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高考英語配套教學(xué)課件《Unit 2 Sporting events》譯林版必修4

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高考英語配套教學(xué)課件《Unit 2 Sporting events》譯林版必修4

(2010·福建高三模擬)仔細觀察下邊圖畫,請就圖畫所反映的問題,以“Women and Men Should Be Equal”為標題寫一篇英語短文,介紹圖畫中的情景,并談?wù)勀愕目捶āT~數(shù):100左右。 參考詞匯:簡歷:resume;畢業(yè)文憑:diploma。,Women and Men Should Be Equal Taking her resume and diploma in her hands,a young woman came to a company to apply for a job.Seeing her,the man in charge of the interview said disappointedly,“A female again.”Such a case as is shown in the picture is quite common.Women are still looked down upon in society.A great number of men still hold that women are inferior to men.But I don't think so.,First,men and women are born equal.Women are certainly as talented as men if they are given equal opportunities of education.In the modern world,women are playing a very important role in society and contribute a lot to the society.Furthermore,since men and women are equal by nature,they should play equally important roles in all human activities.Women should not be treated as the weak;they should be equal with men and enjoy the same treatment. In a word,women and men should be equal.,.高頻單詞點擊 1Tom (競爭) with five other athletes for the first prize in a race.,competed,2Please look after my house in my (不在),3He (嘗試) the exam but failed.,4Candidates who fail to meet these (要求) will not be admitted to the university.,5First, a sport must have its own international (協(xié)會),absence,attempted,requirements,association,6Healthy eating and physical exercise are main factors that (確保) our health.,7Our office has (搬遷) to Shanghai from Beijing.,8The girl lost her (平衡) and fell off the beam.,9I will talk to you about the history and (重要 意義) of the Olympic Games.,10Many people think that (先前的) Olympic sports like rugby and golf will be included again.,ensure,removed,balance,significance,previous,.重點短語回顧 1 參加,2 紀念,向表示敬意,3 一起,共同;并肩地,并排,4 打破記錄,5 對做出貢獻,take part(in),in honour of,side by side,break the record,make contributions to,6 許多,大量,7 在中發(fā)揮作用; 在中扮演角色,8 控制住,使處于控 制 之下,9 給讓路,讓位與,plenty of,play a role in,keep.under control,make way for,.常用佳句必備 1Today,athletes from around the world can take part, no matter what language they speak.,信息提取 no matter what引導(dǎo)讓步狀語從句。,例句仿寫 無論他說什么,我們都沒有讓他走。 he said,we didn't allow him to leave.,No matter what,2His dream was that the Olympic Games would make it possible for countries and people to live peacefully side by side.,信息提取 make it(形式賓語)賓補to do。,例句仿寫 我們規(guī)定輪流掃地。 We to clean the floor in turn.,Made it a rule,3Many players believe table tennis is not only a physical game but a psychological game as well.,信息提取 not only.but (also) “不但而且”, 用于連接句中的并列成分。,例句仿寫 湯姆不僅是個作家,而且還是個演員。 Tom is a writer an actor.,not only,but also,4There are many requirements that must be met before a sport can be considered by the International Olympic Committee(IOC),信息提取 before意為“在之前”,引導(dǎo)時間狀語從句。,例句仿寫 我們到達之前火車就開走了。 The train had left .,before we arrived,5破解疑難句,.交際用語必背 1I more outdoor exercise. 我建議你多做戶外運動。,2 you go swimming instead of watching TV at home?你為什么不去游泳而只是呆在家里看電 視呢?,3 plan something for the summer holidays. 我們?yōu)槭罴僮鲆幌掠媱澃伞?advise you to do,Why don't,Let's,4He playing the piano after school. 他建議放學(xué)后彈鋼琴 。,5 meet again and discuss the plan? 我們再見面討論一下這個計劃好嗎?,suggested,Shall we,delighted adj.愉快的,高興的,欣喜的,be delighted at/with/by 對感到高興 (1) be delighted to do sth. 很高興做某事 be delighted that-clause 很高興 n.快樂,高興;使人高興的事,樂事 vt. & vi. (使)高興 Its a delight to do sth.做某事是一件令人愉快的事 have/find/take(a)delight in 高興做某事;以為樂 to ones delight 令某人高興的是 with delight 高興地,樂意地 (3)delightful adj. 令人愉快的,宜人的,delight,(2),I'm delighted to meet you here. 在這兒碰到你真高興。 The boy always finding others errors in class.這個孩子在課堂上總是以發(fā)現(xiàn)別人的錯誤為樂。 ,everything goes well. 使我們高興的是,一切進展順利。 The news will delight his fans all over the world. 這個消息將會使全世界崇拜他的人感到高興。,takes delight in,To our delight,1_ to have a picnic here! AWhat great delight BHow great delight CWhat a great delight DHow a great delight,解析:句意:在這兒野餐真是一件令人愉快的事。delight作為“使人高興的事,樂事”講時,是可數(shù)名詞,故選C。how常用來修飾形容詞或副詞。,答案:C,compete vi.比賽;競爭,compete with/against sb. for sth. (1) 為爭取某物和某人比賽、競爭 compete in 參加比賽/競爭 competition n. 比賽 competitor n. 比賽者;對手 (3)competitive adj. 有競爭力的,(2),Over 1,000 athletes will compete in the race. 將有1,000多名運動員參加賽跑。 The two teams the championship.這兩個隊競爭冠軍。 Several advertising agencies are competing to get the contract.幾家廣告公司在競爭這份合同。 We can't them on price. 我們在價格上無法與他們競爭。,competed against each other for,compete with,2_ more effectively with others, more and more people equip themselves with a higher education. ATo compete BBeing competed CCompeting DCompeted,解析:句意:為了更有效地同他人競爭,越來越多的人進修。不定式作目的狀語。,答案:A,separate adj.單獨的,分開的,不同的 v分開,分離;分手,(1)be separate from sb./sth. 與某人/某物分開 separate sb./sth. from sb./sth. 使某人/某物與某人/某物分離 separate into 分成,分離成 (3)separation n. 分離;分開;分居;隔開,(2),We separated at the corner.我們在拐角處分手。 The child was separated from his mother. 那個小孩和他母親離散了。 They have gone . 他們?nèi)チ烁鞑幌嗤牡胤健?The large crowd groups going in different directions.大批群眾分成好幾組,向著不同的方向前進。,to separate places,separated into,separate, divide,part,(1)separate指“把原來在一起的人或物分開”。 (2)divide指“通過施加外力或自然地把某人或某物由整體分成若干部分?!?(3)part指“把密切相關(guān)的人或物分開”。,以練促記 用separate, divide或part的正確形式填空 They didn't want to with the three girls. those two dogs that are fighting, will you? the cake into three parts, please.,part,Separate,Divide,light vt.點燃;照亮 n光線,(1),light (sth.) up 照亮(某物);使放光彩 light on/upon 偶然遇見;偶爾發(fā)現(xiàn) light ones way 照亮道路 throw light on 使清楚;使容易理解 bring sth. to light 揭露,揭發(fā);暴露;披露 come to light 暴露,為人所知 in (the) light of 考慮到,鑒于;根據(jù),按照,(2),注意 light有兩種不同的過去式、過去分詞形式(lit, lit; lighted,lighted)但置于名詞前作定語時常用lighted。,The fire lit up her face. 火光照亮了她的臉。 He struck a match and lit the lamp. 他擦著一根火柴把燈點著。 He lit/lighted a candle and handed to me.他點燃一支蠟燭,然后把燃燒的蠟燭遞給我。 These facts have only just been . 這些事實剛剛才被披露出來。,the lighted candle,brought to light,3The reform was carried out smoothly _ the established policy of the country's development. Ain spite of Bin charge of Cin light of Din proportion to,解析:句意:改革按照既定的國家發(fā)展政策順利地進 行。A項“盡管”;B項“負責(zé)”;C項“按照,鑒 于”;D項“與成比例,與相稱”。,答案:C,absence of mind 心不在焉 in the absence of sb.(=in ones absence) 某人不在時 in the absence of. 因為沒有;缺乏 absent adj. 不在的,缺席的;心不在焉的 be absent from. 不參加;缺席,(2),(1),absence n缺席,沒參加,不在場,After an absence of many years, I returned to my hometown.外出多年后,我又回到了家鄉(xiāng)。 We cannot finish the work these conditions.在不具備這些條件的情況下,我們不能完成這項工作。 She had an absent look on her face. 她看起來心不在焉的樣子。 A good student would not school. 好學(xué)生是不會曠課的。,in the absence of,be absent from,4Jack often looks after her son_. Ain absence Bin her absence Cin her absent Dat the absence,解析:句意:她不在時,杰克經(jīng)常照顧她的兒子。in one's absence“在某人不在時”。,答案:B,attempt n努力,嘗試 vt.試圖,嘗試,(1)attempt (to do/at doing) sth.試圖/嘗試(做)某事 make an attempt to do sth./at doing sth. 試圖做某事 in an attempt to do/at doing sth. 為了做某事 at the first attempt 首次嘗試 attempted adj. 未遂的 an attempted murder/suicide謀殺/自殺未遂,(3),(2),She will attempt to break the world record. 她決心要打破世界記錄。 They failed in all their attempts to climb the mountain. 他們攀登那座山的一切嘗試都失敗了。 My early to drive were unsuccessful.我曾經(jīng)幾次打算學(xué)開車,卻都沒有學(xué)成。 I passed my driving test . 我考駕照,一次就通過了。,attempts at learning,at the first attempt,5He _ to escape from the prison,but he couldn't find anybody to help him. Asucceeded Battempted Cadvised Doffered,解析:succeed后不接不定式作賓語,“成功地做了 某事”應(yīng)為succeed in doing sth.;attempt to do sth. 表示“試圖做某事”,但不一定成功;advise后不接 不定式作賓語;offer to do sth.意為“主動提議做某 事”。,答案:B,otherwise adv.否則,要不然;在其他方面;除此之外,or otherwise 或相反;或其他情況 and otherwise 等等,其他,Listen to your parents. Otherwise you will regret. 聽你父母的話,要不然你會后悔的。 He is slow, but he is a good worker. 他雖慢,但在其他方面卻是個好工人。 We insure against all damage, accidental or otherwise. 我們的保險包括一切意外或其他損失。,otherwise,6He claimed that the company had tricked him into doing what he would not have done _. Aotherwise Bhowever Cforever Dtherefore,解析:句意:他聲稱公司誘使他做了他否則不會做的事情。otherwise“否則”;however“然而”;forever“永遠”;therefore“因此”。,答案:A,ensure (doing)sth. 保證(做)某事 ensure sb. sth. 保證/確保某人(得到)某物 ensure sb. from/against sth. 保證某人免受的傷害 ensure safety/success 保證安全/成功 ensure that.make sure that 確保/保證,ensure vt.保證;擔(dān)保;確保,A letter of introduction will ensure you an interview. 憑一封介紹信準保會接待你。 I can't ensure that he will be there on time. 我不能擔(dān)保他會按時到那兒。 These are safety devices against accidents.這些安全設(shè)施是為了保護工人不出事故。 To ensure water from/against being polluted, the government has taken many measures. 為了確保水不被污染,政府采取了很多措施。,to ensure workers,7To _ the child's quick recovery,the doctor gave him a new kind of antibiotic(抗生素) Amake Bensure Cengage Dcause,解析:考查動詞辨析。句意:為了確保孩子迅速恢復(fù),醫(yī)生給他注射了一種新的抗生素。ensure“確?!保籱ake“制造,使得,成為”;engage“預(yù)訂,使忙碌”;cause“導(dǎo)致”。,答案:B,break the record打破記錄,He is trying his best to break the record. 他正在盡最大努力去打破記錄。,You should your expenses. 你應(yīng)該記下你的各項開支。 She holds the world record for the 100 metres. 她保持著一百米的世界記錄。,beat a record 打破記錄 set/create a record 創(chuàng)造記錄 hold/keep a record 保持記錄 keep a record of 記錄,keep a record of,1(2010·重慶統(tǒng)考)Books are the important records we keep _ man's thoughts,ideas and feelings. Aup Bof Cfor Don,解析:keep a record of.“記錄”。,答案:B,keep.under control控制住,使處于控制之下,bring/get.under control 控制住 take/lose control of oneself 克制住/不住自己 beyond control 無法控制 have/hold control of/over 控制著 in control of 控制著,處于統(tǒng)治地位 out of control 失去控制,無法控制,A big fire broke out in Australia, and it took firefighters several days to keep the fire under control.澳大利亞發(fā)生火災(zāi),消防隊員花了幾天時間才控制住火勢。 You're your life. 你的人生由你控制。 The truck ran on the hill. 這輛卡車在山上失去了控制。,in control of,out of controla,2He has managed to stay _ for two years. Aout of control Bout of date Cout of place Dout of trouble,解析:句意:兩年來他一直平平安安。out of control“失去控制”;out of date“過時的”;out of place“不在適當(dāng)?shù)奈恢谩薄?答案:D,make way for給讓路;讓位于,The people kindly made way for the poor man so that he could come forward. 人們友好地為那個可憐的人讓路,好讓他走到前面來。,make one's way 向前走,前進 lead the way 帶路;領(lǐng)先 give way(to) 屈服;讓步;給讓路;被取代 in the way 擋路;妨礙 in the way of 關(guān)于,就而言 in one(a) way 在某種程度上;在某一方面 all the way 自始至終 no way 不行;決不;沒門兒 on the way 在途中;即將到來,即將發(fā)生,He refused to give way on any of the points. 他拒絕在任何一點上讓步。 The changes are an improvement in one way. 這些變化從某種意義上說是一種進步。 He stopped for breakfast . 他中途停下吃早點。,on the way,3(2010·通州調(diào)研)Recently in Taiwan,the manufacturing industry has_ the information industry. Afound a way to Bchanged the way of Cgiven way to Dhad a way of,解析:句意:近來在臺灣,制造業(yè)已被信息產(chǎn)業(yè)所取代。A項表示“找到去的路”;B項意為“改變了的方法”;C項意為“被取代”;D項意為“有的方法”。,答案:C,His dream was that the Olympic Games would make it possible for countries and people to live peacefully side by side.他的夢想是奧運會能使各個國家和人民能和平共處地生活在一起。,該句為復(fù)合句,在that引導(dǎo)的表語從句中,謂語動詞 make后接了it作形式賓語,possible作賓補,而真正的 賓語是不定式復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)for countries and people to live.。,(1)sb.make itadj./n.to do sth.是固定句型,it是形 式賓語,其后面的adj.或n.是賓語補足語,而不定式 是真正的賓語。常用于這種句型的動詞有think, believe,find,consider,feel等。 (2)make it賓補賓語從句 (3)make賓語,do sth. adj./p.p. n.,Wherever he is,he makes it possible to take part in physical labour. 無論他在哪里,他都能參加體力勞動。 Do you think it a pity that she can't come to our party? 她不能來參加我們的聚會你覺得遺憾嗎? I want to that I don't agree with this policy.我想講清楚,我不同意這個政策。 This dress makes me . 這衣服我穿著顯胖。,make it clear,look fat,_ he failed in the important exam made his parents_. AWhat;disappointed BWhat;disappointing CThat;disappointed DThat;to be disappointed,答案:C,解析:第一空是主語從句的引導(dǎo)詞,在從句中不作 成分,故用that引導(dǎo);第二個空考查make的復(fù)合結(jié) 構(gòu),“人對失望”應(yīng)用disappointed。,情態(tài)動詞,.根據(jù)句意用正確的情態(tài)動詞填空 1要他來見你嗎? _he come to see you?,答案:Shall,2真可惜他竟然如此粗心。 It's a pity that he _ be so careless.,答案:should,3沒有水魚會死掉。 Fish_ die out of water.,答案:must,答案:will,4他一定六十多歲了。 He _ be over sixty.,5他不可能在等你。 She _ be waiting for you.,答案:can't,解析:考查情態(tài)動詞。might在這里表示推測,意思是“或許,可能”,即由于交通擁擠,“我”可能會到得遲一些。,.單項填空 1(2009·遼寧高考)The traffic is heavy these days.I_arrive a bit late,so could you save me a place? Acan Bmust Cneed Dmight,答案:D,2(2009·四川高考)I don't care what people think. Well,you_. Acould Bwould Cshould Dmight,解析:考查情態(tài)動詞。句意:“我不在乎別人怎么想?!薄芭?,你應(yīng)該在乎?!边@里用should表示“應(yīng)該,應(yīng)當(dāng)”。,答案:C,3(2009·上海高考)It_ have been Tom that parked the car here, as he is the only one with a car. Amay Bcan Cmust Dshould,答案:C,解析:考查情態(tài)動詞。句意:一定是湯姆把車停在這兒的,因為他是唯一一個有車的人。must 用于肯定句表示肯定的推測。,4(2010·江南十校測試)I really _ thank you enough. It's been an amazing day. Aneedn't Bshould Cmust Dcannot,解析:考查情態(tài)動詞。句意:我非常感謝你,這真是令人吃驚的一天。根據(jù)語意,這里用cannot。cannot.enough表示“無論也不過分”。,答案:D,5(2010·沈陽質(zhì)檢)English is a language that many young people around the world _ not speak perfectly but _ at least understand. Amust;can Bcan;may Cmay;can Dcan;must,答案:C,解析:考查情態(tài)動詞。句意:全球很多年輕人雖然英語說得不那么流利,但是至少都能理解英語。第一空的may表示推測,may not“也許不”;第二空的can表示能力,意為“能夠”。,6(2010·銀川檢測)The research on rescuing as many coal miners as possible is challenging and demanding. _ my colleague have a try? AShall BMust CWill DShould,解析:考查情態(tài)動詞用法。后句意為:可以讓我的同事試一試嗎?shall用于第三人稱的疑問句,表示說話人征求對方的意見或向?qū)Ψ教岢稣埱蟆?答案:A,7(2010·淄博質(zhì)檢)My son failed to be accepted by the firm after the interview. Now that he wasn't well prepared,he might as well _. Anot try Bnot to have tried Cnot have tried Dnot to try,解析:此題的答語中“now that.”表示“既然,就”。由于“試”這個動作已經(jīng)發(fā)生,所以用完成時態(tài)。might as well“不妨,倒不如”。,答案:C,8(2010·龍巖質(zhì)檢)From his disappointed and puzzled expression,we know he _ why he wasn't allowed to go to the party while his sister was. Ashould be wondering Bmust be wondering Cmust have wondered Dshould have wondered,答案:B,解析:考查情態(tài)動詞的用法。根據(jù)語意“從他失望和迷惑的表情,我們可以知道他一定在想”可知,這里的“must be wondering”表示對現(xiàn)在正在進行的動作的肯定推測。,.用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空 1He was _(absence) from school yesterday.,答案:absent,2He shouted to _(attraction) our attention.,答案:attrat,3The two communities are _(separate) by a highway.,答案:contributions,答案:peacefully,答案:separated,4Everyone is able to make _(contribute) to his country if he will.,5The girl waited _(peace) for her boyfriend in the park.,.選詞填空,1What we will discuss at the meeting today _ to the development of our country's farming.,答案:is of significance,2Jack _ drive his father's car by himself, but his father didn't allow him to.,3We have to _ before we enter the firm.,答案:made an attempt to,答案:meet the requirements,4All the Senior Grade One students _ the military training during the summer vacation.,答案:are involved in,5A party will be held at assembly hall this evening _our great Johnson from IOC.,答案:in honour of,4All the Senior Grade One students _ the military training during the summer vacation.,答案:are involved in,6The old fashion products will certainly _ those fashionable new products made in our company.,7The two friends are standing _ peacefully at the top of the hill, enjoying the beautiful view before their eyes.,答案:side by side,答案:make way for,8The government sent many soldiers to_ the bordering area _.,答案:keep; under control,.情景交際 1What about listening to the English program on the radio while learning English? Personally,_. Aits up to you Bit makes sense Cit's a shame Dit's out of the question,解析:考查交際用語。前面What about表示征詢對方的意見,回答時自然用表示觀點的用語,意為“就我個人而言,這是可行的”。it makes sense表示“有意義,可行”。,答案:B,2Do you mind if I smoke here? _.I've got a bit of cold these days. AI'm afraid I do BOf course not CNo trouble at all DYes,just go ahead,解析:考查交際用語。I'm afraid I do表示委婉地拒絕對方,符合語境要求。No trouble at all是感謝的應(yīng)答語,意為“不客氣”。,答案:A,3I failed today's maths test!What shall I do? _!Try once more. ACheer up BHurry up CTake it easy DDon't mention it,解析:考查交際用語。結(jié)合答語Try once more“再試一次”可判斷此處選Cheer up。說話人在安慰對方,希望對方“提起精神,振作起來”。,答案:A,4May I turn on the MP4 player to let us dance to music? _. ACome on BTake care CGo ahead DGood luck,答案:C,解析:根據(jù)前句內(nèi)容推測,該語境表示請求對方許可,因此用Go ahead“去做吧”。,5Pardon me,sir.And is it time for us to set off now? _.We'll have to wait for one more hour. ACertainly,it is BThat's all right CSorry,it's too long DSorry,I am afraid not,解析:考查交際用語。句意:“我們現(xiàn)在該出發(fā)了嗎?”“恐怕不能,我們還得再等一個小時。”由此我們可以判斷,D項符合語境。,答案:D,同學(xué)們,來學(xué)校和回家的路上要注意安全,同學(xué)們,來學(xué)校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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