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蘇教版三下《長城和運河》教學設(shè)計。激發(fā)學生的民族自豪感。I can see。第二個字母是No.fifteen。B。Lets play a game。Say a chant。Unit 7 Where。By Zhang Jing April.28。餐廳。Wheres my。Its in/on the。a c __ k __。a。A。


1、蘇教版三下長城和運河教學設(shè)計課時目標:1、正確、流利、有感情地背誦詩歌。2、通過品讀詩歌,加深對長城和運河的理解,激發(fā)學生的民族自豪感。3、分析本課的兩句比喻句的本體與喻體,體會句子所表達的情感;認識設(shè)問句的形式與作用。教學過程:一、復(fù)習導入1、聽寫新詞:駕駛 譜寫 創(chuàng)造 民族 綢帶不朽 詩篇 曲折蜿蜒 2、提問:課文向我們介紹了哪兩大人。

2、Unit 5 Plus and minus,By Shen Ping,65845254,54876521,85632790,36548812,65374810,7:00,11:05,14:15,16:13,20:10,21:20,Whats the time?,17:12,9:00,16:11,3:18,How many can you see? I can see,thirteen,fourt。

3、Unit6 Review and check,Sing the song: ABC song,a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z,Guess: Who am I?(我是誰?) 我由three個字母組成; 我的第一個字母是No.two; 第二個字母是No.fifteen; 第三個字母是No.twenty-five.,boy 男孩。

4、Unit Four Time,one two three six ten twelve four five seven eleven eight nine,What can you see,1,3,6,8 9,4 5,7 11,2,10,12,PUZZLES:,1, 3, ___ , 7, ___, ___.,5,9,11,4,8,12,6,12,?,2, ___, 6, ___, 10, _。

5、Unit Ten,Do you play.?,One minus one is not zero.,H,One plus three is not four.,B,Its,Its,Lets play a game!,Say a chant:One, two, three,four, Ive got a big ball.Five, six, seven, eight, Lets play ne。

6、Unit 7 Where? (Period 1),By Zhang Jing April.28,Look, this is my new house.,kitchen,廚房,dining-room,餐廳,sitting-room,客廳,Wheres my? Its in/on the ,Where 在哪里,kitchen,廚房,back,dining-room,餐廳。

7、Unit 7 Where?,橋頭中心小學 曹梅華 2009.4.,Wheres the tape?,Its on the chair.,Wheres the copybook?,Its in the bag.,Its in the kitchen.,Its in the study.,Its in the bathroom.,Its in the sitting-roo。

8、Unit8 Im hungry,牛津小學英語3B,Presented by Cao Yifang,Shall we go to the Carrefour Supermarket?,a c __ k __,a,e,A: What would you like?,A cake?,B: Yes, please.,A: Here you are.,B: Thank you.,What would yo。

9、Unit 2 Yes or no 徐市中心小學 李雅琪 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Think and guess: Think and guess: a radio Think and guess: Think and guess: a computer Think and guess: Think and。

10、Picture Y chant Li Huiming Shaotang Primary School 2006.4 practice homework 牛津小學英語 3B教材 Xu No game basketball, basketball, play basketball, I play basketball. volleyball football baseball Answe。

11、Zhang Yu XiaoDian primary school (Part BC) Sing a song: Ten Little Indian Boys 10個印地安小男孩 It can tell us time. It goes tick-tock tick-tock. What is it? Guess . What s the time? It s seven oclock。

12、第 一 課 時 Guess 猜一猜 -Is that a ? -Yes / No How many can you see? I can see 1 one 3 three 5 five 7 seven How many can you see? I can see 9 nine 11 eleven 13 three thirteen ten bird 3 three 13 t。

13、Unit 7 Where ? 在哪里? in the bedroom 6:00 bed+room= bedroom in the kitchen 7:00 kitchen in the dining-room 8:00 dining+room=dining-room in the sitting-room 3:00 sitting+room= sitting-room in the st。

14、牛津小學英語 FUN WITH ENGLISH 3B Unit 7 Where? 相城區(qū)北橋中心小學 付志芳 A room Wheres the dog? Its in the plane. Wheres the plane? Its on the bed. Wheres the bed? Its in the room. Where? Where? Wheres the cake? Frid。

15、Unit 7 Where? a bed Wheres the bed ? Its in the bedroom . a desk a chair Where ? a study in the study Wheres the fridge ? Its in the kitchen . Go . bathroom dinning-room sitting-room a。

16、蘇教三下語文】蘇教三年級數(shù)學下冊三位數(shù)除以一位數(shù)復(fù)習教案設(shè)計 第一課時 教學目標: 1、通過復(fù)習,讓學生能熟練地掌握三位數(shù)除以一位數(shù)的計算,并對計算中出現(xiàn)的各種情況進行比較,弄清它們之間的聯(lián)系和區(qū)別。 2、復(fù)習驗算和估算的方法。 3、培養(yǎng)學生學習的主動性以及合作、交流的意識。 教學重難點: 掌握三位數(shù)除以一位數(shù)的計算。 教學資源:卡片、小黑板 教學過程: 一、復(fù)習口算。 做。

17、Unit4 Time one two three six ten twelve four five seven eleven eight nine What can you see 1 3 6 8 9 4 5 7 11 2 10 12 Say the next number eleven twelve four five six seven two three Say the number b。

18、3B Unit10 Do you play? DaiBu Primary school Sun Ting ball basketball play basketball (打籃球) Basketball basketball I play basketball Lets chant: football play football (踢足球) Do you play footb。

19、Unit 5 Plus and minus Sorry, youre wrong. (對不起,你答錯了 ) Oh, no. ( 哦,不 ) zoo Lets go to the zoo. 動物園里有各種各樣的動物 ,請你 來數(shù)一數(shù)各有多少只 ,好嗎 ? Lets go to the zoo. Count(數(shù)一數(shù) ) one two three four five 1+4。

20、A: Excuse me , whats this/ that in / on .? B: Its a . A: Thank you. B: Is this/ that a ? A: Yes, it is ./No , it isnt . Its a B: Oh, I see. Is it/that a ? A: Look, this is Helens family photo. B:。

牛津蘇教三下《Unit 4 Time》(第2課時)ppt課件.ppt
牛津蘇教三下《Unit 5 Plus and minus》(第1課時)ppt課件.ppt
牛津蘇教三下《Unit 7 Where》ppt課件之二.ppt
牛津蘇教三下《Unit 8 I’m hungry》ppt課件.ppt
牛津蘇教三下《Unit 5 Plus and minus》ppt課件.ppt
牛津蘇教三下《Unit 6 Review and check》ppt課件.ppt
牛津蘇教三下《Unit 4 Time》ppt課件.ppt
牛津蘇教三下《Unit 10 Do you play ... 》ppt課件之三.ppt
牛津蘇教三下《Unit 7 Where》ppt課件.ppt
牛津蘇教三下《Unit 7 Where》ppt課件之五.ppt
牛津蘇教三下《Unit 8 I’m hungry》ppt課件之一.ppt
牛津蘇教三下《Unit 2 Yes or no》ppt課件.ppt
牛津蘇教三下《Unit 10 Do you play ... 》ppt課件.ppt
牛津蘇教三下《Unit 7 Where》ppt課件之三.ppt
牛津蘇教三下《Unit 7 Where》ppt參賽課件.ppt
牛津蘇教三下《Unit 7 Where》ppt課件之四.ppt
牛津蘇教三下《Unit 4 Time》ppt課件之一.ppt
牛津蘇教三下《Unit 10 Do you play ... 》ppt課件之四.ppt
牛津蘇教三下《Unit 5 Plus and minus》(公開課)ppt課件.ppt
牛津蘇教三下《Unit 6 Review and check》ppt課件之一.ppt
牛津蘇教三下《Unit 7 Where》ppt課件之六.ppt
牛津蘇教三下《Unit 7 Where》ppt課件之一.ppt
牛津蘇教三下《Unit 8 I’m hungry》ppt課件之二.ppt
烏蘭小學 蘇教三下《美麗的花邊》PPT課件.ppt
牛津蘇教三下《Unit 5 Plus and minus》(第2課時)ppt課件.ppt
牛津蘇教三下《Unit 2 Yes or no》(第一課時)ppt課件.ppt
牛津蘇教三下《Unit 5 Do you play ... 》ppt課件之一.ppt
牛津蘇教三下《Unit 10 Do you play ... 》ppt課件之一.ppt
牛津蘇教三下《Unit 7 Where》ppt課件(part BC).ppt
牛津蘇教三下《Unit 9 Shopping》ppt課件.ppt
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