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Ⅰ.選詞填空。4.We are off to a new city f。2019-2020年高中英語 Unit12 SectionⅢ 語言點二 The New Australians應用落實 北師大版必修4 Ⅰ.句型轉(zhuǎn)換 1.To be honest。


1、教學無憂http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/專注中小學 教學事業(yè)!.選詞填空1The competition is to pick_out some excellent singers to take part in the National Competition.2It is illegal to put_up advertisements on the street.3Hearing his name called, the sleepy boy stood up in_astonishment.4On the influence of playing computers, parents disagree_with the children. 5It is considered impolite to stare_at others in public.單項填空1Though the enemy attacked the bridge again and again, the soldiers m。

2、教學無憂http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/專注中小學 教學事業(yè)!.完成句子1A_huge_amount_of_money_ (大量的錢) is spent on advertisement every year.2The news report about poorquality milk brought the food safety to the attention of people (使公眾關(guān)注食品安全)3The bird tried to escape_from (從逃走) the cage.4Because_of (由于) the drought in Africa, people there always suffer_from (遭受) starvation.5The girls are_fond_of (喜歡) beautiful flowers. .單項填空1Lack ________ food made us feel much colder.Afrom。

3、教學無憂http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/專注中小學 教學事業(yè)!.選詞填空1The meeting room built in the 1960s is still in_use.2The 30th Olympic Games took_place in London on July 28th, 2012.3What impressed us deeply is that the ground was_covered_with pink cherry flowers when we arrived in Japan.4The big hall was_full_of the fans of Jay Chou.5To our surprise, the little boy could put the toy car together.6It is easy to get_lost_in the big forests of northeast China.單項填空1Paper money was in。

4、教學無憂http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/專注中小學 教學事業(yè)!.選詞填空go through, remind . of, at the mercy of, in return, be honoured for, consist of1The little tree was at_the_mercy_of the strong wind.2The boy always help the managers son study English, so the manager gave him a computer in_return.3The team consists_of ten students who share the same interest.4The teacher has_been_honoured_for her contribution to education.5To our joy, our plan has been_gone_through.6These Games re。

5、教學無憂http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/專注中小學 教學事業(yè)!.選詞填空1. Mr. Smith felt lonely, because his children have all grown_up and left home now.2The earthquake is the worst one in_the_history_of China.3At_one_point I think she is going to refuse, but in the end she agrees.4Liu Xiang held_the_record of 12.88 seconds for 110hurdle for almost 2 years.5The new bridge in our city was_named_after the designer. 6Liu Qian is_known_as a magician. .單項填空1Tom________ in a big family。

6、教學無憂http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/專注中小學 教學事業(yè)!.選詞填空When I looked_back_at my childhood, I found I always had_fun playing outdoors. So I want to share this enjoyment with my students, for compared_with our generation, they have few chances to play outdoors.單項填空1As true friends, we should not only ________ happiness but sadness with each other. AuseBshareCtake Dbring解析:選B。 考查固定搭配。句意:真正的朋友不僅要分享快樂也要分擔悲傷。share . with .為固定搭配,表示“與共用/分享”。

7、教學無憂http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/專注中小學 教學事業(yè)!.選詞填空in my view, be considered as, be likely to do, a number of, in other words, take part in, look forward to, play an important part in1The 3D film of Titanic is_considered_as a success.2A_number_of children are looking_forward_to the coming of Childrens Day. 3In_my_view,_good study habits play_an_important_part_in study.4It is reported that Dong Qing is_likely_to get married this year.5Do you like to take_part_in the s。

8、教學無憂http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/專注中小學 教學事業(yè)!.選詞填空take advantage of, be bored with, side by side, consist of, rather than, in decline 1To our satisfaction, the housing price has_been_in_decline in the past few months.2It is well known that all matter consists_of atoms.3It is obvious that the students have been_bored_with the boring class.4After giving birth to a boy, she still wants to be a career woman rather_than a housewife.5Many people decided to take_advantage_of the。

9、教學無憂http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/專注中小學 教學事業(yè)!.選詞填空be devoted to, be blessed with, far from, beg for, try out, make an impression on, come out, in order1As soon as the book Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother(虎媽戰(zhàn)歌) came_out,_it became popular among the young parents.2He was far_from being satisfied with the current position in the company, so at last he left.3The girl talked eloquently (富有表現(xiàn)力地) in order that she could make an impression on the interviewers. 4The city i。

10、教學無憂http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/專注中小學 教學事業(yè)!.選詞填空1A good film is always combining education with entertainment.2The tower looks more beautiful in_the_distance.3As we all known, China has_a_population_of over 1.3 billion.4Have you ever heard_of the story of Niulang and Zhin?5Hearing the news, the old man picked_up an umbrella and went out.6We will set_off on a trip across Canada.單項填空1It is reported that by now the population of China ________ to more than th。

11、教學無憂http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/專注中小學 教學事業(yè)!.選詞填空1I tried to draw_your_attention_to certain facts.2Be kind to your motherinlaw, and if_necessary,_pay for her board at some good hotels.3Why are_ you so rude_to your little brother?4You cant legally take_possession_of the property until three weeks after the contract is signed.5The report is_based_on figures from six different European cities.單項填空1As the MidAutumn Festival approaches, a new kind。

12、教學無憂http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/專注中小學 教學事業(yè)!.介詞填空1It is of vital importance to prevent air pollution.2Have you agreed on the plan of summer holiday?3Apart from basketball, the boy shows great interest in playing the piano.4Exercise can contribute to good health.5The mayor was still in danger, because he got involved in a terrible accident.單項填空1________ the injuries to his face and hands, he broke both legs.ABesideBExceptCIn addition DApart from解析。

13、111.選詞填空come to ones rescue, be set in, far from, worn out, make an appeal to1Have you ever read a novel which is_set_in prewar London?2Computer, far_from destroying jobs, can create employment.3He held on to a branch until we came_to_his_rescue. 4The police made_an_appeal_to the public to remain calm.5I was worn_out after a day of shopping.單項填空1(2010安徽高考)How did you like Nicks performance last night?To be honest,his singing didnt _____。

14、111.選詞填空start out, build up, mix with, in addition, focus on1Shake the bottle well so that the oil mixes_with the vinegar.2Did she start_out at nine or eight this morning?3Modern medicine has tended to focus_on developing highly complicated surgical techniques.4Its important to build_up his confidence little by little.5He learns English and in_addition,_he also learns Spanish.單項填空1How about your present salary?My basic salary is about $500 and________ I。

15、111.選詞填空regardless of, in defence of, in the minority, as long as, view . as .1.In_defence_of the city, they put up a strong defence against the enemys invasion.2In our factory, women workers are in_the_minority3As_long_as you meet these demands, you will be admitted into our school.4Dont always view him as a child; hes grown up.5People in the country demand equal treatment for all, regardless_of race, religion or sex.單項填空1Mr. Green didnt think。

16、111.選詞填空have a tendency to, make sure, give thought to, learn about, dream of, show off1Most of the young men who do not have a car dream_of having one of their own some day.2Giving_thought_to the special standard, we must make a very careful plan.3People under stress have_a_tendency_to express their full range of potential.4He made_sure that the rope was tight.5How did you learn_about the meeting?6She likes to show_off her fine clothes in public.單項填空1John had mad。

17、111.完成句子1吉姆一心想成為一個音樂家。Jim is_bent_on becoming a musician.2他認為很難按自己的理想辦事。He finds it hard to live_up_to his ideals.3這個問題與調(diào)查的主題沒有任何關(guān)系。The question has_nothing_to_do_with the main topic of the survey.4母親為準備湯姆的婚禮已忙碌了整整一星期。Mom has_been_on_the_run all week preparing for Toms wedding.單項填空1He is________ mastering English. To learn it, he gets up early and goes to bed late every day.Abent onBbound toCdesperate to Dabundant in解析:選。

18、111【牛津選修8】 2014高考英語(江蘇專用)全程復習方略 課時提升 作業(yè)二十四:Unit1 The written word(含詳細解析). 單項填空1. (2013沈陽模擬)We have madeclear that we are strongly against smoking in the office. A. thisB. thatC. itD. one2. He accidentallyhe had stolen something from a shop and had been punished by the guards. A. let outB. took careC. made sureD. made out3. I knew he failed in the final exam the moment Ihim crying alone in the classroom. A. at the sight ofB. caught s。

19、111.介、副詞填空1New technology is being applied to almost every industrial process.2Please dont split up when we get to the museum.3They agreed to put two foreigners up for the summer holiday.4Well have to put off going on vacation until you are better.5Isnt it time you got down to going over your lessons?6She has invited all her relatives and friends to participate in her wedding.單項填空1(2012安徽高考)The athletes years of hard training ________ when。

20、111.介、副詞填空1This is more than I can understand.2He is known to the police for his previous criminal record.3He employed a foreigner to act as his bodyguard.4We are off to a new city for a holiday next month.5The local cinema is putting on the new film My Kingdom.6The waiting time for an operation can be upwards of two weeks.7Who do you think will take over his position?.單項填空1She packed her luggage, and________ to Qingdao for the physics contest.Atook off B。

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