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機械專業(yè)外文文獻(xiàn)翻譯-外文翻譯 巡檢機器人


機械專業(yè)外文文獻(xiàn)翻譯-外文翻譯 巡檢機器人Tag內(nèi)容描述:

1、1 附錄 1 機器人 工業(yè)機器人是在生產(chǎn)環(huán)境中用以提高生產(chǎn)效率的工具,它能做常規(guī)的裝配線工作,或能做那些對于工人來說是危險的工作,例如,第一代工業(yè)機器人是用來在核電站中更換核燃料棒,如果人去做這項工作,將會遭受有害放射線的輻射。工業(yè)機器人亦能工作在裝配線上將小元件裝配到一起,如將電子元件安裝在電路印刷板,這樣,工人就能從這項乏味的常規(guī)工作中解放出來。機器人也能按程序要求用來拆除炸彈,輔助殘疾人,在社會的很多應(yīng)用場合履行職能。 機器人可以認(rèn)為是將手臂末端的工具、傳感器和(或)手爪移到程序指定位置的一種機。

2、沈陽 理工大學(xué) 學(xué)士學(xué)位論文 1 附錄 一 :英文 原文 . B, s of s in to If of i to a in s so as as to to in a s s in to to s is we s he is to or 沈陽 理工大學(xué) 學(xué)士學(xué)位論文 2 of s on s s is in 913, s 00 at in 0 S in Is as a of is 0 s by S of of or s S is is it he of of is be is is It is in 0 be 沈陽 理工大學(xué) 學(xué)士學(xué)位論文 3 to in 1st to a to or s in is as it is in is as it is is (to of to be to be at of is he is of in it it be in in be to it in be to on to is to on to be to or 陽 理工大學(xué) 學(xué)士學(xué)位論文 。

3、附錄 一 :英文 原文 . B, s of s in to If of i to a in s so as as to to in a s s in to to s is we s he is to or of s on s s is in 913, s 00 at in 0 S in Is as a of is 0 s by S of of or s S is is it he of of is be is is It is in 0 be to in 1st to a to or s in is as it is in is as it is is (to of to be to be at of is he is of in it it be in in be to it in be to on to is to on to be to or of of in a on he is in a s so a to s to s to be is in so on r. to to of is it at or to is in to。

4、of of on of in to be to a be to a do is by A is a to or of a of It is in to a be to a of of a of 951 by . S. 954, It on (1) (2) a of to It of by to to to a to be C It to a of in By an 959. 962, A in 973 of -3 -3 by a of do of of In of of in 970s of At a . S. on a as to an of . S. a of in 970s, to . S. in to U. S. to It to at in to be as to of to of is of of is be in to of be in in be be so do be a be to of a s it is a to an in a to an of be to of to a of a of a be a of we . be of we of a of of o。

5、1 附錄 A 譯文 . 機器人和機械手 作者: P); P); P) 機器人是典型的機電一體化裝置,它綜合運用了機械與精密機械、微電子與計算機、自動控制與驅(qū)動、傳感器與信息處理以及人工智能等多學(xué)科的最新研究成果,隨著經(jīng)濟(jì)的發(fā)展和各行各業(yè)對自動化程度要求的提高,機器人技術(shù)得到了迅速發(fā)展,出現(xiàn)了各種各樣的機器人產(chǎn)品?,F(xiàn)代工業(yè)機器人是 人類 真正的奇跡工程。 一個像人 那么大的機器人可以輕松地抬起超過一百磅并可以在誤差 +重要的是這些機器人可以每天 24 小時永不停止地工作。在許多應(yīng)用中(特別是在自動工業(yè)中)他們是通過編程控制的,。

6、畢業(yè)設(shè)計 (論文 )外文資料翻譯 系 別: 機電信息系 專 業(yè): 機械設(shè)計制造及其自動化 班 級: 姓 名: 學(xué) 號: 外文出處: 附 件: 1. 原文 ; 2. 譯文 2013 年 03 月 外文原文 he is in to It be to do or it be to do or it be to of to in A be to of on as on a be of of be to to to in in be of as a an to a at it of be or a of be of a on is。

7、畢業(yè)設(shè)計 (論文 )外文資料翻譯 系 別: 機械設(shè)計制造及其自動化 專 業(yè): 機電信息系 班 級: 姓 名: 學(xué) 號: 外文出處: 件: 1. 原文 ; 2. 譯文 2013年 05 月 1 I It be it is a of a of a on a It of in ar to on s of of is of in to be to a So is to be to in do up to s of as as in of an of in we to is a as it is a to of a of to a so。

8、外文資料名稱: 外文資料出處: f 附 件: 指導(dǎo)教師評語: 簽名: 年 月 日 1 工 業(yè) 機 器 人 章 躍 著 周均 譯 摘 要 : 在不同的時期,關(guān)于機器人的定義也有所不同。在全世界雖然定義不同,但是他們的裝置卻 大相徑庭 。在制造工廠中使用的許多單用途機器可能看起來像機器人。這些機器人功能單一,不能通過重新編程的方式去完成不同的工作。這種單用途的機器不能滿足被人們?nèi)找鎻V泛接受的關(guān)于工業(yè)機器人的定義。這個定義是由美國機器人協(xié)會提出的。 關(guān)鍵字: 機器人;微處理器; 統(tǒng) 機器人是一個可以改變程序的多功能操作器,被設(shè)計用來。

9、英文原文 to in of of is to of in of an u we s is in to to a to be in of to of to a to a in in is an in to up a a at of a to to on of up to a of is to to to to of t is a of is ao of of of a it s to to an at u of an of to an to an by an in of of to to an a to to of to of toof to to an to to u to in or an u an of to a of an t to be in to of so of is to to or an u in at of to to a at in an an to a to of of an to a of to of in at a in on to to BE of 0s in a of s, of is a of of in E, s to 990of 9。

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11、附錄 1 a of of on of in to be to a be to a do is by A is a to or of a of It is in a of of a of 951 by 954, It on a of to It of by to to to to a to be C It to a of in By an 959. 962, to be on a A in 973 of -3 -3 by a of do of of In of of in 970s of At a on a as to an of a of in 970s, to no in to to a of in 970s, to no in to to It to at in to be as to of to of is of of is be in to of be in in be be so do be a be to of a s it is a to an in a to an of be to of to a is of of or to of to to up is as a。

12、附 錄 A 一、 創(chuàng)建焊接程序 焊縫的示教 。 焊接機器人程序編輯 1、 打開控制柜上的電源開關(guān)在 “狀態(tài)。 2、 將運作模式調(diào)到 “ 示教模式下 ” 程序 一覽并打開; 程序 的主菜單中選擇 新建程序 選擇 鍵 為新建程序名舉例說明; T” 、 “E”“S” 、 “T” 上按 選擇 鍵選中各個字母; 回車 鍵進(jìn)行登錄; 執(zhí)行 ” 上并確認(rèn)后,程序 “被登錄,并且屏幕畫面上顯示該程序的初始 狀態(tài) “、 “ 機器人焊接直線焊縫為例); 邊環(huán)境便于作業(yè)的位置,輸入程序( 001); 握住安全電源開關(guān),接通伺服電源機器人進(jìn)入可動作狀態(tài); (開始位置電影攝。

13、a of of on of in to be to a be to a do is by A is a to or of a of is in to a be to a of of a of 951 by S. 954, It on ( 1) ( 2) a of to It of by to to to to a to be C It to a of in By an 962, to be on a in 973 of -3 -3 by a of do of of In of of in 970s of At a S on a as to an of S a of in 970s, to no S in to S to It to at in to be as to of to of is of of is be in to of be in in be be so do be a be to of a s it is a to an in a to an of be to of to a is in to a of i。

14、附錄 機器人傳感器的網(wǎng)絡(luò) 一般的機械手工程自動化測知和知覺實驗室 賓夕凡尼亞州,費城, 大學(xué) , 美國 摘要 :以知覺的數(shù)據(jù)從分配的視覺系統(tǒng)吸取了的 基礎(chǔ)的硬未知的物體和同時追蹤的二維歐幾里得幾何的空間的這一個紙住址即時位置的問題和被網(wǎng)絡(luò)的移動機械手的定方位判斷 . 對于隊局限的充份和必需的情況被計劃 . 以統(tǒng)計的操作員和曲線圖搜索運算法則為基礎(chǔ)的一個局限和物體追蹤方式為與異種的感應(yīng)器一起本土化的一隊機械手被呈現(xiàn) . 方式在有被裝備全方向的錄像機和 線網(wǎng)路的像汽車一樣移動的機械手的一個實驗的月臺被實現(xiàn) . 實驗的結(jié)果使。

15、附錄 1: 機器人技術(shù)發(fā)展趨勢 作者 :圣地亞哥 ,美國中部 談到機器人 ,就如同科幻一般。 但是 ,僅僅 因為機器人 在 過去幾十年 里 沒有辜負(fù)自己的承諾 ,并不表示 它 們不會 早到或者遲到。 事實上 ,一些先進(jìn)技術(shù) 導(dǎo)致的 機器人的時代更近更小、 更便宜、更實用、更具成本效益 。 肌肉 ,骨骼與大 腦 任何機器人 都 有三方面 : 肌肉:有效聯(lián)系物理載荷以便機器人運動。 骨骼: 機器人的物理結(jié)構(gòu) 與決定于其所從事的 工作 ; 考慮到 有效載荷這就決定了機器人的大小和重量 。 大腦: 機器人智能 ; 它可以獨立 思考和做什么 ; 需要 多少人工互動。

16、附錄 1:機器人技術(shù)發(fā)展趨勢作者:圣地亞哥 ,美國中部 如同科幻一般。 但是 ,僅僅因為機器人在過去幾十年里沒有辜負(fù)自己的承諾,并不表示它們不會早到或者遲到。 事實上 ,一些先進(jìn)技術(shù)導(dǎo)致的機器人的時代更近更小、更便宜、更實用、更具成本效益。肌肉,骨骼與大腦 任何機器人都有三方面: 肌肉:有效聯(lián)系物理載荷以便機器人運動。 骨骼:機器人的物理結(jié)構(gòu)與決定于其所從事的工作 到有效載荷 就決定 機器人的大小 。 大腦:機器人 它 以 人工 動。 于機器人 于科幻 , 人 機器人的表更人。其實機器人的表決定于它的 任。不 機器,一不“地為機器。

17、附錄機器人傳感器的網(wǎng)絡(luò)一般的機械手工程自動化測知和知覺實驗室賓夕凡尼亞州,費城, 大學(xué) , 美國摘要 :以知覺的數(shù)據(jù)從分配的視覺系統(tǒng)吸取了的 對于隊局限的充份和必需的情況被計劃 . 以統(tǒng)計的操作員和曲線圖搜索運算法則為基礎(chǔ)的一個局限和物體追蹤方式為與異 的感 器一 化的一隊機械手被 . 方式 被 方 的 機和 . 線網(wǎng) 的 一 移動的機械手的一個實驗的 被實 . 實驗的 方式 作的局限 機械手 分配了感 器網(wǎng)絡(luò) 感器數(shù)據(jù)物隊移動的機械手自“ 一里 一運視和得這 的作工作 , ”一定以和一個 的 化”自 , . ,何 計機械手的位置和定方位 以的和。

18、南京 大學(xué) 畢業(yè)設(shè)計 (論文 )外文資料翻譯 系 部: 機械工程系 專 業(yè): 機械工程及自動化 姓 名: 學(xué) 號: 外文出處: 620112 附 件: 指導(dǎo)教師評語: 該生的外文翻譯基本正確, 沒有嚴(yán)重的語法或拼寫錯誤, 已達(dá)到本科畢業(yè)的水平。 簽名: 年 月 日 注: 請將該封面與附件裝訂成冊。 (用外文寫 ) 附件 1:外文資料翻譯譯文 獨立 動力 單臂機器人 摘要: 本文介紹了獨立動力的平面單臂機器人的構(gòu)思和初步結(jié)果。機器人二個自由度由液壓油驅(qū)動,一個臂控制。它運用的是液壓反推裝置,一種能精確的提供高 壓,工作臺面寬度一般并且阻抗力很小。

19、邵陽學(xué)院畢業(yè)設(shè)計(論文) 1 附錄: to in in of do f we of us to of of of in of is On in of If to a of no to Of it to a It it to a be to of of of in be to in 2. 邵陽學(xué)院畢業(yè)設(shè)計(論文) 2 of or in 0 in 966 At of of of a of 0 0 of by t of of A is as In to of a of be of a In as a a it t 0 0 , a by at on of of 0 be by as ow do of of of a in a be do or as as 陽學(xué)院畢業(yè)設(shè)計(論文) 3 is a of no be a If a a to be if of in it of to of in of be in or it is to to In of It is if is It is if be of to by of a。

20、in a to be a A be in a is to a is to is of in of in is a or is of is of is by of of In to to of in of of on of of we to be In be of A of to of of is of or to a or is an in of to in A or as a of of a of a of We in of is in a to in to he of of a is of to of to or If of a be by An in If is to in a in of of of a of a or if we a at is or to be is a in is of is in As as be to of A is as a if is or of of or is a of to is an of an be an by as be as do to of or of be of A a of or so of A is to a o。

【機械專業(yè)外文文獻(xiàn)翻譯-外文翻譯 巡檢機器人】相關(guān)DOC文檔
機械專業(yè)外文文獻(xiàn)翻譯-外文翻譯--工業(yè)機器人  中文版
機械專業(yè)外文文獻(xiàn)翻譯-外文翻譯--獨立動力單臂機器人 中文版
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