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主題14 與自然和諧共處-備戰(zhàn)2022年高考英語讀后續(xù)寫典型范文背誦語料庫(解析版附寫作提示與范文)

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主題14 與自然和諧共處-備戰(zhàn)2022年高考英語讀后續(xù)寫典型范文背誦語料庫(解析版附寫作提示與范文)

備戰(zhàn)2022年高考英語讀后續(xù)寫典型范文背誦語料庫14與自然和諧共處內(nèi)容提示詞句學(xué)習(xí)范文背誦環(huán)境保護類詞句/自然景物描寫的句子28篇【詞句學(xué)習(xí)】關(guān)于環(huán)境保護的英語句子1 But save square inch ground, stay with descendant Geng.但存方寸地,留與子孫耕。2、Protection of the environment is everyone's responsibility.保護環(huán)境,人人有責(zé)。3、Rescue the Earth is to rescue future.拯救地球就是拯救未來。4、The amount of water which is suitable to drink is less and less.水的量是適宜的飲料是越來越少了。5、But some people don*t care about it.但有些人不關(guān)心它。6、It is very important to take care of our environment.這是非常重要,我們要保護我們的環(huán)境。7、Now people pay more attention to how to pretend our environment .With the development of science and technology,it becomes more important to pretend our environment.In china,prentending environment is very nomal in our life for the Olympic's coming or the people's sense of environmental prelection.環(huán)境保護是當(dāng)今社會的一大熱點問題。隨著科技的發(fā)展,環(huán)保顯得越來越重要。在中國,也許是奧運 會的臨近,也許是人們意識的崛起,環(huán)保已經(jīng)成為我們身邊一個普遍的存在了。8、It's our duty to protect our environment.它”是我們的責(zé)任來保護我們的環(huán)境。9、Many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted.許多河流和湖泊受到嚴(yán)重污染。10 The rubbish will pullute the enviroment .It is bed for our health.So please don't throw about the rubbish.垃圾污染環(huán)境,損害健康,不要到處扔垃圾11 It's our duty to protect our environment o保護我們生存的環(huán)境是我們的責(zé)任和義務(wù)。12、The waste water will pour into rivers,lakes and fields.lt will harm the crops ,kill a large number of fish.廢水流到河里,湖里和田野里,污染農(nóng)作物,殺死大量的魚。13、Ifs everyone's duty to love and protect the environment.這是每個人的責(zé)任,愛護和保護環(huán)境。14、Cherish the source of nature, totally make a living a life green.珍惜自然之源,共營生命綠色。15、It is very important to take care of our environment.這是非常重要,我們要保護我們的環(huán)境。16、Something must be done to stop the pollution.必須采取某種措施來制止污染。17、We should not spit in a public place/ cut down the trees.我們不應(yīng)該在公共場所吐痰/砍伐的樹木。18、We should plant more flowers and trees.我們應(yīng)該種更多的花和樹。19>If everyone makes contribution to protecting the environment, the world will become much more beautiful. 如果人人都為保護環(huán)境作出貢獻,世界將變得更加美麗。20、We must pick up some rubbish and throw it into a dustbin.我們必須拿起一些垃圾,扔到垃圾桶它。21 As we know , water is very important to man.我們知道,水是非常重要的人。22、We can't live without water.我們的生活離不開水。23 We should not throw litter onto the ground.我們不應(yīng)該往地上扔垃圾。24、Treat kindly the Earth is to treat kindly oneself.善待地球就是善待自己。25、Trees are very helpful and important for us.樹是非常有益的,對我們很重要。26> How to pretect our enviroment has been one of the most difficult problem in the world.如何保護環(huán)境已經(jīng)成為世界最大難題之一。27> We should plant more and more trees in order to live better and more healthy in the future.我們應(yīng)該種更多的樹,為了生活得更好,更健康的未來。28、Keep the enviroment clean and tidy.We have only one earth.We should try our best to pretect it,make our home more and more beautiful.保持環(huán)境干凈和整潔,我們只有一個地球,應(yīng)該保護它,使我們的家園更加美麗。英語景色描寫類經(jīng)典語句舉例Natural Phenomena 自然現(xiàn)象1. The Clear Sky 晴空When you look at the sky on a clear day, it seems as if the earth is covered by a blue dome. Ifyou stand at a place where the surface of the earth is flat; the sky seems to meet the earth in any direction you look. 在晴朗的日子,你看到天空就像一個藍色的大圓盤如果你極目遠眺,無論從那個方向,看到的都是天地相接的 地平線.2. Summer Evenings夏夜Sometimes I will see falling stars draw bright lines in the sky. There is harmony between the moon and stars in the quiet sky and the slow pace of the village. I really enjoy the peaceful summer evenings in the village.有時我得 到流星在天空中劃出明亮的線條,寧靜的夜空中掛著一輪明月和閃爍的星星,與慢節(jié)奏的村莊形成一幅和諧 的美景.我非常喜歡村莊寧靜的夏夜.3. The Sun rises 日出The next day, the sunlight woke him very early, hiding the stars under a pink blue and blue sky. Bui the stars kept watching him from above.第二天,日出的光線很早就將他喚醒.夜晚的星星都被陽光藏在粉藍色的天空 下.但是它們?nèi)匀粡奶焐峡粗?4. Beautiful Dawn 凌晨美景It was the perfect morning for our daily walk: A brisk wind sweeping ocean air across our faces, fresh mounds of kelp laughing in clumps along the beach, and the sun coming up from its flat bed of fog, red and new and full of promises.對我們每日的散步來說,這是一個宜人的清晨.清冽的微風(fēng)夾著海洋的氣息撲面而來.一簇簇新鮮的 海藻在海灘隨處可見.旭日從霧靄中冉冉升起,東升紅彤彤,新鮮而充滿生機.5. The Moon 月亮It is a beautiful and quiet night. The moon is like a disc hanging on the dark sky , which casts its light on everything.一個美麗而寧靜的夜晚,月亮像一個圓盤掛在黑暗的夜空中,淡淡的月光普照萬物.6. Enchanlmenl 心酹Outside, the lopsided moon, the hacked-at trees and the hobbled moon garden shimmered and rustled and fluttered in the night wind, satisfied they worked their powerful enchantment still.外面,月兒彎彎,修剪過的樹和殘破的月 牙形花園閃著微光,在夜風(fēng)中沙沙作響,婆娑起舞,對它們創(chuàng)造的強烈的祥和氣氛感到心滿意足.7. Summer Rain 夏雨The first drops of rain are huge; they split into the dust on the ground, and plunk on the roof. The rain now becomes a torrent, flung by a rising wind. Together they batter the trees and level the grasses. Water streams off roofs. There is only water.開始雨點很大,濺起地上的灰塵,打在屋頂上丁當(dāng)作響.接著大更大的風(fēng)助威下,瓢潑大雨傾盆而 下,雨水砸向樹木,踏平草地.立即,雨水像溪流一樣從屋頂奔流而下.到處都是水的世界.8. Rainbow 彩虹I am drawn outside while the rain still falls. All around, there is cool and welcome feeling. I breathe deeply and watch the sun's rays streak through breaking clouds. One ray catches the drops that from on the edge of the roof, and I am treated to a row of tiny, quivering colors-my private rainbow. They are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet, which makes a wonderland.雨一直在下,我跑出去,享受周圍那一絲絲清涼的感覺。我深 深地吸了一口氣,看著陽光明媚穿過殘云。一縷陽光正好照在屋檐邊的雨滴上,形成了只有我才看見的一 條細細的,忽隱忽現(xiàn)的彩虹。五顏六色一-赤橙黃綠青藍紫,簡直就像仙境一般。9. A Thunder Storm 雷雨The sky is full of black clouds. Flashes of lightning lit up the courts, old houses, and ramshackle porches, and thunder begins to roar overhead. No birds sing any longer, but the leaves of the trees rustle and a wind blows against our faces. A drop of water falls, then another, and then the rain falls on the leaves of the trees and the iron roofs with a noise reminding us of the beating of drums. A brilliant stripe o flight fills the sky. Suddenly there comes a terrible thunderclap overhead, and then the sky is full of roars of thunder.天空烏云密布,雷電閃閃,照亮了天井、老屋,還有那搖搖欲墜的走廊。一聲驚雷在頭頂上炸響。只有樹葉的沙沙聲。風(fēng)吹打在臉上, 雨開始一滴一滴地下著,雨滴打在樹葉和鐵皮屋頂上,就像敲鑼打鼓的聲音。一道閃電越過天空,緊接著 頭頂上又是一聲驚雷,然后天空中轟鳴的雷聲不斷。10. Snow Picture 雪景When I got up the next morning, I saw that the ground was covered with a vast blanket of whiteness. With the white ground underfoot, and the chimneys here and there sending out brown smoke into the clear blue sky overhead, the whole scene might match the most beautiful morning picture in the world.當(dāng)我第二天早晨起床時,我看到大地 被厚厚的白色毯子覆蓋著。在腳下白色的大地上,縷縷炊煙升入頭頂蔚藍的天空,猶如世界上最美的動人 畫卷。11. Warm Snow溫暖的雪As soon as I walked outside, I was greeted with the shimmering white blanket of cold. Despite the chill overwhelming my skin, inside I was warm. I felt as though I could be giving off heat I had the desire to stay out in this freeze for hours. It was the type of day that speaks to you through its elements. I took a deep breath to hear more snow was coming.茄煙剛出門,便撲面而來一大片晶瑩雪白的冰涼。冷氣襲來,肌膚陣陣戰(zhàn)栗,而內(nèi)心 卻溫暖如初。覺得自己似乎能發(fā)熱,因而渴望在這寒冷中長時間的佇足。這是一個大自然與你交流的日子。 我深深地吸了一口氣,靜聽雪花飄落,源源不絕。12. Smell of Spring春天的氣息All around us, I can smell spring. The trees are green and leafy. I can hear the sounds of children playing their yards and the lawn mowers kicking into gear. And the air has a warm breeze to it - the kind that warms the hairs on your arms as it blows by.我似乎聞到了環(huán)繞我們的春天的氣息,樹林已是枝綠葉茂。我聽到了孩子們在院子中嬉戲 的聲音;我還聽到了綠地上割草機的轟鳴聲??諝庵醒笠缰挽愕奈L(fēng)一它拂暖了你臂膀上的汗毛。13. Spring Dawn春天的黎明The most beautiful part of spring is sawn. The east side of the sky turns into a grayish color. From the green trees, the chirping of the birds can be heard. The grass is soft and green on the side of the road, with little dewdrops on each piece o f grass, they quietly welcome mother earth t wake up.春天的黎明是最美的,東方剛露出魚肚白, 可以聽到綠樹上鳥兒在歌唱。路邊長滿了嫩綠的草,草上沾滿了小小的露珠,他們靜靜一等待著大地母親 的蘇醒。14. Early Summer 初夏When spring came, she found the earth cold and bare, but she soon changed all that, and by the time summer arrives, the world is a very different place. It is a green world now, green leaves on the trees, green grass in the fields, green plants crowding in the hedges, and flowers opening everywhere.春天到來的時候,乍暖還寒,大地 空曠,草木未長;而夏季到來之時,世界成了另一番景象:是一片綠的世界一綠的樹葉,綠的草地,樹籬 間植物蔥郁,到處鮮花盛開。15. Summer Evening 夏天的傍晚The most beautiful time in ht summer is during the evening. The pure, white moon hangs in the sky among thousands of shining stars; countless fireflies fly here and there under the moonlight like the golden brightness of shooting star.夏天的傍晚是最美的。繁星點點,一輪冷月掛職在夜空,在月光下無數(shù)的螢火蟲飛來飛去,就 像瀏覽一樣明亮。16. Charming Summer Day 夏天的魅力A hot summer day is not without charm. If you get up before dawn, you may take a pleasant walk. You will se there is just a faint light in the eastern sky and the stars are beginning to fade. A cool breeze blows. The grass is cool, the shadowy trees are rustling their leaves, and the air is full of fragrances.炎熱的夏天也是有魅力的。如果你天亮之 前就起床,你可以舒舒服服地散步。你會看到東邊露出淡淡的光,星星開始消失,吹著涼爽的微風(fēng),草也 是涼的,遮蔭的樹葉沙沙作響,空氣里充滿了芬芳的味道。17. Autumn Dusk 秋日黃昏The most beautiful thing during the autumn is dusk. The setting sun looks like a burning ball of fire; it makes the sky look so colorful. A flock of wild geese fly back and forth in the sky, as if they don't want to leave. The many insects making noise in the grass make fields seem more interesting.秋日的黃昏最美的。太陽像一個大火球,把 天空染成五顏六色。群大雁在天空匕來飛去,似乎不想離開。草中的蟲鳴使田野顯得更有趣。18. Autumn Night 秋夜It was misty on the autumn night. Everything before me became hazy. The hazy lights from the windows of the distant buildings looked like the eyes of sleepy men. The hazy pavilions lay there as if they were floating in the air. The hazy threes and grass made me feel that I was in a fairyland. The hazy autumn night was very beautiful.一個薄 霧籠罩的秋夜,我面前的一切都變得模糊起來。遠處樓房的窗戶透出模糊的光,像眨眼朦朧的眼睛。模糊 的亭閣好像是飄浮在空中,模糊的樹和花草使我感覺身在仙境一般。模糊的秋夜太美了。19. Winter Night 冬夜It was cold and bleak in the late winter. The night was dark, not a star was to be seen in the gloomy and dismal sky. The north wind was howling dreadfully outside the house, like the screams of some wounded wild beasts.陰冷的寒 冬,夜里一片漆黑,在陰沉的天空中甚至連一顆星星都看不見。屋外北風(fēng)呼嘯,像受傷的野獸的尖叫聲。20. Winter morning 冬天的早晨The winter morning is most beautiful. The sun hides in the sky not wanting to shine, and snowflakes happily come into view. Snowflakes slowly drift from the sky covering everything, making the earth look kike a silver wonderland. The children wake up early in the morning. Outside they build snowmen and hove snowball fights in their yards. Everyone is happy.冬天的早晨是最美的。太陽躺在天空中還原出來,雪片歡快地飛舞著,慢慢地 把萬物覆蓋,把整個世界變成了銀色的夢幻仙境。孩子們早早地起床,來到院子里,堆雪人,打雪仗,把 這個世界變成歡樂的海洋。21. Snow 初雪The first snow came, How beautiful it was, falling so silently all day long, all night long, on the mountains, in the meadows, on the roofs of living. All white save the river, that marked its course by a winding black line across the landscape. What silence, too, came with the snow, and what seclusion! Every sound was muffled every noise changed to something soft and musical. No more trumping hoofs, no more rattling wheels!初雪飄零, 多么美??! 它整日整夜那么靜靜地飄著,落在山嶺上,落在草地上,落在屋頂上。在一片白茫茫之中,只有河流在美 麗的畫面上劃出一道曲曲彎彎的黑線。初雪飄落時,是何等的寧靜、何等的幽靜! 一切聲響都江堰市趨于 沉寂,一切噪音都化作柔和的音樂。再沒有嘈雜的步行聲,再沒有滾滾的車輪聲。22. A Path on My School Campus 校園小路There was a path paved with cobblestones on the campus of my school. It led from my classroom to a lawn on the right side. At dawn or at dust, I would stroll along it, breathing in the fresh air of the dawn or tracing the footprint of the setting sun. Two rows of small willows lined the path. Raising my head, I could see the blue sky and white clouds which set off the tranquility of the path. Here and there wild flowers with a simple elegant tint truck the eye. I would bend down and pluck one. Oh, the flower smelt so fresh and fragrant. Only at this time, could I find my spiritual sustenance. The stress from the heavy homework and tough question would immediately vanish. Oh, what a pleasant and charming place this was!校園內(nèi)有一條卵石輔成的小路,一端連著教室,一端通 向教室右邊的那邊草地。每天早晨或晚飯后,我總是要在上面走走,呼吸黎明的新鮮空氣,追尋夕陽的足 跡。小路兩邊,是兩行小柳樹。抬頭望去,藍天、白云、更烘托了小路的寂靜。偶爾,幾朵野花映入眼簾, 花色淡淡的。于是我會蹲下身去采上一朵。??!這花泛著清新淡雅的芬芳。此時此刻,我覺得只有在這兒 才能得到精神上的寄托。沉重的作業(yè)帶來的煩惱,攻克難題凝聚的思索,在這兒都會像煙云一樣消散得一 干二凈。這是一個多么愜意的去處?。?3. Walk in the Rain 雨中慢步Getting up in the morning, I like to take a walko It was raining one day. Drop by drop, it fell in my head. I was in high spirit. Along the path, there were many little red and yellow flowers which put their heads up to absorb their drinks. They had been completely washed. They appeared fresh and lovely. How lovely they looked!我喜歡早晨起來散步。一天,天正在下著雨。一滴一滴,落到我的頭上。我興致高昂。沿路, 許多紅色、黃色的小花仰起腦袋吮吸著它們的飲料。在經(jīng)過雨水完全沖洗后,它們顯得新鮮、活潑。24. A Spring Outing 春游美景It was Sunday. We set out very early on bikes, carrying bottles of beer and bags of cakes, bacon and cooked eggs. WE rode along the winding paths in the fields, across the meadows and sown the roads. The willows were fresh and green. The swallows were flying to and fro, up and down in the sky. The birds, like musician, sang their melodious songs in the trees, and butterflies, like colorful dancers, were fluttering here and there. We breathed the fresh air deeply and laughed heartily.星期天一大早,我們就騎著自行車出發(fā)了,隨身帶著幾瓶啤酒,還有幾盒 蛋糕、一點熏肉和一些煮雞蛋。我們沿著田間崎嶇的小路前進,穿過草地,順道而下。柳樹掛上了鮮綠。 燕子在天空飛旋。小鳥像音樂家一樣,在樹上唱著優(yōu)美的歌,蝴蝶像多采多姿的舞蹈家一樣,拍動著翅膀, 飛來飛去,我們深深地呼吸著新鮮空氣,開懷大笑。25. Feeling in Snow 雪天隨想As soon as I walked outside, I was greeted with the shimmering white blanket of cold. Despite the chill overwhelming my skin, inside I was warm. I felt as though I could be giving off heat; I had the desire to stay out in this freeze for hours. It was the type of day that speaks to you through its elements; I took a deep breath to hear more snow was coming. As I walked I looked up, trying to realize what made this day so beautiful, and so peaceful. It was as if time had been put temporarily on hold, and I sensed myself flo9stign away. I sat down on the edge of a curb and listened. All these was to hear the wind rushing over the top of my head and circling some old, cracking leaves some yards away. To me it was the reassuring sound of nature, trying not to be forgotten. 剛出門,便撲面而 來一大片晶瑩雪白的冰涼。冷氣襲來,肌膚陣陣戰(zhàn)栗,而內(nèi)心卻溫暖如初。覺得自己似乎能發(fā)發(fā)熱,因而 渴望在這寒冷中長時間的佇足。這是一個大自然與你交流的日子。我深深地吸了一口氣,靜聽雪花飄落。 漫步雪中,舉目四顧,我努力思索是什么竟然能夠把這一天變得如此美麗和寧靜。那一刻,時間仿佛停止 了。我仿佛脫離了塵世。坐在路邊,仔細聆聽。只有風(fēng)從頭頂掠過,卷走幾碼遠的干枯樹葉。在我心中, 這是大自然給人安慰、令人難忘的聲音。26. The Window窗外的景象The window overlooked a park where there was a lake. There were ducks and swans in the lake, and children came to throw them bread. Young lovers walked hand in hand under the trees, and there were flowers and stretches of grass. And at the back, behind the woods, was a fine view of the city skyline.從小窗向外眺望,是一座公園,那里 有一灣湖水;許多鴨子和天鵝悠然湖上,孩子們在湖邊給它們喂食面包;成雙成對的年青人手拉著手兒漫 步樹下,處處有盛開的鮮花和伸展的綠地,樹林后城市的上空清晰可見。Colorful World 五彩世界1. The Setting Sun 日落When the sun begins to set behind the mountains, its long rays light up the green fields of wheat or rice. And all the trees and bushes with a golden glow. The clouds above the sky also begin to glow with a golden light, and the mountains are of a lovely purple color.太陽快要下山了,柔和的光照在綠色的田野里和從林上,金光閃閃,天 空的云彩也開始金光閃閃,山也變成美麗的紫色。2. Toward Evening 傍晚Then as the fiery ball of the sun is gone altogether behind the mountain, the red color of the clouds begins to fade, and gradually fakes away until all the clouds are grey and the mountains become a deep black clear cut against the pale sky, where the evening stars take the place of the sun and shine brightly.火紅的太陽隱沒到山后,紅彤彤的 云彩也漸漸地褪色,天空成了灰色,山也變成了深褐色,像一幅版畫映襯在蒼白的天空中。夜空中明亮的 星星開始閃耀。3. Colorful World 五彩世界The sun was already in the west but it was still shining. Its light was so bright that I couldn't even open my eyes. When I arrived at the west Hill, the light became a bit yellow. After a short while, it was completely golden, then red. The sun nearly set. It was like a great fiery ball. The cloud around it was also painted red. Little by little the cloud covered more and more of the sun. At last it disappeared behind the cloud. It was already dark. 太陽偏西,但 還非常明亮,強光刺得我睜不開眼。當(dāng)我到達西山時,光線泛黃,一會兒,就變成了金黃色,然后又變成 紅色,太陽快要下山了,就像一個大火球,把周圍的云也染紅了。太陽慢慢地沉下去,終于躲入云中,天 已經(jīng)黑了。4. Beach Holiday 海灘假日I had always liked the beach. 11 didn't matter if the sun didn't shine while you were hiking in the lake Districtin fact, a light rain made it all the more exhilarating. I yearned for the bright blues, yellows and reds of a beach holiday.我一向喜歡海灘。當(dāng)來到湖泊地區(qū)遠足時,天空沒有陽光并不要緊。事實上,一場小雨會更增添其 中的情趣羅強烈地向往著海灘假日中明亮的湛藍色、金黃色。5. Natural Beauty 自然美景On one side, beginning at the very lip of the pool, was a tiny meadow, a cool, resilient surface of green that extended to the vase of the frowning wall. Beyond the pool a gentle slope of earth ran up and up to meet the opposing wall. Fine grass covered the slope-grass that was spangled with flowers, with here and there patches of color, orange and purple and golden.在深潭的一邊,有一片小小的草地,涼爽而富有彈性的綠草地從潭的邊 緣延伸到皺折的峭壁下面。深潭的另、一邊,一個緩坡延伸著直上到對面的峭壁。滿坡鮮美的草,五顏六 色的花朵,桔黃色的、紫色的、金黃色的點綴其間。Natural World山川風(fēng)貌1. The Morning Dew 晨露On sunshiny summer mornings, the grass is often wet with dew. There maybe drops of dew on flowers and bushes, and spider webs, too. The drops of dew sparkle like jewels when the sun shines on them.在晴朗的夏天的凌晨, 草上常常沾滿露珠,花叢中,甚至蜘蛛網(wǎng)上也有。當(dāng)陽光照耀在露珠上時露珠像珠寶一樣閃閃發(fā)光。2. Lijiang River 漓江The river is rally very clean and pure. We rented a boat and enjoyed the beautiful scenes along the river. The mountains are so special. I've seen many other kinds of mountains, but I like Guilihn's mountains best. Fve seen many rivers before, but I like Lijiang Rivers best.河水清澈透明,我們租了一條小船,沿江欣賞著美景。山很 奇特,我見過許多其他類型的山,但我最喜歡桂林的山,我也見過許多河流,但我最喜歡漓江。3. Night of the Lake 湖之夜Around the lake are some trees, their slender leaves bellowing in the gentle wind. There must be some frogs in the middle of the lake, whose endless singing can be heard clearly. What an attractive night! 湖周圍有些樹,嫩嫩的 樹葉在微風(fēng)中飄揚。湖中一定有青蛙,我能清楚地聽見它們在不停地歌唱。多美的夜晚?。?. Ocean at the Sunset日落時的大海A gust of wind brought forth the faint smell of fish, and this made me feel joyous. Slowly, the rays of sunlight faded, and dimness surrounded me. The entire ocean changed to a dark violet hue. Later, the red sun escaped into the sea. 一陣海風(fēng)帶來了淡淡的魚腥味,使我興奮起來。慢慢地,太陽光消失了,周圍一片朦朧,整個海洋變成暗 紫色,最后紅紅的太陽消失在大海里。5. Sea Beauty大海美景From as far as you could see on the left and right was open water and sand. The splash of pieces of seashells lay scattered on the beach and small holes covered the sand where the crabs had dug in. The wind felt soft and warm and the water not very chilling. Far in the distance the sun was changing the color from a yellow to an orange and then to a red ball hanging over the horizon.極目遠眺,你能看見一望無垠的大海和沙灘。海灘上散落著海貝, 還有一些小洞,那是螃蟹挖的。風(fēng)柔而暖,水也并不太涼。遠處的太陽由黃色變成橘紅色,一個大紅球, 懸掛在天邊。6. Waterfall 瀑布From the sky fell the waterfairs high rising, thick mist. When in contact with sunlight, the seven-colored rainbow hung in the sky, which was very stunning.瀑布飛流直下,震蕩起濃濃的水霧,在陽光照耀下形成美麗的七色 彩虹,掛在空中,令人稱奇。7. Canyon 峽谷It was the green heart of the canyon, where the walls swerved back from the rigid plan and relieved their harshness of line by making a little sheltered nook and filling it to the brim with sweetness and roundness and softness. Here all things rested. Even the narrow stream ceased its turbulent downrush long enough to form a quiet pool 這是峽谷蔥綠的中心,在這里峭壁改變了它們僵硬的形式和粗糙的線條,形成一個小小的隱蔽處,并使之充 滿甜美、圓潤和安逸。這兒一切都很寧靜,甚至連咆哮著直沖而下的瀑布也平靜下來,°形成了一個寧靜的 丫笨)草 O O O O O O8. Canyon and Mountain 峽谷與山The walls leaned together abruptly, and the canyon ended in a chaos of rocks, moss-covered and hidden by a green screen of vines and creepers and boughs of trees. Up the canyon rose far hills and peaks, the big foothills, pine-covered and remote. And far beyond, like clouds upon the border of the sky, towered minarets of white, where the Sierra's eternal snows flashed austerely the blazes.峭壁險峻互為倚靠,峽谷掩沒在雜亂的蓋滿苔辭、 披著各種攀爬植物藤和樹叢的綠色屏障的巖石之間。在峽谷的上面,起伏連綿的山巒和山峰向遠方,大片 的丘陵地帶,滿山的松林依稀可見。更遠處,像朵朵白云升起在天際,那是些高聳的白干塔。在那天下一 帶,塞納山巔的終年積雪質(zhì)撲地反射出太陽的光輝。9. The Forest 森林There's beauty in the woods, too, especially late in the fall. Sometimes you walk among the huge trees where the sunlight filters through. It quiet and big, with touches of white and green and gold. And the silence is like that of church.森林


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