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高中英語 Unit 19《Language》課件 北師大版選修7

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高中英語 Unit 19《Language》課件 北師大版選修7

Module 7 Unit 19 Language,重點單詞,1absence n不存在,缺乏 精講拓展 in sb.s absence在某人不在的時候 absence from離開,缺席 in the absence of不存在,缺 be absent from不在,缺席 absent­minded adj. 茫然的,心不在焉的,心神不定的,典型例句 Carolin will be in charge of the office during my absence. 我不在的時候,辦公室由卡羅琳負責。朗文當代 She has had repeated absences from work this year. 今年她屢屢曠工。劍橋高階 In the absence of any further evidence the police were unable to solve the murder. 由于缺乏更確實的證據(jù),警方破不了這宗謀殺案。朗文當代 Absence makes the heart grow fonder.別離情更深。諺語,She told the story with a complete_of any humour,which made us disappointed. Asense Babsence Cappearance Dattendance 解析:考查名詞辨析。句意為:她毫無幽默地講了這 個故事,這讓我們感到很失望,由后半句“我們很失 望”,可知道故事講的不成功,缺乏幽默。A項sense of humour“幽默感”,不符合題意;appearance“外貌”和 attendance“參加”均不符合題意。 答案:B,即學即用,2surround vt.環(huán)繞,圍繞 (常用被動語態(tài))n.裝飾 精講拓展 surround sth.with sth.用把圍繞起來 surround oneself with sth.的氛圍 典型例句 She was sitting on the floor surrounded by the books. 她坐在地板上,周圍都是書。朗文當代 Mystery still surrounds the exact circumstances of Stalins death. 斯大林去世的確切情況仍是迷霧重重。劍橋高階 The old fireplace has a very attractive surround. 這老式壁爐有一圈很好看的裝飾。朗文當代 The house is situated in very pleasant surroundings. 那所房子所處的環(huán)境非常優(yōu)美。朗文當代,即學即用,A child who lives in a boring environment will develop his intelligence less than one who lives in rich and varied_. Aplaces of interest Bsurroundings Csurrounding Dcustoms 解析:考查詞語辨析。句意為:生活在枯燥乏味的環(huán)境下的孩子的智 力遠趕不上生活在豐富多變的環(huán)境下的孩子。place of interest“名 勝”;surroundings“環(huán)境”;surrounding為形容詞“周圍的 ”; customs“海關(guān);習慣”。故B項符合題意。 答案:B When Mr.Brown got off the train,he found himself _ by his students. Asurround Bto surround Csurrounding Dsurrounded 解析:考查surround 的非謂語形式。句意為:當布朗先生下火車 時,他發(fā)現(xiàn)自己被學生包圍著。賓語補足語和賓語之間是被動關(guān)系, 故用過去分詞。 答案:D,3adequate adj.勝任的,足夠的,充分的;適當?shù)?精講拓展 adequate to/for sth.適合的 adequate for對于是充分的 adequate to do足以做 典型例句 The citys water supply is no longer adequate for its needs. 這個城市的供水不能再滿足需要了。朗文當代 I hope he will prove adequate to the job. 我希望他將證明他能勝任這項工作。朗文當代 We have an adequate supply of paper for our needs. 我們的紙張足以滿足我們的需求。美國傳統(tǒng) He doubted your adequacy for the job. 他懷疑你是否能勝任這項工作。朗文當代,詞語辨析 adequate/enough/sufficient (1)三者都作為“足夠的,充足的,”可用在名詞前,表數(shù)量,但adequate和sufficient較為正式。 We had adequate/enough/sufficient money for the journey. 我們?yōu)檫@次旅行準備了足夠的錢。 (2)enough和sufficient可置于復數(shù)名詞前,adequate 不可。 Are there enough/sufficient apples for everyone? 有足夠的蘋果分給每一個人嗎? (3)表示數(shù)量時,adequate常有g(shù)ood enough (夠好的或量足夠的)之意。 The prisoners received adequate food. 犯人有相當好(質(zhì)量好或量足夠)的食物。 The prisoners received enough/sufficient food. 犯人的食物夠吃的。,即學即用,Existing levels of funding are not_ to deal with this problem. Aunique Bnatural Cadequate Daccessible 解析:考查詞語辨析。句意為:現(xiàn)有的撥款水平不足以 處理這個問題。unique 獨一無二的;natural自然的; adequate足夠的;accessible易進入的,易接近的。C項 符合題意。 答案:C,4unconscious adj.不知不覺的,無意的,不省人事的, 失去知覺的 精講拓展 knock/beat sb.unconscious打昏某人 be unconscious of sth.沒有意識到某事物 unconsciousness n無意識 be conscious of/that.意識到 典型例句 He was quite unconscious of having offended them. 他完全沒有意識到已經(jīng)得罪了他們。朗文當代 The boy is in a state of unconsciousness. 那男孩處于失去知覺的狀態(tài)。朗文當代 She was hit on the head by a stone and knocked unconscious. 一塊石頭擊中了她的頭部,使她昏了過去。劍橋高階 My unconscious desire is to impress him. 我潛意識里的欲望是想吸引他注意。劍橋高階,即學即用,She has the_habit of biting her fingernails,which makes her mother very worried. Aunconscious Bambiguous Cinstant Dadequate 解析:考查形容詞辨析。句意為:她有無意識的咬指甲的 習慣,這讓她媽媽很擔心。unconscious無意識的,不知 不覺的;ambiguous模棱兩可的;instant瞬時的; adequate充分的。故A項符合題意。 答案:A,5resemble vt.像;與相似 精講拓展 closely/strongly resemble 極為相似 faintly/vaguely resemble 略微相似 resemblance n類似,相似 bear a resemblance to(be similar to.)與相似 警示誤區(qū):resemble 是及物動詞,但不用于被動語態(tài)。 典型例句 She resembles her sister in appearance but not in character. 她的外表像她的姐姐,但個性不像。朗文當代 There is a strong resemblance between Susan and Robert. 蘇姍和羅伯特相貌非常相似。朗文當代 You resemble your mother very closely. 你長得很像你媽媽。劍橋高階 After the earthquake,the city resembled a battlefield. 地震過后,這座城市看上去就像戰(zhàn)場一般。劍橋高階,即學即用,Soldiers are trained under conditions that closely_real combat. Asimilar Bresemble Clike Dcompare 解析:考查詞義、詞性辨析。句意為:士兵們在與實戰(zhàn) 極為相似的條件下接受訓練。定語從句中缺少謂語動 詞,雖然A,C都有像之意,但similar為形容詞,like為 介詞,故不能選,resemble v與相似。compare v與相比較。 答案:B,6.attain vt.達到,獲得 精講拓展 attain ones goal達到目標 attain to perfection達到完美 attain to the age of 20到20歲的年齡 attainable adj.可以達到的,可以獲得的 attainment 達到,獲得 詞語辨析 attain/acquire/obtain/gain/achieve (1)attain常指經(jīng)過不懈的努力獲得未曾預料的結(jié)果,也可指達 到某一目標。 (2)acquire多用于不斷的“學”,“問”等慢慢的獲取“學問”,“技 術(shù)”等較抽象的東西,名詞acquisition“習得”。 (3)obtain表示經(jīng)過相當長的時間或經(jīng)過很大的努力,獲得期望 已久的東西,一般用于正式文體中。 (4)gain含義較obtain更進一層,表示付出更大的努力才能獲 得,故常譯為“贏得”。 (5)achieve 多指成就、目標、幸福的取得。,典型例句 She attained rank of deputy director. 她晉升為副局長。朗文當代 I managed to acquire two tickets for the concert. 我設(shè)法弄到了兩張音樂會的票。朗文當代 Further information can be obtained from our head office. 詳細的資料可從我們總部得到。朗文當代 I hope youll gain by the experience.(learn a useful lesson from it.) 我希望你從這經(jīng)歷中得到教益。朗文當代 He will never achieve anything/his objectives if he doesnt work harder. 如果他不加緊努力工作,他會一事無成(將永遠達不到自己的目的)。朗文當代,用acquire,achieve,attain,obtain,gain的適當?shù)男问教羁铡?Ive_only half of what Id hoped to do. She_a knowledge of English by careful study. Leo Loacoco _the position of President of the Ford Motors. No_without pains. I finally managed to_a copy of the report. 答案:achieved acquired attained gains obtain,即學即用,7ensure vt.確保,保證 精講拓展 ensure sth.確保某事發(fā)生 ensure sb.sth.保證讓某人獲得某物 ensure that­clause保證 典型例句 If you want to ensure that you catch the plane,take a taxi. 你要是想確保能趕上那班飛機,就坐出租車去吧。朗文當代 This medicine will ensure you (make certain that you get) a good nights sleep. 這藥保證能讓你睡一夜好覺。朗文當代 I need to ensure that you will arrive on time. 我需要確保你按時到達。美國傳統(tǒng),詞語辨析 ensure/assure/guarantee (1)ensure指確保某種行動或動機的結(jié)果一定會發(fā)生 (2)assure指以十分肯定的語氣向別人保證某事一定發(fā)生,其賓語通常為人,常用結(jié)構(gòu)為assure sb.of sth. (3)guarantee強調(diào)保證品質(zhì),服務(wù),信譽等 We can ensure that the work shall be done in the right way. 我們能保證工作會按正確的方式進行。 Many shopkeepers guarantee satisfaction to customers. 許多店主保證讓顧客滿意。 He assured us of his ability to solve the problem. 他向我們保證他有解決這個問題的能力。,即學即用,Careful planning and hard work will _our final success. Aenclose Bensure Cdischarge Ddeny 解析:此題考查在具體的語境中不同動詞的語意的識 別。句意為:認真的計劃和勤奮的工作將確保我們最 后的成功。enclose隨信附上;ensure確保,保證; discharge允許離開,開除;deny否認(指控)。 答案:B,8.approval n贊成,贊許,批準,許可。反義詞(disapproval) 精講拓展 meet with sb.s approval得到某人的贊許,得到某人的認可 give/grant approval批準 on approval(商品)包退,不滿意可退換 approve of sth.贊同某事 approve of sb.doing sth.贊同某人做某事 典型例句 The audience showed their approval by cheering loudly. 觀眾高聲喝彩表示贊許。朗文當代 The new proposals have won the approval of the board. 新建議得到董事會的認可。朗文當代 We cant start building without the councils approval. 未經(jīng)委員會批準,我們不能動工。朗文當代 We bought our new furniture on approval. 我們買的是可以包退包換的新家具。美國傳統(tǒng),即學即用,I dont really_of children wearing make­up. Aagree Bsatisfy Capprove Dexpect 解析:考查詞義的辨析。句意為:我不太贊同兒童化妝。 agree同意,但不與of連用;satisfy滿意,與with搭配; expect期望,常構(gòu)成expect sb.to do,故C 符合題意。 答案:C Most of his girlfriends failed to meet with his fathers_. Aapproval Battention Cexcitement Dpatience 解析:考查名詞辨析。句意為:他的大部分女友都沒有得 到他父親的認可。meet with sb.s approval得到某人的贊 許,得到某人的認可。 答案:A,9applicant n申請人 精講拓展 apply for 申請 apply to sb.for sth.為某事向某人申請 apply to.對適用 apply oneself to.專心致力于 application form申請表 警示誤區(qū):在使用過程中我們常用apply for 表示“申請”,若向某 人申請則用apply to sb.做題時一定要審慎以免失誤。 典型例句 We had 250 applicants for the job. 我們有250人申請這份工作。朗文當代 Weve applied to the council for a home improvement grant. 我們已向市政府申請改善住房的撥款。朗文當代 Scientific discoveries are often applied to industrial processes. 科學上的發(fā)明通常都應用于工業(yè)生產(chǎn)過程。朗文當代 The students applied themselves to their homework. 學生們專心做家庭作業(yè)。美國傳統(tǒng),即學即用,If you_yourself to the work in hand,youll soon finish it. Aappeal Brequest Capply Dclaim 解析:考查動詞辨析。句意為:如果你致力于手頭的工作, 你就會很快將它完成。appeal呼吁,要求;request要求,請 求;claim聲稱,要求;apply申請,運用;但apply oneself to.表示專心致力于 答案:C After 15 years in the USA,he has finally decided to_American citizenship. Aconcentrate on Bapply for Clook out for Dappeal to 解析:考查動詞短語的辨析。句意為:在美國住了15年后, 他最終決定申請加入美國國籍。concentrate on 集中精力 于;apply for申請;look out for注意看,挑選出; appeal to呼吁,故B項符合題意。 答案:B,10.adjust vt.&vi.調(diào)整,調(diào)節(jié);使適合,使適應 精講拓展 adjust to sth.適應某物 adjust oneself to sth.使自己適應于某事 adjust sth.for sth.(change sth.to show the effect of something else)因另一事物的影響而調(diào)整某事物 make adjustments作些調(diào)整 典型例句 You can adjust the colour on the TV by turning this knob. 你可以轉(zhuǎn)動這個旋鈕來調(diào)整電視的色彩。朗文當代 He adjusted(himself) very quickly to the heat of the country. 他很快就(使自己)適應了這個國家的炎熱氣候。朗文當代 We made a few minor adjustments to the plan. 我們對計劃做了些小的調(diào)整。朗文當代 The lifestyle is so differentit takes a while to adjust. 生活方式差別太大了,得過一段時間才能適應。劍橋高階,即學即用,You must_the focus of the camera before taking a picture. Aadapt Baddict Cadjust Daddress 解析:句意為:照相前你必須調(diào)整照相機的焦距。 adapt適應;addict n對有癮的人;adjust調(diào)整, 調(diào)節(jié);address寫地址,向講話。 答案:C,重點短語,1stand out 引人注目,顯眼,突出,杰出,出色 精講拓展 stand out against在襯托下很顯眼,(公開)反對,抵抗 stand out as 作為而出色 stand out in ones mind 清晰記得 stand out for 堅決要求 stand by袖手旁觀,支持,忠于,信守,遵守(承諾,協(xié)議) stand up起立,站立 stand back往后退,遠離 stand for是的縮寫,代表,象征,典型例句 The new road sign is easy to read,the words stand out well. 新路標容易辨認,上面的字很醒目。朗文當代 Among mystery writers,Agatha Christie stands out as a real master. 在偵探小說作者中,阿加莎·克里斯蒂最為杰出,是一位真正的大師。朗文當代 Im standing out against his idea. 我堅決反對他的主意。朗文當代 We had lots of good applicants for the job,but one stood out from the rest. 我們這個職位有很多不錯的申請者,但有一個人相當出眾。劍橋高階,即學即用,In this list,two names_particularly. Astand up Bstand by Cstand for Dstand out 解析:stand up站起身;stand by袖手旁觀;stand for 代表,for是介詞,后需要接賓語;stand out醒目,顯 眼。句意為:在這份名單中,有兩個名字特別顯眼。 答案:D,2.be associated with.與相關(guān)聯(lián) 精講拓展 associate with sb.與某人交往或打交道 associate sb./sth.with 把某人/某物與聯(lián)系起來 associate degree準學士學位 associate professor副教授 in association with 和一起,與合作 典型例句 The scientist decided he didnt want to be associated with the project,and left. 這個科學家決定不愿與這個計劃有任何瓜葛,因而離開了。 朗文當代 I associate summer with holidays. 我總把夏季與休假聯(lián)系在一起。朗文當代 The council is working in association with the police on this. 對于這件事,地方議會正同警方進行協(xié)作。朗文當代 We associate the desert with dry weather. 我們把沙漠與干旱的氣候聯(lián)系起來。美國傳統(tǒng),即學即用,Many graduates are working on occupation_farming now. Aclose associate with Bclose associated with Cclosely associated with Dclosely associate with 解析:考查associate的非謂語動詞形式及close和closely的 用法區(qū)別。句意為:目前很多大學畢業(yè)生正在從事與農(nóng) 耕緊密相關(guān)的職業(yè)。首先可以從are working.可以推斷 出空格為非謂語動詞形式,故排除A,D兩項。又close 作 副詞用,意為“靠近地(指場所上靠近)”,closely表示“緊 密地、密切地”。 答案:C,3be involved in 牽涉在內(nèi)的,卷入的 精講拓展 be/get/become involved in sth.與某事有關(guān)聯(lián),參與某事,熱 衷于某事,專心于某事 be involved with sb./sth.與某人/某事有牽連/有關(guān) involve doing需要做 involve sb.in sth.把某人牽涉到某事中,把某人卷入到某事中 involvement n參與,卷入,牽連 警示誤區(qū):involve 意為“包括,涉及,引起”,后面只能 接動名詞,不能接不定式。 典型例句 If I were you,I wouldnt get involved in their problems. 如果我是你,我是不會卷入他們的問題的。朗文當代 I prefer teaching methods that actively involve students in learning. 我更喜歡能讓學生主動參與學習的教學法。劍橋高階 The operation involves putting a small tube into your heart. 這項手術(shù)需要在你的心臟里放一根小管子。劍橋高階,完成句子 Dont_me_(卷入)_(解決)your problems. He was_ _(參與)a heated argument. Dont_ others _(牽連)your mistakes. I_ _ _(被卷入)the quarrel between Tom and Jack. 答案:involve;in;solving involved in involve;in got/was/became involved in,21,22,23,21,22,23,即學即用,4catch on 受歡迎,變得流行;理解,明白,學會 精講拓展 catch on to sth./what­clause理解,了解,懂 catch ones eye突然吸引某人的注意 catch you later回頭見,一會兒見 catch at sth.試圖抓住某事物 catch sb./sth.up(catch up with sb./sth.)趕上某人或車輛 catch sb.by the wrist/the sleeve抓住某人的手腕/衣袖 catch sb.in the act of doing sth.當場抓住某人在做某事 catch sight of sb./sth.看見某人(物),典型例句 I wonder if the game will ever catch on with young people. 我想知道這個游戲會不會在年輕人當中流行開來。劍橋高階 It was a long time before the police caught on to what he was really doing. 過了好長時間警方才搞清楚他其實在干什么。朗文當代 I suddenly caught sight of her in the crowd. 我突然在人群中看見了她。朗文當代 You walk on and Ill catch up with you later/Ill catch you up later. 你往前走吧,我過一會兒就追上你。朗文當代,It took me a long time to_to the direction. Acatch on Bcatch in Ccatch up Dcatch with 解析:句意為:我花了很長時間才搞清楚方向。catch on to the direction(理解,明白)搞清楚方向,be caught in sth.遭 遇,catch sb.up趕上,catch up with sb./sth.趕上。 答案:A The new method caught_and many peasants became very skillful at it. Aon Bup Cat Din 解析:catch on受歡迎,變得流行。句意為:新的方法受歡 迎,許多農(nóng)民都精于此。 答案:A,24,25,My sister is very good at English,for she is very quick to_to new words and expressions. Areach out Bstand for Chold up Dcatch on 解析:句意為:我妹妹英語學的好,因為她對新單詞和短 語理解的快。reach out(his hand)伸出(他的手);stand for 代表;hold up使延誤,阻礙;catch on to sth.理解, 明白。 答案:D,26,重點句型,1.you say that there is a discount provided_that I pay in advance.你說如果我提前付款,可以打折。 精講拓展 (1)provided(that)引導一個條件狀語從句,意思為“如果, 只要” (2)providing that 也表示“只要,倘若” (3)類似表達:as/so long as;only if;on condition that.; suppose/supposing(that)(常用于問句) 典型例句 Provided( that) there is no opposition,we shall hold the meeting here. 如果沒人反對,我們就在這里開會。朗文當代 I will go,provided/providing(that) you go too. 只要你去,我就去。朗文當代,_you pay me back by Friday,Ill lend you the money. AUnless BBecause CProvided DWhether 解析:考查詞語辨析。句意為:只要你星期五前能把錢還 給我,我就借給你。unless除非;because由于;provided 只要;whether是否。故C符合題意。 答案:C,27,2But sadly,the chances that we will have the opportunity to live in an English­speaking country is small.但不幸的是,我 們生活在講英語的國家的機會是很小的。 精講拓展 本句中的that 引導一個同位語從句。同位語從句常用來解釋 說明某一名詞的內(nèi)容和實質(zhì)。常接同位語從句的名詞有 idea,suggestion,hope,wish,word,promise, message,news,explanation等。除了that常用來引導同位 語從句外,其他的連接代詞和連接副詞也可用來連接同位語 從句。 典型例句 The manager turned down his suggestion that more safety measures should be taken to protect the workers. 經(jīng)理拒絕了他提出的采取更多安全措施保護工人的建議。 There is a faint chance that you will find him at home. 你在他家找到他的可能性很小。,即學即用,There is much chance_Bill will recover from his injury in time for the race. Athat Bwhich Cuntil Dif 解析:that 引導同位語從句解釋說明chance的內(nèi)容。 答案:A A warm thought suddenly came to me_I might use the pocket money to buy some flowers for my mothers birthday. Aif Bwhen Cthat Dwhich 解析:that 引導同位語從句解釋說明thought的內(nèi)容。 答案:C,28,29,3What_this_means is that they make sure there is an adequate amount of input in English conveyed to the students through various mediums.這就意味著,他們要確保通過多種方式給 學生足夠的英語輸入量。 精講拓展 “what this means”在句中作主語,what引導主語從句,并在 從句中作means 的賓語;that 在本句中引導表語從句,且不 在句中充當任何成分。conveyed to the students through various mediums是過去分詞短語作input的后置定語,相當 于定語從句:which is conveyed to the students through various mediums.,典型例句 In the end,she obtained what she had longed for for years,but she didnt live happily. 最終她獲得了渴望多年的東西,但過得并不快樂。 My idea is that we should hold another meeting to discuss the matter. 我的想法是我們應再舉行會議來商討這件事。,People in Chongqing are proud of_they have achieved in the past ten years. Athat Bwhich Cwhat Dhow 解析:what 引導賓語從句并在從句中作賓語。 答案:C,30,Some children want to challenge themselves by learning a language different from_their parents speak at home. Awhat Bthat Cwhich Done 解析:what 引導賓語從句并在從句中作賓語。 答案:A The traditional view is_we sleep because our brain is “programmed” to do so. Awhen Bwhy Cwhether Dthat 解析:that 引導表語從句且在從句中不充當任何成分,也沒有一定的含義。 答案:D,31,32,名師原創(chuàng),1On the one hand I valued his friendship,but_I disliked his pride and selfishness. Aalso Bon others Cin some other way Don the other hand 解析:考查詞語辨析。句意為:一方面我很重視跟他的友 誼,但另一方面,我卻不喜歡他的自負與自私。句中有一個 很明顯的關(guān)鍵詞,即on the one hand這樣構(gòu)成on the one hand.,on the other hand.一方面另一方面。 答案:D 2Her_of mind during driving nearly caused an accident. Apresence Babsence Cappearance Dsense 解析:考查名詞詞義辨析。presence在場出席;absence缺乏; sense感覺,意識。句意為:在開車過程中,她精神不集中差 點造成交通事故。absence of mind精神不集中,心不在焉。 答案:B,3He expressed his approval_the suggestion that the school be established immediately. Aon Bwith Cto Dof 解析:考查介詞辨析。句意為:他表達了他贊成立刻建設(shè)學 校的建議。approval贊成,同意,其后常跟of搭配。 答案:D 4. When we went into the cold room,we saw_wood piled up in the corner. Aa plenty of Ba number of Ca huge amount of Da good many of 解析:考查數(shù)量詞的正確使用。句意為:當我們走進那間冰 冷的房間時,看到墻角處堆著一大堆木頭。由于木頭是不可 數(shù)名詞,故用a huge amount of 來修飾。A項中去掉a也可 以,a number of 和a good many of 都用來修飾可數(shù)名詞。 答案:C,5Teachers are increasingly conscious_the importance of the Internet. Awith Bof Cto Dby 解析:考查介詞與conscious的搭配。句意為:老師們越來越 意識到因特網(wǎng)的重要性。be conscious of 意為“意識到,注 意到”。 答案:B 6He played the piano,and he_from all the other musicians. Aworked out Bturned out Cgave out Dstood out 解析:句意為:他彈奏鋼琴,并且和其他音樂家比起來顯得 突出。work out解決(問題),鍛煉,按某種方式發(fā)展;turn out 結(jié)果是,最后證明是;give out分發(fā),耗盡;stand out 突出。 答案:D,7When you are in a foreign country,you may find it difficult to_yourself to the climate there. Asuit Bget used to Cadjust Dfit 解析:句意為:當你身處國外時,你會發(fā)現(xiàn)難以適應那里的 氣候。suit(顏色,款式,風格,時間等)適合;get used to 變得習慣于;adjust oneself to sth.調(diào)整自己以適應; fit(大小,尺寸)適合。故C符合題意。 答案:C 8_you finish your homework first,you can go out to play. AIn that BAs if CEven if DProvided that 解析:句意為:只要你先完成作業(yè),你就可以出去玩。in that是“既然,由于”的意思;as if好象;even if即使; provided that只要,如果。 答案:D,9Will future oil supplies be adequate_world needs? Ato meet Bmeeting Cfor meeting Dat meeting 解析:句意為:未來的石油供應足夠世界的需要嗎?be adequate to do足夠做。 答案:A 10Ellen asked Mr.Roge for_,but her proposals were turned down. Aapproval Bappetite Cappearance Dargument 解析:考查名詞辨析,approval批準;appetite食欲; appearance外表;argument爭辯,爭論。句意為:艾倫請 求羅杰先生批準她的提議,不過被駁回了。 答案:A,名詞性從句 在句子中起名詞作用的句子叫名詞性從句 (Noun Clauses)。 名詞性從句的功能相當于名詞詞組,它在復合句中能擔任主語、賓語、表語、同位語、介詞賓語等,因此根據(jù)它在句中不同的語法功能,名詞從句又可分別稱為主語從句、賓語從句、表語從句和同位語從句。 引導名詞性從句的連接詞可分為三類: 連詞:that(無任何詞義) whether,if(均表示“是否”,表明從句內(nèi)容的不確定性) as if ,as though(均表示“好像”,“似乎”) 以上在從句中均不充當任何成分 連接代詞:what,whatever,who,whoever,whom,whose,which,whichever,whomever 連接副詞:when,where,how,why,一、 主語從句 1作句子主語的從句叫主語從句。主語從句通常由從屬連詞 that,whether,if和連接代詞what,who,which, whatever,whoever以及連接副詞how,when,where, why等詞引導。that在句中無詞義,只起連接作用;連接代 詞和連接副詞在句中既保留自己的疑問含義、又起連接作 用,在從句中充當從句的成分。例如: What he wants to tell us is not clear. 他要跟我們說什么,還不清楚。 Who will win the match is still unknown. 誰能贏得這場比賽還不得而知。 It is known to us how he became a writer. 我們都知道他是如何成為一名作家的。 Where the English evening party will be held has not yet been announced. 英語晚會將在哪里舉行,還沒有宣布。,Whoever leaves the room last is supposed to turn off the lights.(whoeveranyone who) Whichever of you comes in will receive a prize. (whichever anyone of you ) Whatever he did was right.(whatever the thing that),2當主語從句作主語時,謂語動詞一般用第三人稱單數(shù),下面 這個句型例外: What we need is more time. What we need are more books.,3有時為避免句子頭重腳輕,常用形式主語it代替主語從句 作形式主語放于句首,而把主語從句置于句末。主語從句 后的謂語動詞一般用單數(shù)形式。常用句型如下: (1) It is 名詞that從句 It is a fact that.事實是 It is an honor that.非常榮幸 It is common knowledge that.是常識 It is a surprise that.令人驚奇的是 (2) It is 形容詞that從句 It is natural that.很自然 It is strange that.奇怪的是,(3) It is 不及物動詞that從句 It seems that.似乎 It happens that.碰巧 It appears that.似乎 It occurred to me that.我突然發(fā)現(xiàn) (4) It is過去分詞that從句 It is reported that.據(jù)報道 It has been proved that.已證實 It is believed that.人們相信 It is known to all that.眾所周知 It has been decided that.已決定,4主語從句不可位于句首的五種情況 (1)if引導的主語從句不可居于復合句句首,但whether 可以。例如: Whether there is life on the moon is an interesting question.月球上有沒有生命是個有趣的問題。 (2) It is said(reported)that.結(jié)構(gòu)中的主語從句不可提 前。例如: It is said that President Jiang will visit our school next week.(right) That President Jiang will visit our school next week is said.(wrong) (3) It happens that.,It occurs to sb.that.結(jié)構(gòu)中的主 語從句不可提前。例如: It occurred to him that he failed in the examination.(right) That he failed in the examination occurred to him.(wrong),(4) It doesnt matter how/whether.結(jié)構(gòu)中的主語從句不可提 前。例如: It doesnt matter whether he is wrong or not.(right) Whether he is wrong or not doesnt matter.(wrong) (5) 含主語從句的復合句是疑問句時,主語從句不可提前。例 如:Is it likely that it will rain in the evening? (right) Is that it will rain in the evening likely? (wrong) 5what 與that 在引導主語從句時的區(qū)別 what 引導主語從句時在從句中充當句子成分,如主語、賓 語、表語,而that 則不然。例如: What you said yesterday is right. That she suddenly fel


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