This topic research content mainly is designs a production bearing seat the mold,Uses the superposable die,This mold declines the material raised mold and the concave mold first the contact bar material, And with pushes a block to suppress the strip material together,Falls the material first,Again also the drawing punch holes carries on, After top die return trip falls the material the strip material to unload the yard lumber by the rigidity to dismount from the convex-concave mold,Takes shape the components by to hit the material pole to overcome,Manual takes out the workpiece, Because is manual takes out,Certain degree influence working efficiency. This mold material use factor is 63%,The material use factor is ordinary. The workpiece size is big,Is high to the ramming equipment and a mold request,The mold structure is also complex,The mold production cost also correspondingly enhances.
This mold can satisfy the production request.
Key word:Superposable die, rigid ex-denning, convex-concave mold