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大學(xué)英語綜合教程 學(xué)習(xí)教案

會計學(xué)1大學(xué)大學(xué)(dxu)英語綜合教程英語綜合教程 第一頁,共17頁。 Grant and Lee 1. When Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee met in the parlor of a modest house at Appomattox Court House, Virginia, on April 9, 1865, to work out the terms for the surrender of Lees Army of Northern Virginia, a great chapter in American life came to a close and a great new chapter began. 2.These men were bringing the Civil War to its virtual finish. To be sure, other armies had yet to surrender, and for a few days the fugitive Confederate government would struggle desperately and vainly, trying to find some way to go on living now that its chief support was gone. But in effect it was all over when Grant and Lee signed the papers. And the little room where they wrote out the terms was the scene of one of the poignant (強烈(強烈(qin li)的),的), dramatic contrasts in American history. 第1頁/共17頁第二頁,共17頁。 3. They were two strong men, these oddly (奇妙地) different generals, and they represented the strengths of two conflicting currents that, through them, had come into final collision (碰撞 ). 4.Back of Robert E. Lee was the notion that the old aristocratic (貴族的 ) concept might somehow survive and be dominant in American life. 5. Lee was tidewater Virginia, and in his background were family, culture, and traditionthe age of chivalry (騎士品質(zhì)) transplanted to a New World which was making its own legends and its own myths. He embodied (體現(xiàn)) a way of life that had come down through the age of knighthood (騎士) and the English country squire (鄉(xiāng)紳(xingshn)). America was a land that was beginning all over again, dedicated to nothing much more complicated than the rather hazy (模糊的) belief that all men had equal rights, and should have an equal chance in the world.第2頁/共17頁第三頁,共17頁。In such a land Lee stood for the feeling that it was somehow of advantage to human society to have a pronounced inequality in the social structure. There should be a leisure (有閑階層) class, backed by ownership of land; in turn, society itself should be keyed (使適應(yīng)) to the land as the chief source of wealth and influence. It would bring forth (according to this ideal) a class of men with a strong sense of obligation (責(zé)任(zrn)) to the community; men who lived not to gain advantage for themselves, but to meet the solemn (鄭重的 ) obligations which had been laid on them by the very fact that they were privileged (被給予特權(quán)). From them the country would get its leadership; to them it could look for the higher values of thought, of conduct, of personal deportment (舉止) to give it strength and virtue. 6. Lee embodied the noblest elements of this aristocratic ideal. Through him, the landed nobility justified itself. 第3頁/共17頁第四頁,共17頁。For four years, the Southern states had fought a desperate war to uphold the ideals for which Lee stood. In the end, it almost seemed as if the Confederacy fought for Lee; as if he himself was the Confederacythe best thing that the way of life for which the Confederacy stood could ever have to offer. He had passed into legend before Appomattox. Thousands of tired, underfed (使吃不飽) , poorly clothed Confederate soldiers, long since past the simple enthusiasm of the early days of the struggle, somehow considered Lee the symbol of everything for which they had been willing to die. But they could not quite put this feeling into words. If the Lost Cause, sanctified (使神圣化) by so much heroism (英雄氣概) and so many deaths, had a living justification, its justification was General Lee. 7. Grant, the son of a tanner (制革(zh )工人) on the Western frontier, was everything Lee was not. 第4頁/共17頁第五頁,共17頁。He had come up the hard way (極其艱巨地), and embodied nothing in particular except the eternal (永遠的)toughness (堅韌) and sinewy (強壯的) fiber of the men who grew up beyond the mountains. He was one of a body of men who owed reverence (崇敬) and obeisance (順從(shncng)) to no one, who were self-reliant to a fault (過分地), who cared hardly anything for the past but who had a sharp eye for the future. 8. These frontier(邊疆) men were the precise opposites of the tidewater aristocrats. Back of them in the great surge (涌動) that had taken people over the Alleghenies and into the opening Western country, there was a deep, implicit (不言明的) dissatisfaction with a past that had settled into grooves (陳規(guī)). They stood for democracy, not from any reasoned conclusion about the proper ordering of human society, but simply because they had grown up in the middle of democracy and knew how it worked. 第5頁/共17頁第六頁,共17頁。Their society might have privileges, but they would be privileges each man had won for himself. Forms and patterns meant nothing. No man was born to anything, except perhaps to a chance to show how far he could rise. Life was competition.Yet along with this feeling had come a deep sense of belonging to a national community .The Westerner who developed a farm, opened a shop, or set up in business as a trader, could hope to prosper only as his own community prospered and his community ran from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from Canada down to Mexico. If the land was settled, with towns and highways and accessible markets, he could better himself. He saw his fate in terms of the nations own destiny. As its horizons expanded, so did his. He had, in other words, an acute dollars-and-cents (純金錢(jnqin)的) stake in the continued growth and development of his country.第6頁/共17頁第七頁,共17頁。 10. And that, perhaps, is where the contrast between Grant and Lee becomes most striking. The Virginia aristocrat, inevitably, saw himself in relation to his own region. He lived in a static society which could endure almost anything except change. Instinctively (出于天性) , his first loyalty would go to the locality in which that society existed. He would fight to the limit of endurance to defend it, because in defending it he was defending everything that gave his own life its deepest meaning. 11.The Westerner, on the other hand, would fight with an equal tenacity (堅持不懈(jin ch b xi)) for the broader concept of society. He fought so because everything he lived by was tied to growth, expansion, and a constantly widening horizon. What he lived by would survive or fall with the nation itself. He could not possibly stand by (袖手旁觀) unmoved in the face of an attempt to destroy the Union. He would combat it with everything he had, because he could only see it as an effort to cut the ground out from under his feet.第7頁/共17頁第八頁,共17頁。 12.So Grant and Lee were in complete contrast, representing two diametrically (完全地) opposed elements in American life. Grant was the modern man emerging; beyond him, ready to come on the stage, was the great age of steel and machinery, of crowded cities and a restless, burgeoning(迅速成長) vitality (生命力). Lee might have ridden down from the old age of chivalry, lance (長矛(chn mo)) in hand, silken banner fluttering over his head. Each man was the perfect champion of his cause, drawing both his strengths and his weaknesses from the people he led. 13.Yet it was not all contrast, after all. Different as they were in background, in personality, in underlying (潛在的) aspiration (抱負) these two great soldiers had much in common. Under everything else, they were marvelous (了不起的) fighters. Furthermore, their fighting qualities were really very much alike.第8頁/共17頁第九頁,共17頁。 14.Each man had, to begin with, the great virtue of utter (完全的)tenacity (不屈不撓) and fidelity (忠實).Grant fought his way down the Mississippi Valley in spite of acute personal discouragement (泄氣)and profound military handicaps. Lee hung on in the trenches (戰(zhàn)壕(zhnho)) at Petersburg after hope itself had died. In each man there was an indomitable qualitythe born fighters refusal (拒絕) to give up as long as he can still remain on his feet and lift his two fists. 15.Daring and resourcefulness (足智多謀) they had, too; the ability to think faster and move faster than the enemy, these were the qualities which gave Lee the dazzling campaigns of Second Manassas and Chancellorsville and won Vicksburg for Grant. 16. Lastly, and perhaps greatest of all, there was the ability, at the end, to turn quickly from war to peace once the fighting was over. 第9頁/共17頁第十頁,共17頁。Out of the way these two men behaved at Appomattox came the possibility of a peace of reconciliation (和解(hji))。 It was a possibility a him more than the part he played in their brief meeting in the McLean house at Appomattox. Their behavior there put all succeeding generations of Americans in their debt. Two great Americans, Grant and Lee very different, yet under everything very much alike. Their encounter at Appomattox was one of the great moments of American history.第10頁/共17頁第十一頁,共17頁。come to a close 結(jié)束a great new chapter begins 一個嶄新的重要篇章開始to be sure 誠然in effect 其實come into collision 發(fā)生碰撞pass into legend 成為(chngwi)傳奇人物come up the hard way 經(jīng)歷艱難Embody nothing in particular出人頭地第11頁/共17頁第十二頁,共17頁。第12頁/共17頁第十三頁,共17頁。1.When did Grand and Lee sign the surrender?2.Whats the significance of Lees surrender?3.After Lees surrender , did the Confederate government totally give up their struggle? April 9, 1865 A great chapter in American life came to a close and a great new chapter began.No. Other armies had yet to surrender, and for a few days the fugitive Confederate government would struggle desperately and vainly, trying to find some way to go on living now that its chief support was gone. 第13頁/共17頁第十四頁,共17頁。第14頁/共17頁第十五頁,共17頁。第15頁/共17頁第十六頁,共17頁。第16頁/共17頁第十七頁,共17頁。


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