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高中英語 Unit 20《New Frontiers》課件 北師大版選修7

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高中英語 Unit 20《New Frontiers》課件 北師大版選修7

Module 7 Unit 20 New Frontiers,重點單詞,1. assist vt.幫助,協(xié)助 精講拓展 assist sb. with sth.幫助某人做某事 assist sb. in doing sth.幫助某人做某事 assist sb. to do sth.幫助某人做某事,詞語辨析 help/assist/aid (1)動詞help和assist的含義往往相同,但assist較正式,而且總是暗示被幫助者自己也在做一部分工作,若某人處于困境,你幫助他用help,而不說assist。如: They helped the drowning man.他們救了那個溺水的人。 (2)aid系正式用語,與help相似,但不經(jīng)常使用。 (3)在help,assist后面可以接動詞不定式,aid則不能這樣使用。 He helped me (to) pass my exam.他幫助我通過了考試。 典型例句 A man is assisting police(with their inquiries) 一名男子協(xié)助警方調(diào)查。朗文當代 Unless we receive more financial assistance from the government,the hospital will have to close. 如果我們得不到政府財政上更多的援助,這家醫(yī)院就得停辦。朗文當代 Our friends assisted us in fixing the car. 我們的朋友幫我們修車。美國傳統(tǒng),即學即用,完成句子 Dont be nervous.The police_ _you in finding her address. 不要緊張,警察會幫你找出她的地址。 Li Hua_ _ _ me _ my English.李華一直幫助我學習英語。 答案:will assist has been assisting;with,2worn adj.用舊的,用壞的;疲憊的 精講拓展 a pair of worn blue jeans一條磨破了的藍色牛仔褲 look worn and sad 顯得疲憊憂傷 worn­out (extremely tired;exhausted)疲憊不堪的 wear glasses 戴眼鏡 wear ones hair long/short留長發(fā)/短發(fā) wear puzzled expressions 面帶疑惑的表情 wear well(主動形式表示被動意義)耐用,耐穿,耐磨,典型例句 We were worn­out from the long trip. 長途旅行之后我們精疲力竭。美國傳統(tǒng) She usually wears her hair up. 她通常都把頭發(fā)梳得高高的。朗文當代 He wore dark glasses to protect his eyes from the strong sunlight. 他戴墨鏡以防強烈的陽光刺傷眼睛。朗文當代,詞語辨析 wear out/be worn out (1)wear out 穿破,用壞;結構為wear outn./wearpron.out He wore out two pairs of shoes in one month. 他在一個月內(nèi)穿破了兩雙鞋。 He has worn them out.他把它們穿破了。 (2)be worn out表示狀態(tài),“穿破了”,用作表語,還可表示“筋疲力盡”,相當于be very tired,be tired out。 His shirt was worn out,so he bought a new one. 他的襯衫穿破了,所以他買了一件新的。 He was worn out after a whole days work. 工作一整天后,他十分疲勞。,即學即用 _ after a long walk,Mike called and said he couldnt come to the party. AHaving worn out BBeing worn out CTo wear out DWorn out 解析:句意為:長距離步行之后十分疲勞,邁克打電話說 他不能來參加聚會了。Having worn out表示發(fā)生在謂語 動作之前的主動動作;Being worn out表示和謂語動作同 時發(fā)生的被動動作;To wear out不定式表示目的;worn out過去分詞表示發(fā)生在謂語動作之前的被動動作,也可 以表示狀態(tài),在此句中表原因,D為正確答案。 答案:D,3. issue n&v.議題,爭論點;(期刊的)期,號;發(fā)布,公 布,發(fā)行 精講拓展 a big/key/ major issue重要議題 make an issue of sth.挑起爭端 be at issue of sth.在審議/爭議中的 take issue with sb.about /on/over sth. 就某事向某人提出異議;就某事向某人爭論 issue sth.to sb.向某人宣布某事 issue sth.to sb./issue sb.with sth.(正式)發(fā)給(供給)某人某物,典型例句 I dont want to make an issue of it. 我不想爭論這件事。朗文當代 The Christmas issue of the magazine had a picture of carol singers on its cover. 圣誕節(jié)那期雜志的封面上刊有唱圣誕頌歌者的照片。朗文當代 Her ability is not at issue;its her character Im worried about. 她的能力毫無爭議,我擔心的是她的人品。朗文當代 The government is expected to issue a statement about the crisis. 預料政府會對這場危機發(fā)表一個聲明。朗文當代 They issued the firemen with breathing equipment. 他們發(fā)給消防隊隊員氧氣設備。朗文當代 He took issue with my view of the problem. 他不同意我對這個問題的看法。美國傳統(tǒng),即學即用,翻譯句子 公共教育是這次會議的最重要的議題之一 。 _ 這是一個重大問題 ,我們需要花較多的時間考慮。 _ 錢不是問題。 _ 警方已發(fā)出尋找目擊證人的呼吁。 _ 答案:Public education was one of the biggest issues at the meeting. This is a big issue,we need more time to think about it. Money is not an issue. The police have issued an appeal for witnesses.,4donate vt.捐贈;贈送 精講拓展 donate sth.to sb.捐贈某物給某人 make a generous donation向慷慨相助 典型例句 We often donate clothing to the Red Cross. 我們經(jīng)常向紅十字會捐贈衣物。美國傳統(tǒng) We are collecting donations for the relief fund. 我們在為救濟基金募捐。朗文當代 They made a generous donation to charity. 他們對慈善事業(yè)慷慨捐助。朗文當代,As is well known,she has _ her books to the library,which is a great help to our school. Aoffer Bdonated Cgiven Dsupplying 解析:本題考查詞語辨析。句意為:眾所周知,她把她 的書本捐贈給了圖書館,這對我們學校是極大的幫助。 donate sth.to sb.“捐贈某物給某人”,故B項正確。 答案:B,5assess vt.評價;評估;評判;評定 精講拓展 assess at估價,核定 assess a tax at.核定稅額為 典型例句 Its difficult to assess the effects of the new legislation just yet. 現(xiàn)在還難以評價新法令的效果。朗文當代 Hes so lazy that its difficult to assess his ability. 他懶惰得很難對他的能力作出評估。朗文當代 They assessed the cost of the flood damage at 1,500. 他們估定洪水造成的損失為1 500英鎊。(劍橋高階),詞語辨析 assess/value/evaluate/estimate (1)assess通常表示“估計”出某物的價值,以便有效地利用它。 (2)value指“估計某物的價值、價格”,用于一般人所作的“估計”. (3)evaluate很少用來表示“估價”或“估計”某物的市場價值,而是表示“評價”。 (4)estimate表示的“估價”或“估計”只是猜測,多多少少有些不準確的估計,甚至只是一種想法。 The value of this property was assessed at one million dollars.這財產(chǎn)的價值估定為一百萬美元。 He valued the ring at $80.他估計這枚戒指值80美元。 By marks in numbers or letters,the teacher evaluates a students work. 老師用數(shù)字或字母的符號來評價學生的作業(yè)。 We got two or three estimates before having the roof repaired. 我們修理屋頂之前先找了兩三家估價。,即學即用,She looked at the house and _ its price at 200,000 yuan. Afixed Baccessed Cevaluated Dassessed 解析:詞語辨析考查。fix“修理”;access入口,進入獲 ??;evaluate“評價”;assess“估計”;句意為:她看了看 房子估價為二十萬元。 答案:D,6rescue vt.&n.拯救;救援;營救 精講拓展 rescue sb.from將某人從中解救出來 come/go to ones rescue援救或幫助某人 典型例句 She died when trying to rescue her children from the blaze. 她在試圖從大火中救出自己的孩子時身亡。朗文當代 Hundreds are still in the water,waiting to be rescued. 數(shù)以百計的人仍在水中,等待救援。朗文當代 A rescue team is trying to reach the trapped miners. 營救隊正設法到達礦工被困的位置。朗文當代 I didnt know anybody at the party,but the hostess came to my rescue(helped me out of a difficult situation) by introducing me to a few people. 在聚會上我誰也不認識,但女主人過來救了我的駕,把我介 紹給幾個客人。劍橋高階,詞語辨析 rescue/save (1)rescue多指在直接的危險或禍患中給予迅速而有效的救 援,一般指救人。 (2)save是普通而含義廣泛的常用詞,指通過救援不但使受害 者(人、動物或物)能脫離危險或禍患,而且使其在今后能安 全地生存下去,有時可與rescue通用。 He sacrificed his life to rescue another. 他為了救別人而犧牲了自己的生命。 I saved the animals from the flood. 我把動物從洪水中救了出來。,即學即用,The lifeboat was sent out to_ the sailors from the sinking ship. Arescue Bprevent Cprotect Dkeep 解析:句意為:救生艇已被派出去營救沉船中的水手。rescue“營救”;prevent“阻止”;protect“保護”;keep“保持,保存”。通過分析可知A項正確。 答案:A,7primitive adj.原始的;簡陋的 精講拓展 (1)同義詞:original adj.最初的,原始的 (2)反義詞:present adj.現(xiàn)在的; modern adj.近代的,現(xiàn)代的 (3) primitive有兩方面的含義: 表示某事物遠古的。如: They found a primitive tool in the mountain. 他們在山上發(fā)現(xiàn)一件原始工具。 表示某工具粗糙的、簡陋的。如: The natives of that region still live in primitive straw huts. 那個地區(qū)的居民依然住在簡陋的茅草屋里。,典型例句 Primitive man made himself primitive tools from sharp stones and animal bones. 原始人用尖石塊和獸骨為自己制作原始的工具。朗文當代 Small seashells were often used as a primitive kind of money. 小貝殼常被用作簡單的貨幣。朗文當代 Early settlers had to cope with very primitive living conditions. 早期殖民者不得不應付非常原始的生存條件。劍橋高階,即學即用,Living conditions in the village are still quite _. Amodern Bprimitive Ctheoretical Dfar­reaching 解析:本題考查詞語辨析。句意為:在這個村莊的生活條件仍 然是非常簡單樸素的。modern“現(xiàn)代的”,primitive“原始的”; theoretical“理論上的;假設的”;far­reaching“影響深遠的”。 答案:B,8permit vt.允許,準許 精講拓展 同義詞:allow vt.允許;反義詞:forbid vt.禁止 permit sth./doing sth.允許某事/做某事 permit sb.to do sth.允許某人做某事 警示誤區(qū):permit的過去式,過去分詞須雙寫最后一個 字母t再加ed,即:permitted,permitted。它的現(xiàn)在分 詞為permitting。,詞語辨析 permit/allow/let/promise (1)permit指強調(diào)權威性的正式批準。常用句型“permit sb.to do sth.”或“permit doing sth.”。 (2)allow意為“允許”,暗含有默許,放縱之意。常用句型“allow sb.to do sth.”或“allow doing sth.”。 (3)let指允許或無力阻止某事,暗指對某事采取漠不關心,聽之任之的態(tài)度。常用句型“l(fā)et sb.do sth.”。 (4)promise主語允諾要干某事。常用句型 “promise sb.to do/promise that.”。 注意:可以說allow/permit sb.to do sth.不能說allow/permit to do sth.。類似的動詞還有:advise,consider,forbid 等 。 Smoking is not allowed here.此處不許吸煙。 Smoking is not permitted here.此處禁止吸煙。 The nurse allowed him to remain there,though it was not permitted. 護士允許他呆在那里,盡管這是不允許的。 Dont let your child play with matches.別讓孩子玩火柴 。,典型例句 The prison authorities permit visiting only once a month. 監(jiān)獄部門只允許一月探監(jiān)一次。劍橋高階 The rules of the club do not permit smoking. 這個俱樂部規(guī)定不準吸煙。朗文當代 The security system will not permit you to enter without the correct password. 口令不正確的話,安全系統(tǒng)是不會讓你進入的。劍橋高階 Ill come after the meeting if time permits. 如果時間許可的話 ,我開完會就來。朗文當代,即學即用,The students were not _ to leave the classroom without an adequate reason. Apermitted Badmitted Chope Dpromised 解析:本題考查詞語辨析。句意為:沒有充分的理由 學生們不允許離開教室。permit sb. to do sth sb.is permitted to do sth.“被允許做某事”。 admit意為“承 認;允許進入”。 可以說 admit sb.to/inton.但不可 說成 admit sb.to do sth.故A項正確 。 答案:A,重點短語,1. in advance預先 精講拓展 in advance of sth.在之前,超過 on the advance 物價在上漲 with the advance of 隨著的增加 advance on/towards/upon 朝前進 advanced in years 年老的,年事已高的 典型例句 Napoleons army advanced on Moscow. 拿破侖的軍隊向莫斯科推進。朗文當代 We had to pay the rent two weeks in advance. 我們不得不提前兩周交付租金。朗文當代 She walked in advance of us,showing us the way. 她走在前面給我們帶路。美國傳統(tǒng),即學即用,We propose the state government to allocate money _ to form the old­age insurance fund together with payment from other channels. Ain particular Bin all Cin advance Din return 解析:句意為:我們建議國家財政事先就直接撥款,和 其他渠道的繳費一起共同構成養(yǎng)老保險基金。 in particular尤其,特別;in all 總共;in return作為回 報;in advance提前,預先,C項符合題意。 答案:C,2take over接替,接管 精講拓展 take away拿走,帶走;移去;消除 take back退貨;收回 take down拿下,取下;記下 take in吸收,攝取;理解,領會,欺騙 take off起飛;脫掉,拿去;取消 take on承擔;雇用 take up開始從事,著手處理 Take it easy.別緊張。/別著急 。/慢慢來。 警示誤區(qū):take sb.over to.意為 “從一地送某人到另一 地”,而take sth.over( from sb.)意為“從某人手中接管”,典型例句 He took over from the previous headmaster in February. 他2月份接手了前任校長的工作。劍橋高階 Im feeling too tired to drive any more,will you take over? 我累得開不動車了,你來接手好嗎?朗文當代 She was taken on as a laboratory assistant. 她受雇為實驗室助理。劍橋高階 I cant believe she was taken in by him. 我簡直不敢相信她被他騙了。劍橋高階,即學即用,Have you heard that CBS Records was _ by Sony? Ataken away Btaken down Ctaken over Dtaken up 解析:句意為:你聽說哥倫比亞廣播公司的唱片公司已 被索尼公司收購了嗎? take away“拿走,帶走”;take down“拿下,記下”;take over“接替,接管 ”;take up“開始從事,著手處理”。 答案:C,3die of 死于 精講拓展 (1)die from“由于而死”,表示由于外部原因而死。如: die from a wound/lack of food/an accident/overwork (2)die of表示由于某種內(nèi)部原因而死 。如:die of cold/hunger/old age/lung cancer/heart disease/grief (3)die out逐漸消失;絕種 (4)die away減弱(以致察覺不到);淡化 (5)die down逐漸減弱,降低 (6)be dying for/to do渴望,盼望 警示誤區(qū):在疾病名稱前,die of和die from均可。,典型例句 She died of cancer/hunger.她死于癌癥/饑餓。朗文當代 The comedian continued to speak after the laughter died down. 笑聲過后,那位喜劇演員繼續(xù)說臺詞。美國傳統(tǒng) This custom has completely died out in the area. 這種習慣在這個地區(qū)已經(jīng)完全消失了。朗文當代 Im dying to see that movie. 我非常想去看那部電影。美國傳統(tǒng),即學即用,用適當?shù)慕樵~填空 He died _ an accident. This kind of animals has died _ in the world. She died _ old age. 答案:from out of,4rather than而不是 精講拓展 (1)rather than而不是,在更大程度上,具有更充分的理由 (2)rather adv.在一定程度上,相當,頗 rather cold weather頗為寒冷的天氣 (rather常修飾貶義詞) (3)would rather do sth.than do sth.寧愿做某事而不做某事 或 would do sth.rather than do sth. (4)would rather sb.did/had done sth.寧愿某人做/做了某事 (5)or rather更確切地說,更恰當?shù)卣f,詞語辨析 fairly/rather (1)fairly常用于表示既不好也不壞的一些性質(zhì)。如: The weather was fairly cold( cold,but not very cold) 天氣有點冷。 (2)rather在程度上強于fairly,并且常用來表示某種不好的或不適合的性質(zhì)。如: Its rather cold( colder than I would like)天氣相當冷。 不過英國人也可能把 rather用于他們非常喜歡的東西。如: I was rather pleased when I won the prize. 我獲獎后頗為高興。,典型例句 Rather than cause trouble,he left. 他不愿意惹麻煩,寧可離去。朗文當代 He came home very late last night,or rather very early in the morning. 他昨天夜里很晚才回 家 ,說得準確點 ,是今天凌晨才回家的。朗文當代 The job will take months rather than weeks. 完成這項工作需要幾個月,而不是幾周。朗文當代 Id rather stay home tonight. 今晚我寧愿呆在家里。美國傳統(tǒng),即學即用,完成句子 I _ _ _ _ tomorrow _ today. 我寧愿你明天來,不要今天來。 It is the driver rather than the old man that should _ _ _ the accident. 是這位司機而不是這位老人該為這次事故負責任。 答案:would rather you came;than be responsible for,重點句型,1By the year 2015,the clothing industry will have produced new types of material that will remain stainless no matter what you spill on them. 精講拓展 (1)by the year 2015“到2015年時”,結構:by 時間點, “到時候”。通常用于完成時態(tài)的句子中作時間狀語。 分為兩種情況。 by 表將來的時間點,句子用將來完成時。 By four oclock tomorrow afternoon,I will have already finished all the work. 到明天下午4點,我會早已干完所有的活兒了。 by表過去的時間點,句子用過去完成時。 By the time he got here,I had already finished all the work. 他到這兒的時候,我已干完了所有的活兒。,(2)將來完成時用于表示到將來某一時間已經(jīng)完成的動作,結 構:willhave 過去分詞。 By 2046,the population there will have risen to over 20 million. 到2046年時,那里的人口將會已經(jīng)超過兩千萬。,即學即用,By the time Mother came back from work,I _ my homework. Afinished Bwas finished Chad finished Dwill finish By the end of this year,we _ another two buildings. Awill build Bwill have built Chave built Dwill be building 答案:C B,21,21,2By the year 2030,development in biochemistry and medical science will have made it theoretically possible for us to live for at least 150 years. 精講拓展 句中make it theoretically possible for us to live.所用結構 是:“make it形容詞for sb.to do sth.”,“使某人做某事 很”。其中的代詞it作形式賓語,指代真正的賓語:不 定式短語to live.。由于真正的賓語太長,故將其后置,而 以it 代之。需注意的是,形式賓語只能用it充當,不可用別 的指示代詞。而用介詞for 可以引出不定式動詞的邏輯主語.,Generation gap makes it hard for parents and children to understand each other. 代溝使父母與孩子之間相互難以理解對方。 Too many new words make it difficult for us to understand the passage. 太多的生詞使我們難以理解這篇短文。 根據(jù)句子需要,該結構中的形容詞可用比較級。如: The Internet makes it easier for us to learn about the world.互聯(lián)網(wǎng)讓我們了解世界變得容易多了。 Cellphones make it more convenient for people to get in touch with each other. 手機使人們聯(lián)系更方便了。,即學即用,The bad weather made _ impossible for us to go camping. Athat Bit Cthis Dwhat Not knowing English made _ hard to live in the USA. Ait Bthat Cwhich Dthis 答案:B A,22,23,3In the West magnetism was not discovered until the fifteen century. 精講拓展 until “直到”在句中作介詞,與表時間的the fifteen century構 成介詞短語;until也可作連詞,引導一個時間狀語從句。until的用 法分為兩種情況。 (1)用于肯定句中時,指謂語動詞所表示的動作或狀態(tài)一直延續(xù)到 until所表示的時間為止,因此謂語動詞要用延續(xù)性動詞。 World War went on until Japan declared unconditional surrender. 第二次世界大戰(zhàn)一直持續(xù)到日本宣布無條件投降為止。(肯定句, went on延續(xù)性動詞) She was sick in bed until yesterday. 她一直生病臥床休息到昨天為止。(肯定句,was sick in bed表狀 態(tài),可延續(xù)) (2)用于否定句中,指謂語動詞所表示的動作一直沒有發(fā)生,直到 until所表示的時間才發(fā)生,謂語動詞常用瞬間動詞。 She didnt go to bed until 12 oclock.她直到12點才上床睡覺。,即學即用,翻譯句子 他在加利弗尼亞一直住到20歲。 _ 直到聽到鬧鐘的鈴聲我才醒來。 _ 答案:He lived in California until he was twenty. I didnt wake up until I heard the alarm clock.,24,25,名師原創(chuàng),1_ her personal room,she has another trailer(活動 住房)where her teacher,Jan,conducts classes in history,spelling,reading,maths,science and health. AIn addition BIn addition to CBeside DExcept 解析:本題考查詞語辨析。句意為:除了她的私人住房 外,她還有另外一間。in addition to“除了之外還 有”,相當于besides。 答案:B,2I was looking for some ways that would permit Max _ his feelings. Ashowing Bshowed Cto show Dshow 解析:本題考查非謂語動詞。句意為:我在尋找讓 Max表露感情的方法。permit sb.to do sth.;permit doing sth.為固定搭配。 答案:C,3The young nurse was very nervous when she _ in her first operation. Aresisted Binsisted Cdiseased Dassisted 解析:考查動詞搭配。句意為:那位年輕的護士在協(xié) 助做第一項手術時非常緊張。A項為“抵抗”;B項為 “堅持”,與題意不符;C項為形容詞;D項為“幫助, 協(xié)助”,故選D。 答案:D,名詞性從句(略),語法專練,1She had no idea _ Cork Street was,except _ it was near Bond Street. Awhat;what Bthat;that Cwhere;what Dwhere;that 解析:句意為:她不知道Cork Street在哪兒,除了知 道在Bond Street附近。第一空是idea的同位語從句,根 據(jù)意思用where;第二空是介詞except后的賓語從句, 不缺內(nèi)容,可用that引導,故選D。 答案:D,2The argument remains extremely heated _ it is worthwhile for China to open its door to foreign cars. Athat Bwhich Cif Dwhether 解析:句意為:有關中國是否值得為外國汽車敞開門 戶這一問題仍在激烈的爭論中。whether引導同位語 從句,解釋說明argument的內(nèi)容。 答案:D,3So far there is no proof _ people from other planets do exist. Ahow Bwhat Cwhich Dthat 解析:考查同位語從句。句意為:到目前為止,沒有證據(jù) 證明其他行星上存在人類。proof意為“證據(jù)”,后面常接 由連接詞that引導的同位語從句,表示proof的內(nèi)容。 答案:D,4Chances are high_ China and Russia will make an agreement to build an oil pipeline. Awhen Bwhere Cthat Dwhich 解析:此題考查同位語從句。that引導Chances的一個 同位語從句,that在從句中不作成分。句意為:中俄兩 國達成要建立一條輸油管道的協(xié)議的可能性是很大 的。 答案:C,5The story spread quickly among his friends _ Tom had lived on a desert island for over five years after the plane crashed. Aif Bthat Cwhat Das 解析:此題考查同位語從句。that引導同位語從句 時,只起連詞的作用,不在從句中作成分;that引導 定語從句時,不僅起連詞的作用,還要在從句中作主 語或賓語。而此題中that引導的從句Tom had lived on a diesert island for over five years after the plane crashed.中不缺主語,也不缺賓語,所以是一個同位語 從句,解釋說明story的內(nèi)容。 答案:B,6I was surprised by her words,which made me recognize _silly mistakes I had made. Awhat Bthat Chow Dwhich 解析:句意為:我對她的話很吃驚,它使我認識到我犯了多 么愚蠢的錯誤。本題測試賓語從句連接詞的用法。從句表感 嘆,中心詞為名詞,所以選A項。 答案:A 7One of the men present held the view _ the book said was right. Awhat that Bwhat Cthat Dthat what 解析:that引導同位語從句,what the book said是同位語從 句中的主語。 答案:D,8The doctors are trying to reduce the patients fear _ he would die of the disease. Awhich Bwhen Cthat Dif 解析:考查以that引導的名詞性從句作fear的同位語,在從 句中不充當成分。 答案:C 9The poor young man is ready to accept _help he can get. Awhichever Bhowever Cwhatever Dwhenever 解析:句意為:這個可憐的年輕人愿意接受他能得到的任何 幫助。whatever引導accept的賓語從句,whatever意為“無 論什么”,作定語修飾help。 答案:C,10A story goes _ Elizabeth of England liked nothing more than being surrounded by clever and qualified noblemen at court. Awhen Bwhere Cwhat Dthat 解析:句意為:據(jù)說英國的伊麗莎白一世只喜歡在宮廷中 被聰明能干的貴族們圍繞本題主句為A story goes“據(jù) 說”,that從句作story的同位語。 答案:D 11Word came soon _ our team won the game at the last moment. Athat Bwhat Cwhether Dwhich 解析:word前不加冠詞,當“消息”講。that引導的同位語 從句是word的具體內(nèi)容,that僅起引導作用,不充當成 分,而B、D兩項引導同位語從句時需充當成分。 答案:A,12I have the same opinion as yours _ we should carry out the plan at once. Awhich Bwhether Cwhat Dthat 解析:that引導同位語從句具體說明opinion的內(nèi)容。 答案:D 13The news came,as expected,_ my cousin was chosen to be a foreign aid doctor to go to Africa where people are suffering a lot from AIDS. Ait Bthat Cwhat Dwhich 解析:句意為:我的表兄被選為援外醫(yī)生,前往很多人 遭受艾滋病之痛的非洲,這個消息正如我們預期的那樣 到來了。that引導同位語從句,先行詞為the news,它 們之間存在同位關系。 答案:B,14Do you have any idea _ TV plays such an important part in our daily life? Awhy is it that Bhow it is that Cwhy was it Dwhen it was that 解析:由時間狀語in our daily life可以確定時態(tài)是一般現(xiàn) 在時態(tài),C,D兩項不對,再由語序可知A項不對。how it is that.作idea的同位語。 答案:B 15There is a common belief among us _ rubbish can and should be put to good use. Athat Bwhich Cwhether Dif 解析:that引導同位語從句,說明belief的內(nèi)容。 答案:A,1It was with great joy_he received the news_his lost daughter had been found. Abecause;when Bwhich;that Csince;how Dthat;that 解析:第一空填that,構成強調(diào)句型,被強調(diào)成分為with great joy;第二空也填that,用以引導同位語從句,修飾 名詞the news。本句意思為:他是非常高興地得知他失蹤 的女兒被找到這一消息。 答案:D,2After the terrible air crash,the few survivors happened to arrive at _later proved an isolated island. Awhen Bwhat Cwhich Dthat 解析:考查介詞at之后的賓語從句的引導詞。分析句 子成分,發(fā)現(xiàn)所選的詞應在引導賓語從句的同時在賓 語從句中又充當主語,what符合語境。句意:在可怕 的空難過后,幾個幸存者后來發(fā)現(xiàn)他們到了后來證實 是一個荒島的地方。 答案:B,3Have you got used to the Chinese food,Robot? Yes.But I dont like _when a Chinese host keeps serving me the food I dont like. Athis Bthat Cthose Dit 解析:it作形式賓語,指代后面的情況。如:I hate it when you talk to me with your mouth full of food。句意:我不喜歡 中國主人夾我不喜歡的菜給我。 答案:D 4Praise is like sunlight to the human spirit;without _we cannot flower and grow. Athis Bthose Cit Dwhich 解析:句中分號將前后句子分開,且后一分句是完整的句 子,因此它不是定語從句,也不是獨立主格結構,而是并列 句,用it指代前面提到的praise。句意:表揚對于人的精神就 像陽光一樣,沒有了它,我們無法成長。 答案:C,5Many people have been ill with a strange disease these days,_we have never heard of before. Aone Bthat Cit Dthis 解析:考查同位語。one表泛指,這里作a strange disease 的同位語。句意:最近,很多人得了一種怪病,這種病我 們從來沒有聽說過。 答案:A,例1 The incomes of skilled workers went up._, unskilled workers saw their earnings fall. AMoreover BTherefore CMeanwhile DOtherwise 解題方法指導:句意:有經(jīng)驗工人的工資在上漲,但同 時 沒經(jīng)驗工人卻看著他們的工資下降。根據(jù)句意是指有 經(jīng)驗工人和非技術工人工資漲落的對比情況,meanwhile 意為“同時”,故選C。 答案:C,教材原文對照,We started flying around thd world and meanwhile , scientists figured out how to split the atom , previously thought to be the smallest particle of matter in the universe . (P24),例2 The present situation is very complex,so I think it will take me some time to _ its reality. Amake up Bfigure out Clook through Dput off 解題方法指導: 考查動詞短語辨析。句意:目前的局勢 非常復雜,要想弄清實際情況還需要一段時間。因此 用figure out表示“領會到,斷定”。其他選項的含義:A 組成,彌補;C識破,審核;D推遲,延期。 答案:B,教材原文對照,We started flying around the world and meanwhile , scientists figured out how to split the atom , previously thought to be the smallest particle of matter in the universe (P24),例3 Everybody was touched _ words after they he


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