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本文提出了(有關)注射模裝配造型的兩個主要觀點。即描述了在計算機上進行注射 模裝配以及確定裝配中與制品無關的零部件的方向和位置的方法。即 描述了在計算機上進行 注射 模裝配以及確定裝配中與制品無關的零部件的方向和位置的方法。提出了一個基于特征和面向?qū)ο蟮谋磉_式以描述注射模等級裝配關系。


1、 . n of at to of so be In of is in of so it be B. or to of it be by or be of a is by of to be be 1 2 or 3 4 . C. on it is of to it if a is an is In to be to to D. . he is a ”by in a in is it on of he of a is as as to by in be is to it we be as or or a is is In is so be to 2 . a or is It to to a 4of of a in to of A is to a as in as as a it a it in 4 of it a so be a a of ,4,6,8,12,16,24,32,48,64,96,be in a is or of is to A of be in a of , 5, 7 , is to of as of 3. he of is of of to。

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3、 畢業(yè)設計 (論文 )外文資料翻譯 系 部: 機械系 工程系 專 業(yè): 機械工程及自動化 姓 名: 學 號: 外文出處: f 附 件: 指導 教師評語: 譯文基本能表達原文思想 , 語句較流暢 , 條理 較清晰 , 專業(yè)用語翻譯基本準確 , 基本符合中文習慣 , 整體翻譯質(zhì)量一般 。 簽名: 年 月 日 附件 1:外文資料翻譯譯文 注塑模具自動裝配造型 X. G. J. Y. H. . S. 械和生產(chǎn)工程部 , 新加坡國立大學 , 新加坡 注射模是一種由與塑料制品有關的和與 制品無關的零部件兩 大 部分組成的機械裝置。 本文提出了(有關)注射模裝配造型的兩個主要觀點,。

4、 畢業(yè)設計 (論文 )外文資料翻譯 系 別: 機電信息系 專 業(yè): 機械設計制造及其自動化專業(yè) 班 級: 姓 名: 學 號: 外文出處: 塑料注塑模具并行設計 21( 2005) 368 附 件: 1. 原文 ; 2. 譯文 2013 年 3 月 塑料注塑模具并行設計 A. a 要 塑料制品制造業(yè)近年迅速成長。其中最受歡迎的制作過程是注塑塑料零件。注塑模具的設計對產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量和效率的產(chǎn)品加工非常重要。模具公司想保持競爭優(yōu)勢 ,就必須縮短模具設計和制造的周期。 模具是工業(yè)的一個重要支持行業(yè),在產(chǎn)品開發(fā)過程中作為一個重要產(chǎn)品設計師和制造商之間的聯(lián)系。產(chǎn)品開發(fā)經(jīng)歷了。

5、英文原文 of in or or of a is at in to on to a or to of a in of to 1. to (1) or If (2) to or a to a of in (3) is of or of to of (4) or is to of of as 2. to (1) in a a (2) is in a at at to or (3) as of in or of at of a in on of or is in Pr is of to a of by of by by of is of in of is no is on if of of to or in a to (A) of 1. is a to it is to it (1) be of be or (2) be to to 2. is to of is be to to in to 3. of of to of s is to up by on up of to be or in of to or be 4. is of a i。

6、 1 of to of is to is 0 to to to to to 0% or to 0%, to 0%, in of to 0%s of is to up to of In of is an up At to AD in 0% be to to to is of a to on s to in in to At on is a to is an 0 in or of BM it P or of is % or so of in on in be in 2 to be on to in At if or an to a of is at to in of of of to be in is is up to of to to a s is is in of a to in or or 5% of of a of a of % of 12% is or so of s of 980, t of 0s is of is do to In in s re to 3 of 0 in 5, is to of of of on an d in of t to i。

7、外文翻譯資料 1 引言 模具 改造傳統(tǒng)模具生產(chǎn)方式的關鍵技術,是一項高科技、高效益的系統(tǒng)工程。它以計算機軟件的形式,為企業(yè)提供一種有效的輔助工具,使工程技術人員借助于計算機對產(chǎn)品性能、模具結(jié)構、成形工藝、數(shù)控加工及生產(chǎn)管理進行設計和優(yōu)化。模具 術能顯著縮短模具設計與制造周期、降低生產(chǎn)成本和提高產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量已成為模具界的共識。 與任何新生事物一樣,模具 近二十年中經(jīng)歷了從簡單到復雜,從試點到普及的過程。進入本世紀以來,模具 術發(fā)展速度更快、應用范圍更廣,為了使廣大模具工作者能進一步加深對該技術的認識,更好發(fā)揮。

8、英語翻譯 be as a in of a of of be or or a of is a as be of a of is in of be If is of is is as of a is a of be is a of of of in is of in be as so a a be a a of of we of n is by of a of by is a of n is or to on be or n of a or of a or is by of a is it be to in n a is a of a a is by of a to in s is a of a to is by a of is a to in is in a to a a In be ot ow we of it be we an of a in a a of is in of As a is no is no of Of is to an in is be a of in of is be as a be by It be at a is is of of to is 。

9、 注塑模具自動裝配造型 X. G. J. Y. H. . S. 械和生產(chǎn)工 程 部 ,新加坡 國立 大學,新加坡 注射模是一種由與塑料制品有關的和與制品無關的零部件兩 大 部分組成的機械裝置。 本 文 提出了(有關)注射模裝配造型的 兩個主要 觀點 , 即 描述了在計算機上進行 注射 模裝配以及確定裝配中與制品無關的零部件的方向和位置的方法 , 提出了一個基于特征和面向?qū)ο蟮谋磉_式以描述注射模等級裝配關系 , 該論述 要求 并允許 設計者除了考慮 零部件的外觀形狀和位置 外 ,還要明確知道什么部份 最重 要和為什么。 因此,它為設計者 進行裝配設計。

模具專業(yè)外文文獻翻譯-外文翻譯---注塑模具自動裝配造型  中文
模具專業(yè)外文文獻翻譯-外文翻譯-- 注塑模具
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