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food control 格式要求

-Food Control is an international journal that provides essential information for those involved in foodsafety and process control.Food Control covers: Microbial food safety and antimicrobial systems Mycoto*ins Hazard analysis, HACCP and food safety objectives Risk assessment, including microbial risk assessment Quality assurance and control Good manufacturing practices Food process systems design and control Food Packaging Rapid methods of analysis and detection, including sensor technology Environmental control and safety Codes of practice, legislation and international harmonization Consumer issues Education, training and research needs.The scope of Food Control is prehensive and includes original research papers, authoritativereviews, short munications, ment articles that report on new developments in food control,and position papers.The work described should be innovative either in the approach or in the methods used. Thesignificance of the results either for the science munity or for the food industry must also bespecified. Contributions that do not fulfil these requirements will not be considered for review andpublication.AUDIENCE.All managers, scientists, technologists, and legislators working in the food industry todayIMPACT FACTOR.2009: 2.463 © Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports 2010IMPACT FACTOR.2009: 2.463 © Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports 2010EDITORIAL BOARD.Editor-in-ChiefG. Campbell-Platt, University of Reading, Reading, UK, Email: geoffreycampbell-platt.co.ukNorth American EditorJ.J. Jen, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA, USA, Email: forthamerica.Editorial Board MembersL. Anelich, Anelich Consulting, Pretoria, South AfricaD.L. Archer, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USAF. Busta, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN, USAA.A.G. Candlish, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, UKJ. Chirife, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Buenos Aires, ArgentinaG.W. Gould, Bedford, England, UKR. Greiner, Ma* Rubner-Institut (MRI), Karlsruhe, GermanyB. Jarvis, Ross Biosciences Ltd, Ross-on-Wye, UKD.J. Jukes, University of Reading, Reading, UKC-H. Lee, Korea University, Seoul, South KoreaF-K. Lücke, Fulda University of Applied Science, Fulda, GermanyF. Meuser, Technische Universität Berlin (TUB), Berlin, GermanyS. Mortimore, General Mills Europe, St. Paul, MN, USAY. Motarjemi, Nestlé Research Center, Vevey, SwitzerlandG. Moy, World Health Organization, Genève, SwitzerlandA. Pisula, Warsaw Agricultural University (S.G.G.W.), Warsaw, PolandW.A. Plahar, CSIR Food Research Institute, Accra, GhanaP. Rao, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou, Fujian, ChinaG.L. Robertson, University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, AustraliaW.E.L. Spieß, Ma*-Rubner-Institut; Federal Institute for Nutrition, Karlsruhe, GermanyG. Trystram, AgroParisTech, Massy Cede*, FranceP. Wall, University College Dublin, Dublin, IrelandR.J. Winger, Massey University, Albany, New ZealandC. Zaror, Universidad de Concepción, Concepcion, ChileGUIDE FOR AUTHORS.INTRODUCTIONFood Control is an international journal that provides essential information for those involved in foodsafety and process control.Food Control covers:Microbial food safety and antimicrobial systems Mycoto*ins Hazard analysis, HACCP and food safetyobjectives Risk assessment, including microbial risk assessment Quality assurance and control Goodmanufacturing practices Food process systems design and control Food Packaging Rapid methodsof analysis and detection, including sensor technology Environmental control and safety Codesof practice, legislation and international harmonization Consumer issues Education, training andresearch needs.The scope of Food Control is prehensive and includes original research papers, authoritativereviews, short munications, ment articles that report on new developments in food control,and position papers.The work described should be innovative either in the approach or in the methods used. Thesignificance of the results either for the science munity or for the food industry must also bespecified. Contributions that do not fulfil these requirements will not be considered for review andpublication.Types of paperOriginal high-quality research papers (preferably no more than 7000 words, including tables andillustrations). Major review articles, up to 10,000 words Short munications of up to 3000 words,describing work that may be of a preliminary nature but which merits immediate publication.Short reviews on topical subjects, up to 6000 words. ment articles not e*ceeding 2000 words.Authoritative position papers from e*pert groups are also wele.Food Control also publishes book reviews, Letters to the Editor, conference reports and a calendarof forthing events.The Editor-in-Chief has the right to decline formal review of a manuscript when it is deemed that themanuscript is 1) on a topic outside the scope of the Journal; 2) lacking technical merit; 3) of insufficientnovelty for a wide international readership; 4) fragmentary and providing marginally incrementalresults; or 5) is poorly written.All contributions deemed suitable for review are read by two or more referees to ensure both accuracyand relevance, and revisions to the script may thus be required. On acceptance, contributions aresubject to editorial amendment to suit house style. When a manuscript is returned for revision priorto final acceptance, the revised version must be submitted as soon as possible after the author'sreceipt of the referees' reports. Revised manuscripts returned after four months will be consideredas new submissions subject to full re-review.Contact details for submissionSubmission to this journal proceeds totally online. 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