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1、牛津高中英語,(模塊五 高二上學期),Advance with English,Welcome to the unit,Unit,1,Unit 1,課件描述:,本課為聽說課,教師給學生營造民主開放的課堂氛圍,使學生在進行大量的聽說活動的過程中對朋友和友誼有更深的了解。本課通過大量的聽說活動主要解決三個問題:什么是友誼;朋友應該具備怎樣的品質;如何與朋友相處。學生在討論過程中將能自然運用上一課時所學的有關人的個性特點的形容詞,并掌握一定量的有關朋友話題的諺語和俗語。,Brainstorming: What is friendship to you?,Group work: 1.Talk about one of the pictures and t。

2、牛津高中英語,(模塊六 高二上學期),Advance with English,Reading,Unit,1,Stand-up for your health!,Unit 1,課件描述:,本課件通過文字和圖片,幫助教師處理Reading這篇文章;幫助學生更清晰的理解文章內容和框架,更直觀的了解stand-up這種西方喜劇形式。,A joke,Dad, cat! Run, run, run!,Take it easy, baby!,Miao,Miao,I have told you thousands of times to learn a foreign language is very important!,I see, dad.,A joke usually makes you laugh, and there are other things that will make you laugh. Look at the posters 。

3、Unit,1,Welcome to the unit,Unit 1,課件描述: 根據(jù)該板塊的設計意圖和功能,本課時的教學設計旨在激活學生與單元話題有關的已有知識,引導學生聯(lián)系自己的親身經(jīng)歷進行相關話題的討論,幫助學生為后面其它板塊的學習積累信息并同時進行詞匯準備,調動學生繼續(xù)學習本單元其它板塊的積極性。,Warming up,Can you make a list of the electrical appliances and electronic devices you have at home?,electrical appliances: A machine, usually one that is electrical, that is used for doing jobs in the home, such as washing clothe。

4、牛津高中英語,(模塊八 高二下學期),Advance with English,Welcome to the unit,板塊:教學設計課件,Unit,1,The written word,Unit 1,課件描述:,教師的目的在于使學生意識到書籍的重要性,并以此對學生以后的學習生活娛樂提出希望。 在教學設計中,貫穿其中的一個目標為培養(yǎng)學生的說服能力,從而為閱讀部分的閱讀技巧作鋪墊。具體體現(xiàn)為在所有的討論的過程中教師均應鼓勵學生用英語相互說服,尤其是situation1中的第三個任務與第三部分的debate。貫穿其中的另一個目標為提高學生在合作與探究中分析解決問題的能力。,Information Sharing,B。

5、牛津高中英語,(模塊二 高一上學期),Advance with English,Welcome to the unit,Unit 3,Amazing people,Unit 3,課件描述:,圍繞Amazing people這一話題,訓練學生的聽說能力,激發(fā)學生對話題的興趣,使學生“有話可說,有話會說”。,She is a superstar in Asia. She is good at acting.,Zhang jing chu,He is one of the most famous basketball players in the Lakers. He is considered to be the next Jordan.,Kobe Bryant,He is a famous singer. One of his famous songs is “Jiang Nan”.,JJ,He is the most famous Chinese player。

6、牛津高中英語,(模塊五 高二上學期),Advance with English,Welcome to the unit,Unit,3,Unit 3,課件描述:,本課件的目的和介紹說明文字。,Welcome to the unit,Height-increasing operations,an adult with a tiny figure,Listening,Legs can be lengthened by up to cm. Legs are made to grow 1 mm . The new bone is the original bone. A -year-old man died after trying to grow by 6 cm. Patients cannot do any exercise for years. It takes months to increase your height by 12 cm. Age of patients:。

7、牛津高中英語,(模塊四 高一下學期),Advance with English,Welcome,Unit,2,Sporting events,Unit 2,課件描述:,本單元是體育賽事,這是學生熟悉的話題,通過討論各項體育賽事來激發(fā)學生的學習興趣。,Sporting events,Do you like sports? What sports can you play?,What sports do you know?,Who is your favorite sportsperson?,Brainstorming:,Discuss the following sports with a partner to see how much you know about them.,It is convenient for people to play and does not require too much equipment. People have to be qui。

8、牛津高中英語,(模塊八 高二下學期),Advance with English,The universal language,板塊:教學設計課件,Unit,2,Welcome to the unit,Unit 2,課件描述:,To help students aware of the universal language. To encourage students to talk about their favorite kinds of music and musicians.,How do people from different countries communicate with each other?,Music: universal language?,Brainstorming Vocabulary related to music,kinds of music people related to music musical instruments,classical music, pop music, folk。

9、Laughter is good for you,Welcome to the unit,Brainstorming,1. Do you like laughing? Do you think laughter is good for us? 2. Usually what kind of things can make you laugh?,interesting and amusing TV programmes,comedians,crosstalk,funny pictures / books,circus,Lead-in,1. When you are in low spirits, what will you do to stop unpleasant feeling? listening to music or watching films seeing friends surfing the Internet do some reading watching a comedy,2. Can you name some comedians? Who is your fav。

10、牛津高中英語,(模塊八 高二下學期),Advance with English,Welcome to the unit,Unit,3,The world of colours and light,Unit 3 Welcome to the unit,課件描述:,本課件通過向學生展示一些圖片幫助學生了解繪畫的各種派別,在此基礎上,向他們展示各種繪畫工具和顏料,通過問題的討論使他們豐富繪畫的知識。,A video “Art Attack” appreciation,Lead-in,Questions: 1. Have you ever watched the program? What can you learn from it? 2. What type of painting is it? Nature, abstract or still lifes? And why?,Famous paintings app。

11、Unit,3,Welcome to the unit,A world of connections,Unit 3,課件描述:,本課的四幅圖片構成的海報介紹了因特網(wǎng)及其用途。學生將學會談論因特網(wǎng),把世界連接起來,所帶來的好處和不利之處,以及因特網(wǎng)將來的用處。,The Internet connects people all over the world. The Internet has both positive and negative aspects.,Talk about the computer.,Step 1: lead-in,Computer terms,Which programme would you like to watch tonight?,A programme is something that we use to control or operate a computer.,The music from the keyb。

12、Unit,3,Welcome to the unit,A world of connections,The Internet connects people all over the world. The Internet has both positive and negative aspects.,Talk about the computer.,Step 1: lead-in,Computer terms,Which programme would you like to watch tonight?,A programme is something that we use to control or operate a computer.,The music from the keyboard sounds like music from a real piano.,A keyboard is a set of keys on a computer that help you operate the computer.,Computer terms,I hate。

13、牛津高中英語,(模塊八 高二下學期),Advance with English,Welcome to the unit,板塊:教學設計課件,Unit,4,課件描述:,這是Unit 4的第一課時,在本單元起到引出話題的作用,該課時旨在激發(fā)學生興趣,引導他們討論與電影和全球電影節(jié)相關話題的內容。 課件第一部分:播放一段錄像并引出幾個相關電影話題的討論;課件第二部分:圍繞課本提供的電影節(jié)票展開討論;以及如何設計兒童電影票;課件第三部分:討論全球著名電影節(jié)。,Have you seen the movie? Are you interested in it? Why? What is your favorite film? What is it about?,Lead-。

14、The meaning of colour,Unit 3,Welcome to the unit,Cyan,Purple,Red,Orange,Yellow,Green,Blue,Which color do you like best and why?,The world is full of colors. Without colors, the world would be a far less interesting place.,Color and character,What does your favorite color reveal about you? (click on your favorite color),Your favorite color represents your personality.,Why do you think many people like tulips?,Many people like tulips because of their bright colors, romantic flames。

15、Unit 2,Unit 2 Neighbours,Welcome to the unit,1. What can you see in the pictures? 2. Can you tell me something about each picture?,Discussion,1. neighbour,n. 鄰居,Our neighbours are very warm. 我們的鄰居非常熱情。,New words,2. will,modal. v. (表示將來) 將,將會,Will is a modal verb. It is used with the base form of a verb.,I will go to Beijing next week.,3. visitor,n. 訪問者;參觀者,A visitor is someone who is visiting a person or place.,Students will visit museum on Sunday.,4. like,prep. 像,類。

16、Unit 3,Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town!,Welcome to the unit,shopping mall,go shopping,I like going shopping in the shopping mall. 我喜歡在商場購物。,Presentation,cinema n. 電影院,watch films,We can watch films in the cinema. 我們可以在電影院看電影。,football field,play football,We often play football on the football field. 我們經(jīng)常在足球場踢足球。,Chinese food,Many people like to have Chinese food. 許多人喜歡吃中國食物。,Where do you plan to go with your friends?,Free talk,What do you like/love/。

17、牛津高中英語,(模塊四 高一下學期),Advance with English,Welcome to the unit,Unit,1,Advertising,Unit 1,課件描述:,本堂課以聽說為主,是整個單元的第一課時,是對整個單元的導入,應起到引導學生對本單元主題即。

18、Welcome to the unit,Unit,2,Unit 2,課件描述:,本課件用于welcome to the unit,教學課時一課時。課件通過七個步驟,由淺至深,循序漸進,通過導入,猜測游戲,詞匯積累,看圖說話,話題討論等步驟讓學生對本單元的。

高中英語 Unit1 Getting along with others Welcome to the unit課件 牛津譯林版必修5.ppt
高中英語 Unit1 Living with technology Welcome to the unit課件 牛津譯林版選修7.ppt
高中英語 Unit3 Amazing people Welcome to the unit課件 牛津譯林版必修2.ppt
高中英語 Unit3 Science and nature Welcome to the unit課件 牛津譯林版必修5.ppt
高中英語 Unit3 The world of colours and light Welcome to the unit課件 牛津譯林版選修8.ppt
高中英語 Unit3 The world online Welcome to the unit課件 牛津譯林版選修7.ppt
高中英語 Unit3 Welcome to the unit課件 牛津譯林版選修7.ppt
高中英語 Unit4 The next step Welcome to the unit課件 牛津譯林版選修11.ppt
高中英語 Unit3 Tomorrows world Welcome to the unit課件 牛津譯林版必修4.ppt
高中英語 Unit1 Laughter is good for you Welcome to the unit課件 牛津譯林版選修6.ppt
高中英語 Unit1 The written word Welcome to the unit課件 牛津譯林版選修8.ppt
高中英語 Unit2 Sporting events welcome to the unit課件 牛津譯林版必修4.ppt
高中英語 Unit2 The Universal Language Welcome to the unit課件 牛津譯林版選修8.ppt
高中英語 unit2 Welcome to the unit課件 牛津譯林版選修6.ppt
高中英語 Unit4 Films and film events Welcome to the unit課件 牛津譯林版選修8.ppt
高中英語《Unit3 The meaning of colour》Welcome to the unit課件 牛津譯林版選修9.ppt
七年級英語下冊 Unit 2 Neighbours Welcome to the unit課件 (新版)牛津版.ppt
七年級英語下冊 Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town Welcome to the unit課件 (新版)牛津版.ppt
高中英語 Unit1 Advertising Welcome to the unit課件 牛津譯林版必修4.ppt
高中英語 Unit2 Fit for life Welcome to the unit課件 牛津譯林版選修7.ppt
高中英語 Unit 1 School life Welcome to the unit課件 牛津譯林版必修1.ppt
高中英語 Unit 1 Laughter is good for you Welcome to the unit課件 牛津版選修6.ppt
八年級英語下冊 Unit 1 Past and Present P1 Welcome to the unit課件 (新版)牛津版.ppt
八年級英語下冊 Unit 3 Online tours P1 Welcome to the unit課件 (新版)牛津版.ppt
八年級英語下冊 Unit 3 Online tours Welcome to the unit課件 (新版)牛津版.ppt
八年級英語下冊 Unit 4 A good read Welcome to the unit課件 (新版)牛津版.ppt
八年級英語下冊 Unit 4 A good read P1 Welcome to the unit課件 (新版)牛津版.ppt
八年級英語下冊 Unit 7 International Charities P1 Welcome to the unit課件 (新版)牛津版.ppt
八年級英語下冊 Unit 5 Good manners welcome to the unit課件 (新版)牛津版.ppt
七年級英語下冊 Unit 5 Amazing things Welcome to the unit課件 (新版)牛津版.ppt
M6U1 laughter is good for you_Welcome to the unitppt課件
高中英語 Unit 1 The world of our senses Welcome to the unit課件 牛津譯林版必修3.ppt
高中英語 Unit 3 Looking good,feeling good Welcome to the unit課件 牛津譯林版必修1.ppt
高中英語 Unit1 Careers and skills Welcome to the unit課件 牛津譯林版選修11.ppt
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