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 Module 6 Films and TV Programmes。________ 測試時間。Section Ⅳ Other Parts of the Module。2.A great many teenagers became ____________ (。


1、Cultural Corner,Health Care Systems,Module 1Our body and healthy habits,Look at the headlines from the Web pages. What do you know about the health care system of China in the past?,New-type Rural Cooperative Medical Insurance System 新型農(nóng)村合作醫(yī)療保險制度,SKIMMING,To know more about the health care systems in foreign countries, please skim the text and answer the questions:,1. How many countries are mentioned in the text? What are they? 2. What problems are there in Britain Health Care System。

2、Language Points,Module One,sometimes, sometime, some time,They _________ go skiing in winter. Well meet again ________ next week. I bought it ___________ last spring. Ill be away for _____________.,sometimes,sometime,sometime,some time,rare, rarely, seldom, hardly,I saw a __________ butterfly. He is _________ ill. = It is ______ that he is ill. it is ______ for him to be ill. I _________ go out in the rain. ______ do we see him nowadays. =We _____ ____ see him nowadays. I seldom met him. = Sel。

3、Our Body and Healthy habits,Reading + Grammar 1,豁達(dá)者長壽。 健康勝過財富。 有目標(biāo)的人才能有真正的健康。 沒有健康,人類就沒有樂趣。 健康失去時,始知其價值。,A light heart lives long.,Health is better than wealth.,A man needs a purpose for real health.,Without health no pleasure can be tasted by man.,Health is never valued until sickness comes.,病來如山倒,病去如抽絲。 病從口入。 疾病是可以感覺到的,但健康則完全不覺得。 快樂首先在于有健康的身體。 預(yù)防勝于治療。,Diseases come on horseback, but go 。

4、Our Body and Healthy habits,Reading,豁達(dá)者長壽。 健康勝過財富。 有目標(biāo)的人才能有真正的健康。 沒有健康,人類就沒有樂趣。 健康失去時,始知其價值。,A light heart lives long.,Health is better than wealth.,A man needs a purpose for real health.,Without health no pleasure can be tasted by man.,Health is never valued until sickness comes.,病來如山倒,病去如抽絲。 病從口入。 疾病是可以感覺到的,但健康則完全不覺得。 快樂首先在于有健康的身體。 預(yù)防勝于治療。,Diseases come on horseback, but go away on foot。

5、必修2 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits,漫畫欣賞,畫面描述,An oil lamp is twinkling with a happy smile in the dark.Around it are some words “Love is similar to a light shining brighter in the dark”.,寓意理解,Love is considered more precious in more difficult situations and more needed by those who are in urgent need of help.,你能否對此加以擴(kuò)展,寫一篇120詞左右的小短文?,重 點 單 詞,1diet n飲食;日常飲食;vi.照醫(yī)生的規(guī)定飲食 The doctor ordered him to go on a diet to lose weight. 醫(yī)生要他按規(guī)。

6、核心單詞 1. anxious adj. 焦慮的;渴望的;不安的 常用結(jié)構(gòu): be anxious about sth.為擔(dān)憂 be anxious to do / for sth. 渴望做某事/ 得到某物 I was anxious about the children when they didnt come back home from school. 孩子們放學(xué)后沒有回家,我非常擔(dān)心。,Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits,2. crazy adj. 瘋狂的;狂熱的,著迷的 常用結(jié)構(gòu): be crazy about對著迷;熱愛 drive sb. crazy 使某人發(fā)瘋 go crazy 發(fā)瘋,變瘋 Young girls and boys have grown crazy about rock music. 孩子們對搖滾樂近于瘋狂。 She went craz。

7、Module 1 Book2,Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits,Learning Aims:,l. Review and study some new words about health and body. 2. Improve the ability of reading and analyze some difficult and long sentences. 3. Read Zhou Kai1-2 and master all the exercises and retell the passage.,Vocabulary and reading,You are what you eat. Healthy mind in a healthy body. Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.,飲食決定你的健康/吃啥補啥。,有健全的身。

8、單詞聚焦 1___ n 飲食;日常食物 2____ adj. 稀少的,罕有的 3________ n. 牙痛 4_________ adj. 不健康的;有礙健康的 5______ adj. 富裕的;有錢的 6_______ adj. 焦慮的;不安的;渴望的,diet,rare,toothache,unhealthy,wealthy,anxious,7______ vt. 傷害 8______ adj. 疼痛的 9_______ n. 生活方式 10______ adj. 正常的;一般的 11_____ vi. 朝方向前進(jìn) 12___ vt. 注視;觀看 13 __________adj. (人)太胖的;超重的,overweight,eye,head,normal,lifestyle,painful,injure,14____ n. 肺 15_____ n. 喉嚨;咽喉;嗓子 16______ vi. 呼。

9、Our Body and Healthy Habits,Look at these words and the expressions, then complete the sentences with them dentist diet fat fit flu (influenza) health rare toothache unhealthy get/catch a cold wealth,1.If you have a ______ ,youd better go to see the ________ 2.In order to keep ________,you should take more exercise. 3.My nose is blocked because I have____________ _____ _____. 4.Good______means_______. 5.It is said that bird ______ is dangerous. 6.My wife is __________in order to lo。

10、單詞聚焦 1___ n 飲食;日常食物 2____ adj. 稀少的,罕有的 3________ n. 牙痛 4_________ adj. 不健康的;有礙健康的 5______ adj. 富裕的;有錢的 6_______ adj. 焦慮的;不安的;渴望的,diet,rare,toothache,unhealthy,wealthy,anxious,7______ vt. 傷害 8______ adj. 疼痛的 9_______ n. 生活方式 10______ adj. 正常的;一般的 11_____ vi. 朝方向前進(jìn) 12___ vt. 注視;觀看 13 __________adj. (人)太胖的;超重的,overweight,eye,head,normal,lifestyle,painful,injure,14____ n. 肺 15_____ n. 喉嚨;咽喉;嗓子 16______ vi. 呼。

11、核心單詞 1. offer v.& n.提供;提出;出價,索價;奉獻(xiàn),犧牲 Someone will offer you 200,000 yuan for your house. 有人愿意出價200,000元買你的房子。 My classmates offer to help me with my English. 我的同學(xué)主動提出幫助我學(xué)習(xí)英語。 He offered his life to the country.他把生命獻(xiàn)給了祖國。,Module 2 No Drugs,易混辨析 offer/provide/supply 三者都有“提供,供給”之意,但也有不同之處。主要從以下三個方面比較: 三者搭配不同:offer 強調(diào)主動提供,愿意做某事; 而supply和provide無此意;provide側(cè)重指無主動慷慨之意地為。

12、Module 2 No Drugs,漫畫欣賞,畫面描述,A young man is running toward the end of a race,sweating all over.The end line leaves a deep impression on us,for it is both “finish line” and “starting line” if we look at it from a different angle.,寓意理解,Achievement calls for celebration.But life is just like an endless race.An ambitious person will well realize that his success is the starting point for a new race.,重 點 單 詞,1addictive adj.使人上癮的;(藥物等)上癮的;上了的癮 The problem with vid。

13、單詞聚焦 1________ n 香煙 2_______ n. 煙草;煙絲 3________ adj. (藥物等)上癮的 4______ n. 危險 5_______ vt. 注射,cigarette,tobacco,addictive,danger,inject,6_______ n. (注射用的)針;針管 7_________ adj. 有力的;(藥等)有功效 的 8______ vt. 減少 9______ adj. 附近的 10______ n. 罪行,犯罪行為 11______ adj. 違法的,不合法的 12_________ n. 治療 13_____ n. 成人,adult,treatment,illegal,crime,nearby,reduce,powerful,needle,14_______ vi. 不同意;意見不合 15____ vt. 禁止 16_______ adj. 令人不快的,極討厭的 。

14、單詞聚焦 1________ n 香煙 2_______ n. 煙草;煙絲 3________ adj. (藥物等)上癮的 4______ n. 危險 5_______ vt. 注射,cigarette,tobacco,addictive,danger,inject,6_______ n. (注射用的)針;針管 7_________ adj. 有力的;(藥等)有功效 的 8______ vt. 減少 9______ adj. 附近的 10______ n. 罪行,犯罪行為 11______ adj. 違法的,不合法的 12_________ n. 治療 13_____ n. 成人,adult,treatment,illegal,crime,nearby,reduce,powerful,needle,14_______ vi. 不同意;意見不合 15____ vt. 禁止 16_______ adj. 令人不快的,極討厭的 。

15、Module 3 Music,漫畫欣賞,畫面描述,A pair of proud compasses and a hardworking pencil.The compasses are big,drawing a circle with ease,while the pencil is small,drawing a line with great effort.,寓意理解,The compasses are proud because no one else can do the job better.However,the pencil has its own advantages.The pencil can do other shapes better than the compasses. While we are confident in ourselves,we should recognize strengths in others and show due respect for them.,重 點 單 詞,你能否對。

16、核心單詞 1. steal v. 偷,偷竊 He is not likely to steal money from others. 他不可能從別人那里偷錢。 He had his bike stolen. 他的自行車被偷了。 易混辨析 stealrob steal 指暗中偷竊,用于steal sth. 或steal sth. from sb./some place 結(jié)構(gòu)。接“物”作賓語。 rob指公開搶劫他人財物,用于rob sb./some place of sth.結(jié)構(gòu)。接“人或地點”作賓語。,Module 3 Music,The girl was robbed of her money when she went home last night. 女孩昨晚回家時錢被偷了。 2. interest vt. 使感興趣 n. 興趣;趣味;利益;利息 常用結(jié)構(gòu): ha。

17、單詞聚焦 1________ n 聽眾 2_______ n. 古典音樂 3_________ n. 指揮 4____ n. 爵士樂 5________ n. 音樂家 6_____ n. 宮廷,audience,classical,conductor,jazz,musician,court,7_______ n. 指揮 8______ n. 天才 9___ vt. 失去;丟失 10_______ adj. 音樂的 11_________ n. 交響樂;交響曲;交響 樂團(tuán) 12_____ n. 天分;天賦;才華 13____ vt. 巡回演出,tour,talent,symphony,musical,lose,genius,director,14_____ n. 樂隊 15_______ adj. 復(fù)雜的 16________ vt. 影響 17____ n. 曲調(diào) 18______ vt. 錄音 19_______ n. (大學(xué)的)講師 20_。

18、單詞聚焦 1________ n 聽眾 2_______ n. 古典音樂 3_________ n. 指揮 4____ n. 爵士樂 5________ n. 音樂家 6_____ n. 宮廷,audience,classical,conductor,jazz,musician,court,7_______ n. 指揮 8______ n. 天才 9___ vt. 失去;丟失 10_______ adj. 音樂的 11_________ n. 交響樂;交響曲;交響 樂團(tuán) 12_____ n. 天分;天賦;才華 13____ vt. 巡回演出,tour,talent,symphony,musical,lose,genius,director,14_____ n. 樂隊 15_______ adj. 復(fù)雜的 16________ vt. 影響 17____ n. 曲調(diào) 18______ vt. 錄音 19_______ n. (大學(xué)的)講師 20_。

19、Cultural Corner,Culture Corner-1. Speaking (4m) Do you know them?,tabloids,fashion,politics,celebrity,photographer,journalist,front cover,front page,headline,photograph,article,Culture Corner-2. Reading (8m) Read the passage and fill the form.,the quality press,concentrate on news, sports, finance and cultural events. ( more serious ),The Times,the popular press ( tabloid ),concentrate on famous people, the royal family, and has large headlines and lots of big photos.,The Sun,The New York。

20、Period 2,Module 5 Newspaper and Magazines Vocabulary &Reading,Revision -1. Filling (5m) Complete this conversation with words from the box.,A: Are there any good______in todays paper? B: Yes, theres an article on the __________. A: Are there any good_____? B: No, it says that the oil price will go up continually. A: What else? Whos ________ interview with? B: Its Xia Anling, the _________ designer. A: Sorry , Im not interested in clothes. Whats the ________ page story? B: Heres the _。

高一英語單元復(fù)習(xí)配套課件:Module6《Films and TV Programmes》 (外研版必修2)
高一英語單元復(fù)習(xí)配套課件:Module2《No Drugs》 (外研版必修2)
高二英語備課《Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits》Grammar課件3 外研版必修2
高二英語備課《Module 6 Films and TV Programmes》課件3 外研版必修2
高二英語備課《Module 6 Films and TV Programmes》課件2 外研版必修2
高二英語備課《Module 6 Films and TV Programmes》課件 外研版必修2
高二英語備課《Module 6 Films and TV Programmes》創(chuàng)新課件 外研版必修2
高二英語備課《Module 6 Films and TV Programmes》reading課件 外研版必修2
高二英語備課《Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines》課件2 外研版必修2
高二英語備課《Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines》課件 外研版必修2
高二英語備課《Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines》創(chuàng)新課件 外研版必修2
高一英語備課《Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits》能力闖關(guān)2 外研版必修2
高考英語一輪復(fù)習(xí) 《Films and TV Programmes》課時作業(yè) 外研版必修2
高一英語備課《Module 2 No Drugs》the 4th Period教案 外研版必修2
高一英語備課《Module 2 No Drugs》課堂45分鐘課時針對性精練 外研版必修2
高一英語備課《Module 3 Music》the 5th Period教案 外研版必修2
高一英語備課《module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits》-grammar教案 外研版必修2
高一英語備課《Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits》grammar學(xué)案4 外研版必修2
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高一英語備課《Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits》the 2ed Period教案 外研版必修2
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高一英語備課《Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits》教案 外研版必修2
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高一英語備課《Module 6 Films and TV Programmes》 Grammar學(xué)案 外研版必修2
高一英語備課《Module 6 Films and TV Programmes》 words and phrases學(xué)案 外研版必修2
高一英語備課《Module 6 Films and TV Programmes》the 1st Period教案 外研版必修2
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高考英語一輪復(fù)習(xí) 《No Drugs》課時作業(yè) 外研版必修2
高一英語備課《Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits學(xué)案1 外研版必修2
高一英語備課《Module 2 No Drugs》the 2ed Period教案 外研版必修2
高一英語備課《Module 2 No Drugs》教案 外研版必修2
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高一英語備課《Module 3 Music》the 3rd Period教案 外研版必修2
高一英語備課《Module 3 Music》教案2 外研版必修2
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