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Module1 買buy 打電話call 開車drive 享受enjoy 躺下Lie down 逛商店;購物Shops; shopping 獲得;拿;抓Obtain; Get; catch 拍照photographed 講;告訴Speak; tell 等etc 為;為了For; In order to 等待;等候Wait; Waiting for 明信片postcards 長城The Great Wall (表語氣)真的嗎(table tone) really 美好時光Good time 非常very 無論如何,反正Anyway, anyway 小汽車car 穿上Put on 事情;東西Things; things 離開leave 工作work 在家At home 灑館Sprinkled hall 飯館restaurant 歌劇opera 芭蕾舞ballet 睡覺sleep 洗;洗滌Wash; washing 穿衣服Wear clothes 開始began 正午noon 熱狗Hot dogs 咖啡coffee 探望;看見Visit. saw 問候;致意Greetings, regards 現(xiàn)在,此時Now, right now 看Look at. 立刻;不久Immediately; soon 愛;熱愛Love; love 再見。Goodbye. 夜晚night 晚安(打招呼用語)Good night (greets expressions) 街道street Module2Module2 節(jié)目program 春節(jié)The Spring Festival 有準箭的A quasi arrow 為準備好For. ready 打掃;弄干凈Clean; clean 做飯;烹飪Cooking; cooking 一餐,一頓飯A meal, a meal 學;學會Learn; learn 龍dragon 舞龍dragon 燈籠lanterns 元宵節(jié)Lantern Festival 打掃clean 掃去sweep 地板floor 發(fā)生happen 幫助help 在工作In the work 傳統(tǒng)traditional 壞的;不好的Bad; bad 運氣luck 涂;繪域Tu; Draw domain 意思是;意味Mean; means 裝飾adornment 裝飾adornment 剪紙paper-cut 每個人;Each person; 理發(fā)haircut 給to 新年New Year 新年前夜New Years eve 餃子;團子Dumpling; dumplings 甜的sweet 布??;甜點心Pudding; dessert (復)焰火(after) fireworks 小多,很少Small, very few 一些some 要;想要To; Want to 星期week 圓的round 在周圍around 一年到頭All the year round 帶來bring 顏色color 某事;某物Something; something 剪;切Cut; cut 圣誕節(jié)Christmas 長的long Module3Module3 計劃;打算Plan; Going to 溫習;復習Revision; review 溫習;復習Revision; review 野餐picnic 吃野餐A picnic 測試;測驗Testing; test 沿走;登上Along. Walk; boarded 向前forward 期待expect 女兒daughter (外)孫女(outer) granddaughter 因為because 飛機plane 游覽;觀光Visit; sightseeing 游覽tour 文化culture 海濱;海灘Seaside; beach 海;海洋The sea; Marine 妻子wife 炊事員;廚師The cook; cook 為什么why 術外國的Art foreign (從)到達(from.) arrived 去觀光Go sightseeing 騎白行車By bike 去騎自行年To ride in itself 買東西;購物Shopping; shopping 去買東兩;去購物To buy east 2; Go shopping 早early 出外;在外Out; outside 外出out Module4Module4 生活;生命Life; life 將來;未來The future; future 在將來;在未來In the future; In future 有線電視Cable TV 訃鐘:器For Fu clock: 移動電話Mobile phone 粉筆chalk 紙paper 直尺straightedge 衛(wèi)星電視Satellite TV 沒有人;無人No man; unmanned 農(nóng)場farm Module7Module7 假日;節(jié)日Holiday; festival 雨;雨水Rain; The rain 下雨rain 天氣The weather 風The wind 因此;所以Therefore; so 便宜的cheap 燃料fuel 昂貴的expensive 短暫的;短的;矮自Short; Short; Short since 變得;得到;拿到Become; Get; get 變暖warming (海浪等)洶涌的(etc) stormy waves (氣候)有暴風雨的(weather) a storm 舂天Water days 秋天autumn 大雨;暴雨Heavy rain; rainstorm 強烈的;強壯的;強大的Strong; Strong; powerful 舒適的;舒服的Comfortable; comfortable 加熱heating 機器machine 單凋的;枯燥的Single conditioning; boring 工作work 自由的free 氣候climate 科技;技術Technology; technology 運輸transportation 容易的easy 有趣的interesting 困難的difficult 平靜的;平穩(wěn)的Calm; smooth 不舒服的uncomfortable 弱的weak 夢想dream Module5Module5 故鄉(xiāng);家鄉(xiāng)Hometown; hometown 比than 東方的Oriental 東方Oriental 南方的southern 南方south 千米;公Km; male 米meters 高的high 百萬million 忙的;繁忙的Busy; busy 海岸coast 小山;丘陵The hills; hills 島嶼islands 人口population 回答answer 回答;答案Answer; The answer 問題question 提問;詢問Questions; asked 北方north 北方的north 西方western .西方的. Western 河;江River; jiang 教堂church 著名的famous 首都;省會The capital; capital 湖lake 低的low 山;山脈Mountain. mountains 大約;幾乎About; almost 關于about 靠近;接近Near; Close to 村莊village 地區(qū);區(qū)域Areas; area 寬的wide 事實;細節(jié)Facts; details Module6Module6 奧林匹克的The Olympic 激動人Excited people 心的活動;冒險Heart activities; adventure 更多的more 更more 危險的dangerous 體操gymnastics 滑雪skiing 流行的;受歡迎的Popular; popular 激動人心的exciting 累人的tiring 不流行的,不受歡迎的Dont popular, not popular 令人厭煩的boring (使)放松(make) relax 放松的;輕松自在的Relax; At ease 安全的safe 擅長Good at 居住區(qū);鄰近地區(qū);鄰里關系Residential areas; Adjacent areas; neighbourhood 委員會committee 到達arrived 遲;晚于規(guī)定時刻Late; Late in specified time 遲的;晚的Late; late 后面;后部The back; and rear 可是;然而But; however 慢地Slowly, 大聲地;吵鬧土眭Loudly; Noisy soil Sui 清楚地clearly 游客;觀光者Tourists; visitors 需要need 快地quickly 好地well 壞地;糟糕地Bad; bad 粗心地;馬虎地Careless; Careless land 更好better 努力地hard 領(某人)四處參觀Bring (someone) around the visit 盒式磁帶Cassette tape 播放機players 詞匯vocabulary 認真地seriously 安靜地quietly 繼續(xù)Continue to 直到時;到為止Until. ; To. So far Module8Module8 過去(的)The past () 超過Over. 動詞的過去式The past forms of verbs 出生Was born 出生于Was born in 創(chuàng)建者founder 科學家scientists 教授professor 嚴格的;嚴厲的Strict. stern 友好的;令人愉快的Friendly; pleasant 友好的friendly 淘氣的naughty 初等的;初級的Elementary; primary 小學Elementary school 有禮貌的,循規(guī)蹈矩的Polite and organized 嘿;喂Hey; hello ?。皇》軵rovince; provinces 夫人;太太Lady; wife 總統(tǒng)President 帶有;和在一起With; And. together 商店shop 電影movie 棒球baseball 起居室Living room 廚房kitchen 浴室bathroom 臥室The bedroom 墻wall 招貼畫;海報Poster; posters 花園garden 池塘pond 魚;魚肉Fish; fish 回(原處);向后Back (place); backward 回去back 某處;某個地方Somewhere; somewhere 不友好的Dont friendly 搭檔;同伴Partner; companion 性格character Module9Module9 曾經(jīng);一度Once; once 從前once 熊bear 開始began 決定decided 騎(馬;車等)Ride (horse; car etc.) 去乘(騎)To take (ride.) 金黃色的golden 小的;矮小的Small; short 采摘picking 注意到notice 趕忙;匆忙Quickly; hurried 敲knock 沒有人;無人No man; unmanned 推push 敞開的open 建立;開;打開Establish; Open; open 進人Into people 數(shù)number 碗bowl 撿起Picked up 全部的all 全部地entirely 餓的hungry 沖;奔Blunt; rush 嘗試try 毀壞;破壞Destroy; damage 不高興的unhappy 睡著的asleep 返回;歸還Return; returned 哭;喊叫Crying; Shouting (用手指等)指(fingers, etc.) to refer 無;沒有No; no 向四周看Looked around 死death 變成into 皇帝emperor Module10Module10 1月January 2月February 3月march 4月April 5月Five months 6月June 7月July 8月August 9月September 10月October 11月November 12月December 走開;離開Go away; leave (男)演員(male) actor 作家writer 戲劇drama 詩歌poetry 年齡age 在歲時In. Years old when 結婚married 搬(家);移動Move (home); mobile 參加;加人Attend; Plus people 劇團;公司Theater; The company (過去式)成為(the past type) become 成功的successful 富有的rich 下雪snow 雪snow Module11Module11 民族的;國家的National; national 英雄hero 橋bridge (過去式)建造(the past type) build 工程師engineer 政府The government 博物館museum 愛國的patriotic 鐵路railway 隧道tunnel 俄國的;俄國人的,俄語的Russia; The russians, Russian 俄國人;俄語The russians; Russian 從一端到另一端,穿越From one end to the other side, through 穿過through 在的上面In. above 宇航員astronauts 旗,旗幟Flags, flags 太空;空間Space; space 揮手(致意)Waved (greet) 宇宙飛船spacecraft 標題title 新聞news 背景資料Background material 以前before 飛行員The pilot 兒子son 繞軌道運行orbiting 軌道rail 到達arrived 高度;海拔Height; altitude 飛行;航程Flight; voyage 持續(xù)continued 著陸landing 陸地land 安全地safely 第三article 人people 空軍Air force 項目; (電視)節(jié)目Projects; (on TV) 休息rest 丈夫husband 日期date 中間(的)Intermediate () 結尾;結束End; end Module12Module12 花費(時間、金錢)Spend (time, money) 希望hope 在度假;在休假In the holiday; On holiday 時鐘;計時器Clock; timer 買東西;購物Shopping; shopping 明天tomorrow 在明天In tomorrow <主英口>奶奶;外婆< > grandma Lord British mouth; grandmother 和一起玩And. Play together


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