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【精品文檔】如有侵權(quán),請聯(lián)系網(wǎng)站刪除,僅供學習與交流【個人手工制作】中學生VOA英語閱讀之暴風雨襲擊大不列顛帶來死亡及其它損害.精品文檔.VOA英語閱讀 之暴風雨襲擊大不列顛帶來死亡及其它損害Deaths, Damage As Storm Hits Great BritainTwo people died.Roads and highways are closed.Homes are without power.And travelers are stranded in Great Britain because of record rainfall.暴風雨造成兩人喪生。馬路和高速公路都關(guān)閉了。很多家庭都因此斷電。游客因為這場特大暴雨而困在了英國。The rain set records and affected the northern part of England and Scotland.The national weather service issued a “red” alert for rain in the area.Red is the highest alert.這場雨創(chuàng)下了記錄,并影響到了英格蘭北部地區(qū)及蘇格蘭。國家氣象局發(fā)布暴雨紅色預警信號。紅色是最高警報。In some areas, water reached above the doors of parked cars.在某些地區(qū),水已漫過了停放車輛的門。The Reuters news agency says two people died because of the flooding.路透社新聞報道,洪水造成兩人死亡。The head of Britains Environment Agency called the weather “unprecedented.”英國環(huán)境廳廳長稱這種天氣“史無前例”。Most of the region received between 200 to 300 millimeters of rain over the weekend,according to the U.K.s National Weather Service.本周末英國大部分地區(qū)降雨量達到200-300毫米,據(jù)英國國家氣象局報道。Honister Pass, an area north of Manchester in the Lake District, received 341 millimeters of rain on December 5.That set a record for 24 hours. Honister Pass位于英國湖區(qū),是曼徹斯特北部的一個區(qū)域,12月5號這里降水量達到了341毫米。湖區(qū)24小時內(nèi)降雨量創(chuàng)造了記錄。The weather office says severe weather may continue into the week.氣象站稱,這種惡劣的天氣將持續(xù)到這周。The head of the Environment Agency told BBC Radio“from time to time nature will throw things at us which will overwhelm the system, and I think that is what happened here.”環(huán)境廳廳長告訴英國廣播公司電臺“大自然時不時會朝我們丟一些東西,以便壓倒現(xiàn)行的秩序,我認為這里發(fā)生的暴雨就是這樣。”Extreme rainy weather is not only affecting the northern hemisphere.The city of Chennai in southern India also received over 300 millimeters of rain in 24 hours last week.極端的暴雨天氣不僅影響了北半球。印度南部的金奈市上周24小時內(nèi)降雨量超過了300毫米。The rain emergencies came at the same time world leaders are meeting in France to discuss climate change at the COP21 convention.與這場緊急暴雨發(fā)生在同一時間,世界領(lǐng)導人在法國舉辦的第二十一屆聯(lián)合國氣候變化大會上共商氣候變化問題。One climate change expert from the United Kingdoms office of the World Wildlife Fund told the BBC“storm Desmond is the sort of storm that we will see more of over the coming decades if we fail to tackle climate change.”來自世界野生動物基金會英國辦公室的氣候變化專家告訴英國廣播電視臺“如果我們不能解決氣候變化的問題, 我們將在未來的幾十年內(nèi)看到更多類似德斯蒙德的暴風雨?!盜n Malham, water flowed over the cliffs for the first time in memory for many residents.It is the countrys tallest active waterfall at just over 70 meters.在北約克郡居民的記憶中,水第一次漫上了懸崖。這是英國最高的活躍瀑布,高度超過了70米。單詞及例句詳解:1.Stranded strændd處于困境的;例句1.A ship got stranded along the shore, but last night sea waves washed it away again.有條船在岸邊擱淺了,可昨天晚上海浪又把它沖走了。2.A whale was stranded on the shore.一條鯨魚在岸上擱淺了。3.A crab was left stranded on the beach when the tide ebbed.退潮時,一只蟹被困留在沙灘上。2 issue英 u:  美 u n.問題; (報刊的)期,號; 發(fā)行物; 流出vt.發(fā)行; 發(fā)布; 流出vi.發(fā)行; 造成結(jié)果; 在上挑起爭論變形復數(shù): issues 過去式: issued 過去分詞: issued 現(xiàn)在分詞:issuing 第三人稱單數(shù): issues例句1.The key issue was whether the four defendants acted dishonestly.關(guān)鍵問題是4名被告是否存在欺詐行為。2.She avoided the issue by ordering a turkey sandwich.她點了份火雞三明治,以此來避開這個重要問題。3.He said the issue was not a major irritant.他說那個問題不是什么大問題。3 unprecedented npresdentd前所未有的,無前例的;空前的;無比的;新奇的,嶄新的;例句1.President said unprecedented challenges were being tackled with unprecedented actions.主席說前所未有的挑戰(zhàn)將用前所未有的行動來解決。2.We are seeing unemployment on an unprecedented scale.我們現(xiàn)在正經(jīng)歷規(guī)??涨暗氖I(yè)現(xiàn)象。3.That is a situation unprecedented in the history of the school.這是該校有史以來未曾出現(xiàn)過的情況。4 severe sivi嚴峻的;嚴厲的;劇烈的;苛刻的;例句1.A severe hurricane has done much damage to her rigging of the ship.猛烈的颶風使這條船的帆纜嚴重破損。2.Nothing can warrant such severe punishment.這樣嚴厲的懲罰毫無根據(jù)。3.We should inflict severe chastisement on criminals.我們應(yīng)該對罪犯施加嚴厲的懲罰。5 overwhelm uvhwelm淹沒;壓倒;覆蓋;壓垮;例句1.After my lecture, the students began to overwhelm me with questions.講課之后,學生們開始問一系列問題,使我不知所措。2.The village was overwhelmed when the floods came.這個村莊在洪水泛濫時被淹沒了。3.Your kindness quite overwhelmed me.你的好意使我感激難言。6 hemisphere hemsf(r)半球;地球的半球;解大腦半球;例句1.Research shows that the brain is divided into left hemisphere and right hemisphere.科學研究證明,大腦分為左半球和右半球。2.Either of the lateral halves of the cerebrum; a cerebralhemisphere.大腦半球大腦側(cè)面半部分的任何一個; 大腦半球3.In the northern hemisphere, spring is in March and April.在北半球,春季是三月和四月。7 convention knvenn會議;全體與會者;國際公約;慣例,習俗,規(guī)矩;例句1.Convention for the Prohibition of Fishing with Long Drift-nets in the South Pacific(Wellington Convention)禁止在南太平洋使用長漂網(wǎng)捕魚公約(惠靈頓公約)2.She redeemed her reputation with a powerful speech to the party convention.她由于向黨代表大會做了有力的演說而挽回了自己的聲譽。3.Convention requires that such meetings open with prayer.慣例上要求這樣的集會應(yīng)當以祈禱開始。8 tackle 'tækl用具,裝備;索具;阻擋;阻截隊員;例句1.He started 73 of 75 games at right tackle and left tackle.他為海盜出戰(zhàn)75場,73次首發(fā)擔任左截鋒和右截鋒。2.Can you suggest how we might tackle the problem?我們怎樣處理這問題,你能給出個主意嗎?3.I suggested to him that we should tackle the problem another way.我向他建議我們用另一種方式處理這個問題。9 waterfall 'w:tf:l瀑布;瀑布似的東西;美俚(披垂的)波型長發(fā);例句1.There are three waterfalls: Heung Fan waterfall, waterfall and Baizhang Fei Fei Hong Tao waterfall.這里有三道瀑布:香粉瀑、飛虹瀑和百丈飛濤瀑。2.You can cross the river a short distance below (ie downstream from) the waterfall.在瀑布下游附近可以過河。3.The waterfall is wearing away the rocks.瀑布不斷地沖蝕著巖石。10 emergency 英 im:dnsi  美 im:rdnsi · n.緊急情況; 突發(fā)事件; 非常時刻· adj.緊急的,應(yīng)急的· 變形復數(shù): emergencies例句:1.President Castro has warned Cubans to prepare for a profound economic emergency.卡斯特羅主席已經(jīng)提醒古巴人民為嚴重的經(jīng)濟危急狀況做準備。2.He vociferously opposed the state of emergency imposed by the government.他激烈反對政府強行宣布進入緊急狀態(tài)。3.The government is taking emergency action to deal with a housing crisis.政府正采取緊急措施解決住房危機。


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