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人教版七年級英語上Unit 2 This is my sister Section A (1a-1c) 教學設(shè)計

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人教版七年級英語上Unit 2 This is my sister Section A (1a-1c) 教學設(shè)計

Unit2 This is my sister教學實際一學情分析針對本屆七年級學生基礎(chǔ)相差懸殊的特點,安排設(shè)計了照顧全體的精講多練,由淺入深的活動。設(shè)計了大量的口語對話和角色表演,以解決學生們口語表達能力差的問題。另外,根據(jù)現(xiàn)在社會的離婚率很高,班里單親的家庭很多,為了顧及每個孩子的感受,避開讓孩子們談?wù)撟约旱募彝?。本單元由Section A、Section B和Self Check三部分組成,這三部分緊緊圍繞“家庭”這一學生感興趣的話題,通過一系列的聽、說、讀、寫、畫等任務(wù)的設(shè)置, 讓學生學習如何“介紹人物、識別人物”。本單元與前后單元不僅在話題、功能上過渡自然,而且在結(jié)構(gòu)上銜接緊密。本課時主要涉及Section A部分的教學。二教學目標A、語言知識1)學習并掌握與家庭成員有關(guān)的詞匯father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, parent (s), grandparent (s), friend 等;2)學會初步運用指示代詞this/that/these/those與人稱代詞 he,/she3) 句型This/That is . These/Those are . Whos she/ he ? Whore they?B、語言技能 要求學生能進行簡單的人物關(guān)系的描述,傳達信息;能根據(jù)相關(guān)信息辨別人物;能簡單地介紹自己的家人和朋友;培養(yǎng)學生聽、說、讀、寫和創(chuàng)新能力。C、情感態(tài)度讓學生在具體的語言情境的交際中,感受英語所帶來的實用性及成功的喜悅,增強學生學習英語的興趣和信心;通過對家庭成員之間關(guān)系的描述,增進學生熱愛家人的情感,以及增進同學之間對彼此家庭的了解;鼓勵學生之間地積極的良性的交往及合作,培養(yǎng)友好互助的精神。三教學重難點:重點:1)掌握家庭成員的稱謂。2)介紹和詢問家庭成員。難點:1)在復(fù)數(shù)情況下運用代詞these, those并注意搭配的Be動詞為are。2)要求學生可以用簡單的語句在口頭上和書面上來描述家庭成員。四教學方法:新課程重視以人為本,強調(diào)素質(zhì)教育,重視課堂中知識的生成。在教學中,要注意發(fā)揮學生的主體作用,把空間留給學生。抓住七年級學生活潑好動,表現(xiàn)欲強的心理特點,課堂上我設(shè)計了大量的聽、說、讀、寫的訓練,啟發(fā)學生動腦思考,鼓勵學生大膽開口,暢所欲言,盡可能運用英語表達實際意義,從而最大限度地調(diào)動學生的積極性和主動性。教學中,我主要通過合作學習小組競爭又互助的形式,精講巧練,由淺入深,由易到難,由已知到未知,循序漸進地深化教學內(nèi)容。展開以教師為主導,以學生為主體的師生雙邊活動。五Teaching steps (教學步驟)1. Warming-up and revision(課堂熱身和復(fù)習) (1)Daily greetings to the studentsT: Hello, Whats your name?S: My name is T: Nice to meet you!S: Nice to meet you, too!(2) Revision (復(fù)習)1)T: Whats this in English? (Show some pictures or play PPT) S: Its a jacket. T: Spell it, please. S: J-A-C-K-E-T, jacket. T: What color is it? S: Its purple. 2)T: Is he Eric? (指著班上的學生進行問答。) S: Yes, he is. T: Is she Cindy? S: No, She isnt. Shes Helen. T: Whats his name? S: His name is Bob. 3)T: This is . (利用書上所出現(xiàn)的人物圖片引導學生說出名字。) S: Alice. This is Alice. T: These are S: Mike and Tom. These are Mike and Tom. T: That is S: Frank. That is Frank. T: Those are S: Cindy and Dale. Those are Cindy and Dale. 【教學設(shè)計說明】復(fù)習前幾個單元的基本句型,是對所學知識的回顧,也是正式上課前的熱身。讓學生指認班上的同學并詢問姓名,把學生的語言交際放在真實的情境中,可以極大地調(diào)動學生的學習興趣。通過復(fù)習學生已知的人物,引出介紹人物的句型。2. Presentation (呈現(xiàn)新知識)T: Whats this in English?S: (Teacher helps the students to say) Its a picture/photo. T: Yes, this is a picture of a family. Can you see the woman? This is my mother. (板書mother) She is my mother. Read after me, mother. S: Mother, mother, mother. T: Can you see the man? That is my father. (板書father) He is my father. S: Father, father, father. T: Mother is my parent. Father is my parent, too. (板書parent) These are my parents. (板書these, parents) They are my parents. Read after me. Explanation: 名詞分為可數(shù)名詞和不可數(shù)名詞兩類。可數(shù)名詞有單數(shù)和復(fù)數(shù)之分,變?yōu)閺?fù)數(shù)形式時,一般情況是在單數(shù)名詞后加“-s”,如:penpens, parentparents; (以此方法將圖片上的grandfather, grandmother, grandparents, brother, sister引出)【教學設(shè)計說明】借著上一步復(fù)習的句型,拿出一張全家福,引入到family的話題;分別指向相應(yīng)的人物來介紹,引出新的詞匯,并教學生朗讀,以確保他們發(fā)音的正確。在此環(huán)節(jié)的最后,說明可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)變復(fù)數(shù)的最基本用法,為后面進一步的學習埋下伏筆。3. Work on 1a (完成1a)1) T: Now, please open your books and turn to Page 7. Look at 1a. You can see a picture of Daves family and some words we learned just now. Please match the words with the people in the picture. 2) Check the answers.3) Ask some individuals to read aloud the words. 【教學設(shè)計說明】說到match的時候用手做比劃,示范什么是match。學生完成任務(wù)后再抽學生朗讀,主要是檢查他們是否掌握了這些詞匯的讀音。4. Drill (練習)T: Now, you are Dave. Please cover the answers of 1a by using a piece of paper. And then listen to me carefully. I will give you a letter. You can look at the picture and tell me this letter means. For example, I say “a”. You should say “This is my mother.” I say “b”. You should say “These are my parents.” Understand? T: OK. Lets begin. Tom, Stand up, please. Your letter is “e”.Tom: This is my grandfather. T: Good job. Next one is 【教學設(shè)計說明】讓學生扮演圖片中的人物Dave,是幫助他們用第一人稱來介紹家庭成員,進一步熟悉剛學到的新詞匯。5. Work on 1b (完成1b)(1) T: Next, I will play the recording. Please listen carefully, and circle the people the boy talk about in the picture. (2)Play the recording for the first time. Students only listen. (3)Play the recording for the second time. Students listen and circle the words they hear. (4)T: Do you get the answers? Who does the boy talk about? S: T: Well done. Who does the boy talk about? S: (5)Play the recording again for the students to listen and repeat. 【教學設(shè)計說明】此環(huán)節(jié)著重是聽力訓練。讓學生在聽對話的過程中抓住關(guān)鍵詞匯,由于前面已做了一些訓練,因此學生聽起來比較容易,讓他們都有一次成功的喜悅和感受,這樣可以增強他們的學習自信心。6. Presentation (呈現(xiàn)新知識) Draw a boy and two boys on the board and present the sentences: 1) This is my friend. These are my friends. (教師站在黑板近處) Whos he? Hes my friend. Who are they? They are my friends. 2) That is my brother. Those are my brothers. (教師站在理黑板較遠的地方) Whos he? Hes my brother. Who are they? They are my brothers. 【教學設(shè)計說明】此環(huán)節(jié)通過教師所站的位置來表示this,these 和that,those的區(qū)別,同時也讓學生明白單復(fù)數(shù)形式表達的詞匯是不同的。7. Work on 1c (完成1c)(1)T: Now you are Dave. Please introduce your family to me. You can use “Thats my Those are my ” (2)T: Whos she/he? S: He/She is my (3)T: Now please open your books at Page 57. Look at Note 1 in Unit 2. Lets learn the culture: 中外家庭親屬成員之間稱謂的文化差異【教學設(shè)計說明】此環(huán)節(jié)是讓學生運用所學句型來進行操練,有利于鞏固所學句型。同時,讓學生看書后57頁的注解,幫助他們了解中外家庭親屬成員之間稱謂的文化差異。8. Work on 2a & 2b (完成2a和2b)(1)T: Please turn to Page 8. Look at the words in 2a. Read them aloud.(2)T: Now lets listen to the recording carefully and circle the words you hear. (3)T: Can you get the answers? Please check the answers. (4)T: Please look at 2b. Ill play the recording once again, and you match the words with the people in the picture. (強調(diào)match)(5)T: Who is Jenny? S: She is “d”. T: Whos ? S: 【教學設(shè)計說明】此環(huán)節(jié)進一步鞏固了本堂課所學的詞匯和句型。通過反復(fù)聽讀,可以讓學生盡快熟悉生詞。學生將單詞與人物連線,是檢查學生能否根據(jù)所聽到的內(nèi)容辨認圖中的人物。9. Work on 2c (完成2c)(1)Teacher points at the picture and practices with the students. T: Please look at the picture again. Whos she? S: Shes Cindy. T: Whos he?S: Hes her father. (2)Now you can practice talking about the photo in 2b in pairs. 【教學設(shè)計說明】此環(huán)節(jié)先通過教師與學生的對話示范,讓學生清楚教師的意圖怎么進行對話。然后學生兩人一組進行操練,可以使他們更加容易并熟練地掌握本堂課的內(nèi)容。10. Homework (課后作業(yè))Oral: 1. 朗讀并熟記第7頁的單詞和句子。 2. 準備一張全家福,用所學的單詞和句型進行介紹。(提醒學生記住在本單元后面的幾堂課上都要使用。)Written:抄寫第7頁的單詞和句子。6 / 6


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