關鍵詞:復合模 拉深工藝 塑性 韌性 模具制造
Hurtle a kind of tool of press the molding tool conduct and actions manufacturing product( or the half product), its function is to complete a certain craft. Therefore hurtling to press designer must control to hurtle to press the craft, the classification, various craft calculation, craft that includes to hurtle to press the craft establishes etc. the foundation knowledge, just can choose the type of the molding tool and then, carry on the molding tool design, make the type, structure and size etc. of the molding tool satisfy the request of the craft and product.
Cold hurtle to press the craft to divide mostly two type: Separate the work preface and model the work preface. Purpose that separates the work preface is at hurtle to ran over the distance lieutenant general to hurtle to press the piece and planks to anticipate to press certain outline line to carry on the separation: Separating the work preface can is divided in to fall to anticipate again, blunt bore and shear to slice etc.. The purpose that models the work preface is to make hurtle to press the hair , the creation transforms under the condition of not break its integrity, and convert the shape that product need: Take shape the work preface and is divided into the flection and pull deep, turn over the side, turn over the bore, bulge form and expand the bore, etc.. Cold hurtle to press the molding tool is main craft equipments that hurtles to press to produce. Hurtle the surface quantity, size accuracy, rate of production and the economy performance etc.
To the first work preface of the spare parts, this design use just pack to fall to anticipate to pull the deep compound mold to complete. In consideration of the work piece belongs to revolve the body, is a tube of general convex good luck piece, the shape is simple, symmetry. And 08 plastic and tenacities of the steels of material use are all high, did not return to the fire frailty sexual orientation, pull the deep craft better, a Cape is also iner keeping with. The past molding tool manufacturing is convenient, two work prefaces complete in a molding tool, producing the efficiency high.
Keyword: The compound mold pulls、 the deep craft、 plastic 、plastictenacity molding tool manufacturing
緒論 1
第1章 設計內容及要求 4
第2章 零件的工藝性分析 5
2.1 毛坯材料的分析 5
2.2 工藝分析 5
第3章 沖壓工藝方案的確定 6
第4章 主要設計計算 7
4.1 毛坯尺寸計算(應按拉深件的中線尺寸計算) 7
4.1.1 確定毛坯尺寸計算的依據 7
4.1.2 計算毛坯直徑 7
4.2 排樣方式確定 7
4.2.1 排樣相關計算 7
4.3 成形次數的確定 8
4.4 判斷是否用壓邊裝置 8
4.5 確定工件各次拉深的尺寸 9
4.5.1 首次拉深直徑 9
4.5.2 計算以后各次拉深工序件尺寸 10
4.6 沖壓工序壓力計算 10
4.6.1 落料力的計算 10
4.6.2 壓邊力計算 11
4.6.3 拉深力的計算 11
4.6.4 沖壓工藝總力 11
4.7 壓力中心的確定 11
4.8 工作部分尺寸計算 11
4.8.1 落料刃口尺寸計算 11
4.8.2 拉深部分尺寸計算 12
第5章 模具的總體設計 14
5.1 模具類型的選擇 14
5.2 定位方式的選擇 14
5.3 卸料、出件方式的選擇 14
5.4 壓邊裝置的確定 14
5.5 導向方式的選擇 14
第6章 主要零部分的結構設計 15
6.1 工作零件的結構設計 15
6.1.1 落料凹模的設計 15
6.1.2 拉深凸模的設計 15
6.1.3 凹凸模的設計 16
6.2 其它零部分的設計 16
6.2.1 彈性元件的設計 16
6.2.2 模架及其它零部分的選用 17
第7章 模具總裝圖及其工作過程的分析 18
7.1 模具總裝圖 18
7.2 模具工作過程分析 18
第8章 沖壓設備的選定 20
第9章 工作零件的加工工藝性 21
第10章 模具的裝配過程 22
10.1 裝配前的準備 22
10.2 裝入模柄 22
10.3 裝配凸凹模 22
10.4 裝配凸模 22
10.5 裝配下模 23
10.6 裝配上模 23
10.7 安裝凹模 23
10.8 試切 23
10.9 裝配其它零件 23
第11章 模具調試 24
11.1 模具調試的目的 24
11.2 模具的調試 24
11.3 該模具的調試 25
結論 26
致謝 27
參考文獻 28
附表 29
摘要 : 沖壓模具作為制造產品(或半產品)的一種工具,其作用是完成某種工藝。模具設計必須滿足工藝要求,最終滿足產品的形狀、尺寸和精度的要求。因此沖壓設計師必須掌握沖壓工藝,包括沖壓工藝的分類、各種工藝計算、工藝制訂等基礎知識,而后才可以選擇模具的類型,進行模具設計,使模具的類型表面質量、尺寸精度結構及尺寸等滿足工藝及產品的要求。 冷沖壓工藝大致分兩類:分離工序和成型工序。分離工序的目的是在沖壓過程中將沖壓件與板料按一定的輪廓線進行分離:分離工序又可分為落料、沖孔和剪切等。成型工序的目的是使沖壓毛胚在不破壞其完 整性的條件下產生塑性變形,并轉化成產品所需要的形狀:成形工序又分為彎曲、拉深、翻邊、翻孔、脹形、擴孔等。 對 本 零件的首道工序,本設計用 正裝落料拉深 復合模來完成??紤]到工件 屬于旋轉體,是一般凸緣圓筒件,形狀 簡單、 對稱 。 而且所用材料 08 鋼的塑性和韌性均高 ,無回火脆性傾向,拉深工藝性較好,圓角也較適合。故模具制造方便,兩道工序在一副模具中完成,生產效率高。 關鍵詞: 復合模 拉深工藝 塑性 韌性 模具制造 a of of or is to a to to to to to of on of of to to is at to to to to to to on is in to to to is to to , of is to is to to of To of to to to to In of to is a of is 8 of of to a is is in a