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1、英文原文 of in or or of a is at in to on to a or to of a in of to 1. to (1) or If (2) to or a to a of in (3) is of or of to of (4) or is to of of as 2. to (1) in a a (2) is in a at at to or (3) as of in or of at of a in on of or is in Pr is of to a of by of by by of is of in of is no is on if of of to or in a to (A) of 1. is a to it is to it (1) be of be or (2) be to to 2. is to of is be to to in to 3. of of to of s is to up by on up of to be or in of to or be 4. is of a i。

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3、外文翻譯資料 1 引言 模具 改造傳統(tǒng)模具生產(chǎn)方式的關鍵技術,是一項高科技、高效益的系統(tǒng)工程。它以計算機軟件的形式,為企業(yè)提供一種有效的輔助工具,使工程技術人員借助于計算機對產(chǎn)品性能、模具結(jié)構(gòu)、成形工藝、數(shù)控加工及生產(chǎn)管理進行設計和優(yōu)化。模具 術能顯著縮短模具設計與制造周期、降低生產(chǎn)成本和提高產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量已成為模具界的共識。 與任何新生事物一樣,模具 近二十年中經(jīng)歷了從簡單到復雜,從試點到普及的過程。進入本世紀以來,模具 術發(fā)展速度更快、應用范圍更廣,為了使廣大模具工作者能進一步加深對該技術的認識,更好發(fā)揮。

4、1 of to of is to is 0 to to to to to 0% or to 0%, to 0%, in of to 0%s of is to up to of In of is an up At to AD in 0% be to to to is of a to on s to in in to At on is a to is an 0 in or of BM it P or of is % or so of in on in be in 2 to be on to in At if or an to a of is at to in of of of to be in is is up to of to to a s is is in of a to in or or 5% of of a of a of % of 12% is or so of s of 980, t of 0s is of is do to In in s re to 3 of 0 in 5, is to of of of on an d in of t to i。

5、英語翻譯 be as a in of a of of be or or a of is a as be of a of is in of be If is of is is as of a is a of be is a of of of in is of in be as so a a be a a of of we of n is by of a of by is a of n is or to on be or n of a or of a or is by of a is it be to in n a is a of a a is by of a to in s is a of a to is by a of is a to in is in a to a a In be ot ow we of it be we an of a in a a of is in of As a is no is no of Of is to an in is be a of in of is be as a be by It be at a is is of of to is。

6、- 1 - 畢業(yè)設計 (論文 )外文資料翻譯 系 別: 機電信息系 專 業(yè): 機械設計制造及其自動化 班 級: 姓 名: 學 號: 附 件: 1. 原文 ; 2. 譯文 2013 年 03 月 - 2 - of 1. is a of to in of of to a as as s of s of of a of so on as as In of M in as of of of of is A of of is n in it or on or as be (1) so A. . . 2) A. TV B. . . IC . of . . is in be to of of of is。

7、模具 成技術 內(nèi)容提要:通過分析計 算 機輔助注射模設計和制造的各個環(huán)節(jié)中共享的技術和信息 。 本義揭示了注射模 集成技術的根本內(nèi)涵 引言 模具 成技術是 一 項重要的模具先進制造技術,是一項用高技術改造模具傳統(tǒng)技術的重要關鍵技術。從六五計劃開始 ,我 國 有許多模具企業(yè)采用 特別是近年, 術的應用越來越普遍和深入,人大縮短了模具設計周期 ,提 高 了制模質(zhì)量和復雜模 具 的制造能力 。 然而,由于許多企業(yè)對模 具 資帶有盲目性,不能很好地發(fā)揮作用 ,造 成了很大的浪費。本文就塑料模具 成技術及其應用發(fā)表 一 些觀點,供大家參考。

8、塑料在國民經(jīng)濟的多個領域中得到廣泛的應用 ,而它的產(chǎn)量按體積計算在世界上已超過了鋼鐵的產(chǎn)量。同時 , 塑料模具是塑料成型加工中不可缺少的工具 , 在總的模具產(chǎn)量中所占的例逐年增加 , 在當前已處于重要位置。在我國塑料模具的應用在國民經(jīng)濟中的地位愈來愈重要。它的鋼材耗用量大 , 品種規(guī)格多 , 形狀復雜 , 表面粗糙度值要求低 , 制造難度大。因此 , 探討塑料模具的制造中的選用材料與熱處理問題 , 綜合分析其工作條件、失效、性能 , 合理選用材料與熱處理以及提高它的使用壽命 , 保證制件質(zhì)量 ,降低制造成本顯得非常重要。 1、塑料模 。

9、畢業(yè)設計 (論文 )外文資料翻譯 系 別: 機電信息系 專 業(yè): 機械設計制造及其自動化 班 級: 姓 名: 學 號: 外文出處: 附 件: 1. 原文 ; 2. 譯文 2013年 03月 of to of is to is 0 to to to to to 0% or to 0%, to 0%, in of to 0%s of is to up to of In of is an up At to AD in 0% be to to to is of a to on s to in in to At AM on is a to is an 0。

10、of up of 005, to 12005 at is to 0,000 00+ he of 005, a a he in n. TK As a in in hi in in in of he as as h As & r, In be a of up 005 is of to in in a in in As is in of in be s of as a to of of to be 2, 2005, is a 005. of a of on as as a on of in by 005 as we a on of we 亞洲國際模具展 來自世界 1 3個國家及地區(qū)的領先模具制造廠家以及相關加工設備、材料及服務供應商,將于 9 月 2 1 至 24 日云集廣州中國出口商品交易會琶洲展館。參加亞洲模具行業(yè)的指標盛會 第四屆亞洲國際梗 具制造技術展覽會 (簡稱亞洲圍際模具展。

11、塑料在國民經(jīng)濟的多個領域中得到廣泛的應用 ,而它的產(chǎn)量按體積計算在世界上已超過了鋼鐵的產(chǎn)量。同時 , 塑料模具是塑料成型加工中不可缺少的工具 , 在總的模具產(chǎn)量中所占的例逐年增加 , 在當前已處于重要位置。在我國塑料模具的應用在國民經(jīng)濟中的地位愈來愈重要。它的鋼材耗用量大 , 品種規(guī)格多 , 形狀復雜 , 表面粗糙度值要求低 , 制造難度大。因此 , 探討塑料模具的制造中的選用材料與熱處理問題 , 綜合分析其工作條件、失效、性能 , 合理選用材料與熱處理以及提高它的使用壽命 , 保證制件質(zhì)量 ,降低制造成本顯得非常重要。 1、塑料模 。

12、1 英文翻譯 he of by AM of s ie is of on of a by a an of by or on of a a to of in is s ie H,AD by to MC is to of a AD of as of of no AM to of it go in to to of it to of of on is a a he to of s of is of t of MC is so is no is by on a a s to on it is to to to a on us to in we t to of 9.9 of s is AD of in of He in in of by 4 3 In 6.5 2 s AM to NC on to AM be to of to of be or s s is a in of to of to MM in a of 28 0 4 to an It up 0 is in an is of To MM it is on a 100on MM is as a as a “ As。

13、模具名詞中英文對照表 序號 中文名 英文名 1 一、水口gate 2 進水位gate location 3 水口形式gate type 4 大水口edge gate 5 細水口 pin-point gate 6 水口大小gate size 7 轉(zhuǎn)水口switching gate 8 唧嘴口徑sprue diameter 9 二、流道runner 10 熱流道hot runner 11 冷流道co。

14、英文原文 . (1990) 8:17 9 1990 R . S . R a o of a of in a at 2 as to A is a on is to in on to be as a is of a of as at to on in in a 1. is to as a In is to by a of is a be An a 2 is . to of of as 00 500 2. is in to a of to in at of at is of to of is to of as a In of of 3. A 2 of of be by of of be by a of as a in be by of as In of of a on an of 4. on a of in as a to a it to In a on of 5. In as of to to A by on at in to in in by In it is to as or by to be or he of is an to of a It of In。

15、畢業(yè)設計 (論文 )外文資料翻譯 系 部: 機械工程 專 業(yè): 機械工程及自動化 姓 名: 學 號: 外文出處: 附 件: 指導教師評語: 資料依據(jù)課題的要求,翻譯語句通順,專業(yè)詞匯較準確,成績良好。 簽名: 年 月 日 附件 1:外文資料翻譯譯文 模具設計與制造 模具是制造業(yè)的重要工藝基礎,在我國,模具制造屬于專用設備制造業(yè)。中國雖然很早就開始制造模具和使用模具,但長期未形成產(chǎn)業(yè)。直到 20 世紀 80年代后期,中國模具工業(yè)才駛?cè)氚l(fā)展的快車道。近年, 不僅國有模具企業(yè)有了很大發(fā)展,三資企業(yè)、鄉(xiāng)鎮(zhèn)(個體)模具企業(yè)的發(fā)展也相當迅速。。

16、0 模具的發(fā)展趨勢 1 模具 向集成化、三維化、智能化 網(wǎng)絡化方向發(fā)展 具軟件功能集成化 模具軟件功能的集成化要求軟件的功能模塊比較齊全,同時各功能模塊采用同一數(shù)據(jù)模型,以實現(xiàn)信息的綜合管理與共享,從而支持模具設計、制造、裝配、檢驗、測試及生產(chǎn)管理的全過程,達到實現(xiàn)最佳效益的目的。如英國 司的系列化軟件就包括了曲面 /實體幾何造型、復雜形體工程制圖、工業(yè)設計高級渲染、塑料模設計專家系統(tǒng)、復雜形體 術造型及雕刻自動編程系統(tǒng)、逆向工程系統(tǒng)及復雜形體在線測量 系統(tǒng)等。集成化程度較高的軟件還包括: 。 具設計、分析及制。

17、of of in or or of a is at in to on to a or to of a in of to 1. to (1) or If (2) to or a to a of in (3) is of or of to of (4) or is to of of as 2. to (1) in a a (2) is in a at at to or (3) as of in or of at of a in on of or is in Pr is of to a of by of by by of is of in of is no is on if of of to or in a to (A) of 1. is a to it is to it (1) be of be or (2) be to to 2. is to of is be to to in to 3. of of to of s is to up by on up of to be or in of to or be 4. is of a is t。

18、中文翻譯1 模具在工業(yè)生產(chǎn)中的地位模具是大批量生產(chǎn)同形產(chǎn)品的工具,是工業(yè)生產(chǎn)的主要工藝裝備。采用模具生產(chǎn)零部件,具有生產(chǎn)效率高、質(zhì)量好、成本低、節(jié)約能源和原材料等一系列優(yōu)點,用模具生產(chǎn)制件所具備的高精度、高復雜程度、高一致性、高生產(chǎn)率和低消耗,是其他加工制造方法所不能比擬的。已成為當代工業(yè)生產(chǎn)的重要手段和工藝發(fā)展方向?,F(xiàn)代經(jīng)濟的基礎工業(yè)?,F(xiàn)代工業(yè)品的發(fā)展和技術水平的提高,很大程度上取決于模具工業(yè)的發(fā)展水平,因此模具工業(yè)對國民經(jīng)濟和社會發(fā)展將起越來越大的作用。1989 年 3 月國務院頒布的關于當前產(chǎn)業(yè)政策。

19、- 1- of de of to a of to be a of as n to or of of or In of In is by of of at of on of in of de to to of to At to de a be n in of a s as or is to in to to de by of in a on in - 2- in of of in of by of be by in to at a of a on de a of on of (a)to as of of to be of to be (b)to of of of is in on of to be (c)of if is to 譯文二: - 3- 模具的壽命。

模具專業(yè)外文文獻翻譯-外文翻譯-- 注塑模具


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