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閱讀教程四 選詞填空

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閱讀教程四 選詞填空

word閱讀四 選詞填空Unit 1P11 malevolent, apathetic, expedient, vilify, potent, simulation, misdirect, therapy, alternative, arouse, placate, alleviate1. The aborigines土著居民 peered at our cameras with malevolent curiosity. 有惡意的,壞心腸的2. There was a big mess in front of Gate 1, as passengers for several different flights were misdirected指導(dǎo)錯誤3. They appealed for foreign aid toalleviatetheir national food shortage. 減輕,緩和4. Dont panic! This is just a simulation of fighting, not a real war scene.5. The country is preoccupied with inventing some sort of potent6. I tried very hard to arouse his interest in his school work, but I failed. 激起,喚起7. At the moment, the politicians are thinking of possible means toplacate the public. 安撫,撫慰8. People who practice this religion will bee very apathetic; they wont even care about their family members. 冷淡的,沒感情的9. Heat therapy is an effective way to alleviate muscle pain.10. I think its too cruel to leave him behind. Dont you have an alternative?11. In the present situation, our priority is to find the most expedient measures to solve the problem. 有利的,方便的12. He was vilified for making such talks in public.誹謗Reading FOURP22 inflict, defiance, defy, consensus, denounce, capitulate, vilify, confinement1. The president radical statement was denounced by the opposition party. 指控,告發(fā),譴責(zé)2. The prisoners of war had been held in confinement for a month before they were rescued. 限制3. He inflicted4. She defied her parents wishes and eloped私奔 with Paul. 公然對抗5. The government failed to reach a consensus on the penalties to impose on those who breached the infectious disease act.一致,同意6. The little boy gave the invaders a look of hatred and defiance and flatly 斷然地refused to lead the way. 對抗,蔑視Unit twoP34 reap, strap, barbaric, serve, court up, free up, tangible, revenge, abolish, figure, maximum, deterrent1. The time will e when we are reaping the full benefits of this new scheme.2. Because of its high cost, the state government has decided to abolish the death penalty by the end of the year.3. Icounted up my years of working in this factory and felt sad that I had to retire before my time.4. His irrational explanation only serves to increase our suspicions. 為服務(wù)5. The villagers took their revenge by setting fire to his mill.6. You need to free up some space on the hard disk to run this program on your puter.7. The baby was strapped to a highchair so he could safely watch us cooking. 用帶綁住8. Some factors are less tangible for example, job satisfaction and emotional bonding between the colleagues. 明確的9. Theyfigured10. Some people believe it a barbaric act to shoot an animal.粗野的,野蠻的P39 slay, tremulous, oscillate, manslaughter, dispense, equilibrium, traumatic, reconcile, sorely, rehabilitation1. Check to see if the needle indicating current is oscillating. 擺動2. For the first ten minutes, her voice was tremulous. Later she grew more confident and handled the rest of the presentation well. 震顫的3. She pleaded guilty of manslaughter, not murder. 殺人4. Two American tourists were slain in their hotel room. Police are now investigating the case.被殺 slay 殺死5. She could not reconcile herself to the fact that she was betrayed by her best friend. 使安于,使甘心6. I for one was sorely disappointed that she decided to quit the job.7. Stocks plummeted垂直下落 until a week later when prices seemed to find some new level of equilibrium. 均衡8. Psychologists have been using new methods in the rehabilitation of the juvenile delinquents少年犯. 康復(fù)P45 malevolent, luminous, cop out, underworld, execute, eerily, perch, shaft, vent, intelligible, pane, streak1. He was among the first batch of criminals who was executed through lethal 致命的injection. 將處死2. The wealthy businessman was found to have connections with the underworld.黑社會3. The health official decided to resign when the epidemic流行病 was rampant猖獗的 in the country, giving the impression to the public that he was copping out. 放棄,逃避4. The little girl was eerily quiet this morning. Check to see if she is sick.怪異地,恐怖地5. The mans malevolent stare makes me shudder.6. The little boy was curious about the luminous dial of his new watch: he was trying to pry open the surface to see whats inside. 發(fā)光的,夜光的7. Each time she has difficulties, she telephones her best friend to vent her frustration. 發(fā)泄8. The woman was obviously unhappy to learn the news, but she just moaned and made no intelligible response. 可理解的,明了的,清晰的Unit threeP63 swerve, harass, trespass, prowl, paranoid, wield, dump, slash, sadden1. Drivers ing in the opposite direction swerved to avoid the dead body of the kitten小貓. 突然轉(zhuǎn)向,轉(zhuǎn)彎,偏離方向2. You have to be very careful in this country. Tourists caught trespassing will be prosecuted起訴. 擅自進(jìn)入3. I am saddened by war, disease and poverty in this area of the world.4. He slashed his neck with a sharp sword and dropped dead within seconds. 砍,砍傷5. People really got paranoid when SARS was rampant. 偏執(zhí)狂癥狀的6. He found himself prowling around his own room in the dead of the night and started to wonder what had happened.徘徊,潛行P68 avid, deterrent, flinch, idyllic, assailant, paranoia, close-knit, propel, devastation, incarcerate1. You are wrong if you imagine that married life will be idyllic.田園詩的,牧歌的2. Police came right in time to rescue him from the assailant.襲擊者3. Many people in the SAR-affected areas are viewing the world with a mounting paranoia.偏執(zhí)狂4. It is widely believed in Singapore that caning is a deterrentto crime. 威懾力量,制止物5. The medical munity should notflinchin the face of this challenge.畏懼,退縮6. The current crisis had created a close-knit 7. John was propelled by both guilt and the need to turn himself in to the police. 驅(qū)策,8. The prisoners of war were incarceratedP72 legacy, escalate, spree, felon, carnage, endorse, assault, campaign, legislate, gratify, outrage1. Strange enough, there was no legacy of bitterness between the people of the two countries after years of war. 遺產(chǎn)2. Tom went on a shopping spree after he got the bonus. 嬉戲,歡鬧3. The government endorsed 4. They responded withassaultsagainst the enemy5. His contempt towards the position outraged6. He was gratifiedthat his efforts had worked.7. The Jews ran away to escape the carnage in the country. 大屠殺8. There is a danger that the conflict mightescalate9. Parliament must legislateagainst individualsUnit fourP90 stricken, incorporate, spell, resonance, posterity, senility, atose, posthumously, bask1. We can incorporate a few chapters of the former book into the new book. 把合并2. He was shocked to learn of the outbreak of the epidemic; his hair turned grey overnight and his voice lost its resonance.洪亮3. Outsiders are not allowed into the stricken侵襲的4. There has been a long spell 5. He suffered a massive stroke and was atose for two weeks. 昏睡狀態(tài)6. The old man had to write when he was found to suffer from senility.高齡,衰老,年老糊涂7. He was writing his autobiography for the benefit of posterity.后裔,子,后代8. She was posthumouslyP94 alleviate, intervention, pin, anonymity, disintegration, shatter, terminally, palliative,1. Scientists have invented an electronic device to alleviateback pain. 減輕2. They decided to install safety glass which does not shatter if it's broken. 粉碎3. He requested anonymity for fear of political persecution困擾.匿名4. Many social factors are behind the disintegration集成,結(jié)合,整體5. The countrys interventionP97 challenge, coordinate, terminally, heed, irony, dichotomy, ally, alternative, overturn, adequate1. Is it right to hide from a patient the fact that he is terminally ill?在晚期2. Heed whatIsay! Or youll regret some day. 留意3. The teaching of language accuracy and language fluency should not be placed in dichotomy. 分裂,兩分4. The Danes are good at using irony in speech. Very often they say the opposite of what they mean. 反語,諷刺5. She is very good at coordinating activities in emergency situations. S6. In World War Two, several countries sent their allied forces to fight Germany and Japan.同盟國,同盟者,7. We face a greater challenge in this information age.8. The southern area in the country has an adequate steady rainfall.9. When we are running short of energy, we have to find sources of alternative energy.10. I a fit of fury, she overturned the table and all the food fell on the floor.Unit fiveP106 unjustifiable, outweigh, contradiction, conditional, incalculable, induce, exclusive, treadmill, hysteria1. For human knowledge to be absolutely sure of itself is an contradiction in terms. 自相矛盾的說法2. Diligence and intelligence are not mutually exclusive; as you may need a bit of both to achieve success in your studies.唯一的,排外的,除外的,全部的3. The recovery from his illness will be entirely conditional為條件4. The differences between educated, skilled and highly-paid workers on the one hand and unskilled, illiterate of unemployed workers on the other may well outweigh what they have in mon. 超過5. Since then, they have abandoned treatment and the sense of relief is incalculable. 數(shù)不清的6. In some developing countries, children as young as six and seven work in textiles and leather, unprotected form fire-risk and exposed to poisonous substances which induce respiratory and central7. For many people, one of the bonuses, of retirement is the ability to get off thetreadmill8. They found there had been no unjustifiable9. My nerves were so strained I was probably on the point of hysteria.情緒爆發(fā),情緒激動10. He knew her too well to think that she would allow affection to outweigh her sense of right and wrong.P110 toxic, promote, stellar, graceful, sabotage, motivating, self-imposed, defective, self-esteem, pervasive, crushed被壓碎的narcissistic1. Physics appears a strong, fundamental discipline; puting; a strong, pervasive one;普遍的2. Even simple activities, such as the right way to hold and use a pair of scissors, may need to be shown to pupil with very poor vision, because defective vision may make it difficult to see exactly how to manipulate utensils and objects without precise demonstration on how to do so. 不完美的3. Our policy is to promote wider participation and more opportunity in higher education. 促使,促進(jìn)4. It hadnt taken long to determine that the plane had been sabotaged.破壞5. In our narcissistic culture, how can two people, infected with self-love, learn to love each other? 自戀的,自我醉的6. Her oval face with its large dark eyes and high forehead was set on a long,graceful neck.7. Once a fire has started, you could have as little two minutes to get out before heat of toxic 8. Within a few years, their firm had bee a leader in the move to one of Wall Streetsstellar performers.主要的,顯著的P118 temperament, realms, paralysis, downplay, steer, ostracism, sidelines, impose, eliminate, ethic, name-calling, sportsmanship1. In his theory of writing, he tended to downplay輕描淡寫2. My new project led me into unexplored realms of psychology which I might otherwise have ignored. 領(lǐng)域,圍3. Bankrupts often have to face the ostracism of their friends4. As a nation we are now obsessed to the point of paralysiswith rules and regulations.麻痹,癱瘓,完全無力5. Such a move would impose severe hardship and very great practical problems at a time when the families had more than enough distress to cope with. 加負(fù)擔(dān),把強(qiáng)加于6. His parents were keen on the work ethic and equipped him with perfect manners. 倫理準(zhǔn)如此7. Most people are happier with an animal whose temperament is similar to their8. One of a teachers functions in a class debate is to steer students away from any personal attacks of one another.指導(dǎo),操縱,帶領(lǐng)Unit sixP129 hostility, coo, feline, toss-up, split, surrogate, duplicate, fuse, subtext, confound, well-heeled1. Europes divisions are the subtext2. Uncle Giles became a sort of surrogate rather to them after the accident.代理者,代理人3. Their friendship is regarded with suspicion andhostility.敵意4. I has been arranged for her well-heeled5. If youve lost your key I can give you a duplicate.副本6. Cats, like other felines7. The match is a toss-up, either team could win if they played well enough.勝負(fù)各半的機(jī)會,難以決定的事8. If we travel together we cansplit9. The coins had fused 10. His amazing recovery confoundedthe medical specialists.使困惑,使混亂,混淆P144 crucial, defective, subtle, superficial, justify, vindicate, term, spawn, misconception1. It is a glorious victory, and his choice of players has been fully vindicated.證明2. The films success spawned several sequels and a rush of films about outer space.造成,釀成3. He was born with a defective liver. How unfortunate!有缺陷的4. Not the subtle difference in meaning achieved by simply reordering the word in the sentence. This may seem inconsequential, but can matter a lot. 微微的5. Its a misconception that all physiotherapists are very fit and good-looking.誤解,謬見6. The closure of these mines cannot be justified是正當(dāng)?shù)?. He appears only to have a superficial knowledge of the subject.8. Women over 40 seem to be just as capable of carrying a baby to term as younger women. 把叫做,稱為9. Fine weather is crucial to the success of this experiment.Unit sevenP159 kinship, horrify, uplift, harness, abolish, obliterate, proliferate, constitute, peril, endorse, profound, belligerent1. The prime minister clarified that his government did not endorse 2. How can we harness energy from the dam to power the generators?利用,駕馭3. If this bomb were dropped, it could obliterate4. They felt a sense of kinship although they were not related because5. She fainted upon hearing thehorrifying news.6. Her husbands extra-marital affairs left her in a state of profoundshock and anger.深深的,深刻的7. He abolished slavery and segregation and brought about freedom for his citizens.8. Reading about how others overcame obstacles and succeeded uplifted her spirits.鼓舞,振奮9. The success of the coffee chain has led to a proliferation10. We have to decide on what constitutes a majority votewhether it is at least 50%or 60% of those present.制定,制定P163 fault line, render, attest, blueprint, consensus, prevailing, gird, spectacular, repository1. Technology rendered his job obsolete, so he had to return to school to learn a new trade. 使得,使成為2. These issues have created a fault line in the peace negotiations.3. The overwhelming majority who voted for that republican candidate showed the prevailing attitude towards abortion at that time. 主要的,普遍的4. You can get spectacular views of Niagara Falls from the Canadian5. During the revolution, his house became a spectacular repository of books meant to be burnt. 貯藏處6. The prime minister will unveil his blueprint for economic structuring at the next budget announcement.7. His medical records attest8. You should gird yourself for a long battle9. Let us e to a consensus regarding on this issue. 一致P168 amateur, unwittingly, instantaneously, prognosis, runaway, conventional, agitate, wave, trigger1. The danger of war can be reduced by controlling nuclear, chemical and conventional arms.傳統(tǒng)的,非核的2. The doctors prognosis3. The passengers in the vehicle died instantaneously in the head-on collision4. She is an amateur photographer whose hobby is taking pictures of nature.5. He had unwittingly angered her with his thoughtless remarks.無意地,不經(jīng)意地6. She felt a wave of panic, but told herself she needed to remain calm.7. He is already in poor mental healthher careless remarks will only agitate him further. 使激動8. Her book of inspiring stories was a runaway9. His unhappy marriage was thetriggerfor the relapse of his mental illness. 觸發(fā)Unit eightP177 variety, ripen, akin, attribute, modify, dispatch, yeast, segment, trait1. The journey will be more akin to air travel than to a conventional train.近似的2. Many people tend to attribute their success to external causes such as luck.3. The book will be dispatches from our warehouse to your address tomorrow.4. The club members did agree tomodify their recruitment policy.5. Im waiting for the apples to ripen.6. She has 12 varieties of old-fashioned roses.7. The test is supposed to reveal major character traits; whether a person is generally pessimistic or optimistic, introvert or extrovert, etc.8. Shanghai has a variety of food shops and supermarket.P190 unravel, relentless, carp, bankroll, vilify, plummet, reckon, plug, strain, drought1. Hes been plugging 2. All the rivers dried up during the months of drought.3. The eagle came plummeting down from4. The agency has been vilified by some doctors for being unnecessarily slow to approve life-saving drugs.辱罵,誹謗5. Gradually, with an intelligent use of flashbacks, Yves plex story unraveled. 說明,弄清6. He cant understand why shes constantly carping 7. The pany has bankrolled a couple of local movies. 資金贊助8. Every year, new strains of influenza develop, and claim many lives. 緊狀態(tài),過勞操心22 / 22


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