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1、七下unit1總結與練習Unit 1 Can you play the guitarhelp sb.with sth. 在方面幫助某人help sb.do sth經典例句Can you help me with my English你能幫我。

2、111Unit1 Cultural RelicsClass _______Name __________NO. _____Score ______A. Fill in the blanks according to the first letter or the Chinese meaning given in the brackets.(210=20)1. The city attracts thousands of tourists because of its rich cultural r_______.2. It is a w________that he is still so healthy after returning from the war.3. There was no d__________that the house was destroyed by the flood at that time.4. Who can p___________that Chin has more people th。

3、高一英語練習與鞏固 (Unit 1 )單選1 .All passengers could get ________ as soon as they got onto the ship.A. food for free B. for free food C. for food free D. food freely2. If most breadwin。

4、Section Using Language基礎夯實 .單詞拼寫1It is ________ (正好是) four oclock, not one minute more nor one minute less.2The old man was ________ (感激的) to me for my carrying the luggage for him.3Sh。

5、The Tail of fameAll the exercises for Section ANew H orizon College EnglishUnit 1 : Section A Exercises 讀 寫 教 程 4 EX: I。

6、111Unit 1 Festivals around the World一、單詞拼寫1. The poor old man ___________(挨餓) to death for lack of food.2. There is _______ (充足) of rain for crops in this area.3. On our ______(到達) at the airport, we received a warm welcome.4. Do you know when India gained ________(獨立) from Britain?5. I dont know whether Russia is a _______(歐洲) country or an Asian country.6. Who is the h________ young man standing at the gate?7. In the countryside, winter is a season when a________ work is ove。

7、綠色圃中小學教育http:/www.LSPJY.com 綠色圃中學資源網http:/cz.L,1,Module7 Unit1 Whats this?,堯都區(qū)三元小學 高琳琳,New standard English,綠色圃中小學教育http:/www.LSPJY.com 綠色圃中學資源網http:/cz.L,綠色圃中小學教育http:/www.LSPJY.com 綠色圃中學資源網http:/cz.L,綠色圃中小學教育http:/www.LSPJY.com 綠色圃中學資源網http:/cz.L,綠色圃中小學教育http:/www.LSPJY.com 綠色圃中學資源網http:/cz.L,2,This is my school.,My name is Taotao. Im nine. Im a pupil.,綠色圃中小學教育http:/www.LSPJY.com 綠色圃中學資源網h。

8、Unit 1 外貌特征 頭 部與 皮 膚體型外表年齡著裝表情 頭 部與 皮 頭 部與 皮 膚fair straight dark greysmoothroughbeard moustachewrinklepale haircut hairs。

9、111Unit1 Building the futurePart One Teaching Design第一部分 教學設計Aims and requirements read an essay about food aid and development aid, and a feature story about sustainable development. listen to a conversation between a student and his grandfather about development discuss development and interview a government official write an essay about the development of your city or town prepare and present a report about how your city or town supports sustainable developmentProced。

10、111Unit1 Being a Teenager測試二、單項填空(共15小題;每小題1分,共15分)從下列每小題所給的A、B、C和D四個選項中,選出可以填人空白處的最佳選項。31. At the foot of the hill you could hear nothing but the _______of the running water.A. shout B. noise C. voice D. sound32. Your digital watch is quite nice. Where did you buy_____?I want to buy_____,too.A. one;one B. it;it C. it;one D. one;it33. Heilongjiang is in the _______of China.A. northeast B. northeastern C. northwest D. nor。

11、1.skate stand 2.born 3.admire 4.artist 5.playing practicing 1.did stand 2.was born 3.plays really well 4.get in trouble 5.what he did 1.won 2.expect 3.dropped 4.available,5.means 6.literature 7.hand。

12、Unit1重點知識講解及練習 Word Click afraid 【例句】I was also afraid to speak in class, because I thought my classmates might laugh at me. 【點擊】afraid adj.害怕的;犯愁的。在例句中的用法為:be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事。【拓展】a。

13、111Unit1 Cultural Relics第I卷 客觀題測試一、單項選擇(每小題1分,共計20分)1. How much does that ?A. add B. add up C. add to D. add up to2. get a good seat, he set out early after supper.A. In order to B. So that C. So as to D. In order that3. You come to his office. Our boss wont be back until next week.A. havent to B. wont have got to C. havent got to D. dont have got to4. This novel was concerned t。

14、高一英語必修一1-5單元練習 unit1 一)把句子補充完整 1. 你把所有的數(shù)加起來就會知道 You will know the __________ when you _______ ________ all the numbers. 2. 我們努力想讓他平靜下來,但他還是激動地大叫。 We tried to _________ him _________ but he kept ______。


module (7) Unit1

      module (7) Unit1

    上傳時間: 2019-10-06     大小: 1.55MB     頁數(shù): 13



    上傳時間: 2021-04-27     大小: 338.87KB     頁數(shù): 7

高三英語總復習 Unit1練習 新人教版必修2
Unit1《Cultural relics》同步練習1(人教版必修2)
Unit1《Festivals around the World》同步練習1(人教版必修3)
Unit1《 Building the future》Welcome to the unit1[ty] 教案 (牛津版選修10)
《Unit1 Being a teenager》同步練習1(冀教版必修1)
Unit1《Cultural relics》同步練習3(人教版必修2)
7B Unit1練習

      7B Unit1練習

    上傳時間: 2022-03-20     大小: 50KB     頁數(shù): 4

Unit1練習 (3)

      Unit1練習 (3)

    上傳時間: 2022-07-18     大小: 89.52KB     頁數(shù): 3

高三英語總復習 Unit1練習 新人教版必修3
高三英語總復習 Unit1練習 新人教版必修4
高三英語總復習 Unit1練習 新人教版選修6
高三英語總復習 Unit1練習 新人教版必修5
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