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高考英語配套教學課件《Unit 2 The universal language》譯林版選修8

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高考英語配套教學課件《Unit 2 The universal language》譯林版選修8

(2009·四川高考)假設你是李華。你的外國筆友Jane打算于七月來中國,特來信了解中國的社交習俗。 請你用英語回一封信,從以下幾個方面作具體介紹:,1.見面時的問候方式; 2.對贊美的回答方式; 3.接收禮物時的回應方式; 4.餐宴禮節(jié)。,注意: 1.詞數(shù)100左右,信的開頭和結束語已為你寫好(不計總詞數(shù))。 2.可根據(jù)內(nèi)容要點適當增加細節(jié),使行文連貫。,Dear Jane, Yours sincerely, Li Hua,Dear Jane, Glad to hear from you and you're welcome to China in July.The following are some Chinese customs.,Firstly,we greet each other by saying “Hello” or asking such questions as “Where are you going?” or “Are you busy?” to express our care.Secondly,when praised,we reply with “Oh,no!” or “I'm over­praised.” to show good manners.Next,when receiving a gift,we usually say “It's unnecessary” besides “Thanks” to show politeness and then put it away.Finally,at dinner parties,we talk loudly and touch glasses when drinking to someone's health or success to show that we're warm.,Anyhow,different cultures,different customs.If you “Do as the Romans do when in Rome”,you'll enjoy more of your stay here. I hope what's mentioned above might be helpful and wish you a good journey. Yours sincerely, Li Hua,.高頻單詞點擊 1.Her father didn't agree on the (婚姻).,2.Nobody (敢) lift their eyes from the ground.,3.Flying (使感到恐怖) her.,4.She (指導) the planning of the festival.,5.The criminal was (判刑) to death.,marriage,dared,terrifies,directed,condemned,6.Our members have the (特權) of using the lending service of the library.,7.The pain caused the boy to cry (大聲地).,8.I wish prices would (下降).,9.Terrorism is a (現(xiàn)象)of the 20th century.,10.Air is a (混合物) of gases.,privilege,aloud,decline,phenomenon,mixture,.重點短語回顧 1. 相愛,墜入愛河,2. 醉心于,沉溺于,由 于而忘乎所以,3. 對實施控制,控制,4. 食言,收回承諾,5. 參加選拔,6. 被處死,7. 申請,8. 和交朋友,fall in love,be drunk with,exercise control over,break one's promise,try out for,be condemned to death,apply for,make friends with,10. 發(fā)財,賺錢,11. 使停止,中斷;打斷,制止,12. 征招入伍,make a fortune,cut short,be drafted into,9. 扎根于之中,be anchored in,13. 解散,解體,分手,break up,.常用佳句必備 1.Last night,I witnessed the first of only eight performances of Giacomo Puccini's world­famous opera,Turandot, being performed in the Forbidden City in Beijing,China.,信息提取 being performed在此句中作定語;being done還可作狀語、補語等,表示“正在被”。,例句仿寫 正在舉行的這個會議非常重要。 The meeting is of great importance.,being held,2.Just imagine performing such an opera in the Forbidden Citythere could not be a better setting!,信息提取 比較級與否定詞連用可表示最高級之意。,例句仿寫 我從來沒有看過比昨天晚上那部更好的電影了。 I film than the one I saw last night.,have never seen a better,3a solo is sung by one person,a duet is sung by two people while a chorus is sung by a group.,信息提取 while在此用作并列連詞,表示轉折、對比,意為“然而”。,例句仿寫 老師原以為湯姆低頭讀書,然而,事實上他在睡覺。 The teacher thought Tom was dropping his head low reading the text ,in fact, he was sleeping.,while,4.破解疑難句,.交際用語必背 1. are you born in? 你出生在哪個國家?,2. any other information about him? 你能告訴我關于他的其他信息嗎?,3.When did you ? 你是什么時候結婚的?,4.When was the song composed? ?,5.Did she ?她有兄弟嗎?,Which country,Can you tell me,get married,have brothers,這首歌是什么時候創(chuàng)作的,(1),marriage n.結婚,婚姻,婚禮,marry vt. & vi. 結婚;娶;嫁 marry sb. 嫁給某人;娶某人 marry sb.to sb. 把某人嫁給某人,(2),married adj. 已婚的 get married be married,結婚,get married to sb. be married to sb.,與某人結婚,John is going to . 約翰將要和瑪麗結婚。 He a foreigner. 他與一個外國人結婚了。 She did not like to . 她不愿意和他結婚。,marry Mary,is married to,get married to him,1.Fred didn't Alan until he was forty. A.get married to B.get married with C.marry to D.marry with,解析:get married to sb.意為“與某人結婚”,其中介詞to不能換用介詞with。句意:弗雷德直到四十歲才和艾倫結婚。,答案:A,dare vi.敢,敢于,膽敢,(1)dare作情態(tài)動詞主要用于疑問、否定或條件句中。在使用時沒有人稱和數(shù)的變化,但有時態(tài)的變化,后跟不帶to的不定式,否定形式直接在后面加not或縮寫為daren't。 (2)dare用作實義動詞時常與不定式連用,在否定句中也可省略to。 I dare say 我想,很可能,大概(側重不肯定) I dare to say 我敢說(側重肯定),How dare you say that? 你怎么敢那么說呢? He won't dare to break his promise.他不敢食言。 Does he dare to laugh at me? 他敢嘲笑我么? you are tired. 我想你累了。,I dare say,2.The little boy out in the dark at night. A.dares not to go B.dare not go C.dares not go D.does not dare going,解析:dare作情態(tài)動詞時表示“敢、敢于”,主要用于否定句、疑問句以及條件句中,無人稱的變化,否定式直接在其后加not;dare作行為動詞時,后接帶to的不定式,在否定句中to可省去。句意:那個小男孩不敢在晚上出去。,答案:B,terrify vt.恐嚇,使感到恐怖,(2),terrified adj. 驚恐的,害怕的 be terrified ofsb./sth. doing sth. 害怕 be terrified at. 因而驚恐 be terrified that­從句 害怕 terrifying adj. 令人恐怖的,極其可怕的,terror n. 驚恐,驚駭 in terror 驚恐地,(1)terrify sb.into doing sth.恐嚇、威脅某人做某事,(3),He terrified the little child into staying as he was. 他嚇唬那個小孩讓他呆在原處。 I the tiger when I first saw it. 我第一次看見老虎時嚇壞了。 How do we conquer these thoughts? 我們?nèi)绾慰朔@些可怕的想法呢? The people fled . 人們驚恐而逃。,was terrified of,terrifying,in terror,3.The look on the girl's face showed that she was greatly terrified at the news. A.terrified;terrifying B.terrified;terrified C.terrifying;terrifying D.terrifying;terrified,解析:句意:女孩臉上驚恐的表情表明她被那個可怕的消息嚇壞了。terrified“害怕的”;terrifying“令人害怕的”。,答案:A,condemn vt.判刑,處刑;譴責,聲討,condemn sb./sth.as sth. 指責某人/某物是 condemn sb.for (doing)sth. 因而指責某人 condemn sb. condemn sb.'s behaviour 譴責某人的舉動 be condemned to death 被處死,to sth. 把(某人)逼入(某種狀態(tài)); 使遭受 to do sth. (某人)注定要,The prisoner is sure to be condemned. 這個犯人一定會被判刑。 We his bad conduct. 我們因為他行為不良而責備他。 The newspapers condemned the politician for bribery. 報紙嚴厲譴責那個政客的受賄行為。,condemned him for,4.The judge the criminal to ten years in jail. A.condemned B.abused C.accused D.transformed,解析:句意:法官判處那個罪犯十年徒刑。 condemn“判刑”;abuse“濫用,虐待”;accuse“控告”;transform“使改變”。,答案:A,desire vi.& vt.愿望,渴望,欲望 n.愿望,渴望,欲望;渴望的人,desire to do 希望做 desire sb.to do 希望某人做 desire that.(should)do. 希望,have a strong desire to do sth. 非常向往做 show/express a desire 表現(xiàn)愿望 have no desire to do sth. 不想做某事 have a desire for success 渴望成功,(1),(2),(3)desirable adj.可取的;值得擁有的;值得做的,They greatly desired to come to China. 他們非常想到中國來。 I desire that these letters after my death. 我希望在我死后把這些信件燒毀。 She has a desire for success.她渴望成功。 He had no desire to his family.他不想回家。,be burnt,to return,5.Anyone to travel must sign your name here. A.desires B.desire C.who desires D.who desire,解析: to travel 是定語從句,desire的形式取決于anyone,因此答案為C項。句意:想旅游的人必須在這里簽上名字。,答案:C,decline n.& vi.衰落,衰??;下降vt.謝絕,婉言拒絕,fall/go into (a) decline 陷入衰退 on the decline 在下降,在衰退中,在減少中 in decline 走下坡路,衰退,decline an offer/a proposal謝絕援助/建議 decline to do sth. 拒絕做,(1),(2),We asked her to come to our party, but she declined. 我們請她來參加我們的晚會, 但是她謝絕了。 The company because of falling demand. 由于市場需求下降,這家公司的生意每況愈下。 The birthrate is on the decline.出生率在下降。,has fallen/gone into (a) decline,decline,refuse,reject,(1)decline指婉言謝絕,較正式,有禮貌。 (2)refuse指堅決、果斷地拒絕。 (3)reject指以否定或敵對的態(tài)度當面拒絕。,We asked him to come, but he refused. 我們叫他來, 可是他拒絕了。 The board all our ideas. 董事會拒絕審議我們的所有意見。,rejected,6.She my invitation because of an appointment. A.refused B.rejected C.declined D.decreased,解析:句意:因為有約會她婉言拒絕了我的邀請。decline表示委婉的拒絕。refuse指堅決、果斷地拒絕;reject多指當面拒絕;decrease“減少”。故最佳答案為C。,答案:C,exercise control over對實施控制,控制,We should not exercise too strict control over the use of educational funds.我們不應該嚴控教育經(jīng)費的使用。,(1),be in control of 控制;管理 be in the control of 被控制 beyond control 無法控制 be under control 被控制住 under the control of 受的控制、管理,(2)control oneself 控制自己,Hearing the news,the girl couldn't control herself and burst into tears. 聽到這個消息時,這個女孩無法控制自己放聲大哭起來。 Don't worryeverything's ! 別擔心,一切都控制住了。,under control,1.用適當?shù)慕樵~填空 (1)The government is complete control of the situation. (2)Your mother's illness is control. (3)This situation is getting from bad to worse,which is control.,答案:(1)in (2)under (3)beyond,cut short使停止,中斷;打斷;制止,His career was cut short by illness. 他的事業(yè)因疾病而中斷。,cut in 插嘴;突然插入 cut off 切掉,剪下;切斷,斷絕 cut out 切掉;刪掉 cut through 開辟(出路或通道) cut up 切碎;使痛心 cut into halves/cut in half 切成兩半 cut down 砍倒;削減;壓縮,Don't on our conversation. 我們說話時別插嘴。 My father has cut off the supplies. 父親停止給我生活費了。 You can the unimportant details. 你可以刪掉不重要的細節(jié)。,cut in,cut out,2.The boy was in the middle of his call because he had no more coins to put in the box. A.cut off B.broken in C.hung up D.put down,解析:句意:因為那個男孩沒有更多硬幣投入電話盒,打電話過程中他被中斷了。cut off“切斷”。break in “闖入”;hang up“掛斷電話”;put down“放下”。,答案:A,break up解散,拆散;解體;分手,(關系)破裂;結束;散會,放假,break out (戰(zhàn)爭,火災)爆發(fā) break in 闖入;打岔 break off 使終止,打斷;折斷 break into 闖入;打斷(帶賓語) break through 出現(xiàn);突破 break down 拆散;(機器)出故障;身體垮掉;中斷;失敗 break away 突然掙脫;逃脫,The party broke up and the neighbors hurried home. 宴會結束了, 鄰居們匆匆地趕回家去。 The workers will break up the old cars for their parts. 工人要把那些舊車拆掉取零件。 They are obviously preparing to break off the negotiation. 很明顯他們準備中止和談。 When did the car first ? 車第一次壞是什么時候?,break down,3.(1)(2010·遼寧開原第二高級中學模擬)The peace talks because neither side would give in to each other. A.broke down B.broke out C.broke up D.broke away,解析:句意:因雙方都不會向對方讓步,合談失敗。break down“(談判、計劃等)失敗,中斷”。break out “爆發(fā)”;break up“分解,解散”;break away“逃脫”。,答案:A,(2)(2010·原陽模擬)You will sooner or later if you keep working like that. A.break off B.break down C.break into D.break out,解析:句意:如果你一直像那樣工作,你遲早會垮掉的。break down“(身體等)支撐不住,垮掉”。break off“使終止”;break into“破門而入”;break out“爆發(fā)”。,答案:B,Just imagine performing such an opera in the Forbidden Citythere could not be a better setting! 可以想像在紫禁城里表演這樣的歌劇不可能有再好的背景了!,not.better“比較級與否定詞連用”可表示最高級之意。 I couldn't agree more on it. 關于此事我再同意不過了。(我非常同意此事) 下列結構均表示最高級意義:,(1)never和完成時連用 I have never seen such a glorious sunrise. 我從來沒有看到過如此壯觀的日出。 Never before have so many people taken part in the movement.從來沒有這么多人參加這個活動。,(2)否定詞so/as形容詞或副詞的原級as. Nothing in my life shook me so deeply as my first visit to China. 在我的一生中給我震撼最大的是我第一次到中國訪問。 (3)as.as ever. He was as brave a man as ever lived in the country. 他是這個國家無與倫比的勇士。,(4)比較級thanany other單數(shù)名詞; 比較級thanall the other復數(shù)名詞; 比較級thanall the others; 比較級thanany of the other復數(shù)名詞; 比較級thanany of the others; 比較級thananything/anyone else比較范圍 She sang better than anyone else in the country. 她比這個國家的任何人唱得都好。,Are you satisfied with what he has done? Not at all.It couldn't be . A.any worse B.so bad C.much better D.so good,解析:句意:“你對他做的工作滿意嗎?”“一點也不滿意,它最糟了。”比較級與否定詞連用表“最高級意義”。C項表示“再好不過了”,不合題意。,答案:A,.完成句子 1.Would you like to go with us? (我愿意), but I have to finish my homework.,答案:I'd love to,2.Don't tell me the name of the sailor if you (不想).,答案:don't want to,省略,3.He wanted to swim across the river but I (警 告他不要那樣做).,答案:warned him not to,4. (如果可能), I will help you with your work.,答案:If possible,5.We will do all (我們所能做的) to help you.,答案:we can(do),.單項填空 1.Unless to attend the meeting,you should stay at home with your family. A.invited B.inviting C.being invited D.having invited,解析:考查狀語從句的省略。句意:除非(你)被邀請去參加會議,否則你應該和家人呆在家里。當從句的主語與主句的主語一致且從句含有be時,從句的主語和be可以省略,unless invitedunless you are invited。,答案:A,2.E­shopping,when properly ,can save us a lot of time and energy. A.done B.is done C.having done D.doing,解析:考查狀語從句中的省略。狀語從句中主語與主句主語一致,謂語含有be的形式,可省略從句中主語和be動詞,when properly donewhen E­shopping is properly done,但必須同時省略從句中的主語和be動詞。,答案:A,3.Does your brother intend to study German? Yes, he intends . A.不填 B.to C.so D.that,解析:intend to后省略了study German。,答案:B,4. Would you like to go to the Grand Theatre with me tonight? . A.Yes, I'd like to go to the Grand Theatre B.I'd like to, but I have an exam tomorrow C.No, I won't D.That's right,解析:I'd like to后省略了go to the Grand Theatre。,答案:B,5.Do you know?Henry didn't win that speech contest. ?I was sure he would.He worked so hard on it. A.Do I B.Don't I C.Did he D.Didn't he,解析:考查口語中的省略形式。全句為:Didn't he win that speech contest?,答案:D,6.You seem to have lost your way. ? I'm looking for Wangfujing Street. A.What for B.Need help C.Why so D.Where to,解析:語境省略。Need help? Do you need help? “需要幫助嗎?”,答案:B,7.Which would you like, chicken or fish? . A.I don't think so. B.What if? C.Both. D.Neither can I.,解析:由題意知C項正確,其完整結構為:“I'd like both / both of them.”。,答案:C,8.One of the sides of the board should be painted yellow, and . A.the other is white B.another white C.the other white D.another is white,解析:another 表示三者或三者以上中的另一個,不符合題意;本題空白處屬于為避免重復而使用的省略句,其完整形式為“the other side of the board should be painted white”。,答案:C,.用所給詞的適當形式填空 1.They were charged with (disturb)public peace.,答案:disturbing,2.He was held in deep (affect) by all his students.,答案:affection,3.The (perform)received only pitying looks from his audience.,答案:performer,4.With practice he could speak French (fluent).,答案:fluently,5.The manager (threat)his employee with dismissal.,答案:threatened,.選詞填空 1.The company an international corporation from a family business.,exercise control over,transform into,break ones promise, be desperate to,for the first time, be drunk with,答案:has been transformed into,2.He see her that he waited outside her house the whole night.,答案:was desperate to,3.If you want to be successful, you should always remember “never ”.In other words, you should keep your word.,答案:break your promise,4.The children are easily affected by the outside world. We should do something to them to ensure they do not make serious mistakes.,答案:exercise control over,5.When I met the foreigner ,I was too shy to speak an English word.,答案:for the first time,6.The man is a person who power, so we all dislike him.,答案:is drunk with,.情景交際 1.I'm dead tired.I can't walk any farther,Jenny. ,Tommy.You can do it! A.No problem B.No hurry C.Come on D.That's OK,解析:句意:“詹妮,我累極了,再也走不動了?!薄皥猿郑瑴?,你能行?!眂ome on“堅持,加油”。根據(jù)句意,后者是在鼓勵前者,故選C。A項意為“沒問題”,用于回答別人的要求;B項是“別著急”;D項為“好吧”。,答案:C,2.Would you like to have dinner with me? . A.No,I have other things B.That would be nice C.I'd love to but you have no money D.Thanks for inviting me to dinner,解析:考查如何回應對方的邀請。句意:“和我一起共進晚餐好嗎?”“太棒了?!盋選項與問話矛盾;A項不符合西方人的說話習慣;D項的迷惑性很強,但是其常用于進餐后向邀請人表達謝意。故選B。,答案:B,3.Would you take this along to the office for me? . A.With pleasure B.That's right C.Never mind D.Don't mention it,解析:句意:“你能幫我把它拿到辦公室嗎?”“樂意效勞。”With pleasure是同意幫助對方時所做的答語。,答案:A,4.Perhaps we can sell the old car and buy a new one. . A.Not at all B.It's OK C.I couldn't agree less D.You'll catch it,解析:考查表達看法的交際用語。“Not at all.”用來回答感謝,意為“不用謝,不客氣”;“It's OK.”意為“沒關系,沒問題,好的”,用以回答道歉或請求;“I couldn't agree less.”表示完全不同意對方的觀點或看法等,意為“我一點也不同意”;“You'll catch it.”表示“你會挨罵的,你會挨揍的”。由語境可知應選C。,答案:C,5.It's been raining for a whole week.I think it'll get fine soon. .We are getting into the rainy season now. A.Yes,it will B.Of course not C.It's possible D.It's hard to say,解析:句意:“雨整整下了一星期,我覺得天很快就會晴了?!薄半y說,現(xiàn)在我們這里進入雨季了?!盇、B兩項是回答一般疑問句,與情景不符;C項是同意前者的觀點,與答語中第二句話相矛盾。因此D項最佳。,答案:D,同學們,來學校和回家的路上要注意安全,同學們,來學校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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