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Homealonerules Don topendoorstostrangers Wecan tstayupuntilmidnight Wemustn tplaywithfireortouchelectricity Wearenotallowedtohurrytoschoolwithoutbreakfast 規(guī)則 Whatotherrulesmustweobeyinourdailylife 遵守 Don tshout ifwegotothehospital Wecan tshout ifwegotothehospital Wemustn tshout ifwegotothehospital Wearenotallowedtoshout ifwegotothehospital signs Noshouting Nosmoking Whatdotheymean signs Nofoodanddrinks Noshouting Nosmoking Noeatinganddrinking Noshouting Nosmoking Notouching Nophotos Nolittering Noentry Noentry Noclimbing Nofoodanddrinks Notouching Signsaroundyou Nophotos Nofire Noparking Noswimming 2 No 名詞 1 No V ing 3 Don tpark Don tswim Don tclimb Don ttouch 4 Wecan tpark Wemustn tpark 5 Wearenotallowedtopark 禁止做某事 的句型總結 1 No v ing 或No 名詞 Notalking Noentry 2 否定祈使句 Don t 動詞原形 Don tjump 3 情態(tài)動詞mustn t表示 禁止 Youmustn tplaywithfire 4 can t表示 不可以 Youcan tmakeanynoise 5 Youaren tallowedto 表示 不允許對方做某事 Youaren tallowedtowatchTVathomebeforeyoufinishyourhomework Module5Museums Unit1Don tcrossthatrope Wordsandexpressions upstairsexhibitionruleagainsttherulesintroubletailrope adj 位于樓上的adv 往樓上 在樓上v 展覽 展覽會adj 規(guī)則 法則n 違反規(guī)定遇上麻煩 處于困境v 尾 尾巴v 粗繩 繩索 Wordsandexpressions entryNoentry nogoodnowondermissingdownstairspunish n 進入權 進入許可禁止入內 不合適的 不方便的難怪 不足為奇adj 找不到的 失蹤的adj 位于樓下的adv 往樓下 在樓下v 懲罰 懲處 Therearesomesignswecanseeinourdailylife Doyouknowtheirmeanings Noparking Norunning Don tturnleft Nophotos Don ttouch Noentry 1 P34 Matchthesignswiththerules c d b a 1Don ttouch 2Nosmoking 3Noshouting 4Nophotos 2 P34 Listenandanswerthequestions 1WheredidLinglingfindtheguide 2HowmanypeoplearegoingtothemuseumonSaturday ShegotitfromtheInternet Three Betty LinglingandDaming 1 違反規(guī)定2 遇上麻煩 3 禁止入內4 不合適的 5 在第二層6 越過繩子 7 下樓 8 失物招領處 9 必須 不得不 againsttherules beintrouble getintotrouble Noentry nogood onthesecondfloor crosstherope godownstairs lostandfound haveto 詞匯預習 請在課本P34 35中劃出來并注中文 10 計劃做 11 難怪 12 關著 13 不見了 14 進入 nowonder beclosed bemissing getin plantodo Listentoandreadtheconversation Finishthefollowingtasks Task1 Listentotheconversationandchoose 1 WhereareBettyandLinglingnow A atazooB inamuseumC atacinema 2 WherearetheAnimalRoom A upstairsB downstairsC wedon tknow3 WhatdoesDamingwantBettyandLinglingtosee A monkeyexhibitionB apictureC abook4 Cantheytakephotosthere A YesB NoC wedon tknow5 What sthematterwithLingling A shebrokenherlegB ShelosthermobilephoneC Shecanfindherbag6 Whereisthelostandfoundoffice A onthefirstfloorB onthesecondfloorC onthethirdfloor 3 P34 Readtheconversationandcheck therulesmentionedintheconversation Task2 4 P35 Writedownwhatyoucannotdointhemuseum Noshouting Nophotos Noentry Don tcrossthatrope Task3 5 P35 Completethepassagewiththewordsinthebox LinglingandBettyneededsomeinformationfortheirprojects sotheywanteddogo 1 totheAnimalRoom butDaminggotintotroubleatthemonkey 2 Damingbrokethe 3 byshoutingandtryingtocrossthe 4 whenheplannedtoseeamonkeywithalong 5 ThentheydiscoveredthatLingling smobilephonewas 6 Theguardtoldthemtogo 7 tothelostandfoundoffice Linglinghastofindherphone orhermotherwill 8 her downstairsexhibitionmissingpunishroperulestailupstairs upstairs exhibition rules rope tail missing downstairs punish Task4 Module5Unit1知識點 1 Whatawonderfulmuseum 多么奇妙的博物館呀What感嘆句 What a an 形 名詞 主語 謂語 Whataclevergirlsheis How感嘆句 How 形 副 主語 謂語 Howcleverthegirlis ahotdayitis hotthedayis deliciousfooditis wellshesings What How What How 2 以 Let s Letus 動詞原形 開頭的句子 Let s 與 Letus 區(qū)分Let s us 包括對方在內 Letus us 不包括對方在內若要變成反意問句 Let s后加shallwe Letus后加willyou 例如 1 Let sstartearly shallwe 我們早點動身 好嗎 2 Letusgo willyou 我們開始討論 好嗎 3 Metoo 我也是 表示與有相同的看法或做法 eg Iprefertostayathome Metoo 拓展 Meneither 我也不是 eg IhaveneverbeentoParis Meneither 4 Thereheis他來了 herethere開頭的句子常用完全倒裝 表示強調被提前的部分 結構 Here There 謂語 單復取決于主語 主語 名詞 Here There 主語 代詞 謂語公交車來了 Herecomesthebus 他們來了 Heretheycome overthere在那邊Noshouting禁止喧嘩 5 againsttherule違反規(guī)定 breaktherule against genst prep 反對 違反playagainst對賽 對于賽 與 比賽 對抗fightagainst與 作斗爭Areyoufororagainstthisidea 你對這一想法是贊成還是反對 6 introuble遇上麻煩 處于困境 狀態(tài) trouble通常是不可數(shù)名詞 煩惱 苦惱 困難 困境 等 getintotrouble陷入困境 動作 havetrouble in doingsth表示 做某事有困難 havetroublewith在 方面遇到麻煩beintrouble意為 處于不幸 苦惱 困境 之中 cross跨過 表面 goacross through穿過 里面 Hewent thebridgeand theforest anddisappearindistanceclosed關閉的 形容詞 反義詞open close關閉 動詞 近的 親密的 形容詞 open打開 動詞 過去式opened 開著的 營業(yè)的 形容詞 1 close thedoor please 2 Thedooris close 3 She open thedoorat9 4 Nowthedooris open That snogood那樣不合適takeaphoto照相Nophotos禁止拍照Noentry 禁止入內Nowonder難怪 不足為奇It snowonderthat 意為 難怪 如 It snowonderthattheywon tcome 難怪他們沒有來 7 What sthematter 怎么了 用于詢問 某人或某物怎么樣 的句式結構 What sthematterwithsb sth 某人或某物怎么了 What sup What sthetroublewith What swrongwith Whathashappenedto 8 同類辨析 lost missing與gone 1 lost失去的 指無法再找到的 另外還有 迷路的 困惑的 等含義 可作定語 表語 Welostthewayinthedark 我們在黑暗中迷路 2 missing丟失的 指暫時不在或找不到的 另外還有 被損毀的 缺少的 失蹤的 等意思 可作定語 表語 Therearetwopagesmissingfromthebook 這本書缺兩頁 3 gone失去的 強調時間 情況等一去不復返 只可作表語 Mypaininthearmisgonenow 我的胳膊不痛了 9 Ihavetofindit orMumwillpunishme 我必須找到它 否則媽媽會懲罰我的 or常用兩個意思 1 表示選擇 意為 或 還是 Hurryup oryou llbelateforschool 趕快 否則你上學就要遲到了 Wouldyoupreferteaorcoffee 你喜歡茶還是咖啡 2 表示一種否定的條件 意為 否則 Talk Workinpairs Discusstherulesinyourclassroom 7 P35 Yes Noshoutingintheclassroom Mustwekeepquietintheclassroom MustIhandinmyhomeworknow Yes Youshouldhandinyourhomeworkontime CanIbringfruitstotheclassroom Yes Butyouonlycaneatthemduringthebreakofclass becausenofoodanddrinkinclass 課后鞏固練習 一 根據(jù)句意和所給漢語或者首字母的提示填寫單詞 使句子意思明確 語言通順 1 Comedowntous wecan thearyouu 2 Ifyoutellalie I llp you 3 Herfatherwas 反對 hermarryingTom 4 Thereisamonkey 展覽 inthemuseumthesedays Wouldyouliketogowithme 5 Shetriedtoexplainawaythe 失蹤的 money pstairs unish against exhibition missing 二 選擇填空 1 Lookatthesign Itsays skating A Don tB NoC Can t 2 IhaveaheadacheandIdon tfeellikeeatinganything A HowareyouB WhatcanIdoforyouC What sthematterwithyou 3 Thisisasecretbetweenyouandme You tellittoothers A shouldB mustn tC can 4 Allofthesoldierswerebusysavingthewoundedpeopleaftertheearthquake withnorest theylookedsotired A IwonderedB ItseemedC Nowonder B C B C 5 IgaveupthepianolessonsbecauseIhavesomuchhomeworktodo butit s myownwishes inB onC against 6 beautifulcar I veneverseenitbefore A WhatB WhataC How 7 Don t therope It sagainstrulesA acrossB gocrossC cross 9 callmeMimi It smycat sname NotB Didn tC Don t 10 Canweswiminthelake Dad No we Lookatthesingontheright Itsays Noswimming A mustn tB maynotC needn t C B C C A 11 Mom mustIcleantheroomnow No you Youcandoittomorrow A can tB needn tC mustn t 12 Thetrainisleaving Hurryup wewillmissthetrain A andB orC but 13 Thisisaveryoldsong so youngpeopleknowit A afewB fewC alittle 14 Doyouthinkthere robotsinourlifeinfiftyyears A willhaveB willbeC have B B B B 三 根據(jù)句意完成下列句子 1 吸煙是違反校規(guī)的 It s oftheschooltosmoke 2 雨下得太大了 難怪你來晚了 Itrainedquiteheavily thatyouwerelate 3 禁止喧嘩 同學們正在安靜地做作業(yè) Thestudentsaredoingtheirhomeworkquietly againsttherules No wonder Noshouting


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