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1、Read the new words together correctly.,Task one:,Words and expressions of Unit 3,transport vt. n. ______________ disadvantage n. (反義詞) Prefer vt. n. persuade (adj.) (n.) graduate (n.) (n.)_________,transport/transportation,advantage,preference,persuasion,persuasive,graduate,graduation,determine(adj.) ___________ (n.) ___________ reliable(v.) ___________ organize(n.) . ___________ experience (n.) ___________。

2、Unit 4 Earthquakes,Reading,Question? What strange things happened before the earthquake?,Before The Earthquake,The animals were too nervous to eat Mice ran out of the fields Fish jumped out of bowls and ponds The water in the well rose and fell Bright light appeared in the sky,Numbers Events,At 3:42 One-third Two-thirds 400,000 75% , 90% Tens of thousands of 150,000 Most of 10,000,Began to shake,1/3 of the nation felt it,Died or injured,The number of people who died or injured,Factories。

3、Unit 5 Nelson Mandela -A Modern Hero,Marie Curie ( 1867- 1934 ) Polish scientist in 1903 the Noble Prize for Physics In 1911 the Noble Prize for Chemistry,Neil Alden Armstrong American pilot , astronaut the first person to walk on the moon “Thats one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.”,William Tyndale ( 1484-1536 ) Priest and scholar translate the Bible into Modern English,Albert Einstein born in Germany His theory in physics the Noble Prize in 1921 lived the rest of。

4、Unit 3 Computers Period 1 Warming up,Heavy! Difficult! Hard! Tired!,keyboard,mouse,monitor,screen,speaker,host computer,camera,What do they have in common?,an abacus,a calculator,a desktop,a notebook computer a laptop,digital camera,a robot,(What do they have in common?),I think that In my opinion I believe that Whats your reason? Why do you think so?,1.They can be used for calculating. 2.They can deal with maths problems. 3.They are our friends. 4.They are useful and helpful.,Discus。

5、wildlife,protection,Unit 4,Can you tell me the names of the animals in English?,Polar bear,Tibetan antelope(藏羚羊),South China Tiger華南虎,leopard,panda,K o a l a,Koala,milu deer,elephant,C r o c o d I l e,Crocodile,Giraffe,Tropic fish,golden monkey,red-crowned crane 丹頂鶴(仙鶴),Is it easy to see them now? What problems are they facing ?,They _____________ / ___________ .,are dying out,They are _____________ or_________ animals.,endangered,are in danger,extinct,Why are they in danger of disa。

6、Music,Unit 5,roll folk jazz,vt. 面包圈 adj. 民間的 n. 爵士音樂,Words preview,“Music is.a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy” Ludwig van Beethoven “音樂是比所有智慧和哲學都更為重要的發(fā)現(xiàn)。” 貝多芬,When I was young Id listen to the radio waiting for my favorite songs when they played Id sing along, it make me smile.,Yesterday once more,Those were such happy times and not so long ago How I wondered where theyd gone. But theyre back again just like a long lost friend all the songs 。

7、Life in The Future,A changing world,What will my future life be like?,Whatever will be will be,Warming Up,Discussion and fill in the chart.,Life in the past,Life at present,modern house,Maglev train,Environmentally friendly,energy -saving,Amazing speed: 430 kmh,engines,Computer system,safer,faster,cleaner,?,a solar energy car,life in the future,Light and fast traveling,Future motorbike,The Space City,The Space House,a robotic dog,Amphibious house,Space fruit,cars,trains, boats。

8、Unit 5,First aid,aid temporary injury bleed ankle choke,n. (使) 窒息,What is first aid?,First aid is ___________________ ___________ or ____________ before a doctor can be found.,a temporary form of,gets injured,help falls ill,Brainstorming: What words can you think of when you talk about accidents and first aid?,Accident First aid,drown,bleed,choke,burn/catch fire,cut,a bloody nose,a snake bite,a sprained ankle,a broken arm,What has happened to them?,What can you do to help?,Nowadays。

9、Warming up,Unit 3,Travel Journal,According to the survey on the net Sina, traveling around the world is the first dream of 71.2% of people who have taken part in the survey.,Why do so many people want to travel? /What are the advantages of traveling?,Why do so many people want to travel? /What are the advantages of traveling?,broaden ones view/mind enrich ones knowledge/experiences contact with different cultures meet people of different colors get to know the vastness of nature. relax, refres。

10、Unit 5 Nelson Mandela -A Modern Hero,Marie Curie ( 1867- 1934 ) Polish scientist in 1903 the Noble Prize for Physics In 1911 the Noble Prize for Chemistry,Neil Alden Armstrong American pilot , astronaut the first person to walk on the moon “Thats one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.”,William Tyndale ( 1484-1536 ) Priest and scholar translate the Bible into Modern English,Albert Einstein born in Germany His theory in physics the Noble Prize in 1921 lived the rest of。

11、Body language,Unit 4,Warming up,What is the feeling of the baby?,sad,surprised,looking down upon sb.,Definition for Body Language,1) One form of communication without using any words,Eye contact,Facial expression,Gesture,Posture,Do you know the meaning of these gestures?,silent,I love you.,Good luck!,stop,Guess,Good!,Thumbs up,Guess,Bad!,Thumbs down,Guess,Come here!,Moving his hand up and down with the palm facing up,Guess,Me?,Putting the fingers on the chest,Guess,I dont know!,Shrugging his。

12、Unit 2 English around the world Warming up,With economy globalization, English has become the best bridge to serve the purpose of people all over the world communicating with one another.,An international talk/meeting,In what situations is English used?,Doing international trade,At school,Listening to radio, watching TV,Singing English songs.,Seeing English movies,Countries speak English as their native language:,Britain,America,Canada,Australia,New Zealand,Ireland,South Africa,the USA,Canad。

13、Unit 3,A taste of English humour,Warming up,Teaching aims: Enable students to talk about some types of English humor and Chinese humor. Key points: Help students learn how to understand and enjoy English humors. Difficult points: Help students know the differences between English and Chinese in humor.,You do know my love.,She is good at Chinese Kongfu.,郭冬臨,馮鞏,馬季,馬三立,陳佩斯,趙本山,He is a famous British poet. His poems are funny and they were all from daily life.,Edward Lear。

14、Unit 5 Nelson Mandela a modern hero Warming up,Words about qualities,hard-working 努力的 lazy 懶惰的 cruel 殘忍的 selfish 自私的 friendly 友好的 stubborn 固執(zhí)的 reliable 可靠的, 可信賴的 mean 吝嗇的, 小氣的 determined 有決心的, 堅定的 generous 慷慨的, 大方的 devoted 忠實的, 深愛的 honest 誠實的, 忠實地,easy-going 容易相處的 frank 直率的, 真誠的 brave 勇敢的 kind 友好的 active 主動的, 活躍的 strong-willed 意志堅強的 intelligent 理解力強的 warm-hearted 熱心的 confident 有信心的 willing to help 助。

15、Theme parks- Fun and more than fun,Warming up,Unit 5,Teaching aims: 1.Enable Ss to talk something about parks. 2. get Ss to match the names of the parks with the pictures. Teaching important points: Get Ss to know which pictures are theme parks.,Questions: What is a park? What is a park for?,Which are theme parks?,A garden in Suzhou,Hyde Park,World Waterpark,Disneyland,Theme parks,Which are theme parks?,Ocean Park,Central park,World Waterpark in Canada,Shenzhen World Park,Theme parks。

16、Unit 2 English around the world,English Around the World,the USA,Canada,New Zealand,Australia,South Africa,the United Kingdom,Ireland,India,This unit will give us a better understanding of:,(1) how English developed,(2) how it is spoken in the world.,Questions,(1)Which language do you think is the most widely used language in the world? (2) Do you think Chinese can be a world language? Why?,Small Quiz,Lets do a small quiz to distinguish the national flags of different countries, and f。

17、Poems,Unit 2,She Walks in Beauty Byron She walks in beauty, like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all thats best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes: Thus mellowd to that tender light Which heaven to gaudy day denies.,Objective,Think back and try to remember poems from both your early childhood and more recent years.,我們在此處增加本課時重點單詞和短語表達部分, 旨在幫助學生在上課前對早讀學習的單詞及短語進行復習回顧,從而加深記憶。 用一分鐘時間對單詞進行復習,使學。

18、Warming up,Unit 3 Inventors and inventions,How can you divide 13 oranges among 9 children fairly?,make orange juice,Creativity,How to be a good inventor?,Creative Education Hard-working Practical skil。

19、Unit 1 Friendship Warming up,Look at the two pictures. Do you know them?,Have you ever heard of the song Auld Lang Synge?,Auld Lang Syne Should auld acquaintance be forgot. 老朋友怎能遺忘掉, And neve。

20、Unit 3 Travel journal Warming up,Travelling widens our view, increases our knowledge, and builds our bodies.,旅游可使我們開闊視野, 增長知識, 鍛煉體魄。,Discussion,Do you like travelling?,Have you ever。

Unit 4-Warming Up課件
英語人教版必修1 Unit5 Warming up課件
高中英語 Unit 4 Body language GrammarWarming up課件 新人教版必修4.ppt
高中英語 Unit 2 English around the world Warming up課件 新人教版必修1.ppt
高中英語 Unit 3 A taste of English humour Warming upWarming up課件 新人教版必修4.ppt
高中英語 Unit2 English around the world Warming up課件 新人教版必修1.ppt
高中英語 Unit 1 Friendship Warming up課件 新人教版必修1.ppt
高中英語 Unit 3 Travel journal Warming up課件 新人教版必修1.ppt
高中英語 Unit 4 Earthquake Warming up課件 新人教版必修1.ppt
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高中英語 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero Warming up課件 新人教版必修1.ppt
高中英語 Unit3 Travel journal Warming up課件 新人教版必修1.ppt
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