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摘 要
The specification of the design is impact crusher design, and it mainly contents: the institutional design of the rotor; plate hammer structural design; plate fixation hammer.
The design starts from the specifications of the rotor, and it references the relevant parameters of PF1007 crusher. Initially it sets the rotor speed, so that I can design the board hammer size, number and other relevant data with the rotor speed. Productivity and size of the crushed materials should be ensured before the overall structure of the design finished, according to the whole structure, I could determine the design of all the major components of the design .
The design of the main components includes pulley design calculation, the structural design of shaft, bearing selection, design and calculation of the rotor components, board structure and a fixed hammer, crushing chamber design and the design of computing counter devices and so on. One of the most important part is the rotor design and board design and the fixed method of hammer. In order to increase the stiffness of the rotor, the rotor body is combined with ZG340 material, and it casts with the whole body. Board hammer is fixed with bolts, and use of new materials could enhance their wear resistance and utilization. Finally, I illustrate the installation, repair and maintenance of impact crusher, which is essential to improve their life.
The overall design further improves its crush performance which is based on the impact crusher of the PF1007 model. Moreover, it exits advantages such as simple structure, light weight, small dimensions, low cost of equipment, operation safety, convenient operation, easy maintenance and management .
KEY WORDS:Impact Crusher, content, structure, calculation
目 錄
前 言 I
第1章 反擊式破碎機的介紹 1
§1.1 反擊式破碎機的構造 1
§1.1.1 ISP系列細碎反擊式破碎機 1
§1.1.2 PF系列反擊式破碎機 1
§1.1.3 PFY系列硬巖反擊式破碎機 1
§1.1.4 PFQ型渦旋強力反擊式破碎機 2
§1.2 反擊式破碎機的工作原理 2
§1.2.1 反擊式破碎機的工作原理 2
§1.2.2 反擊式破碎機的特點 2
§1.2.3 反擊式破碎機的性能 3
§1.2.4 反擊式破碎機的破碎機理 3
第2章 反擊式破碎機總體結構設計 5
§2.1 反擊式破碎機設計要求 5
§2.1.1 設計參數 5
§2.1.2 主要研究內容 5
§2.2 破碎機的主要工作參數的確定 5
§2.2.1 轉子的轉速 5
§2.2.2 板錘數目和生產率 5
§2.2.3 電動機的選擇 7
第3章 破碎機主要零部件的設計及計算 8
§3.1 傳動部件的設計及計算 8
§3.1.1 V帶及帶輪的設計計算 8
§3.1.2 軸的結構設計 11
§3.1.3 鍵的選擇及校核 13
§3.1.4 軸承的選擇 13
§3.2 轉子部件的設計計算 16
§3.2.1 轉子的結構設計 16
§3.2.2 板錘的結構設計及作用 17
§3.3 反擊式破碎機破碎腔設計 20
§3.3.1 反擊板的結構設計與安裝 20
§3.3.2 破碎腔的結構參數 22
§3.4 其他裝置的設計計算 25
§3.4.1 轉子、軸的強度計算 25
§3.4.2 反擊裝置的自身重力的確定 28
第4章 反擊式破碎機的安裝、檢修與保養(yǎng) 30
§4.1 反擊式破碎機的安裝與調試 30
§4.1.1 反擊式破碎機的安裝 30
§4.1.2 反擊式破碎機的調試 30
§4.2 反擊式破碎機的保養(yǎng)、故障排除 31
§4.2.1 反擊式破碎機的保養(yǎng) 31
§4.2.2 故障檢查和消除方法 32
第5章 結論 33
參考文獻 34
致 謝 36