個擦鞋盒,作為課堂 作業(yè)的一部分,也就是他從1982年到2013年使用的那個。A. borrowed借:B. built建造;C. cleaned 打掃;D. drew 繪畫。根據(jù)卜文“his first shoeshine box that year as part of a class assignment"可推知, 此處指Albert在八年級時做了一個擦鞋盒作為課堂作業(yè)。故選B項考查動詞詞義辨析。句意:他只上完了八年級,但那一年他做了他的第一個擦鞋盒,作為課堂 作業(yè)的一部分,也就是他從1982年到2013年使用的那個。A. hid隱蔽;B. passed通過;C. used 使用;D. repaired 修復。根據(jù)上文“his first shoeshine box”和"that's the one"以及下文"from 1982 to 2013" 可推知,此處指他從1982年到2013年一直在使用的那個擦鞋盒就是他八年級做的課堂作業(yè)。故選 C項。31. 考查名詞詞義辨析。句意:這些年的服務和付出并沒有被忽視。A. service服務;B. study學習:C. struggle 斗爭;D. progress 進步。根據(jù)上文"Albert shined shoes"和"He gifted his tips, all $200,000 of them, to Free Care Fund"以及下文“and devotion”可推知,此處指Albert多年的服務和付出。故選A 項。32. 考查形容詞詞義辨析。句意:這些年的服務和付出并沒有被忽視。A. far遙遠的;B. smooth平 穩(wěn)的;C. unnoticed被忽視的;D. unchecked不受限制的。根據(jù)下文"He was honored and 34 by magazines and organizations.”可推知,此處指Albert多年的服務和付出并沒有被忽視,他受到了表 揚。故選C項。33. 考查動詞詞義辨析。句意:他受到多家雜志和組織的尊重和贊揚。A. influenced影響;B. praised 贊揚;C. protected 保護七 D. congratulated 祝賀。根據(jù)上文“those years of service and devotion certainly didn't go unnoticed"和"He was honored"可推知,此處指Albert多年的服務和付出并沒有被忽視,他 受到了多家雜志和組織的尊重和贊揚。故選B項。34. 考查名詞詞義辨析。句意:顯然,他干這行不是為了錢,而且在這樣不尋常的時間上下班也不 容易,尤其是他開始變老了。A. money錢;B. surprise驚喜;C. fun樂趣;D. advice建議。根據(jù)上 文“those years of service and dcvotion, 以及下文“and getting to and from work at such unusual hours"和 “he started getting older”可推知,此處指Albert無私奉獻,辛勤勞動,干這行并不是為/錢。故選A 項。35. 考查形容詞詞義辨析。句意:顯然,他干這行不是為了錢,而且在這樣不尋常的時間上下班也 不容易,尤其是他開始變老了。A. necessary必要的;B. safe安全的;C. easy容易的;D. fair公平 的。根據(jù)上文"getting to and from work at such unusual hours couldn't have been”以及下文"especially as he started getting older"可推知,此處指Albert開始變老了,在這樣不尋常的時間上下班并不容易。 故選C項。36. 考查形容詞詞義辨析。句意:我每天都來上班,因為遇見不同的人、和他們交談、愉快的玩耍、 做事都令人很快樂。A. boring無聊的;B. meaningless無意義的;C. amusing好笑的;D. enjoyable 使人快樂的。根據(jù)F文"have fun”可推知,Albert認為工作會令人快樂。故選D項。37. 考查連詞詞義辨析。句意:兒童醫(yī)院是我最喜歡的地方,因為我可以看到很多孩子,握著他們的小手,試著送給他們小玩具,做諸如此類的事情。A. because因為;B. unless除非;C. while當時;D. though 雖然。根據(jù)上文“Children's Hospital is my favorite place"以及下文"shake their little hands and try to give little toys away”可推知,此處是在解釋Albert W歡兒童醫(yī)院的原因。故選A項。38. 考查名詞詞義辨析。句意:兒童醫(yī)院是我最喜歡的地方,因為我可以看到很多孩子,握著他們 的小手,試著送給他們小玩具,做諸如此類的事情。A. graduates畢業(yè)生;B. experts專家:C. kids 小孩;D. elders 年長者。根據(jù)上文“Children's Hospital is my favorite place, nJ'推知,此處指 Albert 在 兒童醫(yī)院可以看到很多孩子。故選C項。39. 考查動詞詞義辨析。句意:通過講述他的故事,我們希望鼓勵世界上更多的人去做好事o A. force 強迫;B. encourage 鼓勵;C. allow 允許;D. help 幫助。根據(jù)上文“His life's work was so touching and inspiring,以及下文“more people to do good in the world"可推知,此處指 Albert Lexie 的故事非常感 人、勵志,通過講述他的故事,作者希望可以鼓舞更多的人去做善事。故選B項。第二節(jié)答案:41. with42. fewer43. presented44. preference45. whom46. extremely47. plants48. to rcducc49. arc50. or解析:這是一篇說明文,作者主要介紹了科學家關(guān)于人類味覺的新研究成果:有的人有“苦味基因", 有的人則沒有,這些人對食物的感覺不盡相同?,F(xiàn)代人們通過多種方法使蔬菜食物更為可口。40. 考查介詞用法,句意:你或許是個超級品味師,一個有著“苦味"基因的人。with在此處表示“有 著、帶著"的意思,故填Witho考查形容詞的比較級,該空后有提示詞than,故此處應將few改為其比較級,故填fewer.41. 考查非謂語動詞,本句present處及其后內(nèi)容作定語,修飾前面的a new studyq present屬于非 謂語動詞,旦表被動含義(研究成果在年會上被展示、介紹),故填presented考查名詞,our后面用名詞或名詞短語,此處表示“我們的食物喜好",故填preferenceo42. 考查定語從句,句意:對于這些人來說,苦味食物可能確實會有點甜(沒那么苦)。分析句了 結(jié)構(gòu)知,這是一個非限制性定語從句,先行詞是non-tasters,因而引導詞為who/whom,介詞to 之后應接whom,指代non-tasters,在從句中作賓語,故填whom。43. 考查詞類轉(zhuǎn)換,副詞修飾形容詞,構(gòu)成extremely sensitive,表示程度,故填extremely。44. 考查名詞單復數(shù)形式,plant在some之后應改為復數(shù),故為plants。45. 考查非謂語動詞,本句已有謂語動詞are trying,故reduce為非謂語動詞,此處表示目的,故 填 to reduce o考查主謂一致和句子結(jié)構(gòu)分析,本句主語部分含定語從句we grow today,修飾先行詞vegetables, 分析句子結(jié)構(gòu)時應將定語從句整體隱去,可看出主語為some vegetables,謂語動詞be用復數(shù)/現(xiàn)在 時形式,故填are“46. 考查連詞,本句中either.or.(或者或者)為固定搭配,表示roasting.與adding.兩者二選一的選擇關(guān)系,故填or。第三部分寫作第一節(jié)答案:1. extremeextremelyinspiringinspired2. helped>helpThat>What3. 去掉forbuild>building4. we>1useful 前加 a5. am»wasteacher>teachers解析:本文是一篇說明文。主要講了作者對2022年冬奧會官方口號“共享未來”的理解。1. 考查副詞。句意:我非常激動地表達我對2022年冬奧會官方口號“共享未來”的理解。修飾形 容詞excited用副詞。故將extreme改為extremely考查非謂語動詞。句意:這句格言表明,在奧林匹克精神的激勵下,我們與世界人民一起工作, 互相幫助。shows that后面是一個完整的賓語從句,該從句主語wc,謂語動詞為work together,故 “by the Olympic spirit”部分用非謂語中的過去分詞。故將inspiring改為inspired2. 考查時態(tài)。句意:這句格言表明,在奧林匹克精神的激勵下,我們與世界人民一起工作,互相幫 助。and并列的兩個謂語時態(tài)應該致,該句陳述的是現(xiàn)在的事情,故用般現(xiàn)在時時態(tài),故將helped 改為helpo考查主語從句。句意:我們致力于-創(chuàng)造更美好的未來。分析可知該處所在的部分是一個主語從 句,缺少be devoted to的賓語,用連接代詞,指所“致力于”的事情。故將That改為What3. 考查及物動詞的用法。句意:我們致力于創(chuàng)造更美好的未來。create是及物動詞,其后可直接跟 賓語。故去掉for。4. 考查非謂語動詞。句意:作為一名學生,我應該為建設(shè)一個美好的世界做出貢獻?!癱ontribution to” 中的"to"是介詞,其后用動名詞。故將build改為building。5. 考查人稱代詞。句意:一方面,我學習成為一個具有良好品質(zhì)的學生,如誠實,善良,忠誠, 謙虛,毅力等。后文中的“a student"提示為單數(shù)人稱,下文并列部分采用的也是單數(shù)人稱L故將 we改為I。6. 考查冠詞。句意:另一方面,我努力學習,成為一個有用的人。此處泛指“一個"有用的人,用不 定冠詞,useful以輔音發(fā)音開頭。故在useful前加a。7. 考查時態(tài)。句意:去年,我因為獲得了“美德青年"的稱號而受到了許多老師的表揚。根據(jù)時間狀 語“Last year”可知此處是般過去時態(tài)。故將am改為was。8. 考查名詞。句意:去年,我因為獲得了“美德青年”的稱號而受到了許多老師的表揚。many后面 跟可數(shù)名伺復數(shù)形式。故將teacher改為teachers第二節(jié)答案:Dear Jim,Glad to know that you're coming to visit China this summer vacation. It's my pleasure to offer my recommendation.You may begin from Beijing, our capital city, an ideal place to witness China's glorious past and everchanging present. It has the richest tourist resources with numerous historical sites and modern complexes. The second destination is Chengdu, a southwestern pearl, home to the cute giant pandas. It has ranked among the most livable cities in China for years, owing to its pleasant environment and leisure lifestyle.There are various transportation and accommodation services available in both cities so you'd better check online and find the ones that suit you best.Looking forward to your arrival and wish you a wonderful trip then. (120 詞)Yours,Li Huamixture of seeing various sights, being absorbed in the unique atmosphere, and learning about spirituality and many diverse religions.1. What influence did visiting Kenya have on the author?A. It let him accept their cultural traditions.B. It brought peace back into his life.C. It helped him appreciate all creatures.D. It made him realize all species arc so different.2. What do Myanmar and India have in common?A. The various religions.B.The abundant wildlife.C.The untouched scenery.D.The crowded temples.3. Where is the text most probably taken from?A. A news report.B.A travel blog.C.A science magazine.D.A geography textbook.B(2022-廣西柳州二模)The veggie burger(素食漢堡):this simple non-nieat burger is a main meal for a vegetarian. So what is a veggie burger? A veggie burger is similar to an ordinary hamburger, except that it is meat-free, commonly made from ingredients such as beans, tofu, nuts, grains and mushrooms. In many cases, the differences between the meat hamburger and veggie burger arc clear, but Impossible Foods Company plans to put an end to that. The Impossible burger is made of a plant-based product that looks like blood. Il clearly looks, smells and even bleeds like meat, but it's grown in a lab. The Impossible says this burger is hard to tell from real meat, about 47% similar, according to a test conducted among meat lovers.The plant-based burger receives increasing attention from the public. Marketing is one good reason: plant-based meat products attract meat-lovers and vegetarians alike due to their health benefits. If you can have the food you love at a lower health cost, why wouldn't you?Another reason why many people resist meat product is that they may seek to reduce animal sullering or the meat industry's large environmental impact. Meat production is responsible for 18% of total greenhouse gases, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). However, they may still miss the taste of meat.Finally, "there arc associated feelings and memories that go with certain foods,n says Thomas Banks, BBC Learning English producer and 15-year vegetarian. UI didn't grow up a vegetarian and sometimes 1 miss my family's cooking. Plant-based meat allows me to have a good home-cooked meal that's just like mum used to make.”It is reported that the global meat substitute market was valued at $4,512.1 million in 2019, and is predicted to reach $8,823.6 million by 2027, showing an annual growth rate of 7.2% from 2021 to 2027. According to recent studies, 30% of Americans arc not only leaving meat off their plates but also seeking out more plant-based meat substitutes.4. What docs Impossible Foods Company intend to do?A. To make veggie burger look like meat hamburger.B. To distract people's interest in meat hamburger.C. To expand the numbers of veggie burger lovers.D. To persuade more people to have less meat hamburger.5. Why do many people become vegetarians?A. They don't favor the taste of meat.B. They want to do sonic good to animal welfare.C. They oppose the environmental sustainability.D. They want to meet the need of (heir financial benefits.6. What can we know from the text?A.


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