畢業(yè)論文/論文格式 上市公司信息披露論文參考文獻 1 brockman, p., et al.,voluntary disclosures and the exercise of ceo stock options, journal of corporate finance (XX). 2 j. friedlan. accounting choices of issuers of initial public offerings.contemporary accounting research. 1994,11(1): 1-32 3 teoh, s., welch, i., wong,t.,1998b. earnings management and the subsequent market performance of initial public offerings. journal of finance 53, 1935-1974. 4 jaffe,j.,1974. special information and insider trading. journal of business 47,410-428. 5 sivakumar, k.,waymire,g.,1994. insider trading following material news events:evidence from earnings. financial management 23, 23-32. 6 elliot, j., morse,d. and richardson, g. 1984. the association between insider trading and information announcements. rand journal of economics, vol. 15, no.4,winter,521-536. 7 cheng,q., lo, k., XX. insider trading and voluntary disclosures. journal of accounting research 44,815-848. 8張宗新,季雷.內(nèi)幕信息操縱的股價沖擊效應一理論與中國股市證據(jù)[j].金融研究,XX(4)144-154. 9戴園晨.股市泡沫生成機理以及由大辯論引發(fā)的深層思考-兼論股市運行扭曲與莊股情結.經(jīng)濟研究,XX(4):41-51. 10祝紅梅.內(nèi)幕信息、內(nèi)幕交易及其管制[」].南開經(jīng)濟研究,XX(2):16-21. 11王冬梅,陳忠璉.上市公司會計信息操縱的經(jīng)濟學分析m.數(shù)理統(tǒng)計與管理,XX(2):18-22. 12鄧順永.上市公司年度報告預約披露制度的實證研宄.證券市場導報.XX,(2): 4-11 13 bergstresser, d. and philippon, t. ceo. incentives and earnings management, journal of financial economics, XX 14 goldman,e. and slezak, s. l. an equilibrium model of incentive contracts in the presence of information manipulation, journal of financial economics, XX. 15 d enis,d j. ,p.h anouna and a .sarin.is there a d ark side to incentive compensation .journalofcorporate finance, XX. 16 chauvin, k. and c. shenoy. XX. stock price decreases prior to executive stock option grants. journal of corporate finance 7: 53-76. 17 henry, t. f.,XX. earnings management and stock options. phd dissertation paper. new york university. 18 aboody,d., kasznik, r.. ceo stock option awards and the timing of corporate voluntary disclosure. journal of accounting and economics, 73-100 19 carpenter, j., remmers, b.,XX. executive stock option exercises and inside information. journal of business 74,513-534. 20 bartov, e.,mohanram,p., XX. private information, earnings manipulation, and executive stock-option exercise. accounting review 79,889-920. 21 brockman, p., et al., voluntary disclosures and the exercise of ceo stock options, journal of corporate finance (XX). 22黃文伴,李延喜.管理者薪酬契約與企業(yè)盈余管理程度關系.科研管理,XX(6),133-138 23蘇東蔚,林大龐.股權激勵、盈余管理與公司治理.經(jīng)濟研究,XX(11),p88-100 24馬會起,干勝道,胡建平.基于經(jīng)營者股權激勵的盈余管理與股價操縱相關研究——來自中國上市公司的經(jīng)驗證據(jù).財會通訊,XX(6),p92-94 25韓丹,閩亮,陳婷.管理層股權激勵與上市公司會計造假相關性的實證檢驗.統(tǒng)計與決策,XX(9), 69-73 26陳千里.股權激勵、盈余操縱與國有股減持.中山大學學報(社會科學版,48 ⑴,XX,149-157 27 jensen.m and meckling.w. theory of the firm, managerial behavior, agency costs and capital structure. journal of financial economics,1976(3),p305-360 38周建波,孫菊生.經(jīng)營者股權激勵的治理效應研宄一一來自中國上市公司的經(jīng)驗證據(jù).經(jīng)濟研宄,XX (5),p74-83 39陳勇、廖冠民、王霆.我國上市公司股權激勵效應的實證分析.管理世界,XX(2),pl58-159 40肖華芳,袁國建.上市公司自愿性信息披露程度與公司特征的實證研宂,財會月刊 XX (11) 41陸正華,黃加瑤.上市公司自愿性披露對提升公司價值的影響一一基于我國證券市場的進一步驗證.特區(qū)經(jīng)濟,XX(05) 42汪煒,蔣高峰.信息披露、透明度與資本成本.經(jīng)濟研究,XX, (7): 101-114 43 patton, j and zelenka, i. an empirical analysis of the determinants of the extent of disclosure in annual reports of joints stock companies in the czech republic. the european accounting review, 1997,6(4):606-626 44趙宇龍,“會計盈余披露的信息含量一一來自上海股市的經(jīng)驗證據(jù)”,經(jīng)濟研宄,1998(7) 45陳曉、陳小悅、劉別,a股盈余報告的有用性研究一一來自上海、深圳股市的實證證據(jù),經(jīng)濟研究,1999(6) 46 m. bekey. annual reports evolve into marketing tools. financial manager. 1990,(1): 50-60 47 k. michael, d. m. nahum. can \"big bath\" and earning smoothing co-exist as equilibrium financial reporting strategies. journal of accounting research. XX,40(3):761-769 48吳水澎,陳漢文,鄭鑫成.財務管理方式的維度觀.會計研究,XX,(9)19-24 49吉利.企業(yè)財務信息管理研究.西南財經(jīng)大學博士論文.XX: 145- 165 50薛云奎主譯.財務呈報會計革命,東北財經(jīng)大學出版社,XX年12月,p13 51賀志峰.論家族企業(yè)的定義.當代財經(jīng),XX (6),p57-61- 配套講稿:
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- 上市公司 信息 披露 論文 參考文獻
